Drayton's Journal

Drayton's Journal


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7 entries this month

I like sleep not waking up at 4:30 am

07:51 Mar 30 2023
Times Read: 227

The past two days I have been awake at 4:30am Not sure why I think it has something to do with the old place being demolished. Or just not working Monday and Tuesday I've had enough of the no sleep schedule. I avoided a green tea today so I could perk myself up and burn the candle at both ends as usual. But I need to sleep I made it home and just put myself in autopilot and made it home at the exact same time I normally arrive. You could set a watch to me and I'd be a minute early. From being a courier driver I learned how to arrive at places across town right on time. Driving faster to make up for being stopped at lights and slowing down so I don't get a ticket in the areas where the cops are often Lurking. I flew by a sheriff doing 70 in a 55 last Friday. And they did not care. Maybe they see me coming through going the exact same speed, at the same precise time. I realize I have somewhere to be. It's like I haven't been all here lately my ADHD makes it to where I'm often distracted with things I need to do in two months and not worried about anything tomorrow except going to work. I was able to get a sick day without filing another grievance But Being that I understand the state Sick time laws. From what I understand. I can literally file a complaint and bring, Civil penalties on my Employer. That's actually a whole new level of a grievance. And maybe I could get free money.




And then there was this one time in band camp

08:29 Mar 29 2023
Times Read: 266

I have never been able to make a entry to the vampire database. And I just don't care. I uploaded something that was like poetry with a picture and it was rejected. Years ago, Now it's something I can't be bothered with, all the boxes are too confusing. And I really don't give a fuck. I have been restless all day I woke up at 4:21 am like something came and woke me up on the astral plane. I saw my old home being demolished today along with the place all my dead friends lived when they were alive. I remember the lemon trees and giving a beer to the old Irish man. Then One day he died and I left him a can of beer for a memorial and some asshole took it. I still remember his cold dead eyes looking at me. When I touched his wrist and felt that cold skin to check for a pulse. I called 911 and then the ambulance showed up and the old man told the firefighters, don't waste your time. you're going to need a body bag, as they all stared at him in disbelief. And called the country coroner, Years later I would do ghost hunting and always manage to take his pictures from beyond the grave, ectoplasm is very interesting. Once it's there for a awhile it will leave a moldy looking layer of ectoplasm on the walls. That can be seen with a well timed flash of a camera phone, It's almost like ghost dust. I guess the spirits weren't happy about rooster row being demolished and decided I had something to do with it. That place has always been a battleground to the spirit realm. All those spirits in one place trying to or not to, cross into the void. I took one away, when the ashes were returned to me, and had them go into the portal, I found. And That had to be the most exhausting thing. I've ever done spiritually. Do you think you can just send a humans spirit into a fucking portal. To the void and not experience any sort of physical drain is just not possible no matter how well you may be grounded. Shamain and the opening of veil is nothing to mess with.





07:26 Mar 15 2023
Times Read: 335

If the cams were working I would be in there hitting my Dab pen and smoking bowls of cannabis flower but it doesn't work. I doubt Cancer will fix them at this point but when and if he does I will be ready. I seriously bought a new laptop thinking I'd get on Cam. But the google for updates that broke the webcam coding had other plans. If I knew more about coding I'd help Cancer code it. But I think he prefers to do all that himself. What if I could find a AI to write a code he could use . I heard Chat GDP does something like that. But I'd feel silly trying to show something like that to the creator of this website. So I can only hope he gets a wild hair and decides to re-code it all I remember when I could just sit on cam and I would have the most random viewers. That took a interest in chatting with me as Anons. I could always stream somewhere else and post a link for it on my kismet . But that wouldn't be the same




Road trip

05:41 Mar 07 2023
Times Read: 433

We need a VR road trip we will all drive to California in search of Mogy. I will bring the finest Medical cannabis concentrates across that Annoying little imaginary line by any means necessary. And someone can distract the department of agriculture with several bundles of bananas. Once we get there, we will find ladyzombie. And she will text him and tell him We are coming over. Or I can research all the meta data in his portfolio pictures. Gps coordinates and then geolocation with Google maps. We must keep in my mind Mogy is armed. So we must approach with caution, so he lets us in. And then we convince him to return to VR. it could be like a bad hangover movie with VR people unitied for a common cause of bringing Lordmogy back. If we don't murder each other before we get there. It would definitely be a cult classic. 📼



06:49 Mar 07 2023

I mean, marijuana is legal here in California, so there's no need to bring it from elsewhere. There's like a dispensery on every corner in major cities. From what I gathered, he's not too far outside of LA. I think he's actually located in the IE, like myself.

11:16 Mar 07 2023

We can legally grow six plants per household too. As far as public lounges go I'm a Barbary Coast man. But I still sometimes buy off the street to keep ties with the "black" market. ;)

16:07 Mar 07 2023

I know it is. I wouldn't take any legal AZ Medical marijuana across the CA state line. When I'm sure the same stuff can be purchased there. Or even actually go to Mogy's home if he left the site for his own reasons. But it's still a fun idea and maybe if we showed up and visited Mogy in person. We could convince him to return to VR. It could be the VR roadtrip. Like the goth cruise or the VR Disneyland meetup.

17:01 Mar 08 2023

Not the same our bud is better. Besides it's much easier to just talk to him on weed tube channel if you want. Every one of them have comment sections.


I'm a fucking luthier?

04:27 Mar 05 2023
Times Read: 459

I fixed my Jackson guitar and played along to some music. To test it out, I almost forget how much I like this old guitar I've had for about 14 years. It just needed to be repaired. The part cost about $12.99 and new strings $8. For a total cost of around $21.99 tax I think. Don't ever ask me to do math.



21:54 Mar 05 2023

I like it, happy you got it back working...


00:55 Mar 04 2023
Times Read: 481

Do you realize that those that don't talk know? And those that talk don't know..




it worked

04:06 Mar 01 2023
Times Read: 385

I fixed my Jackson JS30 Electric Guitar yesterday. It took about an hour, to shave down a small white piece of synthetic Ivory made for a Epiphone guitar. That I got from Sam Ash to replace the Broken Plastic Nut that holds all the strings in the slots, I did it myself by. Hand rather than pay someone to do the work since it's easy enough, And I just happened to have 220 grit sandpaper and the old plastic piece for visual reference. I replaced the strings and after an hour. I made a few adjustments after hearing some buzz on the bass strings and then no issues. So I will test it out now and see how it has all adjusted now, almost 24 hours later. I'm doing stuff I've been putting off lately, Like repairing my music equipment during my Vacation.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.



22:29 Mar 01 2023

That's really cool. I have a few family members who are musically self-taught.

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