kyriaragnar33's Journal

kyriaragnar33's Journal


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26 entries this month

Continue medicine

23:04 Feb 27 2019
Times Read: 593

I’m going to continue my medicine with baking soda again




Thought of the day

21:02 Feb 27 2019
Times Read: 604

You know what I’m so glad that some people think that they are some doctor now.




Further explanation (cont)

20:35 Feb 26 2019
Times Read: 628

Oh right sorry that doesn’t go for everyone. this was because someone thought that they could one minute manipulate me. Then the next minute thinking that they could sweet talk me. Thinking that I needed someone the next and that I’m dumb. So I’m not sure if he got the memo or anything but I was very clear about some things. As far as getting to be more than just friends. Well... it’s because of my cancer if you must know. Look I can be strong enough for myself. Even though I’m the worst person to think of herself now and then. But understand how my heart is, because asking me to hurt anyone that I care for isn’t going to happen. So no I can’t be that kind of person that your asking. Your asking me to be selfish for once and as much as I want it. I just can’t...I want a peace of mind knowing that your going to be much happier not knowing. I know this feeling all to well it’s not something that you’ll like trust me on this. I push people away because it’s just easier for me. Maybe I’ll get a few more years with this cancer or maybe a few more weeks. I can not say how much time I really have. What I can tell you is that my mom had the same thing. We all thought that she had years to live but instead it was only a year. The doctors said that she was cured that the cancer was gone completely. But cancer comes back and not only in a good way too. Look it’s bad enough for me not being able to say goodbye to my own children not even being able to see their faces. I don’t think that my heart could even bare the thought of causing someone I love pain again. It’s just better this way is all so please try to understand how I am instead okay. Being selfish goes against everything that I believe in it goes against the person that I am.




Little further explanation

18:12 Feb 26 2019
Times Read: 644

So I want to say that just for the record even though I’ve been lied to all my life. This only means that I don’t have much trust with some. Yea it also means that I have a huge challenge with some soul searching as well. But this doesn’t mean that I’m any less intelligent either. I mean if that were the case unfortunately I wouldn’t have been to surpass any of my peers either. Nor would that mean that I would accomplish anything in life. I’m not sure why someone mentioned that I was dumb. Honestly I’m a book worm or what you might call a geek. No that doesn’t mean that I’m ugly actually I think that it might be better if you thought that way Lol. Yea going to keep my mouth shut on that. As far as my own personal affair with guys well let’s just say that it’s better that you don’t try with me. No it’s not going to matter how many times you ask me either. I’m like that in person if you must know. Do I give the time or day nope I’m too smart to evade you. Don’t think that you can wedge yourself in either. No, no, no I don’t think so you underestimate just how intelligent I can be. Friends are okay with me though but as soon as you try to make it more...your gone. I know it’s mean but I cannot afford anyone getting close to me either right now and if people don’t respect that then. I’ll make sure that you find your way out of my life real fast. Understand this i have had years and I do mean years of those around me trying to manipulate me. I have spent a lot of years learning about human behavior. Years understanding how to make healthy boundaries for people like this. I have educated myself to better understand just so that I don’t! Ever see a day like that again. So no I’m not going to continue to put up with being treated less than a human being period.




Book status

16:52 Feb 26 2019
Times Read: 648

So far it’s getting really good now but just started chapter 5. hopefully I’ll get this one done today.





16:15 Feb 26 2019
Times Read: 650

Basically demonology is the concept for identifying a demon. This has been used for centuries for either satanic rituals or exorcisms. There’s really not much to really go over with as far as demonology is concerned with. However if you are more interested in this then I suggest that you read the demonology encyclopedia. That is going to cover everything you need to understand what type of demons there are. As far as the knowledge of what a demon is. Hmmm...I’ll probably just go over the basics for this part. Some of you might have picked up some of the knowledge from the Bible and such. However even though that is true. You are probably wondering right now how the new ones are created? Before I go into this if you have read the Bible you’ll also notice that they were known as the fallen. Meaning that they were once in the high mountains of heaven. Followers of the Satan (also known as Lucifer.) As far as the new ones well some of them you might not know, but they were once considered human. How is that possible? Long story short, again this is only a myth. It’s been said that once a soul is ascended into hell. In the belly of the beast these souls are tortured for what purpose is that? For some it’s to break them, meaning however they feel that you should be broken. Also don’t think that your not because your going to have no end or escape to that pain. So if you feel so very, very close to this now. Then you have a very higher chance of being next in line. Some are broken into ways where eventually they will start to hurt others. Oh yes that’s just the start because you see eventually they start liking it. A lot of people might have missed this while watching a real exorcism take place. You would have noticed that no matter how much holy water is going on them. They aren’t even that fazed now are they? I think back to things like the churches I’ve been to. or hearing the priest talk for years now. I’d have to say that I before I even was baptized I was sort of a believer of something higher. Although I’m sure that it’s because of my grandmother telling me stories as well. Not even sure if any of them were true or not I just know that I have a belief in it. Even though it might have been a false one or false hope. Guess it gives my heart comfort once in awhile thinking that I had love. Even though I know the truth and my own reality of this. In any case there is countless of other information about demons. Just go to a church and ask about it sometime and see if they will email you. That’s about all that I can really say about demonology. However if you are interested in a type of demon I do own a encyclopedia of this.





14:49 Feb 25 2019
Times Read: 662

So here is a little bit more about myself. I’m what you might consider to be a clairvoyant. It makes my life a little bit of a struggle to deal with sometimes. Sighs, even with my personal life unfortunately. For example if I’m kissing I can feel the same thing that the other person is feeling like I’m in their shoes. It’s a very strange feeling but I’m not sure if I even can describe this into words. Other times I have to avoid touching old objects because I sometimes get visions of past memories of the owner. There’s days that I wish that my dreams didn’t come true or how random my visions come to me. Why do I hate my visions? Sighs I’ll put it to you like this. Ten years before I had my children I knew exactly what I was going to have. Even which one was going to be born first. I seen that I wasn’t going to have them for very long either. As a mother and wanting this more than anything. I mean I cannot tell you how blessed I felt each moment. I can’t even fathom myself how much I prayed and prayed to be wrong just this once. I fought with everything! I mean everything that I had to make this untrue....but it didn’t matter...not even the law was in my favor. Long story short in the end I hated myself to even see how I couldn’t prevent this. So is this about all to myself. no...I just prefer to ignore the rest regardless of how it gives me a rude wake up call now and then. I think that’s why my job at the hospital is so very hard for me sometimes. It takes so much for me to get through my day sometimes. I get to know some wonderful people there only to see them die the next day. Well anyways At the end of the day I think that I’m just a average girl even though others might tease me for being a bit strange. I try to argue that with my sister sometimes and she says to me “really, really, Liz.” Don’t worry I give her a fair argument back and saying “hey now what is normal these days” Lol. Well I do try my best to live life to the fullest. even if it does keep me on my toes once in a while. It’s what we do with the choices we have that defines us after all right? If you really want to know then you can ask my sister. But as far as me I choose not to embrace certain things about myself so please respect that about me.




Blood magic

21:26 Feb 24 2019
Times Read: 666

In basic terms blood magic is used as a tool for magic and rituals. Now hopefully you are going to keep this part in mind when it comes to blood magic being performed. Since this is considered your very own life essence. this also means that you are going to feel the aftermath of any ritual or spell that you are doing. I will give you a good example for what I’m talking about. At my ex fiancé house when I first walked in I noticed a lot of heavy energy. I think that it was a few weeks later that I came clean and told his family what I was. I was unsure if they would oppose to this or not. But much to my surprise even though she didn’t like witches to begin with. She liked me I was so over joyed with this wonderful news I gave her the biggest hug ever. Later she told me that she had noticed a bad spirit in the house. I told her that it’s actually more than one spirit in this house. His family wasn’t even sure that I had the abilities or not. So I began to explain each spirit into details they were surprised that I knew. I later explained to them why there is so many spirits. After realizing that some previous owners had messed with a ouija board. They not only misused it but they also created a gateway that wasn’t ever closed. That wasn’t even close to the other troubling part. Now I’m not sure if anyone here understands the rules of a ouija or not. But one rule is to never play on a graveyard and since not only was a family murdered there. But some of the remains are still in the house. (The little girls spirit kept telling me attic, attic over and over again). I’m actually one of the very few people who can not only be doing a banishment for a house with poltergeist. But I’m I have the authority to do a house blessing as well. The night before the ritual I called upon the spirits to reveal itself to me. Although this is probably one of the few occasions that I’ve encountered where they aren’t frightened of me either. So I’m actually very glad that I got to experience this very much. It was around 2:00 am both me and his family woke up from this. The air itself became extremely intense and heavy I almost couldn’t even move yea it was that heavy. (But again this was the energy of all the spirits there) we all heard the heavy footsteps in the hallway going into the kitchen and a half hour later back down the hallway again. During this time for roughly three to five minutes during this half hour period. I tried to meet it into the living room. Didn’t happen though, instead when we heard it walking down the hallway again. My door opens and I could see the covers sliding down and next to me you could see as if something was sitting on the edge of the bed next to me. I felt the coldness of something on my arm seconds later I couldn’t breathe but seeing everything that it wanted me to see. I knew at this very moment I had so much energy to push back of how much wrong this spirit was. (Also while you might be reading this. understand that nobody owns a pair of boots either and that all shoes are kept at the entrance outside of the house). So I did what you would consider a graveyard spell along with blood magic. This is considered a very dangerous spell even without any use of blood to begin with. So my biggest problem was that I had a lot I mean a lot to deal with to being with. Nonetheless I was successful in getting rid of all the spirits and if those that were bound to the house and did remain. I made damn sure that they could not harm any soul in the house. So now because I used my very own blood during this not only is this forever. But since I had to deal with so much it nearly completely drained me afterwards. So I want you to keep this information in mind because yes I’m very much experienced with a lot of things. However even though this is true that doesn’t mean that it’s still not dangerous to begin with. You can literally be very faint after depending upon the type of spell you are doing. So if you do by any chance please! Let me know. Or if you do go it alone ground yourself into a meditative state, for how long? Until you feel better and have someone near as well at least to get you some water to. Your going to want to take a couple of days off of work as well.

So now I’m going to be explaining to you why this isn’t going to be for beginners. if you didn’t notice of how dangerous this could be. Now let’s say this as a example, you just started spells and then you mess up but you performed blood magic with your spell. Now personally I cannot help you if you do this. I mean that’s like asking me to undo what you spilled, unburning the paper you used it’s just not possible for me to do that. It’s like asking me to jump into a time machine that doesn’t exist. So here is what you need to understand when it comes to blood magic and rituals. ANYTHING that you do CANNOT be undone. Another thing that people often mistake about blood magic is that they often feel that they need to use a lot of blood. This is probably the most misguided information I’ve came across. But you actually don’t and yes that goes for summoning blood demons as well. Each drop whether it’s for a offering or a spell represents something. For instance three drops are for spiritual matters but it also reflects on the laws of three. Four drops are usually used for more earthy concerns. Here are some things that you can use blood magic for.

* dressing a candle
* mojo bags
* potions
* sigils
* on a spell parchment
* on your grimier
* personal objects and even your alar tools

Here is a few things that you should never do with blood magic.

* if you are using menstral blood don’t use it like you would use drops of blood (example not for a curse or hex).
* don’t go crazy with cutting yourself. It’s not only unnecessary but your not going to get better results by doing this.
* don’t ever use the blood of something that you had no involvement with the death of a animal. In other words don’t ever use the blood from roadkill.

If you are into blood demons to help aid you with your spells or rituals. understand that they have their very own likes and dislikes. However I advise you that you shouldn’t have any cut open or if you are a female make sure it’s not that time of the month. Not only will you be putting yourself in danger but your request might not be met. So keep this into consideration for future reference. If you have any trouble, questions about anything that I have written so far. please leave a comment below here on message me and I will respond when I can.Thank you for your time and hope you have a wonderful day.




Candle magic

18:13 Feb 24 2019
Times Read: 675

For starters I want to go over some of the basics. so I’ll be explaining what purpose candles has and how they are important. Hmmm...so candles has been used for centuries for magic and rituals. Even though this is the case it’s still fairly new as far as magic goes. It’s very important to understand how to choose the right kind as well. For instance you need to understand that when choosing one it cannot be a unusual shape. Second it’s best that you don’t use any large ones. Understand that These are not going to be used for decoration or anything else. These are used for one purpose and one purpose only. Which in this case for rituals and spells. Basically what it comes right down to this you don’t want to create any kind of distractions. (I’ll explain why later). Here is some things to keep in mind when doing some magical works. It’s important that you don’t want to have a candle that’s already been used. If you are wondering why that is? Most might not realize this but when you actually light up a candle. just like lighting a birthday candle for someone. Your very own intentions are lit with this. (I will be going over further details about intentions). Thus also carrying the vibration or how some might put it into perspective a different form of energy. So this could create a little altercation with your rituals or spells. I’d have to say that the best way to do any sort of magic or ritual is to make your own candles. Keep in mind that if you do this method you’ll also have to charge them. How do you do that you might wonder? Well there are three methods to charge a candle. First one is using your own personal energy while doing this your going to picture the direction of north and south. The second way that you can charge your candles is with anointing them with oils. However be careful with that you don’t want to have any sort of oils that isn’t associated with your ritual. (It should be more of a natural fragrance). The last but not least you can use your own blood which is highly not recommend for beginners. (I will elaborate more on the next entry). So before I go over the purpose for each color. I will be explaining to you why you don’t want any sort of awkward candles. As I explained that certain candles can create a type of distraction. Your probably wondering why this so important. (Sighs) As frustrating as this is going to sound because I understand how life can be at times. If by any chance you do have any type of distraction you are going have to start your ritual over with fresh ingredients and candles. So sometimes when I notice when others might say something like it’s a good idea to add more candles to a spell. I think to myself wow this person still has a lot to learn and leaves me a little bit concerned for them. In technical terms you only need one candle unless it’s something for a different purpose. So if the spell says so, then follow it with each and every single ingredient. Do not under any circumstances try to alter your own ingredients to a spell. unless you know EXACTLY what you are doing meaning that you have a FULL understanding of magic. Why is that so very important? Well unless you want to put you, your loved ones, and even your household in danger. Me and my sister Hanna will both tell you that is a BIG no, no. There are some ways to enhance your spells with either moon phases or blood magic. But other than that follow the spell, because there is a lot of dangers that come with this. So if you are thinking that some of this might be a joke. I don’t want you to practice anything that I’m going to be teaching. Here is the understanding of how each color is used for magic and rituals.

White- this color is used for any purpose but it’s usually for purity and protection.

Black- this is attributed to Saturn, saturn is used for retribution and for whenever we have been wronged-revenge. (BE CAREFUL! Please remember the laws of return, so do not! Punish someone with a hex or curse, Just to make them suffer.) Saturn is the teacher, Black is also used to discord, protection from retribution, power, strength, and banishment rituals.

Blue- this is for peace and harmony, protection, healing, curing the sick, re-uniting friendship, house blessings, breaking bad habits, over coming addictions, clearing the atmosphere where there are arguments or trauma.

Brown- used for the physical plains, as a combination of the colors green and red. Mars and Venus blended together as one. It is often used to separate and also for grounding and stabilizing. Brown is ruled by Pluto, the lord of the outer spaces and the dead. This is used more for spells involving: concentration, balance, esp, intuition, study, justice and separation.

Gold or light yellow- this color attracts cosmetics influences and is beneficial to rituals intended to bring fast luck and money. It’s also used in rituals needing solar energy. (Generally would include: fortune, understanding, divination, financial gain, higher influences).

Green- green is the planet Venus, venus rules on earthly level and green can attract worldly possessions. Treasure and antiques. Green is often combined with orange which is the mercury planet. Which is usually intended to clear obstacles to reveal hidden objects. Green is also used for fertility, good fortune, generosity, money, wealth, success, renewal, marriage, and helping with female problems.

Orange- orange is as i mentioned before is ruled by mercury. Which is also known as the divine messenger of the gods. Mercury is also a trickster and is often used to invade another person. However be careful because that trick could be on you as well. This color is also excellent for job hunting, success, encouragement, sudden change, control, power to draw things in life to change luck.

Indigo- this is used for meditation and rituals that demands the uses of the energy Saturn. Such as deep meditation, balancing, karma, and astral projection.

Magenta- this one has a very high vibrational frequency and tends to work very fast. It’s often used with other candles. General uses involving- quick changes, spiritual healing, and exorcism.

Pink- pink is the romantic color, indicating love, affection, romance, spiritual awakening, healing of the spirits and togetherness.

Purple- mostly used for gaining honor, and recognition.

(Note) about your intentions when lighting your candle. I don’t think that I can express enough how important that is going to be. But unfortunately this is where your focusing is going to be a big part in rituals or magic. So say for example if you are trying to do a healing spell but your intentions are something else? This can disrupt your entire ritual and back fire. So if you believe that focusing isn’t going to be very important. Your highly misunderstanding the process of magic to begin with. So if you do have any trouble with this I advise you to meditate for about 30 minutes before you begin your ritual. If you are wondering if you can or cannot do rituals alone with just a candle? You actually can but you’re going to need a lot more focusing on your part as well.

(Next entry will be blood magic).




Tomorrow morning

19:39 Feb 23 2019
Times Read: 694

If I have time tomorrow morning I will be adding some spells. along with explanation for the following topics. Note: that if you are trying any of these spells understand that most of this information isn’t for beginners. However if are your just interested or curious with the education. Then you are more than welcome to continue to read. I advise those who have questions to either please leave a comment below or message me.

* blood magic
* curses and hex’s
* necromancy
* demonology



19:47 Feb 23 2019

The 3rd obe sounds good

20:11 Feb 23 2019

These are possibly be in order I have shown above, as for the necromancy. not only will I be explaining that myself. But I’m going to give everyone a link to view this so that you can have a better idea.

22:26 Feb 23 2019

I'm very excited to see this I'm very much into magic
I think I'm part witches
Sorry for the typo I'm on my phone
This post made me very happy


Quote of the day

19:07 Feb 23 2019
Times Read: 698

Sometimes all we are left with is either laying down our swords. or picking them up ready to fight.

Remember, always stand tall and firm no matter how strong the current is. because before you know it you might just outlast the storm.




Image of the past

16:16 Feb 23 2019
Times Read: 720

Ahh well I really want to get this entry done and over with. but I know that this is going to bother me later too. Since you really want to know what makes me who I am today as a individual. Hmmm.... where would I start with this? Sighs....again I really don’t like to remember any of this but.... it’s whatever. So yes I can understand that some things are highly doubtful, yet very unusal. So I want you to do something first. Put yourself in my shoes and now before you are born. Understand that you weren’t meant to by your own parents. Now picture the fact that your mom tried to have a abortion. But your father denies that request so instead your mother tries to have a miscarriage instead. You were born regardless of how she just tried to kill you. Your now a few months old and your crying so your mom slaps you. Don’t worry though you’ll see that the neighbors made a police report on this though. Your now six months old and your father is still over sea’s but your mother can’t be a mom anymore. So she abandons you and your sister. Don’t worry though you’ll find shiny things to pick up on the floor. Your father takes you away from your mom but he let’s her try to be a mom again. Don’t worry though she tries to hold you under water and make you fear it. You now never get to see your mother again. but don’t worry your father is going to have some repercussions from Vietnam. So he is going to start taking this out on you now. Don’t worry though you’ll find out the hard way that you cannot even run away. Your going to try anyways until he boards up the windows. Now you get to stare at a candle all day and night. But don’t worry you’ll go blind later. Your father now expects you to exceed in everything in school. But don’t worry about that either. You know that if you fail the pain of failure isn’t far behind. So imagine, how you feel right now at this very moment. Now I want you to understand another thing. Your going to try to stay strong during this dark hour. Your going to notice that everyone around you is lying so you are going to wonder what is real now. Your father is going to send you to seek professional help. But they are going to tell you that you can’t be helped. Now ask yourself what hope do you have left? Ask yourself if you are strong enough to still stand up now? You aren’t very sure but some how some way you find your own strength. Some how even though you are punished for even a smile you still do it anyways. So what is it like to be me each day? A woman that tries to have hope even though it’s not even in my sight. I’m a woman that tries to stand up even though she has nothing but her will to do it all on her own. I’m a woman that has never had anyone but enemies around me. So if I say something like that I’m being to trust you. Don’t you dare think it’s not taking everything that I have to do this. You know the strangest part is I remain unbroken by all of this. Meaning that I never once blamed anyone but I also never changed who I am either. I’m still the kind hearted girl that everyone knew. The only difference between now and then. Is how I treat my situations and how I have healthy boundaries with those around me. So for example my sister even though I want to believe more than anything that she is a better person now. that she isn’t going to try to manipulate me or mess with my heart again. I honestly can’t trust her anymore believe me I want to I just know that isn’t possible. So what do I do? I just evade my personal life and information with her. If she ever asks me why? Then I remind her, If she tries to not respect my wishes. Then I already gave her fair warning that if she does there isn’t going to be any further communication. Does she know how true my words are? Oh yes I stopped talking to her for about six years so I’m very serious. Once people cross a line with me I’ll forgive them in time. Does that mean that they are going to be in good graces with me. No...people who betray me have to earn that trust back. Unfortunately until then I don’t ever I mean ever change my mind about this. So if you really want to know if I have or not lived something. To be honest with everyone I cannot say with a clear conscience that is true or not. I can’t say that it’s something that my father lied to me about or if it really happened. The only thing that I have to know about the pain being real. Is that I have scars to remind me every day. So can you possibly understand why, why I try to find logic in things? Why it’s so important to me as well? You know what makes me so different? It’s the fact that I never did have anyone I could trust and I never had love of any sort. Most people have had someone whether it was a grandfather, mother, sister, or a uncle. For me...well not one soul I’m afraid. So About everything else it’s whatever....I’m getting off here....



17:29 Feb 23 2019

You know I’m not sure why I keep smiling. maybe there is something very wrong with me to stay positive. I mean I have evey reason to hate a lot of people. I have every reason to just give up. I have more reasons to just be depressed because of all of this. But oddly enough I’m not, I’m not sure if it’s because I just think that it’s not someone that I am. Or if it’s because there’s something very wrong with the idea of me keeping a smile on my face. Maybe it’s because I didn’t have much of a choice but to be strong. Honestly I cannot decided that for you. All I can do is try to express myself as much as I can. At the end of the day I’m just a girl that tries hard to be herself. Trying to live life to the fullest even if it’s not the best day. I still try to find a way to find beauty in all things around me. This was the part of me that I didn’t want you to see though. Please understand know how hard and emotional remembering these things are for me next time. Truth be told though it’s not easy being me always alone in this world. Or accepting anything that happened. Continuing on in life not knowing who is truly my foe or friend. Continuing to live freely as if tomorrow doesn’t exist. I’m just a strange girl you could say. But nonetheless I’m still my own individual as well. I’m just happy to be myself regardless if others like that about me or not, I’m just me.

19:21 Feb 23 2019

Yes my world was full of pain, doubts, and darkness. But that also doesn’t mean that I seen it that way. Or that I ever made excuses how to live it either. We all have choices in life even though you might not realize that from time to time. Our emotions sometimes plays a very big part in our motivations but it can also get in the way as well. So sometimes balancing both are the key to not just understanding, but something much more.


Book explanation

14:18 Feb 23 2019
Times Read: 733

So here is a little bit of a background for the book that I’m writing. I’m currently writing a book about the angel of Justice also know as Raguel. However since there is so very little information about this character. I cannot completely write a full novel about this character. So Basically what you are going to be reading is going to be from my own ideas. Now since there isn’t very much information to begin with this is going to be very raw as far as the story is written. I currently have not seen anyone else written a book about this character. or something even similar to this. Which is why this book is going to be very different but also kind of challenging to write. (Yes this includes the fact that you are not going to find it in the Bible either.) I have probably researched information for a few years now. Asking priests to different churches even religious people. But I found out that nobody even heard of that name. I had my moms priest read the prologue and part of chapter one. He was actually very interested in the character and my idea is. So he is going to have a copy of my book once it’s finished. This is about almost all of the information that can be found.

Raguel (also Raguil, Rasuil, Rufael, Raquel, Rakul, Reuel, and Akrasiel) is an angel mainly of the Judaic traditions. He is considered the Angel of Justice. His name means "Friend of God".

Raguel is almost always referred to as the archangel of justice, fairness, harmony, vengeance and redemption. He is also sometimes known as the archangel of speech.[citation needed] In the Book of Enoch, cap. XXIII, Raguel is one of the seven angels whose role is to watch. His number is 6, and his function is to take vengeance on the world of the luminaries who have transgressed God's laws.[1]

Raguel's duties have remained the same across Jewish and Christian traditions. Much like a sheriff or constable Raguel's purpose has always been to keep fallen angels and demons in check, delivering heinous judgment upon any that over-step their boundaries. He has been known to destroy wicked spirits, and cast fallen angels into Hell (called Gehenna in the Hebrew Old Testament and called Tartarus in the Greek New Testament)

Raguel is not mentioned in the canonical writings of the Bible. However, in 2 Enoch, which is generally considered non-canonical, the patriarch Enoch was carried as a mortal to and from Heaven by the angels Raguel and Sariel.

Possible historical references to a similar figure from other cultures can be found in Babylonian culture as "Rag" (some translations say Ragumu), and in Sumerian as "Rig" which means to talk or speech. Thus, these similar characters represented balance in those cultures as well

Is there any further details about this character you might wonder? Not really like I said that this is about ALL of the information.

In any case if you were wondering why I haven’t been writing for awhile now? I guess that you could say that I had writers block for awhile. Somehow I just don’t anymore so I’m going to try to finish chapter 4 now. If you need anything further please message me and I will get back with you as soon as I am able to.

Thank you



14:33 Feb 23 2019

Oh yes if you are wondering about how much I edit anywhere from 3 to 5 times depending if I’m satisfied with it or not. But I’m the same way when it comes to my art work it takes me awhile to complete. How long to complete you might wonder? Well...sometimes it can take anywhere from a few hours, to weeks. but it also depends on what it is to begin with. I think the longest time I’ve spent on something is about 2 years.

14:46 Feb 23 2019

Basically if I do rewrite something from someone else’s idea. (Yea it’s not exactly my original idea but I can recreate it in my own version.) this usually only take me about 5-10 minutes to write. However if you are interested in my own creation or my personal masterpiece. (Scoffs) Well hopefully you have patience for this, because it takes me a very, very long time. But you are going to see the huge difference between the two that much I can tell you.

15:17 Feb 23 2019

I’d have to say if there is one thing that I could say about my writing. Not only am I creating this in my own image letting it unfold. But I create a image that isn’t boring with too many details. But at the same time it’s enough to let your mind enjoy the scenery and the story.

15:41 Feb 23 2019

The stories I have written, for me, I get this strong feeling about this character and that they are real somewhere in a dimension. This character is breaking though this dimension and into my mind for me to write there story. I always feel like it is not me doing the writing but this character who needs to have there story told. As I read what you sent me privately, I got the feeling you write like I do. If this makes sense. Some may laugh but when I am doing this and I have stopped writing for a few days or a week I have this sensation the character is begging me to to start again, that they must tell 'their' story. I can close my eyes and see what they look like and hear them saying to me "Sean, come on, get on with it. I must finish telling my story.' And that my part is I am just recording it for them. By the way, I really enjoyed reading it. Nicely done! Currently I am writing a story about a Cree warrior who had a vision during a sweat lodge from a male wolf that had died in a trappers trap and the wolf wants his revenge against the trapper and plans to get it by using the warrior body.

16:45 Feb 23 2019

It makes perfect sense to me and I’m glad that you like it so far. I’m still trying to figure out the right words to express how the character is. But still it’s like I have the images just not sure with the details at the moment. But I strongly disagree with the pope who took out this angel in 745 a.d.

That book sounds like a good read and if you like I could help you out with some ideas. Not sure if they are going to be any bit of use or not Lol. But still it’s sometimes nice to have some fresh ideas to ponder with from time to time. Researching is probably the easiest for me though thankfully I’m blessed with that.


Status of my book writing

16:57 Feb 22 2019
Times Read: 757

So far so good as far as it’s being written. Still have to reread it and edit some things later. As far as the draft goes well I just finished writing chapter 3. I want to thank all those who are reviewing this and giving me your feedback as well. Yes, yes I know that you want to know what happens next. I do plan to write some more during my lunch break today. I will give you the update later this week so if your interested message me. (Note this is only for few I’ve chosen so far. Sorry I can only let so many read it because not only will they be getting some credit. But they’ve been helping me with some ideas since I started my book.) the fun part for me will be even if I’m finished writing this in the English language. I still have to rewrite it all again in the Hungarian language. Ugh so much work, Lol well it is a fun project at least.



13:41 Feb 23 2019

Well at least I finally finished 12 more pages of editing chapter 3. still so much editing to be done.


Myth of 10% the brain debunked

14:13 Feb 19 2019
Times Read: 810


You may have heard that humans only use ten percent of their brain, and that if you could unlock the rest of your brainpower, you could do so much more. You could become a super genius, or acquire psychic powers like mind reading and telekinesis.

This “ten-percent myth” has inspired many references in the cultural imagination. In the 2014 movie Lucy, for example, a woman develops godlike powers thanks to drugs that unleash the previously inaccessible 90 percent of her brain. Many people believe the myth, too: about 65 percent of Americans, according to a 2013 survey conducted by the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research. In another study that asked students what percentage of the brain people used, about one third of the psychology majors answered “10 percent.”

Contrary to the ten-percent myth, however, scientists have shown that humans use their entire brain throughout each day.

There are several threads of evidence debunking the ten-percent myth.

Neuropsychology studies how the anatomy of the brain affects someone’s behavior, emotion, and cognition.

Over the years, brain scientists have shown that different parts of the brain are responsible for specific functions, whether it’s recognizing colors or problem solving. Contrary to the ten-percent myth, scientists have proven that every part of the brain is integral for our daily functioning thanks to brain imaging techniques like positron emission tomography and functional magnetic resonance imaging.

Research has yet to find a brain area that is completely inactive. Even studies that measure activity at the level of single neurons have not revealed any inactive areas of the brain.

Many brain imaging studies that measure brain activity when a person is doing a specific task show how different parts of the brain work together. For example, while you are reading this text on your smartphone, some parts of your brain, including those responsible for vision, reading comprehension, and holding your phone, will be more active.

Some brain images, however, unintentionally lend support to the ten-percent myth because they often show small bright splotches on an otherwise gray brain. This may imply that only the bright spots have brain activity, but that isn’t the case.

Rather, the colored splotches represent brain areas that are more active when someone’s doing a task compared to when they’re not, with the gray spots still being active but to a lesser degree.

A more direct counter to the ten-percent myth lies in individuals who have suffered brain damage – like through a stroke, head trauma, or carbon monoxide poisoning – and what they can no longer do, or do as well, as a result of that damage. If the ten percent myth is true, then damage to many parts of our brain shouldn’t affect your daily functioning.

Studies have shown that damaging a very small part of the brain may have devastating consequences. If someone experiences damage to Broca’s area, for example, they can understand language but can’t properly form words or speak fluently.

In one highly publicized case, a woman in Florida permanently lost her “capacity for thoughts, perceptions, memories, and emotions that are the very essence of being human” when a lack of oxygen destroyed half of her cerebrum – which makes up about 85 percent of the brain.

Evolutionary Arguments
Another line of evidence against the ten-percent myth comes from evolution. The adult brain only constitutes two percent of body mass, yet it consumes over 20 percent of the body’s energy. In comparison, the adult brains of many vertebrate species – including some fish, reptiles, birds, and mammals – consume two to eight percent of their body’s energy.

The brain has been shaped by millions of years of natural selection, which passes down favorable traits to increase likelihood of survival. It is unlikely that the body would dedicate so much of its energy to keep an entire brain functioning if it only uses 10 percent of the brain.

The Origin of the Myth
Even with ample evidence suggesting the contrary, why do many people still believe that humans only use ten percent of their brains? It’s unclear how the myth spread in the first place, but it has been popularized by self-help books, and may even also grounding in older, flawed, neuroscience studies.

The main allure of the ten-percent myth is the idea that you could do so much more if only you could unlock the rest of your brain. This idea is in line with the message espoused by self-help books, which show you ways you can improve yourself.

For example, Lowell Thomas’s preface to Dale Carnegie’s popular book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, says that the average person “develops only 10 percent of his latent mental ability.” This statement, which is traced back to psychologist William James, refers to a person’s potential to achieve more rather than how much brain matter they used. Others have even said that Einstein explained his brilliance using the ten-percent myth, though these claims remain unfounded.

Another possible source of the myth lies in “silent” brain areas from older neuroscience research. For example, in the 1930s, neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield hooked electrodes to the exposed brains of his epilepsy patients while operating on them. He noticed that some brain areas caused his patients to experience various sensations, but that others seemed to experience nothing.

As technology evolved, researchers later found that these “silent” brain areas, which included the prefrontal lobes, did have functions after all.

Putting It All Together
Regardless of how or where the myth originated, it continues to pervade the cultural imagination despite an abundance of evidence showing that humans use their entire brain. However, the thought that you could become a genius or telekinetic superhuman by unlocking the rest of your brain is, quite admittedly, a tantalizing one.




Re-written poem

18:18 Feb 18 2019
Times Read: 843

Her heart underneath, cries quietly
This part of me...
I choose not to see...
What lives must I take, for beauties sake?
How much blood must stain
this warriors blade?
War leaves it’s trail
In moonlight so pale, it’s shadows they flow
In rivers, in rivers
So I’ll put on my mask
And go where they ask
so I might once again see the roses of may

Staining my soul and stinging my eyes
The red on my hands won’t wash away, wash away
No where to run from what I have done

Fate holds the blade before you
Mirrored in maidens eyes
Far from my self I fly
Into the perilous skies
And they said
Follow the blade before you
Fear falls and let your courage rise
Leave all your tears behind you
Far from where innocence lies

Cage of the kings...
No need for wings...
So I turn them to stone...
From roses to bone...
When you look at me
What do you see?...
This costume I weaved, has disfigured me...
Storm clouds are creeping closer
And danger now draws near
No longer am I able
To protect the ones I once held dear

And they said
Break free from the chains that hold you
Run now and conquer your fears...

Lead here by fate...
No longer afraid...
So here now I lay...
Just a beauties fate...



23:55 Feb 18 2019

Did you write this?

14:04 Feb 19 2019

About half of it the rest is from a song I heard

18:03 Feb 22 2019

You might need to check this link out. Seems you are mistaking. https://genius.com/Erutan-rose-of-may-final-fantasy-ix-lyrics

13:50 Feb 23 2019

Thank you but I kind of still like my rewritten version a little bit better

And yes I know Dakota not all of it is rewritten


Interesting night at work

17:53 Feb 17 2019
Times Read: 872

Was taking my lunch break with a good friend talking about stupid stuff like always. Seemed fine until he told me that he was the angel of death/ vampire. I was like riiiiight and I’m the tooth fairy Lol. He was like seriously I said oh yeeea very! Serious! *shakes my head*. (A long pause before I hit him over the head with a magazine). *ouch that hurt!* NO!... I was being sarcastic, “What! I thought you really were”. I’m going to pretend that you just didn’t say that. (Scoffs) I mean I suppose you think that Santa clause is real too...he doesn’t say anything. *I raise my eyebrow* really...okay then I think I’ve heard everything now. Told him when he comes back to reality we can be friends again. But I was just kidding though and no that doesn’t mean that I believe him either. Ehh well I felt better about my day after I had some brandy at least and my sister says that I’m strange Lol. Jeez...well guess that it can’t be helped. but at least we do have a good argument with that conversation Lol.



18:16 Feb 17 2019

Honestly I think that he was just doing this to just mess with me. He does have a strange sense of humor about things like this. Or Maybe I’m just thinking too hard again who knows.

18:24 Feb 17 2019

There was one time that he did say something similar. Then a week later he acts all casual and says to me while laughing. you know that I was just kidding right? So no I’m not going to let him fool me twice Lol. But seriously I cannot tell if he is joking again or not ugh.

18:34 Feb 17 2019

Come to think about it he does kind of remind me of my brother sometimes. He was always good at playing practical jokes then again he was born on April fools day. Sighs kind of brings back some good but painful memories now.


A couple of brain teasers

16:25 Feb 16 2019
Times Read: 906

Question 1


Question 2




20:53 Feb 16 2019

Question 1: 4 b’s, Question 2: F is missing

21:10 Feb 16 2019

I got the same on the first question but wasn’t sure about the second one


The Climate changes in the following states

14:06 Feb 16 2019
Times Read: 908

So if you are wondering about the records of the climate change I’ve posted below. Global warming has been in effect for some time now. Though not many might be aware of how much of a change that is. This isn’t a report for all the states but they do have some that are following on.

Further information: Climate change in Alaska and Climate change in the Arctic
Alaska has seen effects of global warming.[98][99][100][101] The United States Coast Guard officials expect to expand activities as global warming melts these once ice-locked waters.[102][103]

Main article: Climate change in California
California has taken legislative steps towards reducing the possible effects climate change by incentives and plans for clean cars, renewable energy and stringent caps on big polluting industries. In September 2006, the California State Legislature passed AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006[104] with the goal of reducing man-made California greenhouse gas emissions (1.4% of global emissions in 2004[105]) back to 1990 emission levels by 2020. The legislation grants the Air Resource Board extraordinary powers to set policies, draw up regulations, lead the enforcement effort, levy fines and fees to finance it and punish violators. The technical and regulatory requirements are far reaching. Some of this sweeping regulation is being challenged in the courts.[citation needed] The law is intended to make low-carbon technology more attractive, and promote its adoption in production in California.

While California's claims[106] of successful energy efficiency policy have been widely accepted,[107][108] a 2013 study argued external factors explained ~95% of the appearance of California's relative efficiency gains.[109] The report cited three key factors: relatively large household size; relatively low household income growth; and US population shift to the Southwest (which increased the average per-capita energy use for the other 49 states).

In California, authorities have predicted that the shortage of rain will increase the duration of the fire season, and result in larger fires. Half of the most destructive fires in recorded California history have occurred since 2002. Climate change and intensifying droughts are drying out landscapes. Pests, such as the mountain pine beetle, have killed off stands of trees.[110]

Colorado may be facing a shrinking ski season and an impaired agriculture industry.[111]

Main article: Climate change in Florida
Miami has been making attempts to mitigate the effects of global warming and associated sea level rise.[112]

Main article: Climate change in Idaho
Idaho emits the least carbon dioxide per person of the United States, less than 23,000 pounds a year. Idaho forbids coal-power plants. It relies mostly on nonpolluting hydroelectric power from its rivers.[113][114] Over the last century, the average temperature near Boise, Idaho, has increased nearly 1 °F, and precipitation has increased by nearly 20% in many parts of the state, and has declined in other parts of the state by more than 10%. Over the next century, climate in Idaho could experience additional changes. For example, based on projections made by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and results from the United Kingdom Hadley Centre's climate model (HadCM2), a model that accounts for both greenhouse gases and aerosols, by 2100 temperatures in Idaho could increase by 5 °F (2.8 °C) (with a range of 2-9 °F) in winter and summer and 4 °F (2.2 °C) (with a range of 2-7 °F) in spring and fall.[citation needed]

Main article: Climate change in Massachusetts
Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick has recently signed into law three global warming and energy-related bills that will promote advanced biofuels, support the growth of the clean energy technology industry, and cut the emissions of greenhouse gases within the state. The Clean Energy Biofuels Act, signed in late July, exempts cellulosic ethanol from the state's gasoline tax, but only if the ethanol achieves a 60% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions relative to gasoline. The act also requires all diesel motor fuels and all No. 2 fuel oil sold for heating to include at least 2% "substitute fuel" by July 2010, where substitute fuel is defined as a fuel derived from renewable non-food biomass that achieves at least a 50% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. In early 2008 August, Governor Patrick signed two additional bills: the Green Jobs Act and the Global Warming Solutions Act. The Green Jobs Act will support the growth of a clean energy technology industry within the state, backed by $68 million in funding over 5 years. The Global Warming Solutions Act requires a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the state to 10%-25% below 1990 levels by 2020 and to 80% below 1990 levels by 2050.

Main article: Climate change in Nevada
Climate change in Nevada has been measured over the last century, with the average temperature in Elko, Nevada, increasing 0.6 °F (0.3 °C), and precipitation has increased by up to 20% in many parts of the state. Based on projections made by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and results from the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research climate model (HadCM2), a model that accounts for both greenhouse gases and aerosols, by 2100, temperatures in Nevada could increase by 3-4 °F (1.7-2.2 °C) in spring and fall (with a range of 1-6 °F [0.5-3.3 °C]), and by 5-6 °F (2.8-3.3 °C) in winter and summer (with a range of 2-10 °F [1.1-5.6 °C]). Earlier and more rapid snowmelts could contribute to winter and spring flooding, and more intense summer storms could increase the likelihood of flash floods. Climate change could affect crop production, reducing potato yields by about 12%, with hay and pasture yields increasing by about 7%. Farmed acres could rise by 9% or fall by 9%, depending on how climate changes. The region's inherently variable and unpredictable hydrological and climatic systems could become even more variable with changes in climate, putting stress on wetland ecosystems. A warmer climate would increase evaporation and shorten the snow season in the mountains, resulting in earlier spring runoff and reduced summer streamflow. This would exacerbate fire risk in the late summer. Many desert-adapted plants and animals already live near their tolerance limits, and could disappear under the hotter conditions predicted under global warming.

New York
Main article: Climate change in New York City
Climate change in New York City could affect buildings/structures, wetlands, water supply, health, and energy demand, due to the high population and extensive infrastructure in the region.[115] New York is especially at risk if the sea level rises, due to many of the bridges connecting to boroughs, and entrances to roads and rail tunnels. High-traffic locations such as the airports, the Holland Tunnel, the Lincoln Tunnel, and the Passenger Ship Terminal are located in areas vulnerable to flooding.[116] Flooding would be expensive to reverse.[117][118] New York has launched a task force to advise on preparing city infrastructure for flooding, water shortages, and higher temperatures.[119]

Main article: Climate change in Texas
Over the next century, climate in Texas could experience additional changes. Based on projections made by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and results from the United Kingdom Hadley Centre’s climate model (HadCM2), a model that accounts for both greenhouse gases and aerosols, by 2100 temperatures in Texas could increase by about 3 °F (~1.7 °C) in spring (with a range of 1-6 °F) and about 4 °F (~2.2 °C) in other seasons (with a range of 1-9 °F). Texas emits more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than any other state. And if Texas were a country, it would be the seventh-largest carbon dioxide polluter in the world . Texas's high carbon dioxide output and large energy consumption is primarily a result of large coal-burning power plants and gas-guzzling vehicles (low miles per gallon).[121] Unless increased temperatures are coupled with a strong increase in rainfall, water could become more scarce. A warmer and drier climate would lead to greater evaporation, as much as a 35% decrease in streamflow, and less water for recharging groundwater aquifers. Climate change could reduce cotton and sorghum yields by 2-15% and wheat yields by 43-68%, leading to changes in acres farmed and production. With changes in climate, the extent and density of forested areas in east Texas could change little or decline by 50-70%. Hotter, drier weather could increase wildfires and the susceptibility of pine forests to pine bark beetles and other pests, which would reduce forests and expand grasslands and arid shrublands.

Main article: Climate change in Washington
Visible physical effects on the environment within WA State include glacier reduction, declining snow-pack, earlier spring runoff, an increase in large wildfires, and rising sea levels which affect the Puget Sound area. Less snow pack will also result in a time change of water flow volumes into fresh water systems, resulting in greater winter river volume, and less volume during summer's driest months, generally from July through October. These changes will result in both economic and ecological repercussions, most notably found in hydrological power output, municipal water supply and migration of fish. Collectively, these changes are negatively affecting agriculture, forest resources, dairy farming, the WA wine industry, electricity, water supply, and other areas of the state.Beyond affecting wildfires, climate change could affect the economic contribution of Washington's forests both directly (e.g., by affecting rates of tree growth and relative importance of different tree species) and indirectly (e.g., through effects on the magnitude of pest or fire damage). Beyond growth rates, climate change could affect Washington forests by changing the range and life cycle of pests.

Washington State currently relies on hydro power for 72% of its power and sales of hydro power to both households and businesses topped 4.3 billion dollars in 2003. Washington State currently has the 9th lowest cost for electricity in the US. Climate change will have a negative effect on both the supply and demand of electricity in Washington.[123] The available electricity supply could also be affected by climate change. Currently, peak stream flows are in the summer. Snowpack is likely to melt earlier in the future due to increased temperatures, thus shifting the peak stream flow to late winter and early spring, with decreased summer stream flow. This would result in an increased availability of electricity in the early spring, when demand is dampened, and a decreased availability in the summer, when the demand may be highest.

West Virginia

Main article: Climate change in West Virginia
Warming and other climate changes could expand the habitat and infectiousness of disease-carrying insects, thus increasing the potential for transmission of diseases such as malaria and dengue (“break bone”) fever. Warmer temperatures could increase the incidence of Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases in West Virginia, because populations of ticks, and their rodent hosts, could increase under warmer temperatures and increased vegetation. Lower streamflows and lake levels in the summer and fall could affect the dependability of surface water supplies, particularly since many of the streams in West Virginia have low flows in the summer. Hay yields could increase by about 30% as a result of climate change, leading to changes in acres farmed and production. Farmed acres could remain constant or could decrease by as much as 30% in response to changes in prices, for example, possible decreases in hay prices. In areas where richer soils are prevalent, southern pines could increase their range and density, and in areas with poorer soils, which are more common in West Virginia's forests, scrub oaks of little commercial value (e.g., post oak and blackjack oak) could increase their range. As a result, the character of forests in West Virginia could change. The state of West Virginia is 97% forested, and much of this cover is in high-elevation areas. These areas contain some of the last remaining stands of red spruce, which are seriously threatened by acid rain and could be further stressed by changing climate. Given a sufficient change in climate, these spruce forests could be substantially reduced, or could disappear. Higher-than-normal winter temperatures could boost temperatures inside cave bat roosting sites, which has been shown to cause higher mortality due to increased winter body weight loss in endangered Indiana bats (e.g., an increase of 9 °F (−13 °C) during winter hibernation has been associated with a 42% increase in the rate of body mass loss).


Main article: Climate change in Wyoming
On a per-person basis, Wyoming emits more carbon dioxide than any other state or any other country: 276,000 pounds (125,000 kg) of it per capita a year, because of burning coal, which provides nearly all of the state's electrical power.[113] Warmer temperatures could increase the incidence of Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases in Wyoming, because populations of ticks, and their rodent hosts, could increase under warmer temperatures and increased vegetation. Increased runoff from heavy rainfall could increase water-borne diseases such as giardia, cryptosporidia, and viral and bacterial gastroenteritis. The headwaters of several rivers originate in Wyoming and flow in all directions into the Missouri, Snake, and Colorado River basins. A warmer climate could result in less winter snowfall, more winter rain, and faster, earlier spring snowmelt. In the summer, without increases in rainfall of at least 15-20%, higher temperatures and increased evaporation could lower streamflows and lake levels. Less water would be available to support irrigation, hydropower generation, public water supplies, fish and wildlife habitat, recreation, and mining. Hotter, drier weather could increase the frequency and intensity of wildfires, threatening both property and forests. Drier conditions would reduce the range and health of ponderosa and lodgepole forests, and increase their susceptibility to fire. Climate change also poses a threat to the high alpine systems, and this zone could disappear in many areas. Local extinctions of alpine species such as arctic gentian, alpine chaenactis, rosy finch, and water pipit could be expected as a result of habitat loss and fragmentation. In cooperation with the Wyoming Business Council, the Converse Area New Development Organization drafted an initiative to advance geothermal energy development in Wyoming. The Wyoming Business Council offers grants for homeowners who want to install photovoltaic (PV) systems.

Multiple states

Sea level rise affects multiple states.[124] States have undertaken a variety of initiatives to plan for the effects of sea level rise.[125] Because the effects of sea level rise vary significantly from region to region, many planning initiatives take place at the local level.[125]




Something bizarre but true

18:49 Feb 15 2019
Times Read: 933

I’m not really sure if anyone has been following this story. but I found it to be a amazing one.

Indiana man survives internal decapitation years after beating brain cancer: 'Our boy is a miracle'
E8-DBE509-5-C61-4-E7-B-B7-E1-158090-CD0499iron man 3 killian
A 22-year-old Indiana man says he was internally decapitated after a car crash. (Beacon Health System)

An Indiana man who beat brain cancer as a teen has once again “defied the odds” after surviving a nearly fatal car crash in January that left him internally decapitated.

“I have fought for my life this time around, and some days I feel like I still am. God has put me through some crazy stuff, and he’s really testing me,” Brock Meister, of Plymouth, said in a statement released by Beacon Health System.

“I’m just thankful to be here, so that’s all that matters,” the 22-year-old added.
Meister wore a neck brace until this spring. (Beacon Health System)
On January 12, Meister was having dinner with some friends in Plymouth before heading to Lake of the Woods, near Bremen, where he and some friends were planning to stay with his grandparents for a night.

Just minutes before arriving, the car hit a patch of black ice, causing the vehicle to tip over and roll on the passenger side where Meister was seated.
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Meister's head smashed into the window, shattering it, and ultimately separating his skull from his spine in the process.

“Half my body was out the window,” he recalled.
The driver was able to pull Meister back in as the truck flipped upright and slowly rolled to a stop.

Meister’s friend, Ryan Topper, who was driving ahead of the two, knew something was wrong when he could no longer see the truck’s headlights behind him. He whipped his car around, arriving just moments later.
“I turned around and from the angle that I drove up on it, it didn’t look like anything had happened at all,” Topper said.

But as he got closer, he saw Meister, whose face was covered in blood.

“[He] wasn’t saying much,” Topper recalled.
“Brock kept trying to get up and the only words he was saying were ‘my neck’ and ‘ambulance.’ I knew that he was in some serious pain and that if it was his neck, I couldn’t let him get up and move,” Topper, who had already called emergency officials at this point, said.

Meister was taken to Memorial Hospital in South Bend, where doctors stabilized him and took X-rays. Images revealed he had suffered a “traumatic atlanto-occipital dislocation,” essentially a "complete separation of the skull from the spine or internal decapitation,” according to the statement.
Surviving this type of injury is rare: the mortality rate for those who suffer internal decapitation is high. Aside from the physical separation of skull and spine, this injury can also be fatal because “the blood vessels supplying the brain and the spinal cord itself are commonly injured ... [causing] significant neurological deficits and often prove fatal,” according to the Beacon Health System.

Meister was just the second patient in Memorial Hospital’s history to arrive alive with this particular injury.

“He’s here and he’s alive, and that in itself is a complete miracle,” Meister’s mother, Jenna, recalled telling family and friends at the hospital.

At 2 a.m. that same night, Dr. Kashif Shaikh, a Beacon Medical Group neurosurgeon, was paged. He looked at the X-rays at home before heading to the hospital to treat Meister.

“I had to check twice to make sure I was looking at the right patient’s picture – it’s such an uncommon injury, and an even less common injury to survive,” he told the hospital.

Later, Meister underwent surgery to re-align his skull and spine

His surgeons made a long incision on the back of his neck, using a skull plate and spinal screws and rods to correct the fracture.
Interestingly, Shaikh, who performed the surgery, also helped to treat Meister when a malignant brain tumor — a grade III germinoma — was found at the center of his brain in 2012. Meister was just 16 years old at the time.

Thankfully, the surgery was successful and Meister was released from the hospital in February. He was required to wear a neck brace up until recently.

"Things easily could have been more tragic and my time spent with him could be at the cemetery."
— Jenna Meister, Brock Meister's mother
While he still has trouble with his right arm and pain in the lower part of his body, he is undergoing physical and occupational therapy at Memorial Hospital to treat those issues.

“It is truly incredible,” Shaikh said of Mesiter’s ability to survive brain cancer and the car accident.

“It’s been really hard,” Meister told Fox News on Saturday. “It makes me feel good knowing that I’m still here, but I always ask the question ‘why me?’”

“I just keep reminding myself things will get better it just takes time,” he continued, adding that he tries to spend as much time as possible with friends to “get back to somewhat normal.”

You can find this story on Fox News




The truth about me?

18:35 Feb 15 2019
Times Read: 935

Hmmm... well... I have my reasons for not explaining everything about myself. No it’s not because I’m afraid of judgy people or how much I’m liked or not. It’s a different reason, if I did paint the picture even though it wouldn’t have any images. I would highly recommend that if anyone who is either close to a empath to look away from that entry. Even if that wasn’t the case I have told a few in person. But..they aren’t the same...I feel terrible for even thinking that someone could even hear my burden. So yes i made a decision to hide somethings and haven’t bothered talking about it since. Guess it’s kind of up to others though, if you really want to know the whole truth.





18:21 Feb 15 2019
Times Read: 939

I finally figured out why I had so many messages. someone thought it was a good idea to send me every page in the Bible. Yea it was one of those days Lol. Jeez



01:05 Feb 16 2019

....ahhhh you are holy!!!!! Bless me sister!!!!

02:55 Feb 16 2019

LOL oh dear



16:30 Feb 14 2019
Times Read: 954

Come tomorrow morning i will have the time to catch up with everyone and update my profile. Unfortunately sometime after, I’m not going to have a much time as before. Schedule changed again and I’ll have to cover for some coworkers. Other than that my doctor wants me to go in for a check up on things. So hope that everyone here on vr has a wonderful Valentine’s Day take care.





02:37 Feb 14 2019
Times Read: 975

Omg how on earth did I get over 300 messages?....

Well aside from this, I finally have power and internet again. We had about 16 inches of snow where I live at then lots of rain. Grocery store looked like everyone is preparing for the apocalypse too so much was missing from the shelves.



04:32 Feb 14 2019

The local news stations are the blame for that. Humans don’t know how to act when it’s very bad out or soon to be. It’s like watching a chicken run around without it’s head on. Lol

16:18 Feb 14 2019

Unfortunately the global warming has been the cause of the catastrophic events all around. it’s been interesting experience to witness everything that I can definitely say.


Few fun facts

15:05 Feb 11 2019
Times Read: 991








07:10 Feb 11 2019
Times Read: 1,010

Not sure when I’m going to have the time but hopefully it’ll be soon. It’s been snowing so much here and the power keeps going out. So other than me being stuck at work I get a house with no power at times. Might get a blizzard tonight but at least I’m off work. As far as the rest I’ll update this journal along with everything else when I have the chance.



07:44 Feb 11 2019

Be safe

14:58 Feb 11 2019

Thank you

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