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interview with the vampire vs twilight

21:44 Jan 08 2009
Times Read: 558

Today is the day Twilight comes out in theaters (in case you were living under a rock and didn't already know). I am 3/4 of the way done with Eclipse as I write this and really like the series. I am not sure about seeing the movie, it looks really watered down to me and the actors do NOTHING for me whatsoever. I do not find any of them as attractive as they were supposed to be in the book, especially Edward (sorry for being a hater). When it comes to Vampire tales, I am old school all the way. I read Interview with the Vampire 19 years ago and was immediately hooked on Anne Rice. Sadly, the vast majority of people going to see the movie weren't even born yet when I read it! The way Anne Rice wrote about Louis, Lestat, Armand and the others is unlike any other writer out there. The detail and descriptions of who they were and their struggles was SO intense. The romance between Bella and Edward in Twilight can't hold a candle to the torment and agony that Louis went through in his relationship with his creator, Lestat. Now I know that Twilight is written for teens so of course it's not going to be the same type of book, but once you have read any of Anne Rice's legendary Vampire books, you can't help but compare them to every other Vampire story. I'll take Louis over Edward any day of the week (plus Brad Pitt in the movie Interview with the Vampire is SO much more attractive Robert Pattinson to me!). Tom Cruise on the other hand not so much...Either way, enjoy your Vampires for who they are and if you're seeing the movie, let me know what you thought of it compared to the book.



00:13 Jan 09 2009

Today is the day? Where do you live??? It came out here in the US in November.

11:50 Jan 09 2009

you may want to look into the "watch" books ;)

21:40 Feb 11 2009

i think you're right about being able to translate it into film, but that soundtrack really makes the movie for me. i didn't even like the queen of the damned's sound track that much.



22:35 Jan 06 2009
Times Read: 562

I know that you will probably stab me in the heart with a wooden stake for doing this, but I'm going to write another post about Twilight. You there, under the rock? Twilight is: spectacularly shitty book series by Stephanie Meyer and now a movie (out today! it's bad!) about a dimensionless girl named Bella and the suave sex vampire that she loves, named Edward. It's swoony moony goony shit, and, again, is terribly, monstrously, embarrassing-for-the-whole-of-the-craftly bad. So why on earth is it so popular, and what is Twilight, I mean really what is it? I will attempt to answer those IMPORTANT questions after the jump. Then you can elucidate (please! please!) in the comments.

Theory 1: Twilight Is Chocolate

Let's get the obvious, probably-the-cold-bare-truth one out of the way. There's nothing new about young people, young women especially, going apeshit bananas over something that brings a fierce yet chaste smolder to their loins—be it the cherubic young matinee idols like Romeo + Juliet-era Leonardo DiCaprio, the crotch-twirling "baby come back" antics of a boy band (from Beatles to Backstreet), or, you know, the dark brooding eternal prick tease of sexless vampire love (Buffy! And now, sigh, Twilight!). While most boys just hairy palm their way past longings for love and post-in/out/in/out intimacy, many girls get snared and tangled in that brambly bush of idol worship, and any conduit through which they can explore and advance these tinglings is, usually, seized upon with great fervor. And Meyer wrote the perfect conduit for a certain set of young ladies—one about Changes (she moves!), School (she's awkward!), Bodies (she's clumsy!), and Boys (he's alabastery beautiful and dangerous!) Certain little women throw this shit to the curb as the fantasy garbage that it is, but others (whether consciously or not) see some great unspoken wish-fulfillment in it—that you can snare the boy by doing next to nothing, that you can fix a troubled man, that somewhere out there is a place where you and only you are special and it's up to all those other bitches to just look on in awe. Pretty powerful magicks.

Theory 2: Twilight Is Barack Obama

Yes it's true! Published in 2005, just one short year after Obama gave his ground-rumbling speech at the DNC in Boston, Twilight and the president-elect share many qualities. Both had rabid cult followings until they bled and blossomed into mainstream phenomena. Both are about love with utter abandon—to overlook or dismiss the fangs or Rev. Wrights. And both are about potential danger lurking in the periphery—Edward might eat Bella! Obama might pull off his Mission: Impossible mask and reveal himself to be Jimmy Carter, thus hurling the nation into a socialism-flecked doom of poverty and lawlessness. But in the end, both are less than what they seem. Twilight is just pat aspirational shit to please the ladies (see above) and Obama is just part inspirational grit and part just a fairly moderate Democrat who will do fine, if not well, as a two term president (we Hope). The implication here, I guess, is that Barack Obama is a vampire. It would make sense. After all, his daddy was a cannibal.




things i don't like and things i LOVE about vr

20:06 Jan 02 2009
Times Read: 576

while i love this site there are certian things i'd change like:

allowing nudity on vr, i have put alot of thought into this and how i would control who can post nude pics and who could even see the adult profiles is by having all who wish to see or post nude pic give their ssn for age varifaction. it would be as if the adult profiles would be blocked to minors and those not wishing to see the nudity.

2nd thing i'd change is that unless a forum is hurtful or threatening i'd make it to where only 2 people can close or rip forums, cancer and the person that made the forum

everything else about vr i like here are my fave things

1) the price of premium i was at one point a premium member and i might do it again, so yeah it's good that it's not a whole lot.

2) this is a good place for atleast semi like minded people cn talk, i just wish debate was more welcomed



22:51 Jan 02 2009

Age verification could be easily faked; besides not all members have SSN's - you only get those in the US don't you? Besides, nudity isn't a necessity to enjoy a site, there's plenty of networking sites out there which do allow nudity if your tastes run that way.

As for the forums; Cancer is way too busy to moderate each and every thread, so that's why he drafts in the Dominars. OK, so we may not always agre with them, but at the end of the day they are the spokespeople for Cancer, chosen by him, and doing his work.

But, at least there's only the two things you don't like, better than some of these who whinge about everything! You just have to ask them why the hell they're here at all...

02:53 Jan 03 2009

Again its not a dateing site, althoguht i do like how you have stated that you would seperate the adult profiles from minors, but the site was not intended and i dont think will ever be intended for that, unless they just complealtly got rid of peopel under 18 and i honestly dont see that happening

forum administrators are tehre to ensure that the rules set by cancer are enforced , just having cancer and the person who created the thread be able to ria/rip it would make it a lot tougher on cancer and that will deffinatly wont happen HAHA

personally i would like to see a instant message system not that the current message system dosent work but just like the idea, also i would like free members to atleast be able to use scroll boxes, they make my page look that much neater LOL

nice post XD

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