Angelus's Journal

Angelus's Journal


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43 entries this month

Evil Aliens

23:36 Jan 31 2009
Times Read: 942

Then this Saturday, I watched ‘Evil Aliens’ by Jake West. In fact, written, directed and I think produced by him.

With Emily Booth and a guest appearance by Norman Lovett (of Red Dwarf fame) it was unbelievably funny film, to provide more than adequate distraction, for one and a half hours and a few laughs, as well as a brief homage to the film that begat Jake West’s cult status, ‘Razor Blade Smile’.


Evil Aliens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

10 Mar 2006 ... Evil Aliens (2006), is a British "splatstick" horror-comedy film directed by Jake West, in the tradition of films such as Braindead, House, ...

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evil_Aliens - 32k –


I’d watched ‘Razor Blade Smile’ his first major feature and just loved his take on a vampire assassin, as played by Eileen Daly, so was looking forward to ‘Evil Aliens’. I hadn’t been disappointed.




Spinal Tap and Munsch

23:19 Jan 31 2009
Times Read: 945

Panic had set in, but one has to remain calm, for one's parents. true?I am watching a lot of good films: and walking in some damn cold weather, while he has brain scans and lumber puctures...

Aye, real 'Spinal Tap’… Ian’s partner phoned whilst I was writing. It seems Ian went for a lumber puncture. When she saw him, he’d just walked back on the ward, ashen faced, with the effort, after the operation. They mightn’t have sussed out what’s wrong with him, but I have: he’s nuts. Damn well should have stayed on the gurney! Silly sod.

And me? Well I am, just am screaming quietly.


Call me Munsch. E. Munsch esq.



14:39 Feb 01 2009

Hopefully they will fast track the results and know what's going on very soon *hugs*.

17:18 Feb 01 2009

*snorts, giggles* I do hope he feels better soon tho.



23:11 Jan 31 2009
Times Read: 946

The other night I watched ‘Doomsday’, one of the Best British movies for quite a while. A kind of cross between Mad Max, Transporter and King Arthur, whilst being completely original, in it’s own way.

There was a stadium sequence, with fire, that had my heart jump and, rarely does that happen.

‘Doomsday is a 2008 British science fiction action film written and directed by Neil Marshall.’ Rhona Mitra is superb in in, as the lead protagonist Malcolm MacDowell is just what you expect: and adequate support was provided by Sean Pertwee (of Dog Soldiers.) It mightn’t have done too well with some critics. Me? I thought it well worth seeing and excellent distraction.




..a kindness appreciated.

14:53 Jan 31 2009
Times Read: 952

I am better than yesterday. my brothers in hospital and i know not why. weils disease? soil contamination?? allergy?? as I say, VERY ill. I'm emotional and it has taken its toll on me.

Yesterday I was like Mae West, dependant on the kindness of others... in this case Moonkissed. She listened, as did Sinora and Vamfan36, as people rarely do. And, as I have to be sensible, for my Mother, it was a kindness I really appreciated.



21:58 Jan 31 2009

Please Open Wide...

Encased in memories, sweet freedom lays,

unable to savor freshness of air

and denied walks except down death's own row.

With her face bleeds behind fluttering lids,

the life I took now holds me in terror

and breath is something I will soon release.

Cold bars actually feel good in my hands;

their sensations reminding of winter

and offering glimmers of summer's breeze.

The warden has beckoned as he must do.

It's time to repent and say my farewells...

15:19 Feb 02 2009

Bob Hoskins Pictures, Images and Photos

It's Good to Talk!


..what else could a scribbler ask for!?!

19:03 Jan 30 2009
Times Read: 963

Aw, I just read the comments left for me on ‘Memories of Love and Lust – Part One’.. like wow, what else could a scribbler ask for!?!


I smiled. Perhaps that and my growling pit are a reason to shut down?

Moonkissed, Sinora and Vamfan36 have been cool, well cool and, listened.


Nice people..



19:11 Jan 30 2009

you are aces in my book Angelus!

i was happy to talk with you, as always.


19:13 Jan 30 2009

Will you please stop messing with my reputation...I am not nice...I'm a mad ole lady who hears voices lol


distraction needed ...

18:01 Jan 30 2009
Times Read: 964

Just occasionally, it’s a real bugger being sensible. Just I’d been finishing putting to disc what I could, with the disc’s I had, the phone rang: it was Lesley, my brother’s partner. He’s in hospital and it transpires he’s been there since Sunday.

Both of them wanted my Mother to know, but were wary of doing so; so it was me who ended up doing what they found awkward doing so.

As it was, it was probably a good idea.

It started with flu-like symptoms, so NHS direct said take some Paracetamol and go home, which he had. Then feeling better, he went back to work.

Just a day later, he was back in.

Although he’s had a battery of test, they still haven’t ascertained why he has a high-temperature and swelling of his face.

He seems to think it has something to do with the contamination in the soil on the site for the new Olympic stadium, whereas I’m hoping it’s a return from his allergies.

As we’d been on the phone, he had rung on her mobile: he’d just been on the way down, for a brain-scan.

Needless to say, after doing some writing, I went a long walk, on a grey day chilly afternoon, as I sorely needed distraction. I still do.




ain’t it just??

17:25 Jan 30 2009
Times Read: 966

Friday, I got to my room at about 1:30, after VR and making a coffee for the morning.

In the kitchen, I’d picked up the book I’d found on Bromborough station, as I’d been coming home from Liverpool and smiled.

On VR, someone got a tired tetchy me irked when they’d said the fella used them, (like other boys) and I’d rattled on briefly, about cheatin fiancée: which brings me back to the title of the book, ‘Gone For Good’ and the tag-line at the top reads, ‘Betrayal is the oldest crime.’

Yep, ain’t it just.




a hoot..

00:55 Jan 30 2009
Times Read: 977

This Friday as I sit down to write, I have chilled fingers: we were two volunteers down and thankfully not too many at the door.

As it was, it had to have been one of the chilliest days', or nights, of the year.

When we went out to clean-up, it was evident that one of the lads had beaten us to it.. I think it was the fella I gave one of my last smokes to.

How am I?? Thankful my fingers arn't too bad.. though if one more person reminds me that worst case scenario with Raynards is amputation, I'll scream.

(Ha! I have re-read yesterday's. It was a hoot.. I was a tad stoned, on very little weed.. no tolerance anymore.)



08:17 Jan 30 2009

*shakes hear*....lol


nah, dirty is good ;)

00:09 Jan 29 2009
Times Read: 986

.. mebbe she was dirty: but a) I was a slut and b) she was one of the best I've ever known, well.. there is the story of the care assistant and the receptionist, in Blackpool, I'd forgotten, till now.




i posted a reply

00:05 Jan 29 2009
Times Read: 987

i posted a reply

On 23:52:37 Jan 28 2009 (-0 GMT) Angelus wrote:

my Venuesuelan ex and I broke a bed, Father wasn't best pleased. (She was into Tantra.. )

On 23:51:09 Jan 28 2009 (-0 GMT) ************ wrote:


you crack me up


i caught my eye and all of sudden i was hooked

i feel "dirty"...nah, i don't ;)




cann I have it back?? (pretty puh-lease??)

00:02 Jan 29 2009
Times Read: 989

"Life is, as is. At my most down, after an ex ended up with my best-friend, I had a choice, kill myself, or get drunk.. as I got drunk, this fellow showed me new ways to die.. and at the end of the afternoon and fifteen pints, did not want to die. I wanted many things, but I did not want to dies.

I learnt to play Pool, drink, sell pot and Live.

But, the police arrested me, beat me up, backwards over a pool table and to Her Majesties custody I went. There were five attempts on my Life, and I got shipped a out to Haverigg, an open prison: a kinda Butlins with razor-wire. It was too bad and I worked for parole, though Life wasn't too easy for an ex-policeman inside; hence the attempts on my Life.

Where was I Bella? Ah, Life is, as is."

On 23:47:10 Jan 28 2009 (-0 GMT) Angelus wrote:

I seriously want that back, puh-lease. it was written fast. yes, it's true. so is the spiderman story.

On 23:45:51 Jan 28 2009 (-0 GMT) ************** wrote:


Ex policeman?

Is that fiction?

On 23:43:47 Jan 28 2009 (-0 GMT) Angelus wrote:

that was one of my best pieces of writing, cann I have it back?? (pretty puh-lease??)





23:54 Jan 28 2009
Times Read: 993


you crack me up


i caught my eye and all of sudden i was hooked

i feel "dirty"...nah, i don't ;)

On 23:46:15 Jan 28 2009 (-0 GMT) Angelus wrote:

surprised more haven't read that. I like it myself.

On 23:44:24 Jan 28 2009 (-0 GMT) ************ wrote:

I started reading

but then got distracted by this:

Memories of Love and Lust – Part Two

17:10:19 - Jan 21 2009

Times Read: 14



00:01 Jan 29 2009

She is dirty ;)


After Doomsday ..

23:48 Jan 28 2009
Times Read: 995

After Doomsday, I went to lock the lock on the gate, which wouldn’t. So, recalling the key on my set, I remembered, right, the one fit both, so I swapped over the garage lock, with that of the gate; so that was secure.

“Mum, can I have a chocolate?” I’d asked as I went to boot-uo, which she allowed.

And, boy-though she has filed the box with mis-shapes, they’re Thornton misshapes; and, if ever a piece of heaven were wrapped up in chocolate, I had it this night. OH My God, it was gorgeous: a ‘sorta honey and caramel, in a casing of milk chocolate, with a flat base of same. Oh-My-Gogg! **Mouthfull**

And, they’re talking of this lasting till 2030,” says me Dad.

“I’ll be seventy,” I’d responded, aloud.

Then walking through the living-room, I stopped, spellbound, as Jeremy Paxman asked a fellow on a TV monitor, a white-man, with slight-jowls and a centre-part; whether he has some greedy bankers in his country. And, the fellow he speaks to acknowledges this, whilst saying, that they’re not the only ones: and, I’m enthralled to see such an admission on TV, so I asked my Father who he was after hearing the term President used. He was from Iceland. But, shit, he seemed so amenable. Serious scary shit, that is.




so.. you'd go after angel?

23:34 Jan 28 2009
Times Read: 998

so.. you'd go after angel? she asked.

I claim the fifth, I responded. Then again, my ex was venesuelan and she was the best ****. Though the girl in one of the latest stories was my true Love AND the best. then again, she was androgynous.




.. the One??

13:27 Jan 28 2009
Times Read: 1,005

As someone who encountered two cheating fiancée, after ten years, I still want to find 'that someone.'

I'be known happiness, just not faithfulness.

It’s bitchin. But, it doesn't stop me wishin.

Geez, it worked for my folks.. perhaps, coz they put effort into it, as few do now.



13:59 Jan 30 2009

you hit the nail on the head that so many out there do not put out the effort required.

things can't always be the sweet part of the roses. those things have thorns too!


..coffee required.

12:39 Jan 28 2009
Times Read: 1,009

First thing in the morning was a coffe & check the mail. There was a letter from a nice lady in GA (GA??) amd another from my pension fund, getting to see how the credit crunch has affected a pension. BOOOOO!



13:57 Jan 30 2009

GA? could be Georgia. that is the abbreviation here in the states.

i am sorry your pension got messed up.


how can I hate twilight!?!? I was asked.

01:13 Jan 27 2009
Times Read: 1,015

well, hate is a strong word: so.. I dislike people telling me how great it is, when Poppy Z, Brite writes the genre better.. and I abhore the way the book and film play with a mythos I find fascinating.

Also, I think it dumbs down the genre, like the BBC have done with Robin Hood and Merlin.



15:27 Jan 27 2009

The main reason I like it is because of her writing style and the fact that she had never watch or read anything that was about vampires in her life. It all was written base off of a dream she had one night.


.. head in a whirl.

01:04 Jan 27 2009
Times Read: 1,017

I’ve spent much of the weekend with my head in a whirl. Although I’d an interview to think of with St: Michael’s church, for a support worker with the over ‘50s. It is on the other side of Liverpool, Garston. Though I got used to travelling to Wavertree, which is a comparable distance, when I was working with the NHS, the hours of this job are not good enough, at well less than thirty hours, which is what I feel I need at the very least: and, the way I figure it, once I pay my transport costs and my Mothers housekeeping, I’d have very little money left out of my wages. And, though it was a difficult decision to make, that’s really down to poor aforethought on my behalf. If I’d worked out the hours and the rate of pay earlier, I’d not have had half the mind whirl that I’ve had. That said, better late that not at all. Even so, it was a hard decision to make, in this current economic climate. And, at least I hadn’t either my time, or theirs.




"i kinda like bald wombat!!"

02:15 Jan 26 2009
Times Read: 1,023

A wombat is a pronoun, with four or five definitions, miscreant, individual and hippy. I just cross it with a small hairy marsupial, and then shave it.


(I then call someone a wombat and grin.)



21:59 Jan 26 2009

0.o I.....you.......it........I look like a small shaved marsupial????? Wait...........I do look like a small, shaved marsupial. Damnit! ;)

........You're the wombat........*hides* ;)



02:48 Jan 25 2009
Times Read: 1,038

I got talking with someone on VR about loss. Tell someone my age about loss. I'm surrounded by it: women I've known and cared for; the death of tv and cinema stars I've grown with; and the death of friends and relatives.

I am not suggesting for a second that we don't all have to face it, no matter the age of the person. But, as you get older, you face it more and more.

Yet, if you can accept the loss, the pain associated with it will dissipate.

It’s taken awhile, but it’s a truism, for me: and, I never thought I would be able to say something like that, not ever.



11:04 Jan 25 2009

I wish to become like that then, because more time passes more I am getting sensitive about losses.

16:21 Jan 25 2009

most times i am able to simply see death as a part of life; like eating, sex, etc. until it is someone that i know personally and for a long period of time i really can't feel much about it. if it affects a close friend or family member than i can feel their grief and loss, i can identify and empathize but i can't grieve myself.


.. might be right.

00:29 Jan 24 2009
Times Read: 1,053

After leaving VR Friday night, I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. I’d been chatting to a few people there, the sort of intense conversations I like and stuff got brought up, some downright puzzling and a tad upsetting; and some stuff that I generally don’t talk of, hence the ‘new’ story up. I also talked with someone who tickled my funny-bone, goodstyle. I also thought on, ‘what if the date of the interview is tomorrow?’ I was truly knackered. So wide-awake again, I went to the kitchen, to make my Earl Grey for the morning and listen to radio 5’s world news, almost all of which focussed on Barack Obama. And after just a few day’s, it seems he’ll salve the worlds ills. Uh huh.

And, as I’m reading ‘Kingdom Of Fear’ still and just read of Neil Bush, I’m regarding all I hear and read, with new eyes. Grant you, the President Obama seems to mean well, but to say “America is ready to lead’ intimates he underestimates world feeling toward the country, through the words and deeds of the countries former President.

But, I’ll keep an open mind, while listening with amusement, to our politicians trying to get his name in, with every second sentence, while dear Old Castro, has his first piece out in five weeks, in which he speaks well of him, then berates the capitalist system. And, looking around, at the mess that’s been made by a few individuals and a lot of damnable bankers, I would suggest that the aged fellow just might be right.



04:14 Jan 24 2009

i wish Obama luck, He's gonna need it.

Castro is still alive? oh thank goodness, i do love that man.


... ‘a Godsend’??

00:02 Jan 23 2009
Times Read: 1,068

Going up that hill toward the church, my left knee protested. I’m either blaming the cold, arthritis, or raynards, or all three; or maybe I’ll just blame Anne, for leading me a wild-goose chase all over Liverpool, as we had followed a map. And that said, those bastards never sent me an application form as they said they would, after all that.

The pity was, waiting outside the church I was freezing and musician came out: and had not let me in, saying ‘they trusted me with the key’s.’

And, Roger was an old curmudgeon, again: I think he’d rather have Nadia and Anne, instead of me, simple as that. Yet, that said, towards the end of the night, when one young fellow was about to depart, he turned to me sand said, “You’re a Godsend.”

The other’s maybe: but me ‘a Godsend’??

That’d been interesting, as was a couple of the professionals, from The Whitechapel, turning up to tell the lad’s there’s not be a church to sleep in that night, which considering how cold it had been, was a tad galling. Needless to say, they had said the inevitable, ‘the decision is not ours, it’s just the rules.’

Well, that’d about said it all really.

Come the end of ‘the night’, as Anne and I walked to the station, she asked me, “Has anyone ever left [the project] because of Roger?”

It’d been a damn good question to ask, to which the answer would be, ‘not yet.’


I opened my email when I got in, to find I may have an interview, for a job with the over 50’s, in Garston, Liverpool.



04:16 Jan 24 2009

an interview? possibly? wonderful!

14:24 Jan 24 2009

Course, God also sent plagues and the angel of death....so they say...he he.


Had to update ...

13:09 Jan 22 2009
Times Read: 1,075

Had to update AVG, on the tower: then applied for a job.

Even if I never hear from them again, after applying, I have got to keep on trying, though it gets hard sometimes.

More will soon know how horrible unemployment is, soon. I'd rather they didn't.

That said, it’s my voluntary work day, today.. it's Sunny.



17:26 Jan 22 2009

i agree about the unemployment.

just a tip, call them in a day or two to see if they have reviewed your application. it shows that you want to work.


"When one..."

23:54 Jan 21 2009
Times Read: 1,082

When one has too much time to think and is missing jobclub and finding unemployment irritating, distraction is called for. Writing helps, hence the latest memories put to prose: and, sometimes, the occasionally very silly film works wonders. To this end, I’d say, “Disengage brain & watch ‘Disaster Movie’, as it certainly provides distraction and, the occasional laugh and many a begrudged smile.”


Darn, just realised, I slipped into third person, again.



18:53 Jan 22 2009

I think it's okay as long as you don't give the third person a different name dear....*grins*.


‘work’ ??

00:59 Jan 20 2009
Times Read: 1,093

Spent most of the morning missing jobclub: even getting upearly, for jobclub.

As it was, I was soon put to ‘work’, dusting those high-up corners the folks can’t reach. So, I have my uses.


Little Mothers birthday tomorrow and seeing her get so wheezy that she needed steroids, freaked me. Though needless to say, one has to stay calm.

Thankfully, my Father was there to see to thing’s, this time.

As it was, while I re-wrote, Part 2 of a story, to get the feel right, little Mother had a good evening, watching her soaps.




"Take Hart"

00:11 Jan 19 2009
Times Read: 1,102

Artist and children's TV presenter Tony Hart died in the early hours of this morning. He was 83.

Born in Maidstone, Kent, in 1925, Hart became interested in drawing from an early age.

After leaving school in 1944, Hart signed up with the Indian Army and became an officer in

Hart's television career began in 1952 after a chance meeting with a BBC producer, during which he displayed his art skills with a paper napkin.

His first TV role was as the resident artist on Saturday Special, before going on to appear on Playbox, Titch and Crackers and Vision On.

In 1963, Hart created the first Blue Peter badge for the children's TV show, several years after the programme first started.

In 1970, Hart found a popular co-star in the form of plasticine character Morph, who appeared in segments on the artist's TV shows Take Hart and Hartbeat.

During his long career, Hart appeared on numerous TV shows, including Hartbeat, Saturday Special and Smart Hart.

Hart was noted for encouraging art in schools and children across the country sent in their artwork to his TV shows in the hope of being displayed in 'The Gallery'.



09:00 Jan 19 2009

I loved his shows, such a clever man.


.. my treat in the player

23:51 Jan 18 2009
Times Read: 1,105

Toddled off to Karl’s, where I learnt that ‘Casino Royal,’ the first of Daniel Craig’s outings, looks most imoressive on a wall hanging wide-screen TV.. and, I’d not seen it before. I was well impressed. Then when I got home, I threw my treat into the player, episode eleven of BSG Aw wow, that show is superb, easily surpassing any idea’s from the eighties ‘version’ of the show!




.. a good long, warm bath.

01:57 Jan 18 2009
Times Read: 1,112

Pleased to get the jobclub extension, so I could get my Food Safety exam under my belt, I had meant to be on time. Trouble was things had got it in my way somewhat.

First off, ;ittle Mother had gone shopping with Dad and I’d stood and watched and smile: and missed one train. Then toddling off to the station, I realised my head was cold. Of course, there had been a reason for that, I’d forgotten my hat. So I’d gone home for my black leather cap. Then finally ready to my taste, I’d left home again.

Needless to say, the train had been on time and I’d been late for class. And, there was at least a consolation, as I entered Sencia, I went to where I saw the class to my left and opened the door after a knock, I asked, “Can I join in, I know I’m late” and he’d said ‘alright.’ That’d been a blessing indeed. Once I was home and trying to rest awhile, after an exam, I kept having ideas for a story, that relates to a time of my past I want to recall. So’s when a friend called to see if I wanted company, I stayed doing what I was doing, it just had to be done. Then come Saturday my little Mother went out to eat at ‘The Thatch’ as is the routine she likes, then went to visit her Aunt. Well, while they did that, I returned to my writing after a bath, a good long, warm bath.



06:32 Jan 18 2009

Nothing better than a long one to clear your mind hm?


Transport News.

23:52 Jan 15 2009
Times Read: 1,123

Hassles from the transport aside, it was great to learn that although injured somewhat, the woman who feel l on the train tracks in Liverpool wasn't killed.



05:42 Jan 16 2009

oh good!


.. travelling.

15:52 Jan 15 2009
Times Read: 1,137

... the skies turning grey, but it's good to be useful, hence doing the voluntary work. But, I will be late, or should I say, diverted, someone was hit by a train; and the Liverpool underground is off..

I just feel sorry for 'that someone, whoever they were.




It was said to me that I see everything as part of a story.

14:50 Jan 15 2009
Times Read: 1,139

It was said to me that I see everything as part of a story.

I had responded, 'yes.'

Thinking on it: In so much as every moment of a Life, is a story that is a part of the life, I do.

That said, there are also those moment's that don't fit the story, but they're not always worth recalling. I wrote of the moments I want to recall, hence the piece I'm writing now.




... seeking out the pit, again.

14:22 Jan 15 2009
Times Read: 1,141

Little Mother was up and wide-awake early Wednesday morning and needless say, had wondered where she was. The meds had worked and she felt fine, not great but fine. Needless to say, I’d spent most of the night listening out for her, so was very tired for my last day of jobclub. Although, saying it was my last day: they have given me a three day extension, so I can do a Food Tech course on Friday, which was good of them. (I did Health & Safety on Monday.) And, once I was home, she was ‘reminding me’ of little jobs that needed doing – so, the supervisor is back! But, the lack of sleep caught up with me: and, I spent most of the evening either dozing, or asleep. My only consolation was I got to see the last Stargate Atlantis. That’d definitely been worth seeing, before a little writing and seeking out the pit, again.




Warrick Brown

00:06 Jan 14 2009
Times Read: 1,154


Warrick Brown

1971 – 2008

“…if I could have chosen a father, it would have been him”

Quote: Warrick Brown, talking of Grissom.

I had waited ages to see Episode One of Series Nine of C.S.I

In turns heart-wrenching and exciting, it had been well worth the wait.



14:49 Jan 14 2009

I'm still in denial. Grissom leaving? Warrick dying???? c'mon guys......way to bum me out on a Tuesday night. I was happy CSI was back. By the end of it I was a gibbering wreck.

05:52 Jan 16 2009

i really liked that character too. hmmm

of course what comes to mind is completely wrong of me to say but...no i will keep the mouth shut on this one.


“The Doctor expects you.”

15:49 Jan 13 2009
Times Read: 1,158

My Father got back from his dental appointment Tuesday afternoon, to have me tell him, “The Doctor expects you.”

I’d already opened the gate and the garage door, having phoned the doctor’s, having already made a good attempt at trying to calm her down, to ease her breathing.

As it was, she sounded real bad: all I can do at present, is blame the new pain-killers she has been placed on, for a fracture in her spine, that’s got worse.

Then once they were both gone, there was me, anxiously awaiting my Mother's return home, after being rushed to the doctors, to access a nebulizer.



16:05 Jan 15 2009

It does my heart good to see you so devoted, I can't tell you how many people I take care of who have no one. You are a light in the universe I will keep you in my heart try to bounce any good karma I have your way, If you need to talk, I will always listen.


A propensity, toward black

23:54 Jan 12 2009
Times Read: 1,161

Come Monday morning and the last week of jobclub and I was up early, for a Health and Safety course. As I closed the front gate and left the drive, a fellow called to from across the road and makes to come over to my side.

“No, I tell him, “I’m crossing.”

It’d been Steve, a fella I knew well when I was sixteen or so: a time of Kate Bush and Farrah Fawcett Majors poster and models of James Hunt’s McLaren car; and Yes and Genesis; and his Grandmother’s meat loaf. He’d obviously been taking his kids to school and had that bight smile I so recall.

“So how are you? Where are you going?” He’d asked, all in a hurry.

“College. A course.” Nearly fifty and I’m doing a course…”

He had just nodded his head in understanding, before I’d said my goodbyes and carried on toward the station.

As I walked on the left side of Allport Road, going up an incline toward the station, I looked beneath the brim of my cap and noticed someone approach. It was a woman.

She was about 5, 5” with straight black hair, in a black trench-coat.

The woman was holding a black leash, attached to the collar of a black King Charles type Cavalier, panting Spaniel. And her heels on the pavement were black, on the black knee-length cavalier boot.

“A propensity, toward black,” I’d mused as I continued onward, to the station, just on the left.



05:56 Jan 16 2009

i like to wear black....it is slimming and looks good.


Star Trek: New Voyages

17:35 Jan 10 2009
Times Read: 1,170

“Space, the final frontier: These are the ongoing adventures of the USS Enterprise…” and, considering they were ‘made by a fan,’ they’re excellent.

The ongoing Adventures produced by ‘Cow Creek Films’, are what I’d like to think the new film could be.

Star Trek: New Voyages

‘In Harms Way’ – with cliché aplenty, that every fan of original Trek will pick up on, this follows on from the pilot show, with a return or the original Enterprise Captain and crew, Pike Number One and Boyce, in a timeline disrupted story, with special effects that the original show would have loved. All in all, the fans and produces of the show James Cawley, who plays Kirk, have lovingly put together a show that’s fun, whilst being faithful to the feel of that which I recall so well, from my boyhood.

‘Come What May’ – with a story that’s neatly dove-tailed into the Star Trek history and mythos, with characters updated to the adopted timeline, with references I could relate to, in a story that was original enough to be new, but had ‘that classic Trek’ feel to it, that held my attention, goodstyle.

Oh-boy, did I like the Romulan-Ale scene – and, the obligatory off-hand remarks, that betrayed the fact that it was made by fans, who understand the show, as they were do darned so spot-on, right down to Kirk getting the alien and more, so much more. And, I’ll admit to finding fun in the smirk on the former Yeoman Rand’s face, now a newly commissioned officer, as she had temporarily taken command in the Captain’s seat and an obscure reference to the episode this story took place prior to, ‘The Trouble With Tribbles’.

The 5-year mission continues …

* *

Although I can’t vouch that all these links still work, they are the ones I used, to watch a streamed story and download two more.

Available only at www.newvoyages.com

For media inquires email: pr@5yearmission.com

Visit us our offical Fan Club at www.IFTcommand.com

(International Federation of Trekkers)




... a grey-day Saturday

17:18 Jan 10 2009
Times Read: 1,171

A grey-day Saturday and having met a friend at the door and feeling the chill on my face, I decided that I’d be staying in. Well, after finding some Trek, that wasn’t a bad plan, not at all; especially considering it was unseen Trek, albeit a fan’s version.

And, a bath was had, on a cold day, with the small window open, “so the windows don’t steam up.” (So, I’m reminded again: ‘if you must bathe make it before 4:00’, so the condensation isn’t too bad.)

All in all, it’d been a very old-fashioned sorta Saturday, with many pleasant memories brought forth by those two faithfully made fan shows and the little world, this grey-day Saturday, the lap-top before; the folks watching the Saturday matinee, ‘Overboard’, the washing on the maiden.

And, I have to thank the Roman’s, for the idea of idea of central heating.

My fingers had gone numb, as I typed and boy-did they feel good held on the radiators for a short while!!




.. and feel intimidated??

00:37 Jan 10 2009
Times Read: 1,176

The end of the week saw me sitting cross-legged in the back-room typing, after watching ‘Hive’; reasonable sci-fi schlock, recounting the events of the week in my head, knowing full-well, it’s a full moon tonight. I mean, the weird has got strange, which in a fashion, became acceptable, which is wrong in itself. Aye, it’s been a strange week: end of job-club, ‘cept for a few useful courses, like H&S and Food Tech and First-Aid, then back to ‘normality.’ There was the walk with the volunteer Anne, with map, that took in much of South Liverppol, in search of the place I’d had to go, to find an application-form, to working in a nursing home, for the elderly. And a little-old dear greeting me & showed me into the the sister, an attractive blonde, sitting with the senior nurse, also an attractive blonde. And Anne reminded me, we had to go, to voluntary work. And we were well-late: and tired, with sore feet , and her limp had come back, I’d noted. And then, within minutes of arriving at the church, the volunteer coordinator asked me aside, to see if I had anything to say, while sitting down and staring me out, all macho-like. And taking, the nice blonde ‘scouse lady as back-up. And ‘no’, he got no apology. I go the volunteer, ‘to feed the homeless’, which I do quite well, not take grief and feel intimidated.



06:48 Jan 10 2009

Bully for you! i hate people who do that to me.



14:12 Jan 06 2009
Times Read: 1,185

I went to the dentist, dentist after job-club on Monday: teeth feel better.

I write an email into a Radio show, in reply to a fellow ranting on the radio about Israel saying: ’hatred does not come from Satan, anymore than goodness comes from God.

They are both attributes of man; we have Freewill.

* *

I had a good Christmas; saw the New Year in with my Mum, as I wanted. I’m content,

It puzzles me though. Keep feeling something bad will happen. stupid, I know.

I’m soon on the way this afternoon to sign on, on an icy, chilly sunny good to be alive day.



01:15 Jan 07 2009

Glad your teeth feel better... and I'm glad things seem to be going smoothly for ya. Don't question it, just enjoy it!


Who is the eleventh Doctor Who?? .. and Demons.

22:15 Jan 03 2009
Times Read: 1,197

On Friday I heard a piece at the end of the local news of Radio Merseyside announcing a Doctor Who Confidential Special, announcing who the eleventh Doctor will be in 2010.

Well, I rang up Peter and although he was interested, it was a case of, “ah, they’re not going to really say who it is…”

So come Saturday at 5:35 on BBC1 (the time and channel they used to show classic Doctor Who) I sat to watch the show.

There they all were, Russel T. Davis, the fellow who will replace him, the ‘new guy’ Graham Moffat and David Tennant.

“Everything about him, about his life, it’s going to change. It’s exciting.”

Quote: David Tennant.

“Chris (Christopher Eccleston) was the Doctor who kicked the door open of Doctor Who for us and he did it with real brilliance, allowing David’s Doctor as the tenth Doctor to come on through”.

“They couldn’t do the performances that they do, without building on the one that the actors done before them.”

“Now obviously, David is holding the door open, for the eleventh Doctor.”

Quote: Jane Tranter (Controller, BBC Fiction)

“When I heard who it was, I was jealous…”

Quote: Russel T. Davis.

“Age isn’t such a relevant factor…”

“He had shown he has the versatility and energy; and the dynamism and swagger that we need for the eleventh Doctor.”

“I just believe in him being 900 years old, as having two hearts and coming from a kinda alien planet…”

Quote: Piers Wenger (Executive producer, Doctor Who Series 5)

Matt Smith will play the new Doctor in 2010.

He has shown his mettle, in ‘Ruby In the Smoke’, starring Billie Piper.

“Doctor who is Iconic, like Robin Hood and Sherlock Holmes and it’s exciting. I’m excited. It’s Doctor Who.”

Quote: Matt Smith.

“I almost envy him. It’s quite something to be in the middle of, that is so adored. But, sometimes a bit overwhelming.”

Quote: David Tennant.

Matt Smith is currently 26 and will be the youngest actor to play Doctor Who.

He has the look of a young Tennant, mixed with Daniel Radcliffe and we immediately were thinking of Harry Potter in Space.

Well, after the programme, I phoned Jon, “Well, what do you think?”

During the course of the conversation, his fella called him back to their evening meal, with the tune of an episode of the X-Files in the background.

Jamie also left me with a thought: “Do you think the BBC rushed the programme out because the Sunday papers had got hold of who the new Doctor is to be, so the big secret was out??”

That’d been a good question indeed.

But as to Doctor Who: It gave birth to ‘Torchwood’. Grown-up Scifi; and, showed ITV that there was a market ‘out there’ for the genre, hence ‘Primeval’.

And with the gap in the schedules, between those shows retuning to ours screens, ITV has brought us ‘Demons’.

The young hero of the piece, to mind, reminded me of a young David Tennant.

His character Luke, has a very real family, like Rose Tyler, of Doctor Who: and, the backing tracks to the show are current.

Starring: Rupert E. Galvin ~ Philip Glenister, from ‘Life On Mars; playing his character with a mid-American accent, who speaks with ‘thee’ and ‘thou’.

Luke ~ Christian Cooke; and Mina ~ Zoe Tapper (‘Mina’ as in Mina Harker.)

And as the villain of the week, Mackenzie Crook ~ Gladiolus Thrip, a vampire bounty hunter, with a false nose and a penchant for the style of clothing worn by teddy-boy’s during the 1950’s.

So, the main character is like the BBC’s Merlin, a hero is learning, also with a mentor, bit like Buffy, with which I’d also draw parallel’s with. And, speaking of that show: the pyrotechnics Demon, when the vampire dies, is equally explosive, to either Blade, or Buffy.

The last shot of the show was directed at the target audience, as Lukes tutor discusses the idea of personal tuition after he’s done badly on an exam, when his phone rings and he is called away.

As the limousine he’s hone into pulls away, you hear the tutors voice bellow, ‘but Luke, this is real life’ and an arm comes out of the window and throws Lukes papers to the wind, to the sound of a rock track. How very rebellious.




... a use for the alarm clock

00:40 Jan 03 2009
Times Read: 1,203

Friday morning and I had use for the alarm clock I got for Christmas. Though it looks a lot like my old one, it has one major difference, it works. It worked at 7:30 a.m.

I got up and ready slowly, looking out at the weather. It didn’t look too pleasant, so when I realised that my Father was going to do the shopping, I opted for a lift to the village at about 9:30 a.m.

I got to the village, saw the dentist and nearly ended up with an appointment the next Wednesday. Thankfully I hadn’t phoned, or I would have ended up with that. As it happens, I managed to get one for the Monday: and, I need it, as I’ve now lost more than a good portion of my last chewing tooth on top.

But, I still had the weekend to wait through and that thought had a right proper scowl on my face as I began the walk home; that is, until I was opposite the common to my left and approaching the Methodist Church. And there, on the telephone wire up high, was a sparrow, and singing it’s heart out. And that birdsong had etched a smile onto my face, that lasted until I got home.

As I walked, I was thankful that the chill wind that has been of the last few days had dissipated and by lunch-time it had become ‘a good washing-day’; and all that I’d put out on the line was under a blue sky, with a light sun.




What a start to ’09!!!

19:52 Jan 01 2009
Times Read: 1,210

What a start to ’09!!! two stories written, a third nearly finished.. loads of photo's sorted and a picture underway.. and, I lost half my last (singular) chewing tooth.



20:15 Jan 01 2009

Good job on everything but the tooth... Dude, try to hang on to the rest of em'... never know when you might need them in a place like this...

I haven't done a damn thing all day. Everybody else had to work... I've been enjoying my day off just being lazy.


... to be investigated.

17:32 Jan 01 2009
Times Read: 1,213

Outside it was already looking as cold as News Years Eve had been, as I had sat to write at the laptop. Little Mother was in bed at about 12:20 after I got what I wanted, the opportunity to see the New Year in with my Mother again: watching the BBC, the fireworks down at London, Russell Watson singing ‘Volarée’, in his inimitable way, with a damn good male choir behind him, as I finished off my plate of chocolates and shortbread and the last of the second of two sherries. Feeling content, I poured over the keyboard, a succession of words, which immediately got culled, in favour of the preceding sentence. [Editor’s note: show pride fellow, long as it was, the spell-checker agreed with you!”] There had been one small distraction to my thought though, the early morning revellers returning home, from wherever. My room is on the side of the bungalow and I have my bedroom window open, as I toke, “erm smoke”. So, any alcohol-fuelled kick-off’s outside the home sound loud, as I sit and type: and, needless to say, have to be investigated.



20:14 Jan 01 2009

here it was quiet, we watched a DVD together...Hubby, the boy and myself. went to bed early, before 1.

Happy New Year.

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