phycoassassin's Journal

phycoassassin's Journal


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5 entries this month

"The Coming of Halloween"

07:45 Aug 29 2017
Times Read: 549

Fall has come again, with a vengeance, with the changing color of the leaves, and the cool chill breeze that makes the season what it is, with the sensations of ghosts walking among us here in the living world. I love this time of year for Halloween, All Hallows Eve, that festive time when we wiccans honor the dead, celebrate the feast of Samhain, give homage to the horned god and goddess of the earth and nature.
The night when the dead return from beyond the veil, and the door is thrust open for all manner of creature to crawl forth from the darkness. The pagan festivals mark the end of a harvest It is the wiccan New Year as we welcome the dead into our midst, back into the living world.
It is the feast of the dead as they, the wandering ones mingle with our souls. We become one with the dark forces roaming free this night, along with the great Samhain, and the spirits of the horned god and goddess of the earth and nature.
It is a night when we give thanks to all deities, that are the unholies, that wander the world, showing what dark powers they have. It''s an all night festival that lasts into the dawn, of the day of all saints, or the day of the dead when we continue to honor those not of this world anymore, the dead, and those souls of the lost dead that can never find peace, or eternal sleep, they haunt us, because they still need us in this world, of mortal life, to make their connections to those they still care about on this plain of the living.




"Summer 2"

01:03 Aug 29 2017
Times Read: 786

Once again summer is here with the sun, blue skies, lawn mowers playing that song of summer, and the smell of fresh cut grass. Nights with the sound of night birds singing before the sun sets, and a bright full moon rises into a cloudless sky.
Warm summer rain, at the end of a long hot day, brings with it the sound of thunder, and bright flashes of lightning, that electrify the night.
Pool filters sing all through the long summer days, as children laugh, and splash, after the school bells go silent. Schools are empty, desks, books, and offices all lay dormant, to gather dust through the long summer. Phantoms, and ghosts of long dead students, of past times roam the empty halls, as they once did in life.



15:07 Aug 29 2017

I'm going to be missing the summer rain because it does feel lovely

00:22 Sep 04 2017

Summer rain is great.!!! I love thunder but not lighting.

09:57 Sep 09 2017

I'm already missing summer

20:05 Sep 11 2017

I love summer, it's my most favorite time of year, and i get depressed when the season comes to an end, i get sad when the cold weather comes, aqnd then the ghosts of the season come to call upon me, to haunt me.

01:12 Sep 15 2017

Amazing makes me miss summer already

00:33 Sep 21 2017

Yeah, i'm missing the summertime now too, it's my favorite time of year, out of the whole year. I always get a little depressed at this time of year.

19:26 Oct 01 2017

this time of the year makes me feel old as hell lol

23:45 Oct 06 2017

You aren't the only one that feels old this time of year, i do too, and i hate it!!! Nothing worse than a cold winter that drags on and on.

09:20 Oct 09 2017

Nice I enjoy reading this. Thank you for Sharing

07:49 Oct 10 2017

Thank you i appreciate your comment.

20:02 Oct 14 2017

Ahh, that beautiful summer rain, remember growing up in my hometown, sitting on the grass/pavement/porch, and watching/feeling the rain fall, hearing the thunder and seeing lightning in the distance, as I sat and watched it all and felt the beauty :) Truly thank you for sharing and bringing back such beautiful memories :)

19:05 Oct 15 2017

You're welcome but i should also thank you for the sweet comment i love thunder and lightning, and summer storms, with the warm rain.

16:27 Feb 03 2018

Although I am not a summer person, it is a lovely description!!

16:18 Nov 23 2020

Love those summer storms the full moons are stunning thank you for sharing

00:11 Nov 26 2020

Thanks and you're welcome, Spring and Summer are my very favorite times of the year.



00:46 Aug 29 2017
Times Read: 789

Summer has finally arrived. the sun rises full and hot to heat the day, as swimming pool filters hum to life, after a long winter's dormant sleeping in deep snow.
Lawn mowers can be heard, all over the neighborhood, as all growing things have come back to life, after the dead of winter, has faded into a distant memory
Charcoal grills are lit, with their aromas, filling the air of every backyard for miles around, as the distant sound of fireworks fill the air, and light up the night sky in the distance with blazing colors.
Beaches swarm with people, looking for an escape from the heat, of a summer day, as the mid afternoon sun reflects upon the water, as it moves with a rhythm of centuries passed, since time's beginning.
It is a season, when we as people, feel most alive, because the earth has been reborn once more, to give us that feeling, of being more alive, than any other season of the year



19:59 Oct 14 2017

:) I can't wait for spring/summer again. Not a big winter person. Sounds so beautiful :)

19:03 Oct 15 2017

Summer is my favorite time of year also i hate winter, it sucks.


"On The Eve of All Hallows"

21:47 Aug 28 2017
Times Read: 569

The eve of all Hallows, Halloween my favorite night of the year, has such a mystery surrounding it, that still has a spell on me, ever since my early childhood i wondered of it's origins, where it came from, what started the celebration we now know, as Halloween.
I remember going out that night, to trick or treat when i was a young boy, getting tons of treats or what i thought were a ton of treats. The night itself was a mystery to me filled with the presence, that i was able to sense even then as a young boy.
There was raw power within Halloween and what it stood for to the kids of my time when i was young. To some it's not celebrated as joyfully, as it once was because of fear that has the country in it's grip. Those that do celebrate Halloween, the others aren't willing to accept, or open to accept the traditions of trick or treat and Halloween as a whole they rail against the holiday, being connected to the devil and Satan.
To me it's a celebration of the end, of the harvest and to honor those that are gone from this world and to allow them passage, to come back, to cross over back into the world of the living once again, to commune with us the living on that night, when we wear masks, and costumes that depict the days of darkness , before winter comes to claim the world again, making the days short, and nights long and cold.
Blessed be to those that believe, that always will believe in Halloween and the spirit of the night, and those that still wander from long forgotten graves, of old cemeteries, that sit forgotten left to time and the elements. Those that are forgotten, still wander the world as ghosts.




"My Misty Memories of Love"

22:14 Aug 07 2017
Times Read: 827

I see memories that still inhabit my mind from a time when i was young, and in love, the music made it more special to be in love, the strains of a certain melody, still course through my mind, calling back to me, these memories when i was a boy in love, with a certain girl that had magic in her eyes when i looked deep into them, that made my young heart skip a beat.
I loved so deeply then, but that love was fleeting, and came to a sad end, leaving me in tears for a time i thought would last an eternity. All i could see was her face and those magical eyes, that made my heart come alive, and then i was left, in tears, with only the memory, of her kiss on my lips, and the taste of her lips drifting through my soul, leaving me to walk alone like a zombie under the spell of a witch, sad all the time, without her to hold in the dark.
My dreams were always of her, even in sleep, and in the light of day the reality that i would never see her again, stabbed me in the heart, like a wooden stake. For the short time, she was my world, and i was happy, and in love so deep.
Years have passed and she is still a part of my misty memories, lost in time with no way for me to get back to her, because those years have passed, and many of the memories are now lost in the mists of time itself, that i can barely see them as clearly as i used to, yet they are still there deep in my heart
I was a child then, still with some innocence in me, but i was partially a man as well, and learning the harsh lesson of how love is there and soon gone before i blink an eye. When she was there in my life, she was my light, i soared high with her in my heart, and then she was gone and i lost my heart, my emotions frozen in me.
I could no longer see, hear, or even speak in the right way, and i lived as though trapped within a mirror, of my own making, i was in pain all the time, and thought i would never see that flame of love again. That is my misty memory of love, that is now in a past i can never go back to.



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