If someone offers you a face mask; PUT IT ON! You never know.
Rest in Power, King T’Challa.
Its sad that he is gone now. RIP
Wakunda Forever!
My new masterpiece... I am so proud!
It is called Chocoflan. The top layer is Carmel, then Flan, then chocolate cake!
Were is mine dakotah@
whoa that is some serious food porn dayummm!!! lol
That looks yummy delicious
that is the yummiest chocoflan i have ever seen in my life
She is back!!!! So a few months ago I wrote about this lady who every morning would come to greet me and of course enjoyed my walnuts. Then wham she vanished. Well, this week she is back! Of course, I had to supply the nuts again.
Here she is after eating 2 walnuts looking at me as if to say 'Dude, only two? More please."
This is a friend of hers who I guess she informed about the walnut supplier.
23:42 Aug 31 2020