nightstalkervamp's Journal

nightstalkervamp's Journal


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6 entries this month

another day

22:29 May 26 2005
Times Read: 663

well today was an ok day i suppose

started out boring, again i was down and i dunno why, i think that being alone is really starting to get to me now, i mean i can handle being around 2 or 3 people at once, but not a crowd that wud be to much, im sitting here now in candle light and all i want is someone next to me just to talk to and cuddle up with, i need a hug i think and a long cuddle :-( i hate being alone.




new job

16:08 May 22 2005
Times Read: 666

well thursday i started training for a stores person job where i work, its been good so far, made one mistake but thats ok wasnt nothing to major lol.

got all this week aswell and then if they let me ill be perminant but not getting my hopes up, found out that on tuesday im going to be alone to so that will make it so much more interesting, got someone to help with the forklift, since i dont drive and it will have to be used for motors and deliveries, hopefully there wont be to many.

thats bout it really, been a bit more cheerful so thats something, still feel like well i dunno just feel something, at times it gets me really down, keep thinking bout a teacher getting hit in the head by a frisbee which a close friend told me bout so that makes me laugh as im walking through the factory lol.




stop and stare

06:27 May 16 2005
Times Read: 670

i was thinking to my self last night, well talking out loud really but no one was here, people need to stop and just look even if its just for a moment, they need to look out their window or up at the sky, they are missing the beauty of this world and with each passing day more of it is being lost, there are fewer and fewer places left that are retaining their natural beauty to make way for development and its just not worth it.

so they build another factory, so what just more pollution to the world less oxygen cause more trees are being cut down and more animals die, in the grand end at the rate we are going this world we be unable to support any life at all.

all of us need to just stop and look at whats round us cause for me i see the open fields, the sea with the sun shining down on it, at night its the most beautiful, the moonlight and stars out for all to see, its amazing how many dont see the beauty in such things, and all these things are here to be seen.




no title

20:08 May 09 2005
Times Read: 675

wellfor a monday this is a totally shit way to start the week, nothing is going right, im more out of control now than ever, work is getting to me a right treat now, i was in a good place but like all good things it didnt last, this one lasted bout 2 mins, back to the job i hate, the thing is they had planty of the things already made up, over 1000 so why the fuck did they need me and some other idiot to make more today, wish they wud just tell me where i am and keep me there cause this changing between people is starting to piss me off.

the best bit was when i got really pissed and threw someof the stuff over the floor, people asking me whats wrong and if im ok, I MEAN FOR FUCK SAKE HOW DUMB ARE THESE PEOPLE, COURSE IM NOT OK. im really debaiting weather or not just to walk in tomorrow and tell them to shove their job, i doubt i will though, but tomorrow i am listening to my music weather they like it or not, FUCK EM.




what a week so far

06:27 May 04 2005
Times Read: 677

well it was one hell of a day yesterday, nothing was going right, my body felt like it was being stabbed with knives, and im sure that those people aint warm blooded cause the sun was shining it was hot inside and yet they still had the heaters on.

and the end of work was the best cause now we got to clock out when we leave, as soon as the buzzer went they ran like fuck barging into each other, there was me waiting till last laughing my head off at them, even though i was last it only took like 3 mins, god it was funny, the best part of my working day i thought lol.

lets hope today goes better although i doubt it will, same job just a different day.

id like to thank jenny a.k.a novemberrain for being a true friend, thanks hun, hope ur doing ok *hugz*





00:34 May 02 2005
Times Read: 679

well today i went paintballing, it was a good laugh there was 14 of us so 7 a side, got shot a few times but none hurt that bad.

later on there were some girls and guys coming down aswell so they all joined us, altogether 36 now, this was more like it, they were all impressed cause i had my own gun, and how good i was to, some of the girls stuck with me it was quite funny, was expecting them to scream as soon as they got hit but they didnt, they were very good in fact some real good paintballers and nice looking ones to (im a guy, its what guys notice).

also just wanna say hi to jay a.k.a yourdarkness, she has become a really close friend of mine and someone who i care bout (hope ur resting ur ankle jay, lol *kisses*)



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