Cartomancer's Journal

Cartomancer's Journal


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10 entries this month

06:36 Jan 28 2020
Times Read: 714

I’m alone till Friday. I enjoy these respites. Cristo is in the dorm and husband is out of town on business this week. I fell yesterday, and although fine, am sore- so it was nice to be able to stay in bed as long as I needed to today without feeling like I had to get up and do something for someone else. My cats were pissed off I was in bed that long LOL… But that’s OK. They forgave me quickly enough.



15:05 Jan 28 2020

You fell?

Oh, ok, you're fine...

20:21 Jan 30 2020

I am crying for you. Take care and rest..rest..and more rest. Tea and TV will fix you quickly.


23:50 Jan 26 2020
Times Read: 754

I modified one of my decks today. I trimmed it and edged it in copper. This was a real pain in the ass… Actually a pain in my hands and fingers, because my Fibromyalgia really gets me in those joints. But that’s part of the reason why I wanted to do this. I love the way it looks, as it has really set the images free- but it also is just small enough now for me to not have as hard of a time handling them. as a daily deck.





00:14 Jan 27 2020



00:14 Jan 27 2020

Beautiful Job

00:15 Jan 27 2020

Ok, let's try this again...


Arts and Crafts Fetisher here...

Someone Has Skillz!!!

01:03 Jan 27 2020

I love the way it looks trimmed down! The copper edging looks really good, as well.

05:49 Jan 27 2020

Thanks, all!

20:22 Jan 30 2020

You need to invest in a paper cutter. You know, the one with the handle. lol


07:10 Jan 17 2020
Times Read: 819




15:12 Jan 17 2020

After day and nights of incredible labor and fatigue, I have succeeded in discovering the cause of generation and life; nay more, I became myself capable of bestowing animation upon lifeless matter. Dr. Frankenstein (Mary Shelley).


19:27 Jan 16 2020
Times Read: 877

How about a reprieve from member vs. member journal bitching that constantly takes over this lineup? I’ve got something for ya :)


I’m so thankful for the friends I’ve made here. An older member who hasn’t signed on in forever saw a post I made on Facebook sharing some of my son’s photos and his journey with his double major (now tacking on Visual Communications). He has to borrow cameras from friends or from the University at this time because he doesn’t have a DSLR yet. Well, she offered to send him an older one she doesn’t use. Honestly, who cares how old it is? Especially when you don’t have one. It’s wonderful that people want to do something for you and I’m just so happy to know these kinds of people. He needs something that he can get a lot of foundational learning on, and that doesn’t have to be new. When he can afford to get a new camera, he will already have some experience. When you borrow something, there’s not a lot of time you have to fiddle around with it. So this is going to be great for him. He’s covering major events in the city with his newspaper, and that is a crappy place to be in borrowing equipment to get it done. He really wants to follow this path, but many people who do it already have a camera when they begin.




19:30 Jan 16 2020

Amen to that. Silence is sometimes golden to let the sunshine through the mist of misery.

19:42 Jan 16 2020


23:48 Jan 09 2020
Times Read: 916

Today is my 130 day streak on Duolingo :) I joined many years ago, but this is the longest I have been sure to do lessons every single day without a break. I really want to be one of those people who takes it beyond 1000 days.




18:50 Jan 09 2020
Times Read: 942

Whenever I get a headache, besides grabbing ibuprofen, I want to grab a Coke or have a cup of coffee. Caffeine can do wonders for a headache. And I’m not talking about the type of headache you get from having a caffeine withdrawal, just one you get that caffeine assists in driving away.

Just thinking about this being my order of operations for the last many years, I started thinking about a painkiller put out a long time ago- it was really popular in the 80s but you don’t see commercials for anymore: Anacin! It’s aspirin with caffeine. If you’re not talking about some crazy migraine or cluster headache, this is something that should work pretty well. I do get headaches that are bad enough for me to want to just go to bed and be in a dark room, but I do find relief after a while with Advil and a caffeinated drink. It takes a while, but it happens.

Anyhow, I set out to find some in a local store, and there it was in the Walmart pharmacy section. This is super stupid, but I’m almost excited about getting a headache again just so I can use this and see how it works for me. Honestly, of course I don’t want a headache… but I do want to find out how this is going to work, because it should do the same thing as grabbing a Coke or a coffee... just without the calories!

No need to give me any tips on how to deal with headaches- I know what works for me and what doesn’t at 46 years old. It’s the combination of these two things, and I am hoping Anacin has the right amount of caffeine to do it. OK, also a bunch of water :)



19:40 Jan 09 2020

That is old school med LOL. I haven't seen that in forever.


14:18 Jan 09 2020
Times Read: 958

Our water is off today from now until 5 PM due to some maintenance in our area. I got up early to take a shower, brush my teeth, and make some coffee. I have plenty of bottles of water so I’m good there... But there will be no cooking today. I don’t have a lot in the lines of things to eat that don’t need prep that includes water, except PB&J... but I’ll survive on that. There is no laundry or dishes to be done, so I’m also good on that front. But I still don’t like it when the water doesn’t work for so long. I filled up buckets of water to manually flush toilets, but you never know if you’re gonna need to clean something up.

This is the kind of thing that makes me want to sleep all day long. Or get out of the house, if I didn’t mind being around people during the day (which I do mind).




04:41 Jan 08 2020
Times Read: 1,004

I’ve lost 2 1/2 levels here since last week. What a bitch.

No. No low rates or anything anyone did. Just the way it goes and also what to expect when you don’t actively level.



16:43 Jan 09 2020

Post in my covens form under form business that might get you back up it does for me. just trying to help no motive behind this. I really respect what you say here.

16:44 Jan 09 2020

Thats forum not form engage my brain is still hard.

23:32 Jan 09 2020

That works for you guys because you get a society bonus for posting. Regents don’t get a society bonus because we are allowed to move in and out of every single society and post to wherever we want. Without belonging to a society, we don’t get that bonus.

06:57 Jan 10 2020

A bunch of profiles that had me on their lists made name changes and didn’t re-add me. I just need to level other ways.


21:54 Jan 06 2020
Times Read: 1,026

So, our trip to Florida last week was really good. My father-in-law got us tickets to spend New Year’s week, which was also my son’s birthday week, as well as his last week of winter break from college. Each day we just went to visit family members, so it was really relaxing in that regard. He took us for a Cuban coffee and lots of Cuban food throughout the week as well- which is something we miss a lot. If it isn’t known, my husband is Cuban, and since we live in New Orleans, it’s hard to find authentic Cuban food here. I learned to make a lot of it in the short time we were in Miami when we got out of the Marine Corps, but… There are a lot of things that I don’t make, and it’s really nice to get down there and be served the real deal. And for my son, it’s really cool for him to go down and be around a large Cuban community and get a taste of part of his culture that he is not around at all here in New Orleans. He was born and raised here, so it’s a strange mix of it being foreign yet right at home because he feels the culture in his blood.

When we got back late Friday night, then went to Comic Con Saturday and Sunday- free with connections… although Cristo had his own free passes being press- working for his University newspaper. He’ll have an article coming out soon with some interviews he did- maybe just one big focus, but I’m not sure.

Another cool thing I came home too, was a surprise gift of receiving the out of print Victorian Fairy Tarot! I explained more about this on my Tarot Instagram page… So if you’re following that you can read about it and see images of the deck: @expeditioncartomancy

I wasn’t able to do much cleaning up when we got home because of Comic Con – but it’s Monday now and I have been spending the day doing laundry, vacuuming, sweeping, and all the other things that one does… I did a lot of it before I left but, it was time to do it all over again.




04:19 Jan 05 2020
Times Read: 1,061

We are back from vacation, got in super late Friday night… and this weekend is Comic Con. A super long day today and another tomorrow. I am utterly exhausted and will post about my visit and another cool thing beyond that as soon as I can. Maybe Monday… maybe even Tuesday… I really need to sleep as much as I can on the very first day that I have free from going anywhere. I’m feeling the pain.



08:35 Jan 05 2020

I like going to those what one is this one?

21:03 Jan 05 2020

Wizard World Comic Con.

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