Dakotah's Journal


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12 entries this month

18:14 May 26 2017
Times Read: 1,032

lostimmortallove' lets get the facts out there shall we. Since YOU are the one who clearly will not let this go.... lets get the truth out there shall we....You hit level 20 and was inducted into a coven like everyone else here is when they hit 20. You did not get into the coven you wanted and instead of asking the CM nicely, like an adult would, you went off on her and demand she trade you to the coven you wanted. Due to how you approached the CM she said no and blinded you. You then took to your journal and blasted the CM. I made a reply after I spoke to the CM to hear her side since she is a friend of mine and at this point I was giving you the benefit of the doubt.

After I was shown the whole conversation you had with the CM where you clearly was in the wrong I posted a comment in your journal under the trash and bash you did of Erin and suggested to you that you needed to apologise to her. You deleted my comment. Then a few hours later you self deleted you profile and made a new one. You then contacted me on this new profile claiming to be a new person and asking me for tips. I new right away it was you because of the name of the new profile. You told me I was wrong. I said to you out of the 200+ people online at the moment how is it you contact me out of all there other people who many were tagged mentors and I am not, plus you contact me a male instead of a female… being as you are ‘new’ to VR. You then continue to –lie- to me and inform me you are a married women and 2 months pregnant. Lie after Lie… well let me just post the chat shall I. But before that you said and I am using your own words here ‘that is my fault the simple truth is i had a falling out with her based off of something she did now am i going to people and running my mouth NO this is not high school and i will not act that way’.

Another lie because you are in fact doing just that because a friend of mine sent me a conversation where one moment your talking about a dress and next you bring up Me and Erin. So clearly you do indeed behave like someone in high school because you are in fact doing just that. I won’t post those logs as I do not wish to bring my friend into it but I am sure you recall the whole conversation now as talking about a dress should trigger your mind to recall it. Again more lies. So here the conversation I had with you pretending to be someone new lie after lie after lie and YOU contacted me first and started this. Also that dude you mention we contacted him well all three of the guys on FB with that name and not ONE of them every spoke to anyone about being a vampire… lie after lie and trying to bring innocent people into this. Once the profile was reported to the admins for you having multi free accounts it was suspended forever due to you breaking the ToS. Some advise, stop lying, get honest or you will find your time here on VR very unpleasant. You brought me into this. Now I am just posting the truth and letting others know the truth as well:

18:30 May 13 2017
Whats your fb name ill add you

23:25 May 13 2017 (-0 GMT) Dakotah wrote:

Give me your FB name so I can see pictures of you and your husband and post on it hello dakotah so I know its you.... and all your post telling your peeps how you are 2 months preggo and then I can contact you friend who you claim told you such a story but I know you will not do it, as do you, because.... I know you really are. So, do I contact your lost lover and inform him to go on his way that you are married now?

23:17 May 13 2017 (-0 GMT) immortalloveneverdies wrote:

I have a Facebook friend named james mallory who was turned and he shared hia story with me were like family and from what he said the process was horrible and it made me cry do you need his adress for god sakes also i have found that person who i blocked i will message them and tell them it was in error

23:14 May 13 2017 (-0 GMT) Dakotah wrote:

See this is how we know you are the same one. Besides, the names.... really. You claim to be in college, educated, and you use all three similar names. And the typing... well, I see that American Education system truly failed you. You should sue.

Lostinheartbreakhell (journal entry)

I dont nor will ever understand why anyone would ever want to pretend to be a vampire if they experienced the pain that most do they would think twice i feel it's a major disrespect to those who are really ones ur entitled to your opinion but i am very protective of who i know and trust me set down with one's who didn't have a choice in what happened to them and see what happened to them as a result and u would think twice about it being a fun game

immortalloveneverdies (profile description)

Let's get to know me shall me now first off im not about drama or bs games im nice but i am very blunt and opinionated lol so if you are highly triggered you may want to leave now because im going to get real now before i proceed while i respect everyones thoughts and beliefs these are my thoughts and my knowledge from real life experience first off i find role players offensive and insulting second and oh my favorite lol those that are born with the medical condition that makes them crave blood that doesn't make you a vampyre and lastly and to this group i will be more respectful those that are reincarnated vampyres some of you are genuine some lol and i respect those that are genuine from what i know and my real life experience most who are true vampyres are turned i have seen it first hand and it is not glamorous or romantic or fun its sad and agonizing which takes me back to what I said of role players i dont hate anyone i just feel of yall knew what it really was and like and felt like you would not do it its not like it is in the movies and im sorry if that offends anyone im just being me and being real

lostimmortallove (journal from deleted profle)

18:00 May 10 2017
Times Read: 101

First lets talk about role players they make me sick and they have no idea what they are playing as they have no idea what its like to be a v. Second lets talk about hlv shall we they can also be frustrating now before you send me hate mail i am not saying all of them just some some who think that being born craving blood makes you a v. It does not you are just a person with a medical condition. Third the people who claim to be reincarnated vampires now some and i do stress some are reincarnated but most who are true are turned now by that i don't mean the way hollywood glamorizes the process their is nothing sexy or glamorous about being turned that is why it is not practiced much anymore only by ones who wish to keep a loved one with them forever so they have company and if you try and ask me how i kmow all this dont bother its none of your business unless you would like to offer to help me with what i am seeking

22:40 May 13 2017 (-0 GMT) immortalloveneverdies wrote:

Because i was saying hi and again browsing profiles???? Has the law changed is it illegal for a woman to be friends with guys???? Im clear to any perv or single guy looking im off the market and legally married and you dont have nothing I want lol so they either respect me after that or keep being pervy then i block them as my husband doesn't deserve to be insulted hes to good a guy some guys respect that and some dont but i know how to put them in place

22:35 May 13 2017 (-0 GMT) Dakotah wrote:

So married women, why come on this site and the 1st person you message is a guy:

21:36 May 13 2017 (-0 GMT) immortalloveneverdies wrote:

Hi dakota nice to meet you welcome and since im new here any tips you could give will help

22:34 May 13 2017 (-0 GMT) immortalloveneverdies wrote:

Why would i cheat on my husband i am not looking for a fling and frankly anyone who cheats should be ashamed and check your messages you messaged me first then i responded id happily screen shot and email it to ya second off as i said i was browsing and was friending people if i did block someone it was unintentional i will try and find that person again and unblock her as ive no reason to block anyone yet

22:29 May 13 2017 (-0 GMT) Dakotah wrote:

Let's look at the facts. You are 7 min old on a new profile and you message me out of 100+ online. Then you block Erinyes whom *you* bitched about before you self deleted. All because she would not let you in Hannah coven due to the way you asked her. So, try again. By the way.... I did find that guy you were looking for. I have his address and cell phone number and will only pass it to you if you get honest. So, what shall it be?

22:25 May 13 2017 (-0 GMT) immortalloveneverdies wrote:

You are still going on with this look i have been very respectful and told you i am not the person you think i am so please respect what i said and let it be im sorry whoever this person was caused you drama but you need to respect the fact that you have mistook me im a grown woman and pregnant to boot i dont have the time or energy to deal with online drama

22:20 May 13 2017 (-0 GMT) Dakotah wrote:

So, you do what to play! I am so happy. You made my day.

1. Tell the truth
2. Tell your last CM you are sorry for your journal post and post it in your new profile journal.

22:06 May 13 2017 (-0 GMT) immortalloveneverdies wrote:

I have blocked no one i have sent friend request to a few if i did it was accodent lemme check it out thanks for letting me know

22:03 May 13 2017 (-0 GMT) Dakotah wrote:

So that's why not even 10 min old here you block Erinyes. Karma also a bastard, you are meeting him now.

22:02 May 13 2017 (-0 GMT) immortalloveneverdies wrote:

Look i honestly dont know you or who you are talking about im not here to find anyone im here to learn more about vampyres not to cheat on my husband you truly have me mistook for someone else it seems this person caused alot of trouble and stress to you and im sorry about that but remember karma is a bitch and people like that get theirs so will that person

21:57 May 13 2017 (-0 GMT) Dakotah wrote:

Not going to work. You are dealing with people here who been around the block many times with ones like you for many years. Now, as I said, to stop all this, apologize to your last CM or else.

21:54 May 13 2017 (-0 GMT) immortalloveneverdies wrote:

Woah ive been married for over a year sooo yes lol anyway your misunderstanding aside which happens its nice to meet you :-)

21:47 May 13 2017 (-0 GMT) Dakotah wrote:

The way you type I doubt you finished the 3rd grade. Let's see... oh yes, you were looking for your Vampire Lover who left you..... so down with school right?

21:40 May 13 2017 (-0 GMT) immortalloveneverdies wrote:

I dont know who you think i am but i have never been here before and so you can't have known me well unless you are from new york and went to my school or something

21:39 May 13 2017 (-0 GMT) Dakotah wrote:

Darling, I was not born yesterday. Oh but yes... a tip... apologize to Erinyes. And prove to me you did.

21:38 May 13 2017 (-0 GMT) immortalloveneverdies wrote:

I found this site from a frieds post on facebook im sorry if you mistook me for someone but it is nice to meet you i like your profile

21:36 May 13 2017 (-0 GMT) Dakotah wrote:

You are not new. I know who you are.

21:36 May 13 2017 (-0 GMT) immortalloveneverdies wrote:

Hi dakota nice to meet you welcome and since im new here any tips you could give will help



02:14 May 27 2017

ANYTIME someone posts a journal saying they are new, they are not! LOL

02:45 May 27 2017

Clearly the education system has failed this girl since I read her journal the other day. This girl wouldn't know punctuation if it hit her in the face. I got a migraine trying to read that load of garbage.

09:35 May 27 2017

Its the fact that she understands that we stick to our friends and she forgives us that makes it weird because she talk behind our back and have us still blocked. And the funny part is as Dakotah sad that with every new profile she made she always messaged him first out of all people online. Its a normal day in the crazy day of vr "Hands coffee and croisant around"

17:35 May 27 2017

And this all started cos Erin just happen to be on when this nitwit hit 20 and inducted her. Then Erin sends her a nice message welcome her to Arcane and she goes off on Erin saying she did a horrible thing by induct her... like 20 other CM's had not hit the indict button at the same time and Erin just happen to been the unlucky one to grab this girl. I know Erin. I was her ACM a long time and anyone we inducted who wanted to of gone to another coven, Erin happily made if happen. But it was the way this girl smarted off to Erin at the get go. Oh hell no... Well she in the Coven now , a jail coven, blinding and I truly hope she rots there and never sires and gets out.


16:28 May 25 2017
Times Read: 1,053

Let's smack those little bugs! Past few days I noticed more bugs popping up. I had to hit the request help option because I could not find the report a bug option. Here is the link for reporting a bug: https://www.vampirerave.com/bug/ As you find bugs please lets report them so Cancer can fix them. I just reported a journal post bug. I tried to post to my journal last night and when I hit post I got this white page that like had all my journal post I have made all jumbled together and my post would not post. I sent in the errors at the bottom of the white page.




03:53 May 24 2017
Times Read: 1,101

Most of my friends here know I have a ton of four legged brothers and sisters. Also behind my back yard is the forest and the forest four leggs like to tun my yard into A Animal Hood. I even just call it 'Good Times in the Hood' .During the winter things are quiet for the most part. Then Wham! Spring time comes and the nightly fights start in the 'hood' and I share about it in my journal every Spring. So, here we go!

'Good Times in The Hood'

My neighbors are feeding the local skunks cheese puffs. We get regular skunk battles in the Hood behind my house (or maybe in their yard, too), since I think it's made things a bit too comfy and they over-bred. Two nights ago was the worst sounding skunk battle I've ever heard in The Hood. And the raccoons are back, though I think the skunks are actually trying to keep them away for the most part... The other day as I sat a few bowls out to feed 2 feral cats (which we did cage and get neutered) I noticed a raccoon lined up with the cats waiting for food. So I just fed it too, his own bowl. The next night Mr. R ( the raccoon) shows up with the Misses and and 2 kids (raccoon kits) for dinner. Though I think one of the coon's are digging up my pond plants and am considering getting a mountain lion to keep it at bay. I informed him, Mr. R that he and the Misses and the kids just going have to share his bowl. A fox has been trying to move in to The Hood too which is fine with me. I hope he/she does because they they dispose of the animal remains that the cats leave. You know the shit-filled intestines, rabbit spines, and mouse faces that the cats don't eat? The Cleanup Crew deals with it very well. It took my mom and my brothers actual YEARS to discover that I wasn't the one cleaning dead animals off of the back steps. The owl is back and 2 Elks have been coming out of the woods. It is good to see The Hood thriving with life again. Animals are so much fun to watch.

Fun times and I will keep updates coming from 'Good Times in The Hood'. HaHa



04:19 May 24 2017

Now now .... where the wolves at? They are missing the party in your backyard :D

04:32 May 24 2017

Its not quite time yet for them to show up but they will!

07:40 May 24 2017

I love how the slide off the nature in your yard to explore and then leave again. Like passing by to say hello and see if you are ok. Adorable deers and fawns

07:52 May 24 2017

Yeah remember the picture I showed you of the deer the other day? They were out tonight in the pasture when I rode Buddy.


16:46 May 23 2017
Times Read: 1,131

Prayers go out to Manchester and all those affected by the attack. So sad :(



16:47 May 23 2017

We pray and hope for the ones who get lost and got hurt to be well and we pray for the souls of the ones that left ths earth.....
When all this sadness will stop

17:31 May 23 2017

Young teenage girls.... I mean wtf.... and it happen outside the concert not in. The concert had just ended and the dude blew himself up right outside was they were coming out. This just is... there are no words.

17:33 May 23 2017

Unfortunatly that wont stip happening. When we say they stopped and everything is calm something like that happens again. Its so sad so many innocent lifes to be lost like this. The youngest was 8 years old


20:56 May 16 2017
Times Read: 1,222

Just four more days.... I think we are just about ready.... Hey Lily lets get married this weekend. You in?



20:59 May 16 2017

"chuckles hugging you" Yes let. Ill see you under the big gold leave arch

21:02 May 16 2017

Deal... 5 pm this Saturday, 20th....

21:04 May 16 2017

Under the stary night. Ill be the one in white "I always wanted to say that line" hehe

23:52 May 16 2017

*gets the flowers ready*

00:39 May 17 2017

blesses to both of you.


21:44 May 15 2017
Times Read: 1,258

Just learned the french equivalent of Having your cake and Eating it too:

Le beurre, l'argent du beurre et le cul de la crémière

(To have) the butter, the butter money and the ass of the milkmaid

Seems to be superior ambition in life than "You have free wishes in life! What do you want." "uhh eat cake?"



21:48 May 15 2017

Oui d'accord
Here we say you cant have all the pie for yourself and the dog full

22:00 May 15 2017

My Mom tells me this today, In French, Le beurre, l'argent du beurre et le cul de la crémière Sean! I was like ummmm..... whut?! She speaks french good. So I learn what it means.

23:51 May 15 2017

jadore maman
She needs to teach me french

23:53 May 15 2017

French is one of the languages I would love to learn


23:34 May 14 2017
Times Read: 1,343

lostimmortallove, A quote from your journal ‘ so if i do shit that is wrong i man up so to speak and address it’. Are you going to ‘man’ up that you created a profile in which you contacted me pretended to be someone ‘new’. I saved the message logs of all the crap you said. Once this new profile was reported against the ToS ‘having multi free accounts’ and was:
immortalloveneverdies ::: User is SUSPENDED until: Infinity:::: You then logged back into your self-deleted account before it went poof. No clue why you targeted me right off to scam me. Care to tell me?



07:07 May 15 2017

Its the fact the she messaged you from the banned one wile she blocked you and I from her second account when we never contact her from there. Some peole dont sit and think unfortunatly and they come in here only to cause drama and play the wounded animal and seek protection. It supose to be a new time Vr with funny and awesome way to explore it and with the friends to have nce time and yet people who seek drama come in here to try and play with others lifes.


23:20 May 13 2017
Times Read: 1,451

Since you claim to be new, yet, lets see... Your first action on VR was to block someone. Second, was to message me. Now you delete my responses in your journal. Fair enough, you can delete them. Now, lets just look at this shall we. Get honest and unblock a certain CM and apologize to her.

See this is how we know you are the same one. Besides, the names.... really. You claim to be in college, educated, and you use all three similar names. And the typing well, I see that American Education system truly failed you. You should sue. Seriously, sue and become crazy rich.

Lostinheartbreakhell (journal entry)

I dont nor will ever understand why anyone would ever want to pretend to be a vampire if they experienced the pain that most do they would think twice i feel it's a major disrespect to those who are really ones ur entitled to your opinion but i am very protective of who i know and trust me set down with one's who didn't have a choice in what happened to them and see what happened to them as a result and u would think twice about it being a fun game

immortalloveneverdies (profile description)

Let's get to know me shall me now first off im not about drama or bs games im nice but i am very blunt and opinionated lol so if you are highly triggered you may want to leave now because im going to get real now before i proceed while i respect everyones thoughts and beliefs these are my thoughts and my knowledge from real life experience first off i find role players offensive and insulting second and oh my favorite lol those that are born with the medical condition that makes them crave blood that doesn't make you a vampyre and lastly and to this group i will be more respectful those that are reincarnated vampyres some of you are genuine some lol and i respect those that are genuine from what i know and my real life experience most who are true vampyres are turned i have seen it first hand and it is not glamorous or romantic or fun its sad and agonizing which takes me back to what I said of role players i dont hate anyone i just feel of yall knew what it really was and like and felt like you would not do it its not like it is in the movies and im sorry if that offends anyone im just being me and being real

lostimmortallove (journal from deleted profle)

18:00 May 10 2017
Times Read: 101

First lets talk about role players they make me sick and they have no idea what they are playing as they have no idea what its like to be a v. Second lets talk about hlv shall we they can also be frustrating now before you send me hate mail i am not saying all of them just some some who think that being born craving blood makes you a v. It does not you are just a person with a medical condition. Third the people who claim to be reincarnated vampires now some and i do stress some are reincarnated but most who are true are turned now by that i don't mean the way hollywood glamorizes the process their is nothing sexy or glamorous about being turned that is why it is not practiced much anymore only by ones who wish to keep a loved one with them forever so they have company and if you try and ask me how i kmow all this dont bother its none of your business unless you would like to offer to help me with what i am seeking



23:28 May 13 2017

Do you remember the phrase I told you that we use here love"I wont even comment it"

23:30 May 13 2017

That I do. ;)

23:40 May 13 2017

chuckles "yes well i wont comment to that too" laughs hugging you tight

02:07 May 14 2017

Oh my...I spoke to her and she was all "RAWR" and she's like, "You don't even understand me or what they have done to me." Oh honey, I could careless. She's rather annoying to be honest.

05:01 May 14 2017

It seems like I haven't missed anything today. Also my brain hurt from reading her profile description.

14:00 May 14 2017

"hands some coccoa and glasses to you"


08:02 May 11 2017
Times Read: 1,477



02:44 Jul 05 2022

saw this and it started playing in my head. "some nights i stay up cashin in my bad luck, some nights i call it a draw." lol


01:40 May 08 2017
Times Read: 1,515

MistressAngelique and Cinnamon thank you for the song you two put together and MistressAngelique sent to me and Lily. Love the words and wow Ange, you can really sing. :) Means a lot to me and I know to Lily. I won't post it here because I do knot know if you want it to be public. Thank you for everything and being a friend, both of you.



02:54 May 08 2017

I am happy that you and Lily like it Dakotah! You can post the song if you like:) It is for you and Lily:) Thank you for the compliment - I really appreciate it! Hugs to you both!

10:20 May 08 2017

The song is trully beautiful thank you both!! Angie and Cin this song was trully amazing. It made your mind travel to beautiful worlds. Thank you both. Dakotah and I loved it truly!! It spoke to our hearts


22:33 May 05 2017
Times Read: 1,582

I read some journals and not the one posted but yeah ok that one too... I contacted Cancer and he did not respond. Really now. There is a request help option and guess what, anytime I have used it I gotten help and my problems solved. Cancer is so busy behind VR with the update there no way I would bother the dude when he has staff and even a Request Help button set up, why would I. If Cancer needs to be contacted about a site issue I am having, let the staff do it. They sure as heck have ways to reach him a lot faster then some message to him I might do. Plus, can you imagine the amount of message he gets? Then to weed though them to find mine? No way would I bother him. New people, if you need help use the request help button. People that have been here for awhile, you should know better. Use the Request Help option. It works.



01:57 May 06 2017

I saw that entry too. Cancer himself is really busy working on the new site to deal with whatever it is that member needed him for. They should've, like you said, used the Request Help option and a Acolyte or other admin could have assisted them.

14:14 May 06 2017

Cancer was busy with all the changes and lets sayd today the final change of server happened. That must have been way stressful and tiring for Cancer to be able to answer. If you want help contact the admins thats why they are here or wait till Cancer is free and not in busy anxious set up fixing. Patients is a huge virtue


22:28 May 02 2017
Times Read: 1,663

Fuck Cancer. We will beat you. You won't take my Lily.



12:21 May 03 2017

I must confess, that when I read the first two parts, I thought you were having serious issues with the admin lol

Tell Lili to think positive and keep her happy, willpower is everything, the human body can live and die depending on how strong one's will is.

12:51 May 03 2017

Yes we will angel!! As long as I have you!! You are my cure!! I am not going anywhere you are stuck with me!!

15:37 May 03 2017

Everything is going to alright... sending kitteh loads of love and positive energy. She is going kick cancer's butt!

18:12 May 03 2017

Wtf!? Thinking of you both...light and love coming your way. Hang tough.

06:08 May 04 2017

Prayers are for lily :)

22:37 May 05 2017

At first I wrote just Fuck Cancer. Then I started getting message and it dawned on me they are thinking I meant cancer who owns this site, woops. So I add to it to make it clear I meant the illness.

03:02 May 06 2017

Being a Nurse for 20 years...I've seen my fair share of Cancer.

I have a T-shirt called "FUCK CANCER" and wear it proudly.

I've know to many people, family...friends that have had to deal with this bitch, and frankly she's a ROYAL PAIN in the ass.

Stay strong + positive and you will be ahead of the game.

Much respect Lily...I don't even know you, but if you're dealing with this shit, you're a trooper!

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