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My life story which will be long, but if you wish, you may read it

05:49 Aug 08 2007
Times Read: 576

Hope you can enjoy reading someone's painful storie because it is true and sad. He still goes though alot now too.

When I was a young kid I went though a lot. You ask what I went though? Well here the storie starts, When I was little noone understood me because I could'ent talk except for my sister, why I could,ent talk I do not know, but I was told this by everbody in my family. When I got a little older I started to talk, Went to school like ever kid except I didn't study or do the work. I always asked for help and didn,t firgure it out by myself. Why I always asked for help I do not know, maybe it because my life was rough when I was a kid and could,ent focus. I fought with my sister. My mom and dad always fought or my mom was on the streets out doing stuff, and not being there for me like she should,ve been. I was moved in and out of my dad house alot, which gave me stress, which is why I didn't studie on schoolwork or homework. kinder-5th grade this stuff went on. 5th grade was my final move to my mom's house and their was partys hold there, I secondhand smoked a lot of junk I didn't need to. I was always playing my N64 which I still have, while the older people around me were parting,including my sister who helped me when I was younger, mostly by doing my homework and being there for me by spending time with me watching t.v even if we did fight. Well one night my mom was not home and I got hungry so I walked over to my neighbor house to eat about 6:00 pm that evening, then I went back to my house and my sister was partying again, so i was playing my N64, then they was a knock on the door, and I looked though the peephole and it was a cop, so I went and told my older sister, at the time their were older people in the house so my sister sneaked them out the sidedoor. I had no clue what was going on because I was young, then the cop started to ask me questions when my sister opened the door, then he asked my sister questions and he took us to the police station and asked us question there too, and I didn't answer much, but my sister did. Then after that they have child services come, and we were brought to my dad house, which is where I am now. I went to 6 grade and was in special class's I,ve been in special class's my whole life, I was put in to context class's i guess, I made good grades in there to seven grade and I started to be stupid and didn't focus on my work. I started 8th grade and was in stupid class's drawing and coloring like little kids, one class and listen to a teacher about music which is stupid, so that didn't help me much. Then I got to high school, I was in special class's and got good grades the work was way to easy though, anyhow I beged and beged to get out, but I had to take a test to get out and I did do good on the test, and my level was on a 9t grade level because thats all my teacher had. So she put me in physical science I got good grades in there and got myself in to regular class's in 12th grade, what sucks though I worked hard, I sitll got a special dipolma. Also when I was in High school I was about ran over by a car, a semi truck just about hit my bus once, A big heavy piece flew off my bus that weighed tons It nearly hit me, but missed me. While I was still in school,except it was springbreak I was in a accident and I got a hernaited disc out of it, it is no fun. Oh yea in 9th grade I did smoke something not good for you, it did help my stress though and 10 grade too on weekends, 11th grade I think maybe a little bit, but then my stepdad that I loved who taught me alot, was killed over it, so it brought my life back, well anyhow recently yes I did it again, but then I relized how stupid it was. The good thing about this is I have good friends who are always there for me and love me for who I am.

Note about I went to poem

Yes I did go to poem in 11th grade and spent alot of time with that girl,I danced with her too, it was fun, but sadly she is out there now and I don't know what to do except be there for her, if she needs me. That prom was fun and a night I will not forget.

My life now lets see for me to go to college I either need to go back to High School and get a regular High School Dipolma or get a GED. I think for me to pass the GED though I will need to go study some books to build my skills with the GED, then I will need to go take it, I think what I really need to do is take the time and write me out steps how I'm going to get in to a college, the steps I do not know yet, but I will firgure out. I have a job working at a store called publix, making 7.65 an hour and everone there likes me and thinks i'm older then what I'm really am because I am mature for my age. I'm thinking about geting another job I might and might not.

I will update this more, When something new happens in my life.

Hope you enjoyed reading my true storie.



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