3 entries this month
Profile update, updates07:09 Nov 25 2023
Times Read: 354
I will be updating this profile. As much as I hate Xmas. I'm putting up a Xmas theme. You don't have to like it. An neither do I. But it is my profile so I'll do whatever. I want. I can even do a furry profile complete with litter boxes. I also hope everything, I post on the stream offends you. I plan to post the most distasteful and offensive content. Within T.O.S of course. I would post Razor Candis photos there. But I don't want anyone's head to explode, by seeing that Woman. I also doubt she will change your diapers. In other news. Guitar #2 has been repaired with the new volume Potentiometer. This one is twice the size. As the stock ones. I finally got the nerve to hook it up to the 2x12 120 watt Amplifier. I like to call "Big Bertha" last night. And I did not end up riding the lightning. So it's safe to say I gotten better at soldering my guitar's electronics. I was able to connect the four black wires. After using my vacuum vice. The white and yellow wires, were later connected. To the Volume pot. And the third connection, ends up being a ground as well. I was able to copy what the factory did by running a tiny wire. From the capacitor. I didn't need that came with the new volume pot.
Techical difficulties.05:33 Nov 18 2023
Times Read: 386
Guitar #2 is down. I have to solder in a new fucking volume potentiometer. I didn't think it would be so difficult to solder four ground wires. To the back of a new volume pot, twice the size as the original one that came from the factory. But everything was working against me last Sunday, and just solder was not flowing like it normally does. So I will have to do some maintenance on the iron and hopefully. I am able to repair the fucking issue. The great thing is, that the wiring is very simplistic just, connect the dots and solder the white and yellow Wires correct components making sure, it's all properly grounded to the back of the volume pot. Those are usually always the black wires. In other news a black cat was going to cross my path tonight,on the way back from the smoke shop, but It looked and, saw who It was. And then thought twice and went the other way. And scurried under a vehicle. Maybe they've, become superstitious of crossing my path.
Dyslexic moments09:52 Nov 09 2023
Times Read: 418
That awkward moment when you Google the correct spelling of a word and think. "what the fuck. That doesn't look right? because I spell It wrong all the time.
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14:16 Nov 25 2023
As for the guitar, personally, I wouldn't mind seeing it, myself.
Though, in terms of having to modify one, I'm not really one for doing that, apart from to suit my personal style, or to "mark" it as belonging to me.
19:09 Nov 25 2023
17:19 Nov 27 2023
👀 on you....