this is a weird dream i had last night
my ex, lothrin asked me, through msn, if i knew of any doners and i said why not do what you and martin used to do, steal from blood banks?(they seriously do)
and he said good idea, come along with me, and i agreed.
as we were walking down the main road of a lil village there were many people and we were petending to have injurys so we could to go the docter, i was worried that he wouldnt belive me because i wasnt bleading
when we arived at the docters, we went in to the waiting room which was like a lounge, and he told me to kiss him beccause he was getting me blood, i didn't want ot beuase i was with my boyfriend not him but i did beuase i wanted the blood
then we went in, he disracted the docter and i went to the fridge in which was frozen blood in a tuper ware box, i took it and we ran out, i had put the box in my bag.
then we got on a boat, it was like a log with a wooden punting pole. he said we had to use the boat because the ring tones on moblies woke up the fish and the would eat us. so we went along the river to a jetty where there were other boats, when we got off, there were many other vampires, who all knew lothrin. they played a weird game like tig. and then we all went down a hole into some caves.
then it cut to a urban neibor hood, where i opend my bad to find my blood melted and leaking all over my band, i drank what was in the box then my bag.
we then went into a ladys kitcen and one held he while we stole alot of frozen blood from her frigde/freazer.
then we went out side and drank it all like blood lollys.
then i woke up.