Cartomancer's Journal

Cartomancer's Journal


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17 entries this month

22:06 Oct 30 2020
Times Read: 565

Almost 48 hours without electricity at this time. That sucks, but I do have battery operated lamps and it’s in the 50s outside so it’s not hot in the house. It does get pretty chilly inside though. Better than being too hot. I’m just keeping my devices charged in the van as I can. I also have a portable charger that I make sure is all juiced up for when I’m not in the van.

I got word back that I will be working all the four days for the election next week. I have another class tomorrow for it and I’m pretty excited for this to begin. The 10 days of early voting was pretty intense and wonderful. But nothing will be as intense as actual election day.




00:20 Oct 30 2020
Times Read: 596

We had Hurricane Zeta come through here yesterday. There was a good bit of damage around, but luckily our place is fine. The only problem is that we’ve been out of power for 26 hours now. No idea when it will come back on. I’m charging my phone in the van and spending a lot of time in here just so I can be connected to the world on my phone without using my battery otherwise. However- I don’t have time to spend on VR with this being the case.



02:33 Oct 30 2020


18:56 Oct 25 2020
Times Read: 633

I have learned so much working as an Election Commissioner. These are long tiring days- but people by in large are very grateful and I am constantly being complimented throughout the day for my service there. The voters are insanely excited and happy- I have never seen anything like this before and I of course have been a voting citizen for a long time. I've had a lot of interesting experiences and I try to jot things down quickly as they happen so I can write something up about this when it's over.

Today is a day off and then 2 more early voting days. Then off till next week for the big Election Week. I think I am working 4 of those days, but might only be Nov 3. We'll see.




13:28 Oct 20 2020
Times Read: 693

I’ve been working some incredibly long days - and on my feet for all of them. This is a great experience and I have until the 27th till early voting is over and then on to actual Election Week. Still not sure how many of those days I will be working- but definitely *on* Election Day.

I never thought I’d be an Election Commissioner. But now I think I just might do this every time. I could probably write an essay on all this once it’s over.

Anyhow- Vampire Rave is on the back burner for me till after the Elections because it’s just too much. If I sign in here to quickly post a composed journal entry- that’s all I really had a chance to do.

Pics with my son and future daughter-in-law on Sunday, 1 day early birthday celebrations since I was working all day yesterday.




18:41 Oct 20 2020

02:13 Oct 21 2020

too damn adorable!!! I love the smiles:)


06:40 Oct 18 2020
Times Read: 746

I was prescribed 7 days of opioids to take every 6 hours. I took them for a day and a half (wasn’t feeling pain, was just following the program)... I stopped because I felt like I didn’t need them. Now I’ve been off them for two days and I don’t feel any pain. As long as I’m careful with getting up and down, everything is pretty normal. I started work on day 2 after the surgery. I’ve now had 2 long-ass days of up/down and walking a lot. I’m still doing well. Tomorrow (now passed midnight, so ‘today’) is an off day. I’ll need it simply because I’m tired. I just can’t believe how well I’m doing.



06:46 Oct 18 2020

oh man you are a damn beast gurl! hehehe! so glad you are healing remarkably well!!!

08:56 Oct 18 2020

Awesome, I'm glad to see you're doing so well. I am not going to state the obvious here because you already have, but I will revisit it. Opioids prescribed for pain are done so for a reason. Only the person in pain would know whether that reason exists. On a scale of 1-10 how much pain are you in?

08:58 Oct 18 2020

And yes, that scale is subjective because one person's 10 might be another person's 5.

10:05 Oct 18 2020

I am glad your doing well. blessed be.

13:35 Oct 18 2020

Zero pain, Maro. I’d have to press on the incisions or do things I’m not supposed to do in order to feel it. So no pain meds are necessary.

05:23 Oct 19 2020

Did someone mentioned.....Pain?

You see

Pain Has A Face

Allow Me To Show It To You


23:52 Oct 14 2020
Times Read: 775

My surgery this morning went perfectly. Of course I am not doing cartwheels- but I am able to comfortably hang out at my desk and when I need to lie down I can do so with ease. I don't have any excruciating pain (I have good meds) and I am already experiencing the benefits of the surgery. So... you really can't get a better scenario. Doc said I can walk tonight if I wanted to- but I'm too loopy. Just no strenuous activity for 6 weeks. So comfy sitting and walking with the thumbs up- starting work as an elections commissioner on Friday will be A-okay.



23:59 Oct 14 2020

Hehehe I'd love to talk to you when you're loopy:p No but seriously, I'm glad this went well for you!!!

00:03 Oct 15 2020

Oh we know the truth!

17:21 Oct 15 2020


06:45 Oct 18 2020

Omg that is totally her LOL!


17:08 Oct 12 2020
Times Read: 820

The exciting opportunity I was talking about at the end of last month’s journal entries has just become a reality.

These are wild times we are living in, and a lot of people are really interested in these elections. How it all works, legitimacy, all these questions - well, there’s no better knowledge in how it works than if you have the education and experience of working those elections.

I went online and took all of the election commissioner training for Louisiana, and took an examination. I passed it, and got a callback that all of the positions were filled but they’d keep my application and examination results just in case anything comes up. Two days later the clerk of courts called me back just to say that they were so impressed with the phone call we had that they really wanted to try and get me to work. There were still no openings, but she said she was going to select me as one of the top 12 alternates. I was only trying to work on election day, but she said she was going to try to get me 10 days working the early elections, and if possible, work with her specifically for 4 days during election week.

Well, I just got a call asking me to work the 10 days of early voting! I am *so* excited. These are going to be long days, but I’m going to truly enjoy everything I’ll be learning and experiencing. I hope I also get those four days during election week.



17:54 Oct 12 2020

i dont vote i stay neuteral

18:00 Oct 12 2020

22:11 Oct 12 2020

Got another call to work on Election Day as well :)

13:12 Oct 13 2020

That is awesome! Congratulations!

13:44 Oct 13 2020

13:44 Oct 13 2020


15:19 Oct 12 2020
Times Read: 826

Just posted to Facebook and going to put it here too.

My birthday is in ONE WEEK... I will be shameless in this moment and share an Amazon wishlist of things my son needs to make me bread!!! He's been using the neighbor's equipment. Hey, you know... no pressure here. But a couple of you do ask me about my birthday, so here you have it 🙂 You'd be investing in my homemade bread for life!

Amazon wishlist for Bread stuff



15:36 Oct 12 2020

happy early birthday

17:08 Oct 12 2020


11:45 Oct 19 2020

happy birthday


15:05 Oct 12 2020
Times Read: 831

Yesterday morning I had a COVD test in prep for surgery on Wednesday- the previous 2 I had were no big deal, so I didn't anticipate this would be any different. Well... this guy really rammed it in there and way further than the others. It was the worst. Anyhow... even though it wasn't a "rapid result" test, my results came back this morning. Negative again, woot. I didn't think I had it, they just make you take them before having surgeries right now.

Really looking forward to having this totally behind me so I can power on.




16:57 Oct 10 2020
Times Read: 866

Ups and downs and all arounds.

It's been a rough week pain-wise. I am just really grateful that an intense Fibromyalgia flare up has waited long enough for me to reach my fitness goal. I was afraid it would happen really badly before I got to this point, throwing me off track and not allowing me to get to this point. But it didn't. So even though it's been a painful week, I am not even that down in the dumps about it. I am truly focusing on the fact that it held off long enough. I am still walking through it, but scaled back a good 75%. Even then... I would say a lot of people don't walk 5 miles a day (what I've done instead of the normal 20 a day). And honestly, if all I did was just that much from here on out I could maintain (because I also do exercise indoors). My plan is to just keep things at an easier output until this is over, then get back to bigger miles. I want to maintain the awesome strength and being able to spend so much time walking has become a necessary medicine for my mental health.



17:09 Oct 10 2020

See and you have the nickname WW by me for a reason. Because you ARE incredible and a positive force that I and many others look up to. We are all human. But you somehow manage to use your "superpowers" to remain amazing! You go gurl lookn good!

19:55 Oct 10 2020

Sounds like a solid plan.


22:13 Oct 06 2020
Times Read: 918

Eddie Van Halen was such a powerhouse guitarist. A man with a very distinct sound. I am very sad he's passed this day. Utter shite.



22:19 Oct 06 2020

Time to go spin some Mean Streets and Women and Children First. He had such an influence on so many guitar players of all ages.

23:48 Oct 06 2020

Some Souls are naturally Gifted at something, others discover they are Talented at something, and more develop Skills at something.

If one takes that and can make a Living from sharing what they are AWESOME at and Bless others in some way, stimulating one or more of their 5 Senses and/or Blessing others in some other form, then one has lived a Blessed Life whether they believe it or not.

One will leave their mark in this Lifetime when one Positively Impacct the Lives of Others or doing the Opposite.

We all make Choices daily.

Then we Transition to The Afterlife...


16:29 Oct 06 2020
Times Read: 940

Anxiety is a bitch. I hate it. But, who likes it???

Hurricane season has been so active- we keep getting in the cone of the forecast. We've been lucky so far in New Orleans as previous storms this season have changed direction, but I always feel crappy being "happy" about that... because someone is still getting slammed by it.

It's never a good time for a storm- but right now, I just really, really, really hope it doesn't come here.


I'm all kinds of introspective with turning 47 in 13 days. I am happy to still be around, disillusioned about where I am in life, and hopeful that I can continue to make change. Some parts of my world seem utterly doomed, and I always have to keep reminding myself that life is so vast and happiness can be found in so many different ways. I just hate that some things are unreachable. I want to be successful in all the ways that truly matter. That's all I can do, really. Some things are just totally out of my control. We can only control how we feel and what we do. We can't make ourselves be more to other people than we are. Just keep putting our best foot forward. Find success. Find it by getting out there and grabbing it. Maybe someday out of the blue we will find out that we matter more than we thought we did. That we are noticed more than we thought we were. That some people value us for more than we ever thought was possible. I'll keep dreaming. I want to deserve what I hope for.



16:50 Oct 06 2020

16:56 Oct 06 2020

You do matter and I appreciate you. I don’t know you personally but I think you are a strong individual and you help me to look on the positive side of things despite the fact that you struggle with things. Truth is we all have things we struggle with but if people can’t see your a good hearted person it’s sadly their loss.

16:58 Oct 06 2020

you’re *

17:10 Oct 06 2020

I read this in one of my moring mediation books the other day. It helped me a lot. I hope it helps you too. You do matter. You are an amazing soul.

"I am building myself. There are many roots. I plant, I pick, I prune. I consume."
--Wendy Rose, HOPI/MIWOK

17:19 Oct 06 2020

"I want to deserve what I hope for." Yes, that's just exactly it, and I've found that I have to walk the very fine line between imposter syndrome and a healthy sense of self standards. I believe that every person deserves every opportunity but it's what they do with those opportunities that defines them. The worst thing to do is to not try.

19:08 Oct 06 2020

"That some people value us for more than we ever thought was possible"

I love this :)

22:14 Oct 06 2020

I appreciate it when people get what I am saying. Most of this is universal stuff. Even when it seems someone "has it all"... maybe they really don't.


20:27 Oct 05 2020
Times Read: 994

This isn't the "really good experience" I was talking about hopefully having at the end of last month's entries- but I just signed new hire paperwork for a security job at the Superdome and Arena- working the NFL and NBA games as well as Tulane games and all concerts that come to these venues. It's part-time, and right now not much is going on due to the pandemic. Anyway- once the world gets back to whatever normal we're going to find, I will have a little bit here and there coming in. It isn't enough to survive on at all if it were left to me- but it'll be something.



20:28 Oct 05 2020

That sounds like that might be fun

20:36 Oct 05 2020

08:43 Oct 06 2020

What about security for Waterford3 generating station?

17265 River Rd, Killona, LA 70057

Nuke Life ;-)

14:50 Oct 06 2020

Too far. I don't drive.

22:00 Oct 06 2020

Darn okay, they seem to enjoy the work at the plants I have been to. I have to work with security a lot to access certain areas and they are usually very helpful. Most if not all have police or military background, usually they switch to nuclear for the pay and much safer environment (as compared to working on the street) .


23:26 Oct 03 2020
Times Read: 1,042

We did so much work today with those pumpkins. So much I need to lay off the walking for the day. Full body work out was indeed had.

Now watching “Enola Holmes” on Netflix.



23:41 Oct 03 2020

2,300 effin' fluffin' orangin' pumpkins??! Let me guess, you bench pressed a few you god damn Amazon Queen.

23:49 Oct 03 2020

SO MANY. It feels so good to have been able to do what I did today. There were 20 of us and it took 3 hours. It was an entire 18 wheeler filled to the brim.

00:05 Oct 04 2020

Morrigon: "Let me guess, you bench pressed a few you god damn Amazon Queen."


I'm sorry, I just wasn't ready for that one.

That's the funniest shit I've read all day!

Let's give it up for Morrigon!


20:50 Oct 03 2020
Times Read: 1,050

2300 pumpkins unloaded and staged 🎃😳



23:34 Oct 03 2020

23:40 Oct 03 2020

the expression on their faces is priceless LOL!

00:06 Oct 04 2020

That's the same expression I had in RL. LOL!

07:58 Oct 04 2020

That a lot of freaking pumpkins. You’ll sleep well tonight I know I would. Lol


12:37 Oct 03 2020
Times Read: 1,067

Today we set up a pumpkin patch for church. It'll be a good workout moving tons of those puppies- so, woot :)




00:33 Oct 02 2020
Times Read: 1,112

I feel like my life is in evolution mode. Fitness really isn't even the biggest part of it. My overall health after having surgery- being able to do more, feeling so much better, being able to throw my hat into the ring for things I couldn't have been relied upon for prior... just a lot of things. The most important of all is being self-sufficient, because no one knows what the future could hold. Changes, tragedies- what would happen to me if I were absolutely alone? I need to grab this world by the horns now that I have myself almost wholly back (one more surgery on October 14). Maybe it was divine intervention over these past 20 years that I didn't land the things I wanted. My health probably would have screwed all those chances up.

So wild how I actually feel like I'm in my 20s right now. And not just in my mind. In my 20s... with the wisdom of almost 47 years.



01:01 Oct 02 2020

This is very positive and inspiring! :-)

01:35 Oct 02 2020

Wait, What?!

You mean you're NOT in your 20s?

01:52 Oct 02 2020

Hell yeah! You're doing amazing!

04:33 Oct 02 2020

mmhmm absolutely!

note to self: learn to defy aging like WonderWoman here :)

You totally rock gurl!

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