Dakotah's Journal


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17 entries this month


23:33 Aug 29 2013
Times Read: 1,427

I am Assistant Mentor Master of Mentorship of Obscurum. I am always contacting new people to offer help and answer what questions I can. Over the past month alone 2 new people having problems on there profiles wanted to give me there password to help them fix something. I went into lecture Mode and told them under no conditions are they ever ever ever to give anyone here there passwords.

I posted a thread about this in the mentorship forums and also want to post it here.

I can not stress this enough:


I have had two new people wanting to give me there password to help them fix something on there profile and I right away lectured them on account security and passwords. Never give this to anyone. Where I appreciate the trust, NEVER EVER EVER give this out to anyone here.

There have been cases here where friends trusting someone will give there friend this information and then they have a falling out and wham! Someone is out an account. No one hacks accounts here.

We all work very hard to level these profiles and build them to our personal taste.

This is the internet. Be smart. Be wise. Never give your password out. You have personal info on your account that anyone logging into it under the password can see too. Keep that in mind as well.

I am sure the staff on VR will agree with me too, no account is stolen, no account is hacked, in every case of someone calming there profile was taken THEY GAVE THERE PASSWORD OUT!

On personal information, address, phone numbers: I have seen this turn bad too. A phone number is given out when two people are friends. Then there is a blow up. And people get text to death, the number passed around and wham, end with a ton of harassing phone calls. Same with your address rl. Think before you do this.

I am not trying to scare anyone or imply you can not trust some people here. Keep in mind this site draws all types just like any site on the internet. Please be smart. I hate to hear about anyone losing there profile.





We're the Millers

07:39 Aug 29 2013
Times Read: 1,440

So I saw this last night, in the frame of mind the movie suggests you be in, and found it pretty funny. It's definitely better than I expected. Also Aniston is still damn hot.



15:32 Aug 29 2013

I wanna see it!


15:44 Aug 28 2013
Times Read: 1,447

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#VMA-Miley The Plushy Porn Star

15:06 Aug 27 2013
Times Read: 1,453

I remember and I am not that old when this channel use to do music videos. Now with this show the other night; so sad. I wish I lived in the 60's, 70's days when music was music. Poor Miley, I think now she got her wish. She not a Disney kid anymore. Now she a plushy soft porn actress.

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10:09 Aug 31 2013

Loving this picture!!!!! All I kept thinking was poor Billy Ray, but later on found out he was ok with that crap. Saying if he could do that he would have too. Wth is wrong with u people. When does a Disney idol that ur kids look up turn to be a raunchy looking porn star? I was so embarrassed to see that I look away seriously!

07:18 Sep 03 2013

That whole family is messed up. Her parents can not decide if there going to divorce or not. Though I agree she went way over board this is what sells in showbiz, be sexy, do sexy, then we speak out when they go too far. Though Taylor Swift is her age and stays classy and she does even better then Miley. Miley is becoming like that tent of oddities at the local fairs everyone wants to go see.



22:06 Aug 26 2013
Times Read: 1,460

This is intense. Civilization expanding over time. :/





#ChristmasCommercialinAug, Really?!

00:31 Aug 26 2013
Times Read: 1,477

I hate to bring this up but yesterday they showed a Christmas commercial on tv. It is only August?! Each year they do this earlier and earlier and.... poor Halloween. Now there mixed with Christmas commercials, too.



00:35 Aug 26 2013

I used to work for a few place that sold xmas an halloween stuff at the same time. When I asked why I got some excuse that it was cheaper to run the commercials and buy product in bulk tosell out because it was out of season... so basically they get to buy it for dirt cheap and sell it to us over priced because theyre greedy bastards.

00:39 Aug 26 2013

The key word here is, commercial. The holiday itself isn't important. It's the commercialization of the holiday that's important.

01:26 Aug 26 2013

they wanting your money early, plus it takes several months for some people to get Christmas lay away out. I give gift cards myself


Sturgeon Moon or the Corn Moon.

06:36 Aug 21 2013
Times Read: 1,526

Tonight is a full astrological blue Moon. A blue Moon usually only occurs if it is the second one in a single month. This blue Moon is an astrological one because the Moon has been stuck in Leo and Aquarius since the last full Moon on July 22nd. It is what is called a seasonal blue Moon It will present the third of four full moons to fall in the same season. A season is defined as the period of time in between a solstice and an equinox – or vice versa. This full moon is the third of four full moons to take place in between the June 2013 solstice and the September 2013 equinox. That makes the August 2013 full Moon a Blue Moon! This Moon is also called the Sturgeon Moon or the Corn Moon.

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15:08 Aug 21 2013

I noticed it was HUGE here.. :)



03:20 Aug 19 2013
Times Read: 1,546

Hello's ladies, how are you?! Fantastic! Look at your man, now me, look at your man, now BACK TO ME! ROFL ayyyyyyyee!

One of my favorite songs. Enjoy!





02:19 Aug 14 2013
Times Read: 1,565

I do not know why I sign up for these. Being a long time geek online, having playing many games, I tend to get accepted into Beta's.

The Elder Scrolls Online Beta Test Invitation.

So I go to the link, put in all the info. The long ass beta key. Cut and paste for the win! Fill out pages of shit. OK, all ready and the next thing I have to do is go to this one page which I will assume is to download the beta:

504 Gateway Time-out

The server didn't respond in time.

Really? You can not even keep your forum pages up and you think your game is ready for live beta.





05:22 Aug 13 2013
Times Read: 1,583

Girls to be honest, guys don't give one fuck about your fake nails for real or your purse of whatever brands they are or your new heels. You can have just normal cut nails... and can have a just fucken plastic bag to put your shit in ffs and a guy wouldn't care... like a dude is gonna say "Wait, what, that's not a real guess purse? Girl you gotta bounce." Ain't gonna happen....and your heels... those are just uncomfortable looking shoes to us.

Wear some shoes or something comfortable, your gonna take them off at the door anyways ... But if you do it for yourself then good. But if you do it for guys then your wasting your time. Personally I think girls do all that shit just to show it off to other girls. Am I right?



10:54 Aug 13 2013

No whatever I wear and do, I do it because I like to and want to. Doing stuff to impress other people is just stupid.

12:30 Aug 21 2013

I love my woman in heels and nice nails . I care what she looks like when she goes out with me either to dinner or the club . If a woman doesn't care what she looks like what will she look like 5 years from now. Speak for yourself dude .I like her in makeup , stylish clothes and smelling good. Want my woman to know shes a woman and looking good for me !

21:15 Aug 21 2013

She does not have to be all made up with make up and fake this, fake that for me to appreciate her beauty. I do not care if she size 2 or size 16. I do not care as I said if her clothing or purse is worth 500$ or from Salvation Army. If I like what she has inside, her personality, her heart, her soul, then I will ask her out. I know some guys might like that stuff. I understand some girls do it to make themselves feel more pretty. I respect that. I am expressing, maybe in a poor way, that I like her without all that stuff. As time goes by and we age, all that outer stuff goes away. Then what is left is what is important. Personality. Love. I will correct my post then to say some of us guys...

01:44 Aug 23 2013

Dakotah first allow me to make clear this is a general discussion only. No anger or being smartasses. Let me explain my gf was dressing the way she dresses and paints her sculpted nails , designer bag since the day I met her and shes beautiful with or wifhout makeup but my point is you can tell a woman all day long shes beautiful and she wont believe it unless she herself feels beautiful. These ladies want to look good . Hell they dress their barbee dolls pretty since they were young. They have read princess stories since childhood. Also I bet if you were in a restaurant with your girl and me with mine you would be one of the many men who would sneak a look at my girl. Another point if you are so easy to understand your womans natural beauty then why would you bitch about her monthly thing. I am pretty sure its a curse on these ladies each month and does not feel good some have to be put to bed the entire week because of the pain. I hate it when my gf has hers Isee the pain she goes through. Why cant you understand instead of making a joke about iI. Im sure I probably shoot someone if I hurt that bad. Also I dont mind holding my girls bag when she goez to the restroom etc. Hell shes got everything but the kitchen sink in thers. Many times I wished for something hell here she comez pulling it out. Amazing . They do so much for us even down the road one day she goes through hard pain to give us babies. Women are amazing so give them the courtesy they deserve. I say hell yes baby you look so amazing. She knows it because she feels it and that makes me smile.

04:55 Aug 23 2013

Ok first of all being a woman I want to be dressed to the nines when going on with my man and not to just imbress him but to make him feel good that he has a sexy thang on his arm. And you can't do that being dressed down u get dressed down in the house. When u are out u let him and everyone else know and see what ur man has on his arm that he has a high class lady on his arm that is his and only his. When a woman goes out you show what your man has because it helps his ego and makes him feel better its at home that u are t shirt and panties and in the bed room its where u bring out the big guns. Maybe I'm too southren bell for some but that's what I believe. If your beautiful and want to show off for man the you should show off yourself for your man cause it makes him look and feel that much better. Hold your head up high and show what is on your arm. The male ego is very delicate. And its something us ladies need to work toward if you care. Always dress with high class and boise. And you can do it without having name brand just saying. And so you know us girls Do not do it for other girls wtf not all of us are lesibians I mean really. We do it for our men

09:42 Aug 23 2013

CN, I never for a moment think your trying to be a smart-ass or post in anger. We have spoken in messages and I know you to be a nice guy. So please never worry I think you post like that unless you post something like 'Now Dakotah you made me angry!' Now that is out of the way/I welcome the debate.

I think its about taste and cultures. I like a women who are more natural. My point is and again I will not be so general as to say us guys as in all, but to say some of us guys do not care about all that made up stuff. if I like a girl I will ask her out. I don't look at her nails, or the labels on her clothing. I care more of the beauty inside then all that outer stuff.

11:11 Aug 23 2013

Again sir you are missing the point. Nor do I but I will not lie I do think a lady looks beautiful with make-up and such . To me my girl looks beautiful natural just jumped out of the shower no make-up hair a mess . But this woman and most any woman will not believe you until SHE feels beautiful . That's a woman thing it has nothing to do with you , me , George the African American or Cheng the Chinaman down the street . A woman will want to put makeup on , whatever to feel beautiful . I have dated native American women , a African American lady and a girl from India I am serious dude they will not hardly run outside to grab the newspaper without looking good .

Go sit outside a nail salon on a Friday . I work two doors down from a Nail salon I see women of all backgrounds going into that salon. I see women the age of grandma Moses going into that salon.

I love a woman's inner beauty , I love a woman's beauty when she knows she looks good. And again Dakotah even tho you are sitting there

you my friend will give a glance at a beautiful woman with make -up looking about as gorgeous as she can look . Now that's a normal man thing , it doesn't mean you want them sexually it means omg that woman is dressed and polished nice .

Dude I cannot even come to tell you how many woman has been with me and ask that dreaded question most men hate . Baby do I look better than that girl ? honey am I bigger than that chick ? sweethheart is my make-up look better than that girl over there ? omg ! yes darling there's no comparison not even close you look better than any woman in here . Lmao ! I don't care if Megan Fox was sitting across from us .

Good luck Dakotah finding a natural beauty woman who can care less about wearing make-up , fake nails, dressed to the max . It does not matter what we prefer . It however matters to her and if she feels pretty shes going to glow like a beautiful diamond because Dakotah her inner self is whats making her look amazing . I love a happy woman .

Your last sentence Personally I think girls do all that shit just to show it off to other girls. Am I right?

No this is not completely what all think some do but not all . They just want to look amazing even in those uncomfortable shoes . Don't even try to figure them out because it is almost impossible . They have their own way of thinking which amazes me.

12:25 Aug 23 2013

Sadly some people are shallow and can't recognize a good personality. That's all. I'm just puttin that out there tryna keep it real with ya.

10:06 Aug 31 2013

Honestly I dk why they do that. I don't. I wear blue jeans and a t-shirt with no make up n my nice pair of sneakers. I ma NOT out to impress no one. Hell I don't even want to impress myself. For the record I HATE PURSES N SHOPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!

19:30 Sep 08 2013

Yeaaaah, after reading all of that, I definitely have to put my two cents in here. Especially as being a female who has both dressed up to the nines on a daily basis and one who went around wearing nightgowns and slippers to the grocery store.

With that being said, Dakotah I understand perfectly what you're trying to say. In the end, ultimately, though yes the outer accouterments may be appealing in a flashy sort of way, in the end you do not need nor even pay attention to that aspect of a woman. You find beauty where the eyes can't see. It isn't that you don't respect the time or effort women take to do so, but you see it as superfluous because you do not make judgement on something so transient. If you are going to choose someone, it will be because of who they are, and what they have come to mean to you.

Here's the gist boys and girls. One day, we are all going to be old and wrinkly. Our looks faded with no sex drive and a large chance of wearing diapers again. What you need to ask yourself every time you stare at your pretty man or your pretty woman and think, "will I love this person when all I have left is their words?" Because frankly, if the answer is no....put the pretty toy down, and find something worth establishing.

19:47 Jun 28 2022

i only dress for myself. the only opinion that matters outside of my own is my boyfriend's. my boyfriend thinks i look beautiful regardless of what im wearing. my boyfriend has only ever seen me in makeup once but he always says i dont need it because im the most beautiful woman he's ever met. i could've have just woken up, hair lookin like shit, tired ass face and he still calls me beautiful and melts my heart.


#Lessons in life.

23:27 Aug 09 2013
Times Read: 1,597

LOL Bitchez be getting busted on Maury!!! "The lie detector determined that was a lie!" haha scallyz still tryna deny it. Lying is for people who cant accept the consequences of their actions be real and admit your wrongs because lying will only cause more problems...



18:24 Sep 09 2013

I have tried watching these shows and honestly, I just cannot abide them. It gives me such a disheartening outlook on the human race that it's nearly physically painful. That they think that way in the first place is tragic. That they choose to air it publicly with pride is just down right catastrophic.



17:04 Aug 09 2013
Times Read: 1,608

Seriously Creator, why did you give them periods? I know guys can sometimes be dumb but really? You had to unleash a pissed off terminator on men for one week of every month. I guess its survival of the fittest.



19:36 Aug 09 2013


23:23 Aug 09 2013

I have renamed it: Shark Week. lmao...When a women wants to bite your head off for no reason other then because you're a male.

11:25 Aug 23 2013

You have some balls posting this one , damn dude this is a subject all men try to avoid talking or even thinking about . I am a supervisor at my work , when a woman comes up to me and even breathe this word automatically I say oh yeah go on home and dude I turn and walk away fast there's no way I can look her in the face and hear her talk about this woman thing.

I will say you better be more understanding with your natural beauty because this thing they have is no picnic , women have been laid up in bed for an entire week in severe pain and even the ones that are't laid up still feels like shit . they are in pain , moody and miserable . I can understand why they are grumpy .

Lmao ! this just came to me no matter I mean it doesn't matter how much make-up she has on she can care less during this time of month and no other bitch better even look her way she will slap her face off faster than a speeding bullet and give that look that can kill !

12:34 Aug 23 2013

I have learned every man should know to put his pride away during this time and respect the woman's feelings because even when she's wrong, she's right and when you're right, you're wrong, you just can't win so just smile and nod for your own safety lol. But that's a sacrifice you got to be willing to make to see her smile. Worth it. I now call it shark week.

18:19 Sep 09 2013

Bahahahahaha!!!! And you should hear the way I discuss it around men. Vulgar can be a vast understatement, but it really is more to see their facial expressions light up in abject horror.

Honestly guys, we aren't all always bitchy around this time, and even if some of us are, like you said Dakotah, take it with a grain of salt and carry on with your day. Ten to one she'll either apologize or just let it go. It's rather like arguing with a drunk. It just isn't worth the effort. lol



05:11 Aug 08 2013
Times Read: 1,628

It is true, I'm brown lol...Many people are mistaken when they say "What race are you?". There is only one race, human. But there are a variety of cultures in the human race. I try very hard everyday to think of every person I see on my daily journeys as just another human like me with problems and emotions rather then what culture they come from. I get mad when I see someone from a one culture look down on another person from a different. It's weird how you can see the racism in someones eyes as they give dirty looks of disgust and bitterness towards another human. Those people need to smudge themselves lmao. Point being, We're the same. Racism is wrong. Stop it!



09:44 Aug 30 2013


Disliking someone due to the shade of their skin is just about the lowest IQ thing to do ever.



16:10 Aug 07 2013
Times Read: 1,640

There's a smooth path you can take in life which will be easy to walk and won't take much out of you to endure it, you wont learn much from it and you won't gain strength from it either but you will get to where you're going. Then there's the muddy path which will be very hard to walk and it will take time and hard work to move forward, but it is full of teachings that will make you a wise and stronger person. Most of us don't get to pick the path we walk but I'm glad I somehow ended up on the muddy path. I'm not going to complain I'm just going to keep walking.



16:15 Aug 07 2013


I just wish I had boots on right now instead of sandals.


You Are beautiful.

02:00 Aug 06 2013
Times Read: 1,661

If you live off a man's compliments, you'll die from his criticism ~ Cornelius Lindsey

Posting pictures and hoping to be told you're beautiful doesn't build strength or confidence it in fact makes you weaker to the ones that tell you you're not beautiful or other negative comments. Instead why not go to a mirror and tell yourself you're beautiful, it will mean so much more in the end, you won't need other people to tell you nothing because you will already know according to your own eyes and heart.




#Bob Marley

23:31 Aug 04 2013
Times Read: 1,665

Oh Bob Marley, how your songs make me feel so much better. They really work. Your efforts to project love and happiness through your songs was a success and for that I thank you.





09:54 Aug 04 2013
Times Read: 1,681

Funniest shit ever. I am sitting there gaming out on black opz with my super cool guy headset on. I am talking shit to noobz and they are all silent so I thought I was just boss shutting them up or some shit. I look down and my headsets not even plugged in... #FAIL



06:30 Aug 08 2013

Ouuuu. An army without the voice of reason!

18:53 Aug 09 2013

omg, lmao... to funny

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