xRosex's Journal

xRosex's Journal


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19 entries this month

23:19 Mar 31 2014
Times Read: 430

The most rewarding part of my job is saving someone's life. Not the first time and it won't be the last.




04:21 Mar 29 2014
Times Read: 443

I'm so grateful for anything I get these days. Someone at a breakfast program gave me a brand new hoodie. It looks so cute on me. Its a little big but I can't complain, I love it. :)

Most of my clothes don't fit me anymore but I'm not about to get rid of it since my other family members could make use of it.

I wish I could thank people again and again for new clothes and the food in my belly each day. You don't know how much it can mean to someone.



01:11 Apr 01 2014

I know what you mean. My friend Linda's cousin Kay is a clotheshorse, and she gave her a bunch of stuff. Linda passed a lot of it to me. I actually have stuff to wear now! Yay! My other stuff was really worn and a lot of it had holes. It really made me feel good to know she thought of me.


18:01 Mar 28 2014
Times Read: 449

It struck me the other day that I haven't been sick like I used to in so long. Nor have I taken any sort of pain medication in a little over a year.

My vegetarian boyfriend tells me it's because of vegetarianism. Almost makes me wish I had become one sooner. :P

I made such a good lunch today. Posted it on Facebook, it both tastes and looks authentic. Wish he had been here to try it. He couldn't make it this week, something came up. Its okay cause we have all the time in the world and I'm totally kidnapping him this summer for all the fun events NYC has to offer. :)

Going to parent teachers was fun still. I got a ton of compliments on how good I look. But then again, I always looked fucking good. ;)



03:32 Mar 30 2014

I get a lot less sick since eating clean. I still eat meat but not nearly as much as I used to, mainly because of smaller portion sizes, but yeah. I feel so much better than I used to, I used to feel like crap all the time.


02:22 Mar 26 2014
Times Read: 460

R-Jesus, autocorrect almost made me type something horrible xD


R-Yup xD I've actually never kicked a guy in the balls.

S-ughghghgh it is so painful

happened when i was younger, playground, don't even remember who did it all i know is it was awful lol

R-I don't want to imagine. xP


it's like having to take the worst shit ever, plus this intense pain that would make even the most hardcore atheist beg for mercy LOL

R-Constipated or diarrhea? I'm so fucked up I had to ask what the worst shit ever was lol.


not sure but it feels like a combination of the both lol

R-Oh god, lol. That is bad. xD



diarrhea, the vomit of assholes.


where do we get this stuff lol

R-I'm trying so hard not to burst out laughing, lol.




23:17 Mar 25 2014
Times Read: 464

My sister is going to parent teacher conferences this Thursday. I'm tagging along with my boyfriend. Hehe. What? I just want silly pictures. >.>




01:03 Mar 25 2014
Times Read: 481

When you're a workaholic, sometimes you miss out on family. I might have forgotten to mention that I now own my own smart phone. I actually have a personal number now. Its a bigger bill but now that my work schedule is changed, I have even less time with family. :/ So, I say, it was worth it.

I can call any of my friends easily, on the flip side. :) The other day I talked to Chase from here. It was cool.

I was worried about Passover. You see, as a non religious Jew, I didn't grow up experiencing the closeness of the holiday and the big meal. Not until a few years ago at Shul. Fortunately - I think I'll ask for only part time work during a few days. So at least I'll enjoy the night. I miss everyone. I really do. But I'm the support. I do what I gotta do. Make them proud. :)



10:01 Mar 25 2014

Passover will understand, the story even includes you :-p


16:29 Mar 24 2014
Times Read: 501

Lunch- Fried tofu with a little peanut butter drizzled on. With green pepper and kale. And for dessert, an apple covered in peanut butter. Mmmm! Drinking Russian tea that he got me. It's so good. Czar Nicholas it says on the label.



19:34 Mar 24 2014

All except for the kale sounds good.

20:04 Mar 24 2014

I love kale! :P

01:15 Apr 01 2014

Kale is good in soup!



21:12 Mar 23 2014
Times Read: 512

When you wake up all ouchie and you think, "what was I doing yesterday? Oooooh that's right. >.> "




21:07 Mar 23 2014
Times Read: 514

I easily spent about 60 bucks at Trader Joe's. Shopping list consisted of 3 buck chuck, pistachio chocolate covered toffee, ginger chews, dark chocolate covered cherries, seven packages of sweet corn tamales, tofurkey smoked deli slices, pulled beef, mini burger rolls for it, 2 carrot juices, frozen kale, peanut butter cups, chocolate covered almonds and two cartons of almond milk.

Not everything was for me but mmmmm! I love TJ's!



22:45 Mar 23 2014

I wish we had a Trader Joe's that was closer. There's one near my brother's house in Mt Pleasant (about 30-40 minutes away) and that's just too far for me to go for groceries, when the grocery store I go to is literally less than 5 minutes away. I'd probably get a lot of prepackaged stuff from there anyway, which I try to stay away from(I eat the hell out of it) so maybe that's better! haha

19:36 Mar 24 2014

I miss having a TJs around, there are hardly any health food stores or whole food stores around down here.

16:03 Mar 25 2014

I can't wait for my next trip! But that is 2 weeks away :( lol I plan on stocking up on their bags of kale when I'm there... YUM!


13:10 Mar 23 2014
Times Read: 526

It's a huge step and I'll jump into it, full on. I'm a confident woman who knows what she wants. ;)




09:41 Mar 20 2014
Times Read: 538

Some people my age are naive. I'm just naive as to how sick in the head I am. >:)



13:21 Mar 23 2014

Some say I suffer mental illness, sometimes I enjoy it. A different angle is always welcomed.


17:19 Mar 17 2014
Times Read: 550

The other day at Trader Joe's, the person waiting on me had this awesome accent. I asked where she was from and she said England. Then a co worker of hers was making fun by asking her to say things. She refused.

I felt bad for even asking where the accent was from after seeing that, lol. I apologized and told her I didn't mean it in a bad way, I just really enjoy different cultures. She said it was fine and they were just taking the piss. Hah.

Asked if she knew of the London Candy Company and what to suggest buying there. She knew of it, explaining that everything is very over priced there. Lol. Then I went on about how earlier that day I took my bf on a cannoli tour and ended up finding a Chinese shop that sold very cheap foods, like tofu for a buck. And that the other day I was looking for vegemite. The manager who over heard the conversation, told me whole foods carried it and marmite. I was so happy to hear this, though I've never shopped at whole foods before.

I walked a block, went into whole foods only to find that they carry marmite and not vegemite. It was a dollar less and not what I wanted. I left. I'd rather get the real deal from a store I googled. :P No offense to you Brits! I just wanna try vegemite more! :P

As for Purim- We went to a few parties and I was so stuffed. Too many cookies!!! I'm surprised my stomach didn't explode. XD



17:42 Mar 17 2014

Yea I wanna try Vegemite.. but I don't know what marmit is.


Gut Yontif!

13:52 Mar 16 2014
Times Read: 558

I probably don't say this often enough because no matter how much of a non religious person I am, Judaism somehow pulls me in and embraces me- I love being a Jew!

It literally looks like Halloween outside and its just as fun. :D




03:23 Mar 15 2014
Times Read: 572

My birthday isn't till July but I've decided that this year I want a tea party. :3 With Mr.Ragamuffin.




02:13 Mar 15 2014
Times Read: 581

I wrote an entry on here but vr kicked me off cause of this phone. Too lazy to re write. Basically it had to do with work and a changed schedule. Yadda, yadda, yadda, my weekend is not gonna go as planned.

Boy they must love me for asking me to do so much, I had to deny the weekend request cause I already had plans. Last Sunday of freedom. Heh.




01:46 Mar 14 2014
Times Read: 591

I can't wait for Jewish Halloween! I mean, Purim. ;P I might dress up. I'm inviting him to partake in the festivities. :)

Going to shul Saturday night and 3 other parties on Sunday, I think. I don't know if he wants to do anything for St. Patrick's Day but I'll be at work.

Also, I wanted to thank him for having me in mind when there were reports of that gas leak explosion in NYC. I was no where near there. And I also wanted to thank my friend, SupremeMaster for asking how I was too. You two were they only two to ask.



07:39 Mar 14 2014

Have a great weekend and not to much of the hamantaschen ;-)


02:49 Mar 12 2014
Times Read: 606

What I've noticed is that on the internet, anything I say will be held against me.




03:21 Mar 12 2014



23:49 Mar 09 2014
Times Read: 618

Talking to a few of my Australian friends on here made me realize that I don't need anyone really to try new things. I live in the best city! I googled it and found a restaurant that sells meat pies and sodas and one pastry. Then I was on a quest to find vegemite. A store in Chinatown has it and other various candies from around the world.

Although I'm in no rush to go to these places, I can't wait to!




05:17 Mar 02 2014
Times Read: 641

Today was wonderful. I spent the day with my family and boyfriend. We shopped around, ate and took silly pictures. I'm grateful for everything. ♥

I'm really sleepy. Its past midnight and I blame the dark chocolate expresso beans I ate. God those are good. I asked Trader Joe's if they happen to sell Vegemite. They laughed at me. T.T lol. No.

And my god, I know people must get sick of mushy entries but he takes my breath away and in the same breath, is that of fresh air. Makes my heart race and my face flush. Yes, I'm in a braggy, brag mood. I want to tell the world how much I love him!



09:47 Mar 02 2014


02:24 Mar 11 2014

I think it's sweet, brag away woman!

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