November the 20th will always be a bad day for me, as I said in my last journal entry I had to distance myself from a person who was never part of my life,and yes I have deep feelings for this person and the hardest thing I ever had to do was tell this person to go to hell and move on with my life, well today is that persons birthday and I have never missed telling this person happy birthday,but today no matter how much it hurt i had to say no. It hurts more than words can say, but I have to live with it.
Well,I deleted my other journal entries because I wrote about someone who never was and will never be in my life, so I'm distancing myself from the whole ordeal because it will only bring me pain and sadness along with regret. I'm 27 years old and this month on the 25th I'll be 28 years old ,and in all my 27 years of living I've learn to always watch your back,be cautious of who you lov or trust, never take life forgranted,never look for your own happiness in others, and take every day one step at a time. I've lived,laughed,and cried,I've been high and I've been low,and along the way i smoke some great weed, snorted a line or two of cocaine,drank more alcohol than required for human commsupion,met alot of cool and wonderful people,and love with all i had to give. I don't know where this road will take me next but I'm as game as ever.