LORDMOGY's Journal

LORDMOGY's Journal


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87 entries this month

16:15 Mar 31 2019
Times Read: 1,634

Bring On The Heat!




16:00 Mar 31 2019
Times Read: 1,635

Well, as expected, my 215 lbs Goal by 1 April is a FAIL!

No way am I going to the extreme to lose an additional 3 lbs by tomorrow when my Son and I are taking a road trip to Hollywood to look around and shop and then going to visit Surrogate Family Members (who love to cook and feed people) who live in the area prior to his return flight home in only 2 days. *sighs*

But hey, I'll just extend the Goal to 15 April. LOL!




15:21 Mar 31 2019
Times Read: 1,626

Road Trip!!




05:08 Mar 31 2019
Times Read: 1,628

I feel like all my energy has been depleted.





23:32 Mar 29 2019
Times Read: 1,631

1 Sauna Sesh Treatment complete.
2 more to go.




17:38 Mar 31 2019

Oh man this is perfect!

17:45 Mar 31 2019



20:56 Mar 29 2019
Times Read: 1,634

I was still feeling the High this morning after recording today's video (to be posted in a few hours) last night. Wow!

Well, my Son has 4 more days with his Gothic Warlock Dad and so far he has been really enjoying his visit. He even prepared Breakfast for us today and will prepare Dinner for us tonight. I think I did ok with him. LOL!

So now he's trying to talk some of his friends into coming over to swim in the pool and soak in the spa.

Me, I have work to do!

Bring On The Heat!




19:13 Mar 29 2019
Times Read: 1,638

So she said to give her just one example of just how AWESOME I am.

Exhibt A:




18:56 Mar 29 2019
Times Read: 1,639

Lawmaker Shoots Back at Anti-Abortion Legislation With "Testicular Bill of Rights"

Responding to a so-called "heartbeat" abortion bill supported by faith groups in her state, Georgia lawmaker Dar’shun Kendrick introduced legislation that would make vasectomies illegal and require that men who have sex without a condom be charged with "aggravated assault." Her goal? To prove that the female body is unfairly regulated by the government.




07:08 Mar 29 2019
Times Read: 1,643

Sleep time.....What a day!




19:40 Mar 26 2019
Times Read: 1,655

My Sister from another Mother, she and I are keeping each other motivated on our Weight Loss Journey.

I saw her YouTube post and it made me want to check on my own progress since 3/20/2019.

Weight: 218 lbs. (Holding steady)
Neck: 17.5" (Reduced by .5 inches)
Chest: 45.5" (Increased by 2 inches) * Added Push-ups
Waist: 42.5" (Reduced by .5 inches) * Added Crunches




15:17 Mar 26 2019
Times Read: 1,658

Alrighty then....It's after 8 a.m.


Bring On The Heat!

Oh, and push-ups and crunches




15:11 Mar 26 2019
Times Read: 1,660

So The Gothic Warlock Lair is indeed a smoker's home meaning smoking indoors is allowed, but only smoke that smells good. LOL!

To have a nice smoker's home, opening windows to air the place out, and maintaining an assortment of air fresheners such as febreze spray, fraganzia air freshener crystal beads, burning incense, etc., etc.,.....Is....A....Must!

It's also a MUST to continue to stimulate ALL 5 Senses so I must keep pleasant smelling odors around me.

Thank the Universe for the 99 Cents Store. Ha!




15:01 Mar 26 2019
Times Read: 1,663

So after eating Panda Express, Denny's and a burger from some fast food joint due to my Son treating me, my weight 218 lbs weight increased to 222 lbs.

Then I ate some Lobster Tail, Crab Legs, Shrimp, and Biscuits from Red Lobster my Son treated me too, I took a couple of Sauna Treatments and I'm back at 218 lbs.

WTF is going on? LOL!



15:03 Mar 26 2019

O.o we can no longer be friends ... that magic is this! I demand to know.

15:14 Mar 26 2019

Noooo.....You can't NOT be my friend.

I need the Street Cred! LOL!

I suppose it's the magick of living a MOGYOLOGIST Lifestyle. Haha!


05:32 Mar 26 2019
Times Read: 1,666

In this episode, I try out 3 new glass pieces I purchased recently.

If you have to take Medicine Daily, why not make Medicating FUN?!

Game: Blazer Cards of Cannabis

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23:28 Mar 25 2019
Times Read: 1,671

If I have to be a Blazer to feel no pain and keep my thoughts positive, then I'm going to have fun with it!!!




20:21 Mar 24 2019
Times Read: 1,681

For the first time in more than 100 years, life expectancy in the US is declining. CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta reports.

Life expectancy in US drops for first time in modern history




15:47 Mar 24 2019
Times Read: 1,686

So for flying out to spend a few weeks with me, I surprised my Son with Cash, his first Medical Glass (Bong/Dab Rig) Piece, Dab Tool, 2 Dragon Ball Z Rolling Trays he eyed while at a local Dispensary, a Torch and an Ashtray that matched the color of his glass. However, he decided he'll keep "MY" Weed Leaf ashtray he fell in love with and said I can keep his new ashtray. So now I have to buy a new weed leaf ashtray. LOL!

He has treated me to Breakfast at the local Denny's, Cannabis Meds he wanted me to try from the local dispensary, fast food since he has yet to purchase groceries for himself and has been eating out, and now he wants to go Go-Kart racing at a local business that offers inside racing.

I then treated him to having his ears re-pierced since he is now Medically Retired from the Army and he plans to re-grow his hair into Rasta Dreads (I don't judge). He discovered that the holes in his ears were not really completely closed so wouldn't take much to place new jewelry in and should heal in about 2 weeks.

Then, while I was caught up in the moment, and wanting to be touched by the hot, sexy piercing friend lady too, who is also somewhat of a YouTube Celebrity, Go-Go Dancer, Fire Pole Spinner, Hula-Hoop Dancer, Suspension (hooks in the back) Practitioner, former 420 Nurse, Bud Tender, Alternative Model, etc., etc., who also gave me my first and only Left-Ear Piercing, I decided to go ahead and have my Right Ear Pierced too to match my Son since we also got Father and Son matching Tattoos years ago when he graduated from High School. However, my new piercings will take the standard 2 months to fully heal since my left ear had to be stretched a bit for a larger size gage from 16 inches to 14 inches and the right ear has a brand new hole in it. Aaron, my Son, has Graduated from College with an AA Degree in the Medical Field that he refuses to pursue as a career, he graduated from U.S. Army Boot Camp and Military Police Schools, but sadly was hit twice by bad drivers which resulted in multiple injuries to the degree that he could no longer continue Military Operations at the level required to sustain and progress in his Army Career so he was Medically Retired after less than only 3 years in service. He was then employed at a Winery in New York, became a New Father last year and now is looking to maybe relocating back to Southern California.

I'm happy he's spent the first week of his visit reconnecting with all of his old friends while also making new ones.

His second week will focus on Apartment Reviewing and researching Communities he feels he could afford to live in and we will be visiting them both in the day time and then at night.

My daily routine has mostly been thrown off schedule, but he's worth it.

As to be fair, I also sent my Daughter a cash gift since she can not as of yet travel with her two kids to visit me and apparently is searching for new employment since her Roadside Assistance Dispatcher job is closing down. The Struggle Is Real out in those streets, but that's why a Parent's Job Is Never Done!

So yeah, don't expect me to be on as much until my Son leaves. He only had a rental for the first week so now he has to either ask me to take him somewhere since he's not on my insurance to drive my vehicle after breaking my other vehicle and hiding the fact that he had obtained 2 traffic citations when he used to live here while going to college, ask friends to pick him up or Uber.

I truly love my Son, but he, more so than many others, understands that

Well, time to bring on the Heat!




05:00 Mar 24 2019
Times Read: 1,693







01:15 Mar 23 2019
Times Read: 1,699

I just discovered that I can save .mp3 non-copyright music directly to my Apple iTunes.


Who knew?





23:27 Mar 22 2019
Times Read: 1,701

Bring On The Heat!!!




19:37 Mar 22 2019
Times Read: 1,703

(Video May Be Slow To Load)





19:27 Mar 22 2019
Times Read: 1,705

I almost felt negative posting my videos late and having my daily routine interupted in some way due to my Son's visit, but my Son is worth the sacrifice.

He always has been, always was and always will be.

I, like many other kids would either say it out loud or think it in our head when we were young and upset at our parents how we never asked to be born!

No, Mom and Dad were horny...they Fucked or made Love or whatever and boom...I'm here!

Then when I grew older and became a parent myself, like many others, I realized what I had done to my own Son purely out of selishf desires and although he is a blessing, I'll always feel in debted to being the cause of him being in this Great Experiement called "Life". So he's like 30%-40% Spoiled.





18:15 Mar 22 2019
Times Read: 1,706

Comedian, actor, director Emmanuel Hudson stops through the Trap Living room to exchange ideas on comedy & life with The Sensei, Karlous Miller. In this episode the two star comedians discuss the stand-up comedy bidness and take a look back at growing up Black and learning how to Act Like You Got Some Sense. Karlous Miller starts asking all them questions and brings the laughs and honesty like only he can!

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Act Like Ya Got Some Sense! w/ Karlous Miller & Emmanuel Hudson




14:14 Mar 22 2019
Times Read: 1,717

Bonus Video: My Son is visiting for a couple of weeks and really wanted to record a video with me. He chose to play, "Wheel Of Karma".

Oops: I called it the "Wheel Of Danger" in the video in error. LOL!

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15:10 Mar 22 2019

he looks so much like his dad. Great video. Thanks Bro for sharing this. The King and Prince of Awesomeness!!

15:19 Mar 22 2019

@Dakotah, thanks, Brother!

Glad you liked it. It was fun to make and I edited out a lot of me cracking up at how highly-medicated my Son had gotten. He was actually high before recording...LOL! However, he was feeling no pain from his accident and in good spirts and in a loving and safe environment.


15:45 Mar 21 2019
Times Read: 1,732

So this happened yesterday...

(Video May Be Slow To Load)

Today I'm at 218.3 lbs.



18:15 Mar 21 2019

Great job!

18:45 Mar 21 2019


21:00 Mar 21 2019

21:43 Mar 21 2019

@Dakotah, Bro!

13:17 Mar 22 2019

Good job bro....I definitely need to get back on track myself

14:52 Mar 22 2019

@dale0302....Thanks, Bro!


17:23 Mar 20 2019
Times Read: 1,758

WTF?! So as I mentioned yesterday, my Son is visiting for two weeks.

A few posts back I said if I didn't make my 215 lbs Goal by 1 April, I'd blame it on his visit because it's been a long time since we've seen each other, other than digitally, and we are celebrating every day.

Since his visit, I've eaten Popeye's chicken, cajun rice, cajun fries, orange chicken with shrimp, and ice cream. I've also missed a few Sauna Seshes and that was all yesterday....LMAO!!!

However, I did spend a few hours cleaning up around the Lair before his arrival and repairing the refrigerator and before I knew it, I hadn't eaten all day until around 6 pm.

So I wasn't going to even weigh myself since I've also had started eating beyond my planned amount of Girl Scout Cookies because when it come to those my Hedonist side wins out.

However, in the earl morning hours today my curiosity won out even though I had been struggling to break my weight-loss plateau in which I could not dip below 220 lbs since the 1st of the month and had even bounced back and forth between 220 lbs - 225 lbs. So I said "Fuck It, Let Me See The Damge!"



18:45 Mar 20 2019

Lol Congrats!

21:34 Mar 20 2019

00:16 Mar 21 2019


00:23 Mar 21 2019


12:33 Mar 21 2019

You ate all that and still lost weight? o.O What kinda magic is that!!!

15:00 Mar 21 2019

@FeverDreams: IKR?! LOL!


03:21 Mar 20 2019
Times Read: 1,763

Wow, I've been VERY busy today.

I just now finished editing Tuesday's video, but not yet recorded Wednesday's.

Great News! I repaired my refrigirator and saved myself from spending almost a thousand dollars. Now that's good Karma.

My Son made it here safely. I didn't know how much I missed him until he walked through the front door. We've been catching up for hours and now he is here with a couple of his friends he left behind when he went off to the Army, sadly, due to injuries, that career didn't last long at all. Less than 3 years. However, the government will be taking good care of him...For Life!

Bandit got his hair cut and teeth brushed by the Groomers. He always look so young when he gets his hair cut. LOL!

Well, as son as I can, I'll be Sauna Seshing.

My Son smokes Backwoods....Not me. He's been medicating what seems like non-stop since he arrived. LOL!

Lastly, yes...I purchased my 70th Glass Piece today. I love even numbers. Ha!




16:32 Mar 19 2019
Times Read: 1,769

Well, my Son is due in today for a 2 week visit.

He's scouting out the area prior to his current plan to relocate back to the best state in the Union.

Sadly, my Granddaughter got sick and couldn't make the trip so she stayed home with her Mom.

So the special trip just to meet her for the first time is back on.


I'm going to try to edit and upload my Tuesday video prior to 6 p.m. PST, but if I don't make it, fuck it! I'm RETIRED!


Think I'll schedule Bandit's Grooming today.


Dayum, things which are made will some day break. This I must remind myself ALL the time in order to remain in control of my emotions when shit breaks or just isn't working as it did when new.

My GE Refrigerator is once again the focus of attention. Bubbles developed around the ice and water dispenser which then turn into what looked like rust and then little holes in that spot appeared in the door leaking water and frosting up the inside of the freezer. The refrigerator side doesn't even stay cold since all the air is leaking out. I was wondering where the water was coming from on the floor. Thought it was the door being left open or something. Maybe even something going on underneath the fridge. Nope, just the 17-Year-Old Fridge breaking down.

I attempted to clog the holes with seleant and will find out if that works in a couple of hours, if not, time to drop a little less than a grand on a new one.



17:13 Mar 19 2019

Sears outlet my friend. I got one hell of a deal just because the fridge had two minor dings in it.


05:20 Mar 19 2019
Times Read: 1,780

Trump’s Rhetoric and the Christchurch Shootings - Between the Scenes | The Daily Show

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07:38 Mar 19 2019

I agree with much of this... except that El Douchebag is a big part of the problem.

Racism, Antisemitism, and xenophobia have always existed. I do not blame El Douchebag for their creation. But when he helps fan the flames of hatred and intolerance, he does not do it as the crazy ass wack job living in some compound with a white pointy sheet in his closet, he does it as the person guiding our destiny.

The world watches the USA, and is laughing. And as other leaders of the world, and former leaders of us, weep over the deaths of innocents, El Douchebag whines over being used as a reason for a psychopath's rampage.

I weep for the innocent and their families. I applaud New Zealand for such quick action to stem future mass shootings. And I condemn all acts of hatred and violence by those who harm others simply because they don't look or act the same.

And mostly, I wish for everyone to their eyes and realize that the only way to make HUMANITY great, is to do it as one people helping everyone up.

15:44 Mar 19 2019


02:54 Mar 19 2019
Times Read: 1,784

Well, time to video log what has been going on since last Tuesday and if my followers/subscribers wish to watch it, hey, that's up to them, but I do appreciate the love.




22:56 Mar 18 2019
Times Read: 1,787

The tedious part of being a YouTuber/WeedTuber is the editing your video step.

I keep getting distracted by other things online.

Almost done though then it's the long wait of Saving the Project then another long wait to upload it to YouTube.





19:32 Mar 18 2019
Times Read: 1,791

EVERYTHING is made out of Invisible Energy including Souls.

"In physics, the law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system cannot change—it is said to be conserved over time.
Energy can be neither created nor destroyed, but can change form; for instance, chemical energy can be converted to kinetic energy." https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/75616/why-cant-we-destroy-energy

Therefore, something of us, the incorporeal essence of all living beings, continues on, but just on a different plane of existence that has yet to be proven by Science.




17:59 Mar 18 2019
Times Read: 1,793




15:56 Mar 18 2019
Times Read: 1,800

Annnnnnnnd It's Back Again!!!




16:16 Mar 17 2019
Times Read: 1,804

Time to throw on some rags and head out for a mini road trip to obtain a Glass Art Piece I've had my eyes on.




15:34 Mar 17 2019
Times Read: 1,821

Congrats FeverDreams!!!

This is a New Year.

If you don't have one more Hater than you had last year, you're doing something wrong!

Up your Awesome Level.

So congratulations to Fever Dream!!!....Apparently her Level of Awesomeness just spiked recently!



15:39 Mar 17 2019

*dances on tippy toes*

15:43 Mar 17 2019

16:01 Mar 17 2019

Oh my god yoda!


22:25 Mar 15 2019
Times Read: 1,826

So how have I been celebrating my 6th Year Conversion to Paganism Anniversary?

By spending money of course.

What did I purchase?



16:10 Mar 17 2019

You got a krishna figure!!!! I love it!

16:13 Mar 17 2019

Yup! ^_^


07:25 Mar 15 2019
Times Read: 1,832




20:39 Mar 14 2019
Times Read: 1,834

So this month I'm going to try my Surrogate Niece at cataloging about a 1000 comic books that I've collected since I was a kid.

Cleaning to earn herself some much-needed spending cash last month wasn't her forte.

This project should give her some spending cash over the next 5 months.


I'm all done editing today's video and it's in the process of saving. Once completed, I'll then upload to YouTube and other platforms.


Tomorrow I celebrate 6-Years as a Pagan and Founder of my own Spiritual Path Of MOGYOLOGY: The 5 Elements of Warlock Awesomeness (Serenity, Happiness, Love, Sex, and Magick) as I use that as an umbrella living 4 other spiritual lifestyles (Cannabis, Occult, Gothic, and BDSM).

How to celebrate it this year on tomorrow is still a work in progress. Maybe I'll record myself taking a hit from each of my Glass Medical Devices.


Oh well, time to Bring On The Heat!!!




19:11 Mar 14 2019
Times Read: 1,836

Don't you just love how your information is utilized on the internet?

For example, I just mentioned in one of my YouTube videos that I'm going to invest in a new phone with a better camera.

Then I get this




16:41 Mar 14 2019
Times Read: 1,839

Well, I know what eating a box of GS Cookies does to my weight progress.

Ouch! The setback!

Oh well, it's not like I really didn't know what would happen, but I had to verify....LOL!

Time to REALLY portion control those dangerous little pieces of joy.

In the meantime,




05:31 Mar 14 2019
Times Read: 1,848

Wow, a new Peanut Butter Brownie Edible I've been eating on (1) has no hint of cannabis and (2) within 2 hours it had me literally dosing off mid-anything I was doing if I was laying down.

That is some potent shit!!!

Well, I've completed my pushups, crunches, 2 Sauna Seshes and recorded my Thursday ASMR Video.

I then took a break and ate my 2nd meal of the day that includes meat and now I'm ready to conclude my Wednesday with my 3rd and final Sauna Sesh for the evening.

So Bring On The Heat!




02:19 Mar 13 2019
Times Read: 1,852

I added a small table inside my Sauna. I got tired of reaching down to get shit.

It fits well and looks good. It's really a One-Person Sauna, although they advertised it as a Two-Person, but two people average size adults could fit in there at the same time, but they will be pretty close to those side heaters. They'd have to keep a towel over the arm that's closest to the heater.

Think I'll show it off in the Wednesday video I'm recording in about 15 minutes.

Bring On The Heat!




23:57 Mar 12 2019
Times Read: 1,853




21:31 Mar 12 2019
Times Read: 1,858

Now don't tell my Doctor....LOL!

Must practice portion control
Must practice portion control



21:59 Mar 12 2019



21:09 Mar 12 2019
Times Read: 1,859

For waiting for 2 hours for the smoke shop to open due to the owner being delayed, I got a sweet deal of a price for a piece of Cannabis Artwork and yes, of course, a little Dab Rig.

Now to get back to my daily routine.




17:40 Mar 12 2019
Times Read: 1,864

A Smoke Shop that is over 1.5 hours late to open. SMH
I know I have nothing but time in Retirement, but I don't enjoy waiting. I would leave, but the drive is about 20 minutes and I try not to leave home much. I don't do Daylight nor
Mundanes for long.





21:08 Mar 11 2019
Times Read: 1,867



15:12 Mar 11 2019
Times Read: 1,879

It's 42 Degrees (F) here.

Well, that's what the internet says.

I'm not going outside to confirm.

I'm good inside with the heat running.



16:19 Mar 11 2019

Spring can't come soon enough.

17:04 Mar 11 2019

44 here right now.


15:02 Mar 11 2019
Times Read: 1,882


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16:23 Mar 11 2019

A Panther attacked me at home.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

17:06 Mar 11 2019

Vicious wild animal...lol


14:48 Mar 11 2019
Times Read: 1,884




07:47 Mar 11 2019
Times Read: 1,887


Now I must take the MOGYSleep.




05:29 Mar 11 2019
Times Read: 1,891

- Sauna Sesh #3
- Bandit Play Time

Let's Get It!!!!




21:40 Mar 10 2019
Times Read: 1,900

So far today:

- Sauna Sesh #1
- First Meal of the Day consisted of 2 peaches.
- Assist a Cannabis Delivery Service in correcting a posting on Weedmaps
- Drove into town with Bandit to get cash to order a type of medicine that is known to be very potent with a high THC level. This bit of pleasure is in celebration of my 6th-Year Anniversary of having converted to Paganism while also founding my own Spiritual Path of MOGYOLOGY.
- Purchased my 56th Glass Medical Device
- Gave to an (allegedly) Homeless Vet
- Returned home and ordered my meds
- Meds delivered
- Ate 2nd Meal of the Day which consisted of 2 slices of Pizza!

- Do Crunches and Push-ups
- Sauna Sesh #2
- Sauna Sesh #3
- Record Monday's video
- Bandit Play Time

I do enjoy being a Hedonist.

Ethical Hedonism is the idea that all people have the right to do everything in their power to achieve the greatest amount of pleasure possible to them.

It is also the idea that every person's pleasure should far surpass their amount of pain.

Bring On The Heat, Baby!!!




17:01 Mar 10 2019
Times Read: 1,910

Bandit is quick to bring me his favorite fetch toy to play and show him extra attention.

I'm the only species of my kind in the lair.

He's the only species of his kind in the lair.

I am thinking of adopting a female shelter companion for him to play with.




14:53 Mar 10 2019
Times Read: 1,912


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14:18 Mar 10 2019
Times Read: 1,914

When FeverDreams has flashbacks to her 'Dance Battle' days

(Video May Be Slow To Load)




04:09 Mar 10 2019
Times Read: 1,917




23:54 Mar 09 2019
Times Read: 1,925

So I went about 20 minutes out of town to another Smoke Shop that I was referred to by the main local Smoke Shop I frequent.
Yup, I went way over my budget and grabbed up 4 new pieces.

Then I ordered my meds from a new business and although they really went above and beyond with their 'New Patient' Goody-Bag, they did make an error in giving me a product which was not what I ordered and was $5 more expensive than what I did order and then tried to tell me it was what I ordered, but that the picture was just different since they pulled it from another site.

Ummmm, no....I've been researching and medicating with Cannabis since Jan 2017 and I know the difference between the different concentrates, but hey, I'll keep what they sent and simply order the correct product tomorrow from another business.

So now it's time to bring on the HEAT!




18:52 Mar 09 2019
Times Read: 1,927

Another one of my goals is to upload one video per day (M-F).

This week (being the first week trying this) I went beyond my goal with a total of 6 videos uploaded to YouTube/The WeedTube.


Today marks 3-Years since I adopted Bandit at 4 months old from my Surrogate Sister's family.
Think I'll go into town and purchase something for my Puppy-Dog. I love that little guy. So many small things he does that just reflects his hyper, but loving personality. Quick learning too. Studies my routine and adjusts his own routine to accommodate mine.

I got him on a Dental plan this year for his B-Day last year and his first appointment is next month.


I've been viewing Weedmaps and narrowed my Home Cannabis Delivery Service to about 4 business that I will choose to do service with.

My Bong/Dab Rig goal was 50, but I counted my Glass and found I'm up to 55 sooooo, my new goal is 100 Glass Medical Devices! I collect it for the artwork as well.

Heading out of town to check out a new Smoke Shop, then food, then home to order Meds and then play catch up on Sauna Seshing for today.





20:50 Mar 08 2019
Times Read: 1,943

It's true that much of our own unhappiness is as a result of our tying our own Happiness to a Person or Objects.

When you reach the point that you can be Happy in spite of a Person or Objects, then true Enlightenment and Spiritual Evolution has happened.



21:00 Mar 08 2019

So True !

22:17 Mar 08 2019

I have to disagree on the object part due to it's my goal, to finish building my house, which is an object but I will be really happy the day it's finished. The foundation is down though!!! And well let me say this... as for a person, the day Lili and I marry I will be a happy man! Goals are extremely important though and to make realistic goals. I think sometimes people make unrealistic goals and set them selfs up for failure... For example, when people go on diets, let's say someone weights 150 lbs, they make a goal to loose... 20 lbs in 2 weeks... when they should make a goal of say, 3 lbs a week. I think sometimes people set themselves up to fail with unrealistic goals. When I inherited my land my goal was to have my house built the first year. There is really only let's say off top of my head 5 months here which to build before the snows come... and the blueprints I have well... cost and such it's going to really take me about 2 more years to finish the house. And so I rambled a lot. LOL I have had 2 drinks, whiskey... My favorite drink is Chivas Regal, sprite and lemon. I am on my 2nd.

00:34 Mar 09 2019

It's ok to disagree with anything anyone shares.

I think the point is People are fickle and come and go, Objects are made to one day break or they may get stolen, leaving your Happiness at the mercy of whatever happens to them. However, one's Goals (realistic ones as you stated) are something completely all your own thereby leaving Happiness up to YOU and YOUR own actions and not the actions of another or what happens to your objects.

Happiness is an inside job. One's own responsibility regardless of People and Objects one may place value in.

But again.....It's fine to disagree anytime.


15:15 Mar 08 2019
Times Read: 1,951

Ok, it's time for a huge dose of Laughter.

I prescribed Daily Laughter for myself long ago.

Cannabis only turns it up a notch.

(Video May Be Slow To Load)

The BET Social Media Recap & Jody's L's



16:46 Mar 08 2019

Love their man cave. I told Liliancat in our house she can have a She Room because I am 100% having me a Man Cave.

16:57 Mar 08 2019


14:26 Mar 08 2019
Times Read: 1,954

Annnnd the fuckery continues...

Police officer pulled a gun on a black man picking up trash on his own property. Now, the department is investigating




14:16 Mar 08 2019
Times Read: 1,959

Annnnd the fuckery continues...

Utah teacher forced student to wash off Ash Wednesday cross on forehead, family says

First Amendment to the United States Constitution:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.



22:49 Mar 08 2019

Damn right!!!


18:37 Mar 07 2019
Times Read: 1,978

I challenge EVERYONE to go for 5-Days NOT allowing the "legal" actions of others that are not physically harming anyone to negatively affect you in some manner.

No complaining.

No side-eyeing.

No calling 9-1-1.

No reporting to some other authority.

Just LIVE your Beliefs and Best Life and allow the same for EVERYONE ELSE...For just 5-Days!!!

If you don't feel less Stress in your life during those 5-Days, maybe Professional Behavioural Counseling should be considered.

Just my personal opinion.




17:47 Mar 07 2019
Times Read: 1,979

So on Monday, 3/4/2019, I chose to add the belief in Blue-Skinned Extraterrestrial Beings to my Spiritual Path Of MOGYOLOGY.


Video posting in the next couple of hours.




22:35 Mar 06 2019
Times Read: 1,984

Clarifying video included in the article.

Iraq and Afghan war vets exposed to toxic air struggle for breath — and a diagnosis





19:56 Mar 06 2019
Times Read: 1,985



16:43 Mar 06 2019
Times Read: 1,992

And it's back to rain after two days of dryness, but at least I got the yards groomed.

I really want to do an outdoor sesh so I'll just have to be patient.

I'm up to a total of 55 Water Bongs/Dabrigs (not including 2 Hookahs and a number of Dry Herb Pipes).

I just love glass artwork. I love the sound of percolating water.

I'll be editing a Bonus Video day to post later today and recording a Thursday ASMR video later tonight to post tomorrow.

But for now, I think I'll take my 1st Sauna Sesh while listening to the latest BlackPeopleKink.com Podcast.




02:07 Mar 06 2019
Times Read: 1,996

Alrighty, Tuesday's video is saving all my edits which will take about an hour and then another hour to upload to YouTube.

Seems like the right time to take my last Sauna Sesh for today and record Wednesday' video while doing so.

I love my Goals, my Hobbies, heck, my Life!





01:14 Mar 06 2019
Times Read: 2,005

Maybe it's just me and my age, but when I first heard of "bullying" via the internet, the first thing I did after spitting out my drink and laughing just a bit too hard and then regaining my composure long enough to picture in my head so many 'X' icons, hide comments features, hell, the damn power button every electronic device I can think of comes with, as ways to shut off the negativity one may encounter over the internet.

When did bullying evolve from a larger stronger person "physically" harming or threatening to harm another if they did not do as the larger stronger person demanded of them or a person with more wealth and with more power harassing those with less wealth and power?

It's like being bullied over the telephone. Why not just disconnect the call and block the number. Better yet, don't answer calls you don't recognize. If it's that important, they'll take the time to leave a message.

How about being bullied while sitting in the driver's seat of an automobile, engine running, nothing in front of you preventing you from simply driving away, but noooo, you rather sit there fighting off punches being thrown at you through the window you refuse to let up.

Is it me or have a generation of people been made overly Soft, Sensitive, Weak and have become a "Victim" crying at every act of "Digital" Berating or seeing something happening that is "legal", but they just don't like seeing it so 9-1-1 they dial?

It's like a child screaming for their parents to stop the dog, who is chained up, from barking at them instead of simply removing themselves from the same general area as the barking dog.

But nooooo........they cry yelling they have no power to defend themselves or remove themselves from negativity and desperately want for someone else to swoop in and save the day.

To do what they themselves could actually do, but without an audience.

I don't know.....Maybe I just feel it's not really what's going on that's the issue, it's wanting the "Attention" due to what's going on that's the real issue.

So, if you are reading this and it's hitting you in the "feels"......I have a gift for you.



19:01 Mar 07 2019

That's it exactly. It would be all too easy to close out the page and leave it alone.

20:36 Mar 07 2019

22:52 Mar 08 2019

Hahahaha....so what youre saying is the country gave birth to a bunch of bitches?!?!
You dont say!!!

00:38 Mar 09 2019


Well, not the country, but I will raise an eyebrow at some of its citizens.


21:10 Mar 05 2019
Times Read: 2,012

Well, I had planned on Sauna Seshing, but my desire changed.

It's been raining here a lot which has been giving me yet another reason not to do yard work, hower, it has not rained the past two days so today......Yup, I did yard work!

Now I remember why I don't like doing it.

I have to Sauna Sesh...........NOW!!!



23:48 Mar 05 2019

23:50 Mar 05 2019

You got to make a gif pointing to a chair in a corner with the words: Liliancat, Dakotah time out!

23:51 Mar 05 2019

You pointing to a chair...

00:32 Mar 06 2019

I'll try to remember that. LOL!

19:02 Mar 07 2019

Admit it y'all just want to be the chair she puts her ass in...lol.

20:34 Mar 07 2019

@Saetan, not me, that would be incest!

00:00 Mar 08 2019

Lol so you saying you her daddy? For real?

02:44 Mar 08 2019


Nope! Her Brother from another Mother.


16:34 Mar 05 2019
Times Read: 2,014




14:55 Mar 05 2019
Times Read: 2,019

I fell asleep last night and accidentally left the Gym Area's window open while airing out any leftover cannabis smoke from my Sauna Sesh.

Needless to say, it was a bit cool in the Lair when I woke-up.

The heat is on and I'll be in the sauna again in just over an hour from now.




02:37 Mar 05 2019
Times Read: 2,026

Uploading Monday's video to YouTube.

About to go through my Pre-Sauna Sesh Ritual.

Hopefully, by the time I'm done, the video will be ready for posting.

Then I'll be recording Tuesday's video while Sauna Seshing for the 3rd time today.





00:13 Mar 05 2019
Times Read: 2,027



18:57 Mar 04 2019
Times Read: 2,033

1st Sauna Sesh of the day is complete.

Time to edit my Monday video and in an hour, eat my first meal of the day which includes "meat".




16:20 Mar 04 2019
Times Read: 2,039

They say my fight to achieve goals are over!

"They" don't know "Me" that well do they?




15:10 Mar 04 2019
Times Read: 2,042

Yes, I'm awake once more.

Some will cheer.

Others will sigh in regret.

Regardless..........Lord MOGY remains among the living for another day.

So I'm going to make it count for something.

Time to show myself some love as well as others.




17:02 Mar 03 2019
Times Read: 2,044

So after eating my celebratory meal on Friday for making my March weight goal of 220 lbs, I'm now at 222 lbs. LOL!

But........It was worth it!!!!!

Time to progress below 220 lbs this month heading to 215 lbs by April 1st!

If I don't get it, I'll blame my Son's and Granddaughter's visit and then try again in May.

But, until then.....




15:09 Mar 03 2019
Times Read: 2,048

The unique personality traits of people who prefer to be alone.

Well, at least until a compatible partner comes along and enhances one's already Awesome Life! ijs....

(Video May Be Slow To Load)

People Who Like To Be Alone Have These 11 Unique Personality Traits




04:30 Mar 03 2019
Times Read: 2,062

A mental disorder, also called a mental illness or psychiatric disorder, is a behavioral or mental pattern that causes significant distress or impairment of personal functioning. ... Mental disorders are usually defined by a combination of how a person behaves, feels, perceives, or thinks.

If someone's mental illness is making itself known by way of acting out or partaking in shenanigans that result in "physical or structural" harm/damage to the person or someone or something else, then society locks them away for the safety of citizens and for their own safety.

If someone's mental illness is making itself known by way of acting out or partaking in shenanigans that DO NOT result in "physical or structural" harm/damage to the person or someone or something else, but is highly annoying to the point of causing emotional distress, that is NOT the problem of the mentally ill person, that is an issue YOU must solve yourself as YOU allow the actions of others to affect your personal well-being.

As I commented before, one can't argue, yell at, place on blast, hate, or temporarily suspend a Mental Illness Away no more than one can argue, yell at, place on blast, hate, or temporarily suspend a Physical Disability away.

However, you can work on yourself. Your stress, your anger, and how to deal with other beings whose brains are wired differently than your own.



11:02 Mar 03 2019

Remove yourself from the situation and sincerely hope that the person gets the help they need.

13:55 Mar 03 2019

Well, that sounds like a wise course of action, Brother!


22:48 Mar 02 2019
Times Read: 2,065




17:10 Mar 02 2019
Times Read: 2,066

Wow, I recorded two videos on Thursday only to have to record them again on Friday resulting in a long day Friday.

I need to invest in a phone camera that has more space. My phone shuts off if recording beyond 31 minutes and then Google Drive won't even upload a size that large so either I have to upload the unedited version to YouTube and make it public just long enough to convert it into an mp4. file just to be able to download it to my computer for editing or simply redo the video and make it shorter.

So now, I'm up to posting 5 videos per week (M-F) as a hobby.

I mean, heck, I've combined 4 Spiritual Lifestyles all under the MOGYOLOGY umbrella and since I have to medicate at least 3 times per day, why not have some fun with it while also providing alternative information and giving others someone to medically sesh along with?

Anyway, after achieving my weight goal for March 1st, it's time to work on my weight goal for April 1st which may be really tough as I've not seen 215 lbs since being considered out of weight-standards for the Marine Corps while on my last tour of active duty service due to my health issues as a result of my time spent serving in Iraq War.

But, I've never been afraid of a challenge...sooooooo





03:50 Mar 02 2019
Times Read: 2,072



03:46 Mar 02 2019
Times Read: 2,074

Congratulations to TheGildedGuardian!!!

The 5th Recipient of MOGYOLOGY's "Bless Program".

Reminder: The Ministry currently only utilizes PAYPAL, VENMO or ZELLE accounts to transfer funds.

The Blessed has until Monday, 3/4/2019 to collect their blessing or forfeit.

(Video May Be Slow To Load)




00:16 Mar 01 2019
Times Read: 1,797

As I figured, I end up purchasing not 1, not 2, but 3 Glass Medical Devices (Bongs and Dab Rigs).

They were just too amazing to pass up.

I also went grocery shopping.

Next, I purchased more meds to see me through the entire month of March as I medicate and share it with the world by way of video uploads.

Lastly, I'm only having flavored water and fruit today until Midnight. I'm not leaving 220 lbs. In fact, I'm sure I weigh less than that now and I'm going to take a Sauna Sesh Treatment on top of that.



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