Angelus's Journal

Angelus's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


35 entries this month

whatta beaut...

13:22 Oct 31 2010
Times Read: 826

As the world and his dog celebrated Halloween, I watched CSI drinking coffee, with a veritable plethora of idea’s rattling around in my head, until I got into the story.

Finally I’d sat up, pulled on my white robe, as it was getting cold I’d thought.

I’d settled down in my armchair and turned on VR, to send a video, which I managed, before VR hell down, as far as I was concerned.

Come Sunday morning, as we put the clocks back, I wondered if maybe the site couldn’t hack the date change…

When I got into Yahoo later I found a message from the young lady who contacted help, for me.

The response she got had been a beaut: ‘Just tell him to restart his computer and then try logging in again after he's cleaned out his cache.’

This from BloodOath, now like I hadn’t really thought of that before I ended up logging off in frustration…



07:03 Nov 01 2010

Cancer had to reboot the system, because he was installing a security patch.


Not bad ... for a cloudy day ...

00:08 Oct 30 2010
Times Read: 842

I ached less Friday and, got the shopping done.. and, began a short story.. and, developed a minor Scorpio obsession.



00:57 Oct 30 2010

Im happy to hear that you ached less. Wish my joints ached less.... :P


RIP Terry ['Pip']

13:01 Oct 29 2010
Times Read: 849

It was very busy Thursday night & I was cooking, as Shirley had a work ‘thing’: and, unfortunately on my way back to the station, I looked at a photo display in Lewis window, done by some homeless people, It was there that I saw a picture of one young man who I’d not seen for weeks and an RIP over his name. I don’t look forward to telling Shirley he’s dead, as she quite like him flirting with her every week & occasionally asking her to marry him.

Once home, I got to sleep quickly and slept very well: and, there was inflammation to my knees come Friday morning. I was still walking like John Wayne tho...




.. cutbacks to services.

13:07 Oct 28 2010
Times Read: 857

Everytime I hear of cuts and further cuts to public services and, those who can ill afford it, I ask myself, ‘Why are the bankers not paying back what they borrowed? Why is the bonus culture allowed to persist? Why are we gicing aid to others countries, while we’re being told that we’ve to endure cutbacks to services? And, w

why are those avoiding tax allowed to get away with it?? Personally, I believe that before the public suffers, thanks to cut backs, these matters have to be attended to




... particularly Now!

01:05 Oct 28 2010
Times Read: 865

After watching ‘Newsnight’ on Tuesday a number of questions occurred to me.

Big business and industry is doing well in the Far East; with Ford doing well there, while the city the gave birth to, Detroit, is dead, as is their interest in the British car industry.

While we lack an industry here in the United Kingdom and inward investment, at least twenty English firms were shown to be making money ‘out East’, while our economy is starving for funds.

Meanwhile, public funds are cut, while business is expected to take up the slack. This is business, when deals are made between countries and, the little man loses, every time, after all where is the industry and investment we need Now, to rebuild?

We Need capital projects, we need work, for all. In effect, every man, needs to be valued: and, that is what we must strive for, particularly Now.




... like John Wayne.

23:40 Oct 27 2010
Times Read: 869

My knees didn't like me during Wednesday evening, after a walk onna pleasant day, ‘n gardening and cleaning the windows. So’s come 6:30, I was flat on my back having taken my diclofenic, like a good boy. Two hours later, I’m up again, albeit, walking like John Wayne: to the Pc, to type...



07:48 Oct 28 2010

Ouch. Im sorry :(

lol at the John Wayne walk. I've had that walk. More of a limp....


windy outside, but ...

00:54 Oct 27 2010
Times Read: 878

it's windy outside, the double-glazing and curtains: pity Jakarta though. hopefully the Earth is getting her own back on us. but why the poor Indonesians's?




'Red' onna windy night.

00:38 Oct 27 2010
Times Read: 879

Mike watched ‘Red’ with me in the evening: a gig and a half big, an worth every one of them.

Starring Bruce Willis, Helen Mirren, Brian Cox and John Malkovitch

“I ripped up the cheque’s … ‘coz I wanted to talk to you.” Frank

Rarely is a stellar cast brought together successfully. With this film, it was.

After the film, I saw him to his bike and, then the gate, the wind blowing real hard.

The sky was dark; with grey cloud to the distance and, a patch of almost blue, as I stood in my trenchcoat, wearing my boots, hands sunk in my pockets.

“All you need is your black [leather] cap and, you’d be invisible.” Mike had said.

Man, it was a very good evening.

And, as I sat down to use the PC at the end of the night, I could hear the wind howling loud outside the double-glazing and curtains: sounding kind real wild.



07:44 Oct 28 2010

was wondering if Red is worth seeing, it was on my list of "maybes".

So, it's good, then?


… that’s the way it goes.

12:16 Oct 26 2010
Times Read: 884

Come Monday morning I looked out of the window, before we started the housework, to see the results of the first heavy frost and the wilting Begonia, which obviously need preparing for storage, whilst in the back we have a Clematis that’s not only growing, climbing, but is also in flower.

That’s one thing, but the winter pansies annoy me: I planted some in trough’s for the front in good potting soil and the remainder in the front in the somewhat clay-like soil that is there. And, they haven’t taken in the troughs at all, yet have everywhere else.

I went a walk in the afternoon, thoroughly enjoying the colours and the clean fresh air and, only just made it home in time, to help Dad prepare tea.

Come the late evening I went on VR awhile, only to leave earlier than usual, for a couple of reasons: I had a ‘well-man’ clinic the next morning, early and, the dole in the afternoon; and, the young woman who has said, “I’m not like all the others”, was online and visible; and, I got risible and would’ve got worse, as once again, she had illustrated, that people like the ex still exist and I still allow them gainsay into my Life. That said, ‘Halloween 2’, the remake, was excellent diversion from any thoughts that I’d been having of the irritation such ‘gamers’ play in my Life.

So thank gawd, for horror films, never as bad as the horror, which are man-made.

Needless to say, come the morning, it was rainy: heck, this is England, one sunny day, one rainy day… that’s the way it goes.




how much disappointment?

13:25 Oct 25 2010
Times Read: 898

Visited Karl on Sunday and picked up my tv shows and, a damn good copy of ‘Red’. Then after a short visit, I got home, via bus, as the trains were off my end, just in time to have a coffee, before my visitors called.

It had been ages since I saw Janet and John and, I’d been ever-so pleased to see them: and not just ‘coz Janet left me with a present for the tenth of next month.

And, Janet has an interest in ‘True Blood’ like me, so I’d been dead cheesed off, when her copy of episode nine of series two was in French, so the hunt was on…

We’d gone to Raby Mere, while the download was underway, yet unfortunately, I discovered to my disappointment, it was in Italian and, they had to go, it was tea-time.

While I played with photo’s later, I wrote and downloaded again; then watched ‘Red’.

Finally, I got a copy of what I was looking for, in English, to please Janet.

So, then I went on VR and, learnt that one friend had gone; and another had jumped to conclusions about me, that were so wrong, I shut down Yahoo and then VR, after posting the latest part of my story, ‘The Sydney Incident.’

I’d had to, after all, how much disappointment should one person take in an evening?




... sheesh.

01:30 Oct 25 2010
Times Read: 916

I arrive at VR and one friends left through coven hassle and another through a strop with me and took another name change. sheesh.



01:48 Oct 25 2010

Don't worry about it. This is just drama that will pass and then later on you can look back and laugh at the whole thing.. hopefuly.

01:49 Oct 25 2010

*eyes dart back and forth*

Wow...lol. Thats all I gotta say. Just wow lol.


... for a prospective crumble.

00:51 Oct 24 2010
Times Read: 922

It was just another Saturday. Well, if me getting up early to put the washing out for Dad, then returning to bed is ‘normal.’

As it was, the weather forecast was wrong, as ever I think. And, when I rose the second time, I was in a mood for walking, so took myself out, to get a crystal, for a Christmas present.

And, I’ll swear down in less than an hour or so, I encountered at least three or four variants on rainfall and, I hadn’t minded any of them.

When there’s so much discord, simple pleasures, like a walk on an autumnal day can be so very special; so I thought as I strode fast, enjoying the red and the golden brown of the leaves on the trees as I did so, the air fresh and crisp.

Then it was back home, to watch some ‘Fringe’, as I began to type: after stewing some apples, for a prospective crumble.



01:00 Oct 25 2010

fall is definitely the best season, in my opinion. :)

01:54 Oct 25 2010

Fringe and Apple crumble. Sounds awsome!

A little french vanilla ice cream with it......*nods and winks*

Now thats a treat! :P


'Dead Cert'

18:36 Oct 23 2010
Times Read: 934

Mike has got me so many good film I've liked, I wanted to return the favour and acquired, 'Dead Cert' - A gang of tough London gangsters get more than they bargained for when a group of businessmen make an offer to buy their club, the Inferno. They turn out to be nothing less than Vampires wanting their land back and turn viciously on the gangsters when their demands are not met.

As it happens the reason I got it, because it had Danny Dyer in it who Mike likes, was a kind of moot point. Danny Dyer made his unbilled cameo appearance as a favor to producer 'Jonathan Sothcott'. It was Directed by Steven Lawson. With Danny Dyer, Jason Flemyng, Craig Fairbrass [[cliffhanger]], Steven Berkoff, Janet Montgomery Billy Murray [[Eastenders]] and Dexter Fletcher [[press gang, doom]]

And, even though Danny Dyer had not been in it, it was Mike, not me, who said the inevitable, "This is a good film." And, it was.




Needless to say...

01:23 Oct 22 2010
Times Read: 944

I had been to the dentist for a filling and tooth rebuild, before voluntary work.. 'n when I got home I was tired: and wanted to sleep.

But, instead I had sat in front of the PC, until I had to go out…

And, normally we feed about 15 – 25 people; this week, it was about 30 – 40 and it was a very busy night. Needless to say, when I got home, I was shattered…



03:32 Oct 22 2010

:) and you still had time to send me a present !


busy on MovieMaker and...

01:09 Oct 21 2010
Times Read: 954

It rained heavily through Monday night, the rain lashing down on my side of the bungalow. And, come the morning I was cheesed off to learn there had been no milk delivery. So I’d phoned up the dairy, only to learn that I didn’t know it was one of the two mornings that he doesn’t deliver; at the same time, my Dad was sitting with his brother, who has developed stenosis. He was sitting with him, so Aunty Marion could have respite and a 'girls lunch'.

In the evening Mike and I had watched the new ‘Stargate Universe’ and most of ‘The Hole’, which dies to soon. Though, each ‘Stargate Universe’ is so very good; almost a film in itself, each one. And, what I saw of ‘The Hole’ was good, very good…

I managed to get my ‘True Blood’ series all-in-one folder, which I’ve been intending to do for ages.

Afterward, I got busy on MovieMaker and, a few people got some of my creative efforts. [[Poor souls]]

I also managed to acquire a copy of ‘Eugenie’, [[1975]] billed as a “modern-day”

Justine and based [loosely,] on a work by the Marquis De Sade. I’d been after it for awhile. All of this on a night with a clear sky and, the beginnings of what seems like a powerful full moon.



14:41 Oct 21 2010

that explains why you hanvnt been around

02:20 Oct 22 2010

I cannot believe I haven't been able to see True Blood yet- I really must find it and watch, since we don't get HBO


'Burn Notice' an, a smile?

14:34 Oct 17 2010
Times Read: 977

After two days of good weather, I had settled down late on Saturday night and had enjoyed doing one of the tasks I’d set for myself. But, I’d been mortified when I’d thought she hadn’t wanted the rar file I’d prepared for a young lady Saturday night, as I had tried to find images to please.

They'd been images rar'd together, taken from series one and the title sequence and some of three

“HOTNESS”, she’d replied, for the images were of Michael Western and Fiona, from ‘Burn Notice.’

‘That man can make me cum in a heartbeat, especially with his guns.’ She had written, which had really made me smile, particularly when she’d added, ‘and Fiona makes me HOT.’

For me, it is cool to share an interest, hence using the function control ‘C’ with DVD player to produce and compile the images for her.

Then, as I sat down to write, Sunday morning, I’d looked out the window and the blue-sky above, idly wondering if for a change, there’d be no disruption of the trains when I went to visit Karl, as there had been almost every week, of late.

And, thankfully, for a change, when Mike rang to tell me of having the excellent ‘Machete’ in 700mb I wasn’t in the bath, or semi-naked and ready to get in, as has happened so many times, when he has rung on a weekend.



04:34 Oct 18 2010

:D you did make me smile......

I'm a sucker for a hot man and any good looking man or woman with a irish accent (Real or FAKE!)!!!



00:01 Oct 16 2010
Times Read: 993

thursday voluntary work. friday morning, shopping with Dad.. and then, 'a good day.'

I need to rest.



02:15 Oct 16 2010

Rest well, you won't regret it.


not used to it..

15:11 Oct 15 2010
Times Read: 1,030

I'm either elated, or panic. pass. it was a pleasant walk.

sort to write poetry about.. hmmm, I probably will: bloody good mood. not used to it..



19:20 Oct 15 2010

Yay for inspirational walks! And today (where I am, at least) is an absolutely beautiful fall day!


.. shattered and, return of the the living-dead

00:01 Oct 15 2010
Times Read: 1,033

I'm shattered, just eaten after voluntary work.. am trying to unwind, while downloading every version of 'return of the living dead' I can find.

So far .. I've found fiveL and, acquired the last two, having seen the first three.





12:48 Oct 14 2010
Times Read: 1,040

Like a lot of people I am stoked at their deliverance from the jaws of death.. and, dramtic as it sounds,, their predicament was..

Then, I heard someone the radio say it was a the Chilean miners being trapped was a hoax, as they came up looking too clean..





'Right Honourable'??

00:55 Oct 14 2010
Times Read: 1,050

After watching 'Panorama' this week, I have to ask… “Why these individuals called ‘Right Honourable?’

I’m referring of course to William Hague and Lord Ashcroft, the fellow who promised Hague to become an English domicile and pay tax, for his ‘earned’ Lordship. This was also a fellow it seems, who doesn’t pay tax anywhere it seems!

Yet, the unemplyed and low income suffer the cuts.. 'these people' don't: 'these peopl' who tell us we're all in it together. Yeah.. sure.



12:08 Oct 14 2010



... the sinks plug-hole.

00:44 Oct 13 2010
Times Read: 1,069

I was up early and, got a lift of my Dad to the dole, who were querying aspects of my contract with the. And, it was all part of their current actions against the unemployed, part of the drain on ‘the system’; and yes I am bitter, my knees were aching on my return home.

That said, the weather had been good, for the journey.

I wanted to use lentils for tea, so opened a packet. And again, it exploded, just like the one before it. “Why do lentils hate me so?”

After my preparation, I’d gone to put some rubbish in the wheely-bin. As the lin was opened, a wasp crawled out and onto my hand, clung on, then stung me.

It’d had gone down the sinks plug-hole.

In the evening I watched ‘Predators’, with Mike; and on the other laptop, one episode of ‘Warehouse 13’ after another, to complete a mission and make someone smile.

After Mike had left and, I’d locked up, I’d stopped to watch the news my Father was watching and, the current news of the Chilean miners. Oh, how my heart goes out to them..

And, as I went to open the Net, I found my connection had become as sluggish a hell, reaching speeds of below 10mb download.



02:42 Oct 13 2010

Sorry about the wasp sting sugar- I kow that hurts like a mother.

I was sympathetic to those miners as well, until learning that they were fight about who could go up first, and last...


Proposition 71

13:59 Oct 12 2010
Times Read: 1,087

About six months before he died, the actor Christopher Reeve beseeched the American public to vote for Proposition seventy-one and, the right to use stem cell research, in the treatment of many incurable illnesses.

This week it was announced that stem cell treatment has been used. And whilst I’m aware that it has the possibility to help many, I can’t help but weigh up those gains against one simple question, “what about the babies?”

An emotional judgement, on a possibly tremendous breakthrough, I’ll admit; but we’re an emotionally driven species. And, my response to this technologies application is also emotionally charged. I know. But, it comes from the gut and, I’ve not found a way to justify to myself, the use of such technology, in the face of that question: well, not yet.



14:02 Oct 12 2010

Very interesting... is it bad to say that I would rather take the side of science?

17:13 Oct 12 2010

I have mixed feelings after reading a bit about this topic.

Here is what I propose to the science world:

1. Use adult stem cells for research whenever possible.

2. Make it mandatory that, as much as possible, abortions provide stem cell research. If the woman is going to abort the pregnancy, at least this way the cells will live on, and potentially give SOMEONE life, even if not the fetus that it was going to start with.

19:15 Oct 12 2010

I understand your feelings about it. I would say it should be only option if the fetus can not substain life and it would cause sever health issues to the mother .I dont think abortions should be iven to women who just dont feel like havin children in the first places to begin with .

22:33 Oct 12 2010

I hope I can answer some of this as best I can, to correct some misunderstandings.

stem cells from unborn or new born children are used because at that young age, the cells haven't decided what they are going to be yet. That way, when used in research and to treat illness and degenerative problems, the cells can be prodded to become the kind of cells needed to correct the problem.

As such, researchers are saying that using the stem cells from aborted fetuses is an unending source, and while I don't necessarily approve of abortion, the fact remains that it is occurring constantly on a daily basis, with valuable cells simply being thrown away.

And while special interests groups claim that the research would encourage abortion, the fact is that it happens with or without the research. Why not use something that is literally being thrown away to help people in dire need, rather than lose people unnecessarily of illnesses and diseases that could optimally be cured thorugh the research and implantation of these cells?

04:11 Oct 13 2010

I'm taking the science side, as well. The main controversy surrounding the issue is whether you consider a embryo a child or not. Females have plenty of cells that could potentially become a child in the womb, but the majority of them do not. Using a few of these "undetermined" cells and growing them into cells usable by people who can no longer produce them seems like a great idea, to me.

09:11 Oct 13 2010

I agree that abortion should NOT be used as a form of birth control by any means. However, let's be honest - there are a lot of women who will still use it as such.

And, since the stem cells are so "young" at that age, donating the fetus for stem cell research would at least prevent some waste, and, again, possibly give a life to someone who may not have a chance otherwise.


‘well-man’ clinics and ...

15:35 Oct 11 2010
Times Read: 1,095

Went to bed on Sunday early having started fasting at 18:45 and, then Dad and I had got up to go to the doctors on a sunny morning, with a faint chill in the air; and our blood tests, before returning home, for a well-needed coffee and the housework.

[[We had both booked ‘well-man’ clinics and, ended up going the same day, within minutes of one another, on both occasions.]]

Needless to say, housework done, I enjoyed a second coffee then went a walk, prior to returning home, to do some gardening, on a fine sunny day.





01:15 Oct 10 2010
Times Read: 1,119

‘Who Is Salt?’ was the promotion tag-line, promoting a film I hadn’t expected to enjoy, imagining it would be no more than a vehicle for Angelina Jolie. As it were, it had been a heckuvva lot more than I’d expected; with Ms. Jolie the thinnest I’ve ever seen and, brilliant in the role, her co-star being the fellow who played Sabretooth in the film ‘Wolverine.’ What was ‘Salt?’ It was a damn good film.




Life's a...

14:29 Oct 07 2010
Times Read: 1,136

.. it's sunny. I've been gardening and have mud ingrained beneath my nails, 'n voluntary work togo to.

.. as my Mum got worse, I used to do more for her, like the phyical bits; not that I knew what I was doing. Now, this year, my Father actually asked me for help with pricking out.

Life's a pretty good alternative, to nothingness.




18:26 Oct 07 2010

I would agree. Sometimes it's the little things that make the bigger pits worth climbing out of.


‘another time’...

00:08 Oct 07 2010
Times Read: 1,142

As I finished putting my leather on Wednesday evening, Dad asked, “Where are you going?”

“A friends,” I told him, “I marked it off on the calendar.”

“Why are you going?” He’d asked.

“To be sociable,” I’d replied, “unlike some I make the effort.”

And that said, headphones on and Heart in my ear, ‘Dreamboat Annie’, I seem to recall, I walked down the road, on a mild night, with pin pricks of light dotting the black velvet sky.

Graham and I watched some ‘Voyager’, then ‘On Her Majesty’s Secret Service’, with George Lazenby in it, as James Bond, his co-stars Diana Rigg and Telly Savalas. It was the one where the girl did get Bond, only to get killed; I think. The last time I saw it was twenty odd years ago and, I missed the end this time.

That said, it had been a really good evening, dwelling on those I have known and the lover I had known ‘another time’, just round the corner, now dead.




Grrr, just Grrr...

14:20 Oct 06 2010
Times Read: 1,163

.. an I just saw in my favouritejournals; it seems I getta dedication in HER journal.. oh fuckin whoopee.

.. swear down, it's one page I'm not visiting today.

deceptive, lying, manipulative ... Grrr.



20:11 Oct 06 2010

You know its pretty sad when someone feels the need to decieve,make promises that they never intended to keep and manipulate in order to recieve attention and affection.Even if it is only online.But as to why there are so many who do this,for the life of me,I dont know.Just be thankful that you arent like that.


‘The Marvel Way’

00:58 Oct 06 2010
Times Read: 1,170

I may have learnt to draw ‘The Marvel Way’, but I so prefer DC: just think of ‘Swamp Thing’, Alan Moore; The Batman, Jim Aparo; and aw eh.. The Spectre!! an .. an .. Zatanna. An yes, anything by Jack Kirby!!!



19:33 Oct 06 2010

hmmm i ksuggest reading old man logan


letters, lies and long walks to be had...

13:33 Oct 05 2010
Times Read: 1,188

I finished my letter and she is online. gonna take my tears for a walk.




... "bitter?!" Me?? Really?

12:46 Oct 05 2010
Times Read: 1,197

... it's the duplicity. I spent months bein led to think one thing and.. here I go again [and again.]

hell, about twenty hours before she told me she was gettin married, I'd returned a piece of English I'd re-written for her, for her college-work.. [much as I helped with almost all her stories.]




Used and Confused?

12:20 Oct 05 2010
Times Read: 1,200

Used and confused?

I think I fell asleep about the time I finished working on a piece for her the previous morning, trying to get it to be as good as it could be for her. And, for months I thought I was building something with her, assured that though others flirted, there was only one. And, there wasn’t. There couldn’t have been, or she couldn’t have told me, “I’m getting married” as she had. I have spent hours working on things for her, trying to help her and then she says to me what she did and added, ‘but I want us to be friends.’ Frell, I feel so damn used. Yeah, sometimes it’s so much better not to feel, as I once taught myself to do: and right now I so wish I could switch off these raw emotions.



12:30 Oct 05 2010

Oh hell hugs from heels for you then ;)

chin up...

12:55 Oct 05 2010

As her above sayes ;)

14:23 Oct 05 2010

Aww those damned human emotions. Stay Safe sweetie.

18:31 Oct 05 2010

Well if you were a woman i would say get a huge tub of ice-cream and rent if you dont already have the top gun dvd.

But your a bloke so all that i can say is fill your glass with an alcoholic beveridge and go watch a dvd that apeals to your nature and mood.

23:26 Oct 05 2010

now i understand

14:38 Oct 06 2010

Im sorry that this has happened to you. Im here for you if you need and ear.


A sunny day and 'Jonah Hex'

00:25 Oct 05 2010
Times Read: 1,206

It was wet much of Sunday, so somewhat bored; Dad had decided to change a washer in the loft, for the shower.

It’d been quarter past eleven that I realised that a film I’d recommended to Dad was due to start in half an hour, so I told him so.

He’d tidied his gear away to watch the remake of ‘All Quiet On The Western Front’, made in the seventies, with John Boy Walton in it; and one of Dad’s all time movie-star favourites, Ernest Borgnine.

I went out Monday after the housework, to go shopping for Dad and myself, making an appointment for the dentist, as I lost a bit of a tooth at the weekend, after calling at Mikes. I’d got to the dentist and it was so sunny I had the most bitchin migraine I’ve had in years, the whole aural exaggerated perception of it an all.

I’d ended up lying down awhile, the rose to cut onions and cook with Dad.

In the evening we watched a documentary presented by David Attenborough. One of the most scary facts I learnt was that by 2050, if we continue fishing as we are, there will be no more fish in the sea, to fish.

Later, I plugged my little speakers into the laptop and, as I typed away, I watched ‘Jonah Hex’, which I’d waited several years to see, ever since I’d heard it was to be made: and boy, was Josh Brolin good as ‘Hex’, a comics character I like as much as I’ve liked the characters of The Batman, Ghostrider, Zatanna, The Saint and Tarzan.

And though I’ve read much bad of her as a person, Meghan Fox was good in her co-role. All-in-all, the film had been well worth waiting to see: I’d really enjoyed it.




throbbing and...

14:09 Oct 04 2010
Times Read: 1,211

gawd is it bright right Now.. even with the curtains closed and, my head was throbbing and I had the whole aural bit, in the dentist.. I’ve found my reading glasses; the expensive ones; the expensive photochromatic ones.. and after a rambling ramble. am going to watch fringe and, get to see poor Olivia, trapped, in an alternate dimension.




... typing away.

16:38 Oct 01 2010
Times Read: 1,217

Aunty Marion’s phone-call on about Uncle Tommy having Spinal Stenisis just before I’d left for the project, really chockered my head, goodstyle.

Up till then I’d had good day, but her news had brought me down somewhat and, quickly at the night.

Thankfully there had been enough volunteers to make the evening quiet for me, with a few of the lads making it tidy for me outside, which I’d appreciated.

Once home and eaten, my Father had said, “If it’s rainy tomorrow, we’ll go shopping in the afternoon.

I ended up rising at seven, saw it was stormy, and so went back to bed. Needless to say, when I arose Dad had decided he was going shopping. So, he’d gone off without me. Needless to say, I took myself for a walk, on a dank day, just enjoying being out and listening to the birdsong, as I sat in my room later, cross-legged on my bed, typing away.



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