crowgirl's Journal

crowgirl's Journal


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11 entries this month

14:29 Apr 30 2009
Times Read: 667

Right. Coffee. Nicotine. Coven stuff. That's the plan.

Weather I'll stick to it however........

Oooh! Idea! :D (yes, my thought process is the same as a hyperactive two year old, Just as confusing and fast. Heh.)

I can ask my dad to take me to pc world today and help me organize my hard-drive. So I might get it by the weekend. It can't take that long to install a new one, right?

But one thing I'm not looking forward to AT ALL.............re-installing WoW. -_- Oh god............I can't do it again................




Sneaky Crow

09:53 Apr 30 2009
Times Read: 670

I'm back on VR!!! Well, for a while at least. I'm borrowing my uncle's computer. He doesn't know that yet. I used it to find out a Tomb Raider cheat, and thought I might get on here for a bit. :) Hopefully I'll get permission to use it in the afternoon. I mean proper permission.......not my version............knowing his log in. ;)

I'll check all my messages and coven stuff later, if I can get on. For now, I'm off to battle Yeti's and to recover Thor's hammer from Valhalla.

You know. The usual. ;)




13:06 Apr 28 2009
Times Read: 673

Well, I didn't survive til lunch. I collapsed and started shaking. Apparently. I was out of it. I did spend about ten minutes convincing my boss I didn't need an ambulance. They could take me to a&e in a wheelchair.

In the end (after calling 999 -_-) they took my advice. I spent hours in a&e. Blood pressure is fine. Blood work is fine. My heart is fine. The med student used too big a needle to take my blood and put it in the wrong arm. -_-

So I'm off to my doctors later today to see if they know what's happening. I'm scared.





01:31 Apr 26 2009
Times Read: 675

I'm getting a new baby cousin!!!!!! SO excited!!!!!!! Another little bundle of joy to fuss and over protect :D




I want my laptop back now.......

12:56 Apr 21 2009
Times Read: 680

Having no internet is NOT fun. Ironically I've thought of loads of things I need to do.............using the internet.

So I bought SPN season 2 to keep me entertained. :)

I also went shopping.........I wasn't going to........but I had to. I've now got an Alice Cullen outfit. Heh. Oh, those silver ballerina pumps she wears may look pretty, but they hurt like a sumbish. I've got a crab walk goin' on. Funky.

Uhm.......I have Friday off so I can see my aunty and cousins. They're cming down from Lancashire for a visit. :)

I'm thinking about re-doing my profile. But, as I have no pc, I'll have to hand write the whole damn thing.

I can't wait to get back online. So much stuff happens around here, and I miss everything!!!!! I've had several "wtf? when did that happen??" conversations.

And being the stupid midget that I am, I've forgotten my pain medication for my back. The result of which feels like a football team is goin' full tilt over it. -_-

*sigh*. Oh well. That's all from my end. As always, feel free to comment on anything. Send me a message if you'd like. I'll try to reply as soon as I can, computer repairs willin'.




*floating on air*

12:53 Apr 17 2009
Times Read: 691

I am SO, so excited right now. :)

I'll be able to fulfill a lifelong dream. This is so important to me. I'm going to be on a happy high all day now. I've wanted this since I was a child.......and now it's coming true! I'll tell you more when I know more. :)

Well.....the pain meds help my high too. ;) I have so much pain relief medication on me I feel like a walking pharmacy. 0.o





08:10 Apr 17 2009
Times Read: 693

There are certain hazards to my job. Besides the quite obvious one I already discovered- Microtome blades are feckin sharp.

Another one is back problems. Because of the way we sit or stand to work, we can develop lower back problems.

For the first four months I was in main lab, on the microtome, and I noticed my lower back started hurting. Alot. Then, the rota placed me in different sections of the lab, and everything was fine. I'm now back in main lab.

For the past few weeks it's been getting worse. Hurting alot at the end of the day. Making it painful to bend or move quickly.Tuesday it didn't fade until around eight or nine pm. Yesterday I'd only been working for about half an hour when it started. And didn't stop. Paracetamol and ibuprofen didn't help. I was in pain, and grouchy as hell.

My doctor gave me some painkillers, which will hopefully help it, so I can do my job.

I'm only twenty years old. This shouldn't be happening yet.




VR Abscence pending........

08:18 Apr 16 2009
Times Read: 694

My latop is in the shop for diagnostics. I'll be without internet for a week, maybe more,depending on what they find, and if I want them to fix it. If the bill is in the £200 plus region, I'mjust going to get a newl aptop. I can get an ok one, with what I need on it, for £299. Here's hoping I'll know whats what by next friday. And if I do,I'mtaking the day off to go laptop shopping. :)

Oh crap. Just though. Re-installing ALL of WoW..........*heart faliure*




My baby's poorly :(

12:21 Apr 15 2009
Times Read: 696

My laptop has decided to go funny, so it's off to of world to see what's the matter with it. Last time I was told the hard drive was dying ( my friend fitted another one for free :P) but I don't know what's wrong this time. I'll wait and see tonight. I might end up buying a new one.





19:49 Apr 08 2009
Times Read: 707

I'm thinking of applying to do an online history course with Oxford University. Is that a good idea?





22:35 Apr 01 2009
Times Read: 715

Have you ever read something someones written that's SO bad...........you just want to shoot them? Repeatedly? Then bury them in a lead covered casket?

Seriously............if I were the author of this best selling book and then read that.......that........crap a fan wrote.........I'd be majorly pissed. And need to get majorly pissed to blot out the painful memory of reading that piece of trash someone calls "writing".

I think I'm done venting now.



00:15 Apr 02 2009

erm, what were you writing of?

13:28 Apr 17 2009

Ummm...regrettably the answer is yes. And sometimes? It's been the author of the best selling book just for the bastardization :(

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