Jamie's Journal

Jamie's Journal


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25 entries this month

I love Andy

07:44 Feb 27 2007
Times Read: 763

I love Andy Griffith.





06:47 Feb 27 2007
Times Read: 764

I feel sad for Britney.




What's with this shit? I can no longer sustain the silence on this

06:42 Feb 27 2007
Times Read: 765

There is a band called, The Higher, that I saw on an ad at myspace. Yea, I just logged in.

Why is it that preppy/emo/punk-wannabes have their hair swiped to the side, like the wind was blowing really hard from the side and they sprayed it there?!

Guys....it's really stupid looking.

Chicks. Those jeans that are low cut, with your fat hangin' out the side, creating a muffin top.....it looks horrible! The jeans ALSO make your asses look square and flat as hell. Concave actually. I am serious. Danny and I talk about this in disgust all the time. You think you are making yourself look better by smashing your ass in, but it goes inward, and makes your ass look bigger, and more square.

Believe me, it is. I really want to tell chicks this.

We were at the mall in OKC this weekend and they were around there too. Wichita, Kansas mall.....same thing. Enid.....same thing. In mags, when they do candids....came thing. At the tanning salon last week....concave ass, with extra width. Lordy.




Mrs. Short Term Memory

07:52 Feb 26 2007
Times Read: 766

The other day, Danny and I took Tootsie (Vic's friend's dog) to her leash to be outside in the nice, springy air, away from the trailer she was having to stay in while Vic was out of town.

We then went to Wal-Mart, blew some time and money, and went back to put Tootsie back in the trailer, left, went home and I fixed supper, Danny went to work.

About 10 minutes after he left, I had Harmony call him to ask what we should do with Tootsie, should we leave her out all night? Then I realized, "Duh, oh yea, we just put her up!".

About that time Harmony said, "Dad's laughing.".

I said, "Hang up.".

I called him later, "Queer.".




An unfortunatly named product

07:40 Feb 26 2007
Times Read: 767





No biting

07:02 Feb 26 2007
Times Read: 768

I have turned my "bite" off. It's not that I don't appreciate the time the people take out of their day to bite me, but it's a pain in my neck to see it and say, "Thanks for the bite.", and then nothing more said to them. ?





07:00 Feb 26 2007
Times Read: 770

Saw about the first half hour of GHOST RIDER and did not watch the rest.

IT SUCKS!!!!! Sooo stupid and cheesy. You know what it reminded me of? Creepshow. Only, I liked it. Still, it was cheesy. I can't watch the bugs part.

Satan's son in GR is cute....where have I seen him before? Can't place him.....




"This ain't a scene, it's an arms race"

06:58 Feb 26 2007
Times Read: 771

I like that song by the Fallout Boys. I know, the emo shit sucks. But I really like the chorus. And yea, you're fucking right it's an arms race, and you better hope we are the winners.





06:56 Feb 26 2007
Times Read: 773

Wow, it just occured to me that I haven't been to myspace in about a month! Oops...




Gotta scrape the damn house....

06:50 Feb 26 2007
Times Read: 774

We are going to start scraping the house next weekend. We HAVE to paint this fucker! Vic knows an old man that the city told him to paint the house or they will tear it down. And I am like, "But they can't TEAR your house down?!". ????

Our house really needs to be painted. Badly. It's just that it's either too wet or gets too hot, or too cold or something. Ugh.....but this year, we are GOING to. And I am going to probably paint it white, for lightness and ease of touch-ups. haha......:P




High school shit. School's out for summer...

06:43 Feb 26 2007
Times Read: 775

This is what I wrote in a thread on my reunion site. The site is a part of myfamily.com, that the fellow classmates put up for our 20 year reunion coming up in July. A person was writing that considering how we were treated in high school, it's a wonder we would want to go to a reunion.

I had written about this sort of thing before on there, that some of us are still hurt and pissed about things said and done to us in high school (You know the insincere and mean kids that whispered behind backs.) and how we don't just "get over it" simply because we have aged. But some people just don't get it.

Some classmates are like, "Oh my, I hope you all don't feel that way and gee golly, I hope you can all make it. It's going to be just a jolly time. God is great and here is my favorite recipe.".

So I had to write something of my own on the thread. Leave it to me...

"I am glad that others feel this way too. I don't see how they couldn't, actually.

The last reunion I wasn't invited. I had been looking forward to it for a few years, but I never heard a thing about it, nor did I really know where to even start asking at the time. I had even dreamt about how it would be, seeing everyone. I saw Alex Carpenter after it was over and she filled me in.

I tell you, it may be 20 years later, but that does not take the sting out of the past. Time does not heal all wounds. Growing up doesn't either, otherwise there wouldn't be any drug or alcohol or food or sex or shopping addicts! Hello?! Jeez....Come on people, you are smarter than that.

I still obviously harbor deep resentments (and believe me, I don't like feeling that way) about a few things people said about me, or to me, or the whispers they thought I didn't see. I saw them do it to others too. And sure, while logically, my mind tells me they were young, shallow and bored, and all that rational talk, but it doesn't really change the fact that they hurt my feelings and didn't fix it. Didn't even give a @#*@ that they were hurting others with their careless behavior. Course, now that I am more "enlightened and wise", I know it's my insecurities they hit on and it's my issues they tapped into. Still, at that age, it's devastating to a young psyche. I have been working my whole life to work past my insecurities.

Have you all gotten past all your childhood traumas because you have aged? I bet not. Do you still feel like a child when you are at your parent's house? Do you regress back to it? I seem to regress everytime I come to this site. The same gunk comes back up. Things I thought I had gotten over.

I was at David Davidson's funeral a few years ago. I saw classmates there. I said hi to one and she ignored me. In the back were the same clicks whispering and giggling about everyone. It took me right back and I knew things hadn't changed.

I had been excited about this reunion since I had missed the last one....until a fellow classmate and one from 1986 asked me, "Why?". Then I started asking myself that same question. "Um....well.....".

I know we can try to move past it all long enough for the reunion and be cordial and all that, but I am a bit leary of how genuine people are really going to be. Perhaps it's me being cynical, or maybe my realist nature, but I don't believe many people care about what I have been up to, or my trials and tribulations. They most likely want to show off their stuff and brag (And why not? We all want to be liked, accepted and loved.).They stop talking long enough for you to ask how they are and what they have been up to. It's like that saying, "Enough about me! What do you think about me?". Then they get to tell you how great they are doing. And really, I am glad for them. Because as a whole, in my Reiki Master, universal way, I love everyone. It's just the individuals that really piss me off.

Namaste peeps!"




Why do I watch it?

06:41 Feb 21 2007
Times Read: 782

I am watching "101 Sexist Celebrity bodies". Pfft....

Meanwhile I am pissed that I have gained 3 pounds and it seems that that is my new regular weight I sit at, and it can only go higher from here, because I can't eat any less than I do and am bored shitless with all the exercises. I do enough to keep some shit together....or do I? Apparently the metabolism is slowing already. Fuck. I am only 37.

Am I the only one that is not quite sure of what we should really look like anyway, to be healthy? I keep seeing extremes of both side, and I am confused, frankly. And really tired of caring.

PS--I am so bored with celebs.




Cool for a friend of ours

06:30 Feb 21 2007
Times Read: 784

Jason, a friend of ours called today and left a message, saying that a producer heard his cd he and his band made a few years ago and wants to sign them on a label! How crazy is that? This is our friend from here, that moved to Colorado, and plays in a garage band a night or two a week, as a hobby. He is actually a welder in "real life". I wonder if this connection was started when he met the Mississippi All Stars at the same time we did, with our friend Tim that was working with them at the time, managing and running sound. I am not sure of why he no longer works for them. It happens a lot, as you would figure, in that biz. Our friend Howard that was running sound for Seether, is now working for Los Lonely Boys. I asked if they were really lonely. A mutual friend, Ronda, a chick friend from Danny's past, said that they are all married. So now Howard doesn't know if he is going back to Seether or not.....money talks. A few thousand dollars a week is way cool.

And back here at home, we personally made less money last year than the year before, according to the tax man. *sigh*

I am happy for Jason, our friend though, and it sure would be a trip to see him in concert mode. I mean really weird. He is the only black man I have ever known that loves Slayer and all the heavy shit, and hates rap or music like that. hahaha.....




One of my favorite T-Shirt sites to laugh at

06:22 Feb 21 2007
Times Read: 786


First one I see: "Fuck you, you're Irish". hahahaha.....

Next one, that I thought about getting:

"3687 days since I last gave a shit"

Too many to choose from though to really make a decision on ONE.

Danny got the "White Flour" shirt, with the Pilsbury Doughboy saluting in Nazi style, with a tiny mustache under his nose. It came today, and he decided not to wear it to work around his jewish boss. Still, if we have to worry all the time around people about what they might think, we would all stay home. Course, it's nothing against anyone in particular anyway. The receipt said, "Here's your fucking receipt!".

And in another window I have Chakra T-shirts opened, and a "Be Present" shirt picked out to wish for. I do that a lot. Window shopping online. Then Danny gets bombarded with links to what Jamie wants. ha....Wants......Anyway, I have a lot of varied interests. Gemini.




Pic change and fruit roll ups

08:37 Feb 20 2007
Times Read: 792

Finally got a new pic of myself up. Sorry for subjecting you to the nudie cloud pic longer than anticipated. The new pic was taken in another camera and I had to wait to extract it. Did so last night and added it just now.

I took the pic while wearing my 20s flapper dress and my long ass strand of salt water pearls. 100 inches, as a matter of fact. They are Akoya and those are some of the best. Those and Tahitian. I was able to afford those from Ebay. They have a ton of pearls on there. I decided long ago I needed different lengths and now I can indulge more so on them, every so often. Waiting on a 48 inch strand now from overseas.

And Tombstone is on. I love love Val Kilmer in that! He is so hot. His mannerism that is. Not necessarily his face, but the way he talks to everyone. Love it......I watch it whenever it's on just to hear him speak.

Now I have to go paint (and listen to Tombstone). I started, and my ADD kicked in, in the middle and came in here, opened Photoshop and my paint brush awaits. haha......





Insurance to figure out

06:56 Feb 19 2007
Times Read: 795

Danny's insurance: it's $74.00 bucks a week for us and that is high dollar shit to us. If we enroll in their healthy living program then they take $10 off. I need to call the other corporate line tomorrow and find out more details. The office I called Friday is the number on the schwans magnet but not the one I needed apparently and then they send out the book-o-forms to fill out. ugh......

From what I learned, they seem to pay 80% and we pay the 20%. But like, for the $60-80 dr. visit, I would be paying a $20 co-pay and 20% of what is left from what they pay. Why that I don't know and it makes no sense to me. Why the extra 20%? Stupid.

$74 bucks a week.

Then there are 2 other plans that are rather sucky. One plan has a $3000 deductible with schwans paying half of it. The other plan has a $2200 dollar deductible and 100% after that (I THINK! I didn't go into it much because I figured I should go with the more expensive plan, but I just don't know). Would that even be worth it or practical? I guess it would cover like, a cat-scan or if there was an accident? Or an operation?

That's what that seems about to me...one is $20 bucks a week and the other is $12. IF in the healthy living plan.

Decisions......so basically, we have to figure out what is more practical for our lives. I wonder if that $1500 or $2200 is accumlative or each individual cost.......(that was rhetorical)

GRR.....hard to figure out what I would need. We don't have anything too major right now going on physically, except that I want to go to a cardiologist and Danny has back issues to watch out on. *shaking head*.......




"Can't Blame White People" - by: Bill Cosby

08:40 Feb 16 2007
Times Read: 798

"Can't Blame White People"

by: Bill Cosby

"They're standing on the corner and they can't speak English.

I can't even talk the way these people talk:

Why you ain't,

Where you is,

What he drive,

Where he stay,

Where he work,

Who you be...

And I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk.

And then I heard the father talk.

Everybody knows it's important to speak English... except these knuckleheads.

Mushmouth is what they speak!

You can't be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth.

In fact you will never get any kind of job making a decent living.

People marched and were hit in the face with rocks to get an education,

and now we've got these knuckleheads throwing that all away.

The lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal.

These people are not parenting.

They are buying things for kids. $500 sneakers for what?

And they won't spend $200 for Hooked on Phonics.

I am talking about these people who cry when their son is standing there in an orange suit.

Where were you when he was 2?

Where were you when he was 12?

Where were you when he was 18?

And, how come you didn't know that he had a pistol?

And where is the father?

Or who is his father?

People putting their clothes on backward: Isn't that a sign of something gone wrong?

People with their hats on backward, pants down around the crack,

isn't that a sign of something?

They're walking around with their nasty underwear showing, and holding onto their pants to keep the from falling to the ground!

Or are you waiting for Jesus to pull his pants up?

Isn't it a sign of something when she has her dress

all the way up to her panty line, and has all types

of needle piercings going through her body?

What part of Africa did this come from?

We are not Africans.

Those people are not Africans; they don't know a thing about Africa.

With names like Shaniqua, Taliqua and Mohammed and all of that crap, and all of them are in jail.

Brown or black versus the Board of Education is no longer the white person's problem.

We have got to take the neighborhood back.

People used to be ashamed.

Today a woman has eight children with eight different 'husbands' -- or men or whatever you call them now.

We have millionaire football players who cannot read.

We have million-dollar basketball players who can't write two paragraphs.

We as black folks have to do a better job.

Someone working at Wal-Mart with seven kids saying.. you are hurting us.

We have to start holding each other to a higher standard.

We cannot blame the white people any longer.

It is not for media or anyone of this time anymore to say whether I'm right or wrong.

It is time, ladies and gentlemen, to look at the numbers

Fifty percent of our children are dropping out of high school.

Sixty percent of the incarcerated males happen to be illiterate. There's a correlation.

Tell the media to stop asking me what I think about people who don't believe what I'm saying or feel that I'm too harsh or feel that I'm just running my mouth because I'm old.

Seventy percent of the teenagers pregnant happen to be African American girls.

Don't ask me to soften my message."

Bill Cosby




Anyone have insurance info for me?

08:14 Feb 16 2007
Times Read: 799

We need insurance!!!!! I don't know about insurance really, though. I did learn that I wanted PPO and not for them to choose my HMO. I have dealt with the companies before for my mom and dad before their surgeries and found doctors for them so I have some experience. But I am not sure of who to go with or what to sign up for, etc. Cost is a big thing, but don't want to lose quality.

I saw a commerical on tv for Mega Insurance. I don't know if it's any good or not. I don't know how much it costs. Danny has Blue Cross through work, or the option to get it that is. But it would be about $50 or so a week for us to be covered, as I saw in their paperwork.....but I still don't know as neither one of us know enough to call and say yes or no on it. Plus we live from check to check as it is now and it's scary to think about living on less. But I am PETRIFIED everytime one of us has an ache or weird bump somewhere on us, because we are freefloating out here on a dangerous limb without insurance.

If anything were to happen, we might be able to afford to go to the Dr. once, but after that, pfft, doubt it. Might be able to go to find out what's wrong, but after leaving the office, we would be on our own and you know how that would end.

I live that way, thinking about that shit everyday....trying not to, and thinking to myself, "We've got to call the insurance company tomorrow!!".

So who knows about insurance? I bet Khay does, having two kids, and I bet Image does. What say you? What do you go with and what does it cost and what should I ask about?

Oh and do I tell them about every medical ailment when I apply? Will they cover it if I mention it?





07:45 Feb 16 2007
Times Read: 800

Terrible lag for me tonight in here. I am going to have to hang it up. Takes dial up amount of time to get to any pages. Arg...

Speaking of Arg, we have the newest Pirates to watch this weekend, from Netflix. Saw it in the theatres when it came out.

Temps last night were -4. pfft....tonight it's cold too. But the sun came out a bit today and tomorrow it's supposed to be close to 50, going up steadily the next week. Whew.....I really need spring. I have been boiling water to raise the temps in the house this year. Hard to get it warm in here when it's this cold out. pfft.......

Ghost in the Darkness is on. Will watch that again since I can't get anywhere in here.

You guys see The Secret yet? Everyone needs to.




Peanut Butter recall, part deux

10:24 Feb 15 2007
Times Read: 803

Peanut Butter Recall

Peter Pan & Great Value Brands Affected

A salmonella outbreak that has slowly grown to nearly 300 cases in 39 states since August has been linked to tainted peanut butter, federal health officials said Wednesday.

It is believed to be the first salmonella outbreak associated with peanut butter in U.S. history, said officials with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

About 20 percent of the 288 infected people have been hospitalized, but none has died, said Dr. Mike Lynch, a CDC epidemiologist.

About 85 percent of the infected people said they ate peanut butter, CDC officials said.

How salmonella got into peanut butter is still under investigation, Lynch said.

The Food and Drug Administration warned consumers not to eat certain jars of Peter Pan or Great Value peanut butter because of the risk of contamination.

The affected jars have a product code on the lid that begins with the number "2111." The affected jars are made by ConAgra in a single facility in Sylvester, Ga., the FDA said.

Great Value peanut butter made by other manufacturers is not affected, the agency said.

Omaha-based ConAgra said it is recalling all Peter Pan and Great Value peanut butter beginning with product code 2111.

"Although none of our extensive product tests have indicated the presence of salmonella, we are taking this precautionary measure because consumer health and safety is out top priority," spokesman Chris Kircher said.

"We are working closely with the FDA to better understand its concerns, and we will take whatever additional measures are needed to ensure the safety, quality and wholesomeness of our products."

The largest number of salmonella cases were reported in New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Tennessee and Missouri.

Salmonella infection is known each year to sicken about 40,000 people in the United States, according to the CDC. Salmonellosis, as the infection is known, kills about 600 people annually.

Symptoms of salmonella can include diarrhea, fever, dehydration, abdominal pain and vomiting.

The new outbreak began in August, but just two or fewer cases have been reported each day, CDC officials said.

It was only in the past few days that investigators were able to hone in on a particular food, Lynch said.

ConAgra is destroying all affected products the company still has, the FDA said.

The company will cease production until the exact cause of contamination can be identified and eliminated. Meanwhile, ConAgra advised consumers to destroy any Peter Pan and Great Value brand peanut butter beginning with product code 2111.

The FDA sent investigators to ConAgra's processing plant in Sylvester where the products were made to review records, collect product samples and conduct tests for salmonella.




Peanut Butter recall

10:22 Feb 15 2007
Times Read: 804

I looked and had BOTH brands in my cabinet, with the product code! I am sending my lids to them in Cali. Luckily we didn't eat the Great Value or much of the Peter Pan. I didn't any, as I don't like peanut butter. But lately I was wanting some for protein. I wanted to buy the new Smart Balance peanut butter as it has lots of omega 3's in it. But Danny was like, "We have some in the cabinet.". I kept saying I wanted the other stuff. Luckily I didn't eat the Salmonella Tennessee stuff. ha....eh....Tennessee? Is that near Nutbush, Tennessee (Tina Turner song. Good one!)?

FDA News



February 14, 2007

Media Inquiries:


Consumer Inquiries:


FDA Warns Consumers Not to Eat Certain Jars of Peter Pan Peanut Butter and Great Value Peanut Butter

Product May be Contaminated With Salmonella

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning consumers not to eat certain jars of Peter Pan peanut butter or Great Value peanut butter due to risk of contamination with Salmonella Tennessee (a bacterium that causes foodborne illness). The affected jars of Peter Pan and Great Value peanut butter have a product code located on the lid of the jar that begins with the number "2111." Both the Peter Pan and Great Value brands are manufactured in a single facility in Georgia by ConAgra. Great Value peanut butter made by other manufacturers is not affected.

If consumers have any of this Peter Pan or Great Value brand peanut butter in their home that has been purchased since May 2006, they should discard it.

Symptoms of foodborne illness caused by Salmonella include fever, diarrhea and abdominal cramps. In persons with poor underlying health or weakened immune systems, Salmonella can invade the bloodstream and cause life-threatening infections. Individuals who have recently eaten Peter Pan and Great Value brand peanut butter beginning with product code 2111 and have experienced any of these symptoms should contact their doctor or health care provider immediately. Any such illnesses should be reported to state or local health authorities.

FDA's warning is based on a just-completed epidemiological study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the states and local health agencies, which links 288 cases of foodborne illness in 39 states to consumption of varying types of Peter Pan peanut butter. This report was provided to FDA on February 13.

The outbreak appears to be ongoing and the first consumer may have become ill in August 2006. The cause of foodborne illnesses can be difficult to identify. As a result of extensive epidemiological testing and recent case control studies, CDC was recently able to identify Peter Pan peanut butter as the likely cause of illness. Great Value brand peanut butter beginning with product code 2111 is manufactured in the same plant as Peter Pan peanut butter and, thus, is believed to be at similar risk of contamination.

ConAgra is recalling all Peter Pan and Great Value peanut butter beginning with product code 2111 that already was distributed. The company also is destroying all affected products in their possession. The company will cease production until the exact cause of contamination can be identified and eliminated. ConAgra will advise consumers to destroy any Peter Pan and Great Value brand peanut butter beginning with product code 2111 in their possession. To assist in this endeavor, FDA has sent investigators to ConAgra's processing plant in Sylvester, Georgia where the products are made to review records, collect product samples and conduct tests for Salmonella Tennessee.

FDA will provide regular updates as more information becomes available.

Consumers who have questions should contact ConAgra at 866-344-6970.




T & Co.

04:39 Feb 15 2007
Times Read: 806

I was wearing my Tiffany's necklace this morning before bed, and Harmony noticed it. She said, "It looks like it says taco.". We laughed and I explained how I didn't get the other one because it looked like it said TACO TACO TACO. And then I told her not to say that anymore because I am neurotic and if I keep seeing and hearing that, I won't wear it.

Happy Valentines Day my peeps. =) ♥




Cheap Labor?

04:30 Feb 15 2007
Times Read: 807

Cheap Labor?

Isn't that what the whole immigration issue is about?

Business doesn't want to pay a decent wage,

Consumers don't want expensive produce,

The Government will tell you that Americans don't want the jobs but the

bottom line is cheap labor.

"The phrase "cheap labor" is a myth, a farce, and a lie.

There is no such thing as "cheap labor."

Take, for example, an illegal Mexican who sneaks in here with his wife

and five children.

He takes a job for five or six dollars an hour.

At that wage with six dependents he pays no income tax, yet at the end

of the year if he files income tax he gets an "earned income credit" of

up to $3,200 free.

He qualifies for Section 8 housing and subsidized rent,

He qualifies for food stamps.

He qualifies for free (no deductible, no co-pay) health care

His children get free breakfasts and lunches at school.

He requires bilingual teachers and books.

He qualifies for relief from high energy bills.

If they are or become, aged, blind or disabled they qualify for SSI.

Once qualified for SSI they can qualify for Medicare.

All of this is at the taxpayer's expense.

He doesn't have to worry about car insurance, life insurance, or

homeowners insurance.

Taxpayers provide Spanish language signs, bulletins and printed


He cannot be fired, harassed, or sued.

He and his family receive the equivalent of $20 to $30 an hour in


Working Americans are lucky to have $5 or $6 an hour left after paying

their bills and his.

They also pay for increased crime, graffiti, and trash cleanup.

Cheap labor? YEAH RIGHT!"



















My Valentines present

01:39 Feb 03 2007
Times Read: 814

Bought my Valentines Day present today. A Tiffany's necklace. I have a few picked out. The first is this:


I had the 3 tier'd one with 3 loops picked out because it was cute, but from a short distance it looked like it said, "Taco, taco, taco", instead of "T&Co".






01:27 Feb 03 2007
Times Read: 815

Hiya peeps! =) I am still waiting on winter to leave. It's so cold out! It is 14 degrees wind-chill right now. Brr!

I hadn't been to Rave in a little while, and Heidi told me about the changes. I had to come check the shit out. =)

I am still painting around the house.

Danny is at a Slayer concert tonight. Harmony at the movies....The Messengers. I told her I didn't know if she should go see it or not, since she doesn't like scary movies in the dark, at night. We will see how that turns out. I mean, shit, she DID turn 17 on the 31st. But I am still trying to keep her from nasties of the world.

I am watching Steel Magnolias. Love that movie!



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