dabbler's Journal

dabbler's Journal


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19 entries this month

Really What Message Does this Send?

21:26 Oct 31 2008
Times Read: 1,024

I have to question the intent of such a post, it is a pattern that has been repeated a number of times. Veil Taunts are used to incite Dramatic Disturbances, People are amused by such disturbances practice such social disturbances.

Keep in mind this thread has "Please respect what we believe." Peppered through out every post, as well as the thread question.

XTC Raver Posted:

Ah :) Well, first off, all the damn RPGers. I think we shouldn't be so leniant when it comes to whom we believe are of the blood and whom are not. Soooo many people on this site are fakes about that, it kinda makes me sad haha. Umm, well, I'd say it's good for someone around every area from the community should work at blood banks or jobs pertaining to blood. I could think of a lot more shit, but yeah... maybe in later posts.

So apparently it is not ok to dis you for what you believe, an "practice". But it is OK for a fellow believer to DIS Role Players, or people with a lesser degree of belief?

I read veiled taunts, and I think of Junior High School.

So instead of taking the time to "enlighten" other readers of this thread, the DIS'ing takes a higher place then any actual relevant post.

If I was a Role Player, I would be very provoked by such a statement. A healthy person exercised creativity, and interactive socializing (out side of your strict esoteric beliefs) does that make you better, or more devoted? NO ! It makes me suspect that perhaps the poster of such DIS' has tried to play in a group of role players.. only find that their are guidelines, and that you cannot have everything your way. Or perhaps people where just not as "Hard Core as they thought themselves.



21:31 Oct 31 2008

Posted in same thread:

First off thank you Mi'lord for posting this.

I never understood why that mundanes and larpers and others attack us for being what we are.

We do not attack their beliefs and who they are so why do they do it to us. But when we defend ourselves we get attacked.


Because you want to appear to be victims. You Taunt people.

21:33 Oct 31 2008

Its always the same...

21:39 Oct 31 2008

I responded:

Listen to your post, is it not an insult? Would that not be considered a taunt? All I read hear is "Respect or views, in this thread.. and "Don't challenge our beliefs.. Perhaps this would go better in your coven page.. you are all very Insulting to people with Common sense.

Because this has got to be addressed, people will learn to ignore their taunts eventually, and just like the last loaded thread, they will go back to their coven/ Church .

21:57 Oct 31 2008

Listen to your post, is it not an insult? Would that not be considered a taunt? All I read hear is "Respect or views, in this thread.. and "Don't challenge our beliefs.. Perhaps this would go better in your coven page.. you are all very Insulting to people with Common sense.


Virtual Murders Beware

02:46 Oct 31 2008
Times Read: 1,033

Very thoughtful of Cancer, here is a case that shows how a case can develop.





I am more devoted then you are!

02:25 Oct 31 2008
Times Read: 1,041

I am more devoted then you are!

Why can't people validate my fantasy?

Why can't people just endorse me, or out right confront me about my beliefs?

I am fringe acknowledge me as such.

Admit that my views are the only valid take on the matter.

Admire me for my vast knowledge into things that I make up (from various fictional sources).

Begging for people to oppose your fantasy, and then claiming to be a victim.. truly pathetic. However very productive, it shows the followers how ready you are to defend the delusion.. err belief.




A Nomination for Outstanding Characters In Fringe Circles

00:00 Oct 31 2008
Times Read: 1,046

Nomination for Outstanding Characters In Fringe Circles.

I know one, do you?

I know one who is molding others in his likeness.



00:08 Oct 31 2008

I know one :P

21:34 Oct 31 2008

I know one too.


Clique of Fools

23:21 Oct 30 2008
Times Read: 1,048

Clique Of Fools

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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This article is about social groups. For other uses, see Clique (disambiguation).

A clique (IPA:/'klɪk/ in America, /'kliːk/ elsewhere) is an exclusive group of people who share interests, views, purposes, patterns of behavior, or ethnicity.[1] A clique as a reference group can be either normative or comparative.

A normative clique or reference group is oftentimes the primary source of social interaction for the members of the clique, which can affect the values and beliefs of an individual. The comparative clique or reference group is a standard of comparison in which a clique can exist in the workplace, in a community, in the classroom, in a business, or any other area of social interaction. Cliques tend to form within the boundaries of a larger group where opportunities to interact are great.[2] Cliques are often associated with children and teenagers in a classroom setting. Schools are a prime place where peer network exist and can easily be accentuated through the differentiation of various cliques, and through the processes of inclusion and exclusion that characterize a clique.[3]






00:37 Oct 30 2008
Times Read: 1,050

Sometimes when people are stumbling around in the dark, it is because they will not open their eyes and move adjust to what they can see.

One persons darkness is someone elsesshadows. Stimulated (or allowed darkness), is not really something to over come as it is fabricated external projects. Invent the "scary concept" of darkness(scary to others) comfortable to yourself. Then claim mastery over it. Poof?

So casting a shadow and call it dark is not over coming fears it is fabricating them.




Finally I found the word i was looking for.

01:32 Oct 28 2008
Times Read: 1,059

Took me long enough to find this word again.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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In psychology, egocentrism is defined as a) the incomplete differentiation of the self and the world, including other people and b) the tendency to perceive, understand and interpret the world in terms of the self. The term derives from the Greek egô, meaning "I". An egocentric person has a limited theory of mind, cannot fully "put himself in other peoples' shoes," and believes everyone sees what he/she sees (or that what he/she sees, in some way, exceeds what others see)

It appears that this egocentric stance towards the world is present mostly in younger children. They are unable to separate their own beliefs, thoughts and ideas from others. For example, if a child sees that there is candy in a box, he assumes that someone else walking into the room also knows that there is candy in that box. He implicitly reasons that "since I know it, you should too". As stated previously this may be rooted in the limitations in the child's theory of mind skills. However, it does not mean that children are unable to put themselves in someone else's shoes. As far as feelings are concerned, it is shown that children exhibit empathy early on and are able to cooperate with others and be aware of their needs and wants.

Jean Piaget (1896-1980) claimed that young children are egocentric. This does not mean that they are selfish, but that they do not have the mental ability to understand that other people may have different opinions and beliefs from themselves. With his colleague Barbel Inhelder, Piaget did a test to investigate egocentrism called the three mountains problem (Piaget & Inhelder 1948/1956). He put children in front of a simple plaster mountain range and then asked them to pick from four pictures the view that he, Piaget, would see. Younger children before age 7, during the so-called pre-operational stage, picked the picture of the view they themselves saw and were therefore found to lack the ability to appreciate a viewpoint different from their own. In other words, their way of reasoning was egocentric. Only when entering the so-called concrete-operational stage at age 7-12, children became capable of decentring and could appreciate viewpoints other than their own. In other words, they were capable of perspective-taking.

However the Mountains Study has been criticized for judging only the child's visuo-spatial awareness, rather than egocentrism. A follow up study involving police dolls showed that even young children were able to correctly say what the interviewer would see. It is thought that Piaget overestimated the levels of egocentrism in children.

Egocentrism is thus the child's inability to see other peoples' viewpoints. The child at this stage of cognitive development assumes that their view of the world is the same as other people's, e.g. a little girl covers her eyes and says 'mummy you can't see me now, can you?'



01:33 Oct 28 2008

If your ego ain't your amigo, you know it stinks!

It's only funny when you know that the quote comes from a Medicine Card Animal... The skunk :P

01:47 Oct 28 2008

hehe Thanks for the Gem, I am stoked I am too good to have an Ego problem..


I killed A Vampirefreak Account

18:12 Oct 27 2008
Times Read: 1,075

I killed a Vampire Freaks Account, what a pompous site.

I figure those that run the "welcome" wagon to be a 'choice" sample of the site, it took me three times logging in to note the sites creepiness. Is it a dating site? I will not be looking in any more that is for sure.



18:30 Oct 27 2008

yeah i totally agree

i was there for a second...

but soon decided it was not for me.

18:31 Oct 27 2008

I joined that site. It's funny. I haven't logged on in three weeks. I know that if I were to log on...I would just have 800 messages from 14 year old boys.

Save your money and time;)

18:44 Oct 27 2008

I was hit with a band list.. Everybody is 69 years old, and bitchin' about "Eeww that old guy hit on me.., can we cancel his account?" Then I look at the posters profile, and it looks like an X-rated Candy Shop, Wall Papered in Flirty Thrills. Darkiria was another site I was on, but they had fees for every little thing on that site, and I had a suspicion that it was trying to appear as both a Goth site, and Dating site, but not doing to well in either case.


What is the intent?

00:36 Oct 26 2008
Times Read: 1,085

What is the intent?

Why claim to be something, just so you can appear to relate to a group?

Is it not obvious that eventually you maybe called to present some working knowledge of what you claimed?

How many times can, I am still studying, or I am limited about what "secrets" I can speak of, work to cover your lack of any actual interest in what you claim.

Wouldn't it have been better to just present yourself as a person with a desire to learn about something common to a group?



01:18 Oct 26 2008

kind of vague there dabbler.


Provokating People

22:43 Oct 25 2008
Times Read: 1,091

Provoking people. people that have no social skills, fad interest, and a general inhospitable dispossision. tend to thrive on debate, argument, drama, and petty tivial matters. They are likely to shroud themselves in some religious following, or philoshopy (not in any depth) to invoke those that follow that faith, ect. to Side with them in their "quest". Eventually they are even shunned by their shroud organization Thankfully.. sadly they are likely to turn fanatical against those that previously sided with them, as less devote then they where.. ect..

To be continued.




People Just Don't Understand Me!

21:44 Oct 25 2008
Times Read: 1,098

"People just don't understand me!" How often do we here this Anthem refrain from people that are actually very predictable, and fad-ish? Sometimes to the point of being annoying, and pushy about getting their way (usually in trivial matters). The same people that want everyone to expound upon their interest with as much zeal, as the last two-thousand times the topic was brought up. Once someone suggest a new idea, one that is considered "boring" , then it is "You just don't understand me.." I find also that these people like to be considered "Mysterious"., and dark, so what is it to be? Dark and mysterious, or understood? Is it not about learning how we can relate with others? Not How much more mysterious we are, and esoteric knowledge we pretend to have?



21:52 Oct 25 2008

Not everyone understands the brainy,intelligent ones that try to share knowledge but get frowned upon for it.

22:03 Oct 25 2008

Any one that Actually Presents something worth learning, is usually dismissed unless, it is somehow amusing, or can be adopted to be fantastic fantasy. To entertain each other is communications other purpose. Too many people think that they need to be astonished by every topic, instead of just relating. Sensational people are hard to maintain a long term relationship with. Similar to shallow people, or people that are very critical of anything outside of their fantasy trivial world.


What is more Emarrassing?

21:52 Oct 24 2008
Times Read: 1,109

What is more Embarrassing? Threating people on-line, or people that get all worked up over internet threats?

Those who, create, and include themselves in Drama, or those that get all worked up over those performing internet drama?

Propagation comes with forum, ignored such things, and they will wither. (Unless you think your Threats, and Drama is more sacred.)



22:39 Oct 24 2008

lol true.

00:49 Oct 25 2008

I've had enough real life drama to last me the rest of my days... no need to create or buy into virtual drama.

23:16 Oct 27 2008

The most embarrassing, would be spelling errors ;)


Jaded Yet?

20:36 Oct 24 2008
Times Read: 1,111

With the spread in popularity, through reality shows and such, setting the impressionable people up to be fadish about all things "occult", or "Paranormal", why are those that get all hyped up surprised, or distressed by peoples lack of entuishasium? It is not even whether or not a person is a believer! As A believer I would be jaded, and cynical at the shear shallowness of the proliferation of claims to Gifted abilities. Noting that back when all this was a parlor fad, they actually where expected to perform.. So does this mean I don't understand the entertainment value.. no, it just means I really have confidence that it will all fade(as cycles do). Sadly though another fad following will pop up in its place, and the same people will jump on the wagon, as if it was some new, "Unknown".




Should Alternative Heath be subject to Malpractice action?

00:05 Oct 24 2008
Times Read: 1,116

Yes: 74 51.75%

No: 69 48.25%





19:44 Oct 23 2008
Times Read: 1,126

What Of Dark Art?

People that brood, are absorbed with themselves?

How many people like Broody Art Work?

Is self absorbed art done to entertain the self?

Do you want to be in the "dark" with a spot light on you?

Painting in shadows.. or Dark Observation, like Noir Theater. I'll take actual creativity over brooding self tormented art any day. To much imagination is wasted in the dark areas, to many people going around going "Boo.. did I scare you?"



19:51 Oct 23 2008

Amen, i like art that comes from passion within, if i like to be scared i shall watch a movie.

20:36 Oct 23 2008

When shock is no longer attractive? Usually after it has been done over and over. People that recreate fashion, to be shocking, and then get all bent when people respond. Same thing with poetry, from "dark" people. To much Noir is being depreciated by broody highjackers relabeling it.


A Tool for Self-Awareness

22:53 Oct 15 2008
Times Read: 1,141

A tool for Self Awareness?

On a recent episode, TV magician Cris Angel, recreates a decades old psychological experiment.

He has his team cut out random horoscopes from several newspapers and tapes the blurb to some Tarot cards.

He then sets up a tent (in the Luxor?) in Vegas and does tarot readings for $5 on five random people. He then procedes to do a 'reading' on the five clients that is EXACTLY THE SAME and written by different astrologers for different signs.

EVERYONE of the clients rated Angel as 90-100% accurate. Several of the women were in tears, they were so incredibly touched by the 'personal' reading. "I knew he was seeing deep into my soul, " sighs one woman. Another adds, "He knew things about me that not even my best friend knew."

Cris later gathers the five together and explains all about wishful thinking and confirmation bias much to their shock.



23:35 Oct 15 2008

lol yeah he had the last laugh on that one .

23:07 Oct 25 2008

And despite the number of times such demonstrations have clearly shown that it's all about the belief of the subjects, people persist in such beliefs. Being fooled once is excusable.

00:11 Oct 26 2008

excusable, and entertaining, too many people want the satisfaction of making others believe what they fell for. A cycle develops, looking back to parlor days, and the parlor ames becoming clandestine ways to deceive people, for fun, or profit.

Though such tricks are good to get an idea of the caliber of friends, and associates one keeps. I find some people invest way to much in such things. As an ice breaker (get to know each other thing) sue what is the harm, but the devoted occultist, a real ham in any circle. If they where entertaining the first time, they are way to deep the next, and usually arrogant about their esoteric knowledge. Knowing a few entertainers, I find that even believers are repulsed by arrogant "mystics".


Critical Thinking Part 2

21:41 Oct 15 2008
Times Read: 1,149

Critical Thinking part 2

Description of Fallacies

In order to understand what a fallacy is, one must understand what an argument is. Very briefly, an argument consists of one or more premises and one conclusion. A premise is a statement (a sentence that is either true or false) that is offered in support of the claim being made, which is the conclusion (which is also a sentence that is either true or false).

There are two main types of arguments: deductive and inductive. A deductive argument is an argument such that the premises provide (or appear to provide) complete support for the conclusion. An inductive argument is an argument such that the premises provide (or appear to provide) some degree of support (but less than complete support) for the conclusion. If the premises actually provide the required degree of support for the conclusion, then the argument is a good one. A good deductive argument is known as a valid argument and is such that if all its premises are true, then its conclusion must be true. If all the argument is valid and actually has all true premises, then it is known as a sound argument. If it is invalid or has one or more false premises, it will be unsound. A good inductive argument is known as a strong (or "cogent") inductive argument. It is such that if the premises are true, the conclusion is likely to be true.

A fallacy is, very generally, an error in reasoning. This differs from a factual error, which is simply being wrong about the facts. To be more specific, a fallacy is an "argument" in which the premises given for the conclusion do not provide the needed degree of support. A deductive fallacy is a deductive argument that is invalid (it is such that it could have all true premises and still have a false conclusion). An inductive fallacy is less formal than a deductive fallacy. They are simply "arguments" which appear to be inductive arguments, but the premises do not provided enough support for the conclusion. In such cases, even if the premises were true, the conclusion would not be more likely to be true.



22:16 Oct 15 2008

wow head hurts, great thought in this dab


Critical Thinking Part 1

20:29 Oct 15 2008
Times Read: 1,151

Critical Thinking Part 1

consists of mental processes of discernment, analysis and evaluation. It includes possible processes of reflecting upon a tangible or intangible item in order to form a solid judgment that reconciles scientific evidence with common sense. In contemporary usage "critical" has a certain negative connotation that does not apply in the present case.[1] Though the term "analytical thinking" may seem to convey the idea more accurately, critical thinking clearly involves synthesis, evaluation, and reconstruction of thinking, in addition to analysis.

Critical thinkers gather information from all senses, verbal and/or written expressions, reflection, observation, experience and reasoning. Critical thinking has its basis in intellectual criteria that go beyond subject-matter divisions and which include: clarity, credibility, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, logic, significance and fairness.

Source Wiki





21:51 Oct 13 2008
Times Read: 1,164

I went and saw Quarintine, I truely enjoyed the way it was presented, as a ride along one camera production, true all the way to the end, with all the character blunders, and bad decisions that plague good horror/thriller flix. Hold your stomach on this one, if not for the content, then for the bouncy camera work.



22:12 Oct 13 2008

is it bouncy the way Cloverfield was?

22:15 Oct 13 2008

I didn't see Cloverfield, but it was bouncy like Blair Witch.

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