JaydeBloodaxe's Journal


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7 entries this month

00:44 Nov 29 2017
Times Read: 262

well today has been interesting My roommate is working her butt off and I mean like 14 hour days and 6 days in a row to sometimes 7 days in a row. She barely sleeps and she is a grouchie bear is all I can say. She bitches about something I get on it for her husband does not. I did not realize that her priorities more so then her kids, the other roommate and the kids boyfriend. I asked the boyfriend thru the roommate what the protocol is on the fish pond for she was bitching about that and her boyfriend came up loud and said it cannot be cleaned or we will kill the baby fish. He claims they are alive the husband claims they are dead. neither doing anything about it but bitching that I said something too amber who is at work working her butt off. I was like danggggggggggg word gets around fast. It did not take 15 minutes to get to me then to her. So she goes to her dad asking why I asked him. I was going to work on the pond but since I don't know if the pond is dead or alive and if they are alive I don't want to kill the fish I am leaving it alone even though it smells toxic. Strawberry wanted it fixed today was a beautiful day to do that and I was not sure why the boys did not do shit. not my house but I live here and I wanted to help strawberry with the house if I could. I may try to get it sort of done tomorrow but we will see. I am not sure what to do ... Anyways that was my drama today from the roommates which begs the question if you are fussing about it and not doing anything about it then why make a stink anyways??? Four people bitching away. Silly humans no biscuts for you.
ON a good note went to therapy and got told by my therapist that I should get into the dark goddesses. I was like ummmmm okay. Why? She said to inspire me again and get rid of stuff. Good point never went that route so I researched some dark goddesses making a choice on it tonight to which I will have communion with.




00:32 Nov 25 2017
Times Read: 267

Thanksgiving was better then I thought it would be. I have no leftovers but a few veggies so I basically did good oddly enough. Baked goods almost gone and cranberry sauce that I make I was about that. so I made leftovers apparently people liked it more then I could think of.. oddly thanksgiving went smoothly and I had survived. yeah!




21:30 Nov 22 2017
Times Read: 272

okay one walle world is messed up around here when you have to go out and get last minute cooking things for no shit I am not amused with the peeps here. The men who have other halves were looking me up and down and the women think it is my fault!!! bullshit is all I can say. I had headphones on and moved around them and didn't say sh--.
got all the baked goods out of the way
tonight cleaning dining room up which is a serious crap feast and craft area. SO 8 people can sit around tomorrow and eat
green beans
noodle sharlot
apple kuchen
pumpkin pie
cranberry sauce real stuff not canned
I think I am forgetting something but I am not sure what. Shaking off walle world run then prepping tomorrow. yikes is all I can say




21:54 Nov 20 2017
Times Read: 274

Went to a nightmare before xmas party and it was outstanding and fun. We had a mini tree trimming dealo , a fund raiser for homeless and also a raffle thing. The odd thing was I won and kept winning creepy dolls. One was a pumpkin doll. Another a renaissance doll then another was like a barbi doll but small. Odd thing was I was happy to get vampire fangs as a goofy gift. That made my day and I smiled so happily I felt like a kid. None made me happier then the fangs.

Today I had a cabbie that thought hard rock was the doors or pink Floyd that made me laugh hard today. I was thinking bobaflex or disturb or black widow um not on the same wave length is all. shakes head wowie odd human. my dr pschyco told me I seem not to be getting better I was like well you don't have me on meds that do anything if they did I would be a better person and not think of ways people should go away.




01:42 Nov 15 2017
Times Read: 281

Well today I got over Sunday and Monday I got over as well. Sunday I was on the computer for four hours redoing ssa. They say it takes two hours to do on line. They lied. Got it done but could not get an online account. So I had to go today to ssa and find out what the duce was up. They had me as pending even though they denied me in sept. Is that fair nope. Monday I went to the er for the hospital was the only thing that was going to inject me with pain meds. They did and took xrays of my thoracic area. Come to find out there is a fracture that is old there. Imagine that? All this time my neck has been killing for the thoracic is messed up… It is bad enough I have lower back issues and thought hey the thoracic is safe. Hell no it was not… Stupid people in Fl never noticed it and asked if a mac truck hit me and I said sure if that is what it looks like then yes it did. I am not complaining I am venting for the stupidity in florida dr wise is farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr beyond what I thought it was. And I will be honest it is scarey as fook that they found it years later due to me typing for four hours to get ssa done. So when I walked into ssa and the guy was too nice and even fixed the issues I had I said where is your manager you have done more then fix it you went above your calling. He smiled and thanked me. He did n ot want his manager to come to me and talk to me about him. He was just doing his job and he actually seemed like he cared about what the heck the file looked like. I said I have been appealing for 8 times this is a new one due to the fact I can try again. He was like let me see what I can do. He got me an appointment over the phone in a week and I am set. I was in shock and awe of it for he cared and did not make me angry but happy.
So I came home was supposed to eat and did not went to bed and snuggled with the animals when I say god did it feel good to not move that was an understatement. I mean big under statement. My roomie knew I went to the hospital and she made dinner in which I did not have to cook. Annnnnnnndddddd I slept for five hours which is unheard of. Four hours and I am done. I am mean it done. So apparently the stress and mess hit me and I was okay with not having anything to do this evening but think about positive aspects of my day. Which uplifted me quite a bit. Happy tueday! Meow hiss spat that of a cat.




23:44 Nov 09 2017
Times Read: 283

Going out with girls to see midnight express. Looking forward to the change is all. Fall is difnitely here and I am sooooo thrilled that the weather is abit cooler then most.
today was a day of writing out drs notes and then also writing about each issue I have by it self and how it affects me. I thought I was going to be over notebooking but apparently it is much more involved.




22:03 Nov 07 2017
Times Read: 292

Today has been a day of interesting thoughts.
Noticed men are easier to talk to then women and when you get right down to it I am comfy that way.
Trying to be positive has been rough on me considering that I am a stuck in a rut.
Reflecting on the hail storm we had a day ago it makes me wonder what I have gotten in to when I moved to IL with my furbabies. I wonder how they will react to the snow when it comes up. I have not been in snow in monthes years and such so to me I will be snow booting it and wearing a lot of hats and such. Scarfs mostly muhahaha. Looking forward to the nice weather and fall is showing to be neat already. It is cool and smooth and October rust as I call it has been happening as well as the leaves changing they are falling nicely too.
Other then that I write poems that are to basically feel again



23:45 Nov 07 2017

I really love days of interesting thoughts. Stops me wondering why the sky is blue ... particularly when it is raining.

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