Cadrewolf2's Journal

Cadrewolf2's Journal


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9 entries this month

22:06 Oct 30 2023
Times Read: 267

Yet another of lives uncertain aspects is that of depression. For depression is a state of mind that we all go through in a different way. Mid life crisis is an act of depression, for they want to experience some change in their everyday life so they with draw from the real world. For they become lost and don’t know who they truly are. I have seen this many times in my life. Yet the way to bet this or any other bout of depression is to stand up and control yourself from within. Depression as taking its toll on society in many ways. For the hustle and bustle of today’s society has created this beast within each of us. For the couple who struggles each month with the bills or the manager who has taken all they can from their work; this in itself is all means of depression. If we as the superior race cannot grasp the concept of the world is what we make it, then we have lost everything. Depression if taking so far can eventually destroy the body within it hosts. How can we as humans stand and watch as our love one’s destroy the life in which we love so well. Talking with them and trying to understand how or what they may feel in life that makes them feel this way.... We should try and console them and help them through this trying time, and not look on how we may be affected by the way they act. For we should put our emotions aside and help them with the steps to a more perfect life.




21:57 Oct 24 2023
Times Read: 303

Emotions are the center point to the entire universe, for we weep, we laugh, show that we are scared. For without these emotions we are just as plain as the pebbles that line the ocean. For we do nothing just sit and contemplate. For we never reach the goals that are set within our hearts and souls. Dream, fantasies and make every new day better than the day before. With more love, laughter and the strong bind of the family that you hold dear. For these are the emotions which god gave us to use, and in today’s mixed up society we forget to use them or we just forget totally how someone else is feeling in that same circumstance.




23:26 Oct 18 2023
Times Read: 328

And what that of humans that we call friends? Are they truly our friends, or vampires that suck us dry tell we have no more to give, and move on with their parasitic ways. My grandfather used to tell me a story of the town drunk. Who on payday had all the friends in the world; yet when his wallet became dry, so did the friends! In cases this is very much true; in my life I have experienced these so called friends, who in fact are leeches of today’s society. True friends will remain to the bitter end with you. But these leeches will find another host when the first has dried up. Cruel but true.

Be very cautious of people who you may met, or potential friends. Not to be rude in any aspect of life, but we must protect ourselves from our own downfall. For if they become our friends they will, very much like our spouses will grow with us and experience our good times and our turmoil’s. Close friends are a necessity to us in our existence of today. For they give us someone to go out and enjoy what we usually may not do in everyday life. Friends that have come into my life these last few years I hold very dear to my heart and soul. For they have taught me new ways to this hard world.. For when I grew up friends were the last thing in my mind to have; for the few friends that I had were in fact the vampires that I dreaded the most. These friends have given us our niche in society. For we are truly rich if we have the love of friends and families in or meaningless lives.




23:42 Oct 12 2023
Times Read: 347

And what of our not so broad minds. Always we seek the truth of life, and God, and any question that may arrive in our not so perfect world. People forget to dream of the impossible that goes unexplained in every day occurrences, but search to prove it reliable or a figment of one person’s warped mind. For if we knew the answers to all of lies questions what would that make us. All robots, identical in every aspect of life, for no one could surpass another for we all would do the same job, make love the same way, and even dress the same way. In this case no matter where you looked in a vast open space you would initially see yourself. How far can a mind go gaining knowledge that it eventually shuts down like a computer that is surged with too much electricity, or before the human mind falters causing the human race to go insane in a not so insane world.

Life to me is a full circle that bends and intertwines around others. For wherever another circle touches yours, this is where you have had some effect on another living soul. But can this circle be so large that every person is connected to one an other in some way. For if it is, a complete circle, what happens at the time of death? Do we get reborn in the same life that we previously have had, trying to right what we did wrong, or does it start on a different circle that is close at hand and live that life to how we see fit. Puzzles and riddles; in every case there is an answer but in lifes riddles and puzzles are these answers so complex that no one but the God Almighty knows himself. Knowledge is said to be a terrible thing to waste, but how much knowledge is enough for this human race to have or posses. For we with knowledge have advanced so far that, we are ready to destroy this planet that we all call home.





21:57 Oct 11 2023
Times Read: 360

And what of death, is it an eternal darkness that has no end or beginning or no measure of time that we know of. Or is it the heaven that each of us seek in our dreams. Will this question ever be answered for the truth might arrive too late, maybe at our very own death bed will the questions of our very own short existence on this aging planet ever be solved. For each person is a camera of their own life that snaps pictures along their journey to the great unknown. And we ask, How can a picture in our minds tell a story that no others eyes can see, or in jest, How can a story be told if there’s no one to speak the words that present the story. For we need the storytellers to do such a thing. So we write and create the unimaginable dreams of the thoughts and fantasies that live in the shaded recess of our very broad minds.
So in fact we can tell or mimic the stories or the pictures in our minds into band written languages of our cultures. But can words create the moods or the feelings of undying love, or an unforgettable hatred, or the fear we have experienced to date. I would say NOT!




21:42 Oct 06 2023
Times Read: 374

Since its October. Need to put horror movie one liners in kismet to celebrate Al Hallows Eve. This is my reminder lol.




02:51 Oct 06 2023
Times Read: 387

How simple words can hurt a human heart so much, Can the meaning of words be so perverse that they themselves can be hateful and yet express the meaning of love. Can we as humans be so cruel that our words can sometimes be more powerful than a weapon of total destruction? YE, the human language is in itself an art, or gift; which, in the right hands can bring laughter, love, and a warm heart. Yet in the hands of a spiteful person can only bring hate, forgiveness, and an undying pain which can last sometimes a lifetime.
And what of the sensation of touch. The touch of two lovers who love and caress each other, exploring every crevasse on the human body. The two lovers feel their hearts warm as their body feels the others touch, causing them to shiver in ecstasy as small multiple orgasm race through their nerves system. They feel the moistness of their fluids as it escapes from their genital areas. Making their mind heighten in a passion towards their spouse or the other soul that is so close and dear to their hearts. A touch can be more than a friendly or loving gesture; it can be a tool of power or control on a not so dominant human. These souls think that no matter what they do in their lives that they should be the ones who have the control, whether it be in love making, or their place of work, or just any situation that might arrive in their lives.



09:08 Oct 06 2023

Well said....I would day caution is needed by all types...


22:15 Oct 04 2023
Times Read: 400

But they themselves might endure to create or dream, causing a sweep to the creative side in our ordinary life’s. But how can a person give hopes and dreams from what is locked behind those doors to another. The understanding of the so called fine arts... Would this be like asking a non-believer into teaching a blind person to draw a picture that they have never seen; or a deaf person to play the fine notes of an orchestra and hear it echo through the crowded theater, or ask an elderly person that sits and stares day after day out past their rocking chair and out past the glass barrier out into the unknown. For their bones are too feeble with age to go out into the cool, crisp nights air and feel the dew upon each blade of grass under their feet. How can we give them a piece of our very own soul to help them advance into life’s unknown dreams?




22:09 Oct 03 2023
Times Read: 414

Can a mere man be so weak in his very heart that everyone of life’s spontaneous challenges can in itself portray a life and death struggle to his own solitude and sanctuary. For its not life’s unpredictable challenges that give us so much hate and confusion in our life, but it comes from what is stored behind locked doors of every persons dark mind. For this is our golden temple such like Atlantis. For we create an utopia and yet we destroy it at the same time that we cherish it. For every life also holds in time an unknown end. Our hopes of a better life for us, our spouses and the children that we have bared and reared with our wisdom. Cause the children of today are the leaders and thinkers of tomorrow and for the millenniums that come and go. We ourselves become lost or forgotten, unless we become memories that may be inscribed down on the tablets of time, or on walls of stone, or the books of yester years. To be read and our stories to be told to the next generation that stands in line to hear them.



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