LORDMOGY's Journal

LORDMOGY's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


85 entries this month

16:48 Sep 28 2013
Times Read: 1,886

I refuse to get into any serious intimate relationships in the months of Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan and Feb. I have trust issues. LMAO!



17:30 Sep 28 2013

I'd add March, April, May, June, July, August, and September to that list, but I think it's too late for me now. Save yourself! Lol!

17:31 Sep 28 2013



14:41 Sep 28 2013
Times Read: 1,888

Wow, some merchants really make it hard to unsubscribe from automatic renewals. Hey, sorry, but I don't want your crappy product or service anymore. LOL!




06:59 Sep 28 2013
Times Read: 1,899

So a young lady on one of the dating sites sent me the following message: "Funny how your EGO glows in your profile, you have a lot of demands, i have to ask, i know what you want, but tell me, what do you have to offer, besides your EGO, i know that the EGO has nothing positive to bring to the table."

The below was my reply:

"Well hello there. Thanks for the message. So what do I have to offer is your question...Well let's start with intangible qualities such as extensive world travel, life experience, loyalty, faithfulness, intelligence, wisdom, serenity, a good listener, somewhat of a philosopher, focus, trust worthy, honest, fair, and well read on many subjects to include psychology and the human condition. Also the study of relationships being one of my favorites. I'm a man that will always strive for personal growth and continuing knowledge in areas of my choice. Now let's talk about the tangibles. I'm not a rich man since I served in the USMC and I didn't get rich doing it, but my career allowed me to fully retire comfortably 2 years ago. Throughout my military career I took advantage of 'non-traditional' education as well as traditional. Although I didn't achieve any degrees, my many accomplishments, awards and promotions allowed me to afford a 3,146 sq ft home and two very nice vehicles. My retirement allows me to enjoy my hobbies 24/7 and serenity and freedom from the rat race is a goal accomplished. So while folks are going to school or their place of employment, I'm swimming in my pool with the waterfall or soaking in my spa or enjoying a number of other amenities my home has to offer such as my in home gym, game area, and theater room. However, this may not seem as much to offer to some, but I'm not for everyone....Just that special someone. Lastly, I disagree with you on EGO having nothing positive to bring to the table. What it brings is confidence and sense of self-worth. I also think it very cool that even after experiencing the horrors of combat I can still laugh and joke around. I may have a King size Ego, but I'm humble enough to admit it. ^_^ "



17:34 Sep 28 2013

Oh my gosh! You are awesome! ;)

21:10 Sep 28 2013


16:24 Nov 13 2013

In younger circles such a reply is called an ``intelligent burn``

Way to go,Mogy


17:04 Sep 27 2013
Times Read: 1,914

I'm cool with Lust & Pride...The other 5 aren't worth my time.

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22:13 Sep 27 2013

hell yeah!


16:44 Sep 27 2013
Times Read: 1,915

Some women hate getting with a guy with a Big Ego because when they leave them down the road, they know they wouldn't be invited to the party. ^_^ LMAO!!!!



17:05 Sep 27 2013

You crack me the fuck up Mogy! :P

23:03 Sep 27 2013



16:32 Sep 27 2013
Times Read: 1,916

Hey, don't take my Ego Seriously. Leave that to me...I'm the BEST at it. ^_^




16:31 Sep 27 2013
Times Read: 1,917

Yeah, pretty much.

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00:58 Sep 28 2013



16:14 Sep 27 2013
Times Read: 1,918

I have to stop turning on the shower and then admiring myself in the mirror. My water bill is increasing every month. ^_^




16:10 Sep 27 2013
Times Read: 1,919

Why is it that every dating site I join....matches me up with my own profile? ^_^




16:01 Sep 27 2013
Times Read: 1,920


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15:54 Sep 27 2013
Times Read: 1,921

♪ Blame it on the island

You know which one

Blame it on the blues

I paid my dues

Blame it on the m m m m m Marine Corps

Blame it on the m m m m m m Marine Corps ♪

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15:40 Sep 27 2013
Times Read: 1,922

For 24 years the US Marines kept telling me I was the 'Best' that I was 'Awesome'....I stayed until RETIREMENT because I kept AGREEING with them. ^_^

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07:40 Sep 26 2013
Times Read: 1,930

I'm goin' down to South Park

gonna have myself a time.

(Stan+Kyle) Friendly faces everywhere

humble folks without temptation.

Goin' down to South Park

gonna leave my woes behind.

(Cartman) Ample parking day or night,

people spouting HOWDY NEIGHBOR!

Heading on up to South Park

gonna see if I can't unwind.

(Kenny 1-2 seassons)

I like girls with big fat titties, I like girls with big vaginas.

(Kenny 3-6 seassons)

I have got a 10-inch penis, use you mouth to help me clean it.

(Kenny 7-10(half) seassons)

Some time I'll be old enough to stick my dick in Britney's butt.

(Kenny 10(half)-current seassons)

I like fucking silly bitches, cause I know my penis likes it.

So come on down to South Park

and meet some friends of mine!




18:45 Sep 25 2013
Times Read: 1,946

Just here playing with my balls. It's a great stress reliever, but I really don't have stress...I just like playing with my balls. ^_^

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19:00 Sep 25 2013

thanks for the giggle ;P nice balls btw

19:02 Sep 25 2013

I do too!!!! =^.^=

22:15 Sep 25 2013


00:57 Sep 26 2013



17:20 Sep 25 2013
Times Read: 1,949

I will be attending the 11th annual Viking Fest this weekend with my San Diego North County Pagans Meetup Group. Should be fun!!! I wonder if I can find a replica of Thor's Hammer. ^_^




00:39 Sep 27 2013

That sounds fun. I hope you find what you're looking for.


22:43 Sep 23 2013
Times Read: 1,958

I had two of those types. Types #2 & #3. LMAO!!!




20:45 Sep 23 2013
Times Read: 1,967

People thirsty for attention.....LOL!




17:13 Sep 23 2013
Times Read: 1,969

So I always have to be honest. I tell them that I'm not good at being one of many, however, I'm great at being The Only One! So if they have many, I don't mind being in the Friend Zone until they realize There Can Be Only One! Me!




19:55 Sep 21 2013
Times Read: 1,982

There are so many women on dating sites with young kids that live with them....They probably can't afford additional child care to get out of the house and date or just don't have the time anymore. LOL!




07:12 Sep 21 2013
Times Read: 1,989

How is it that my Property Taxes are the highest this year than any other years since 2003? What madness is this?




23:43 Sep 20 2013
Times Read: 1,997

I was once told that I never change. So I went from AWESOME to AMAZING, but went back to AWESOME because I can only be ME! ^_^



00:42 Sep 21 2013

I think you are pretty awesome!!! That's why we get along so well... :P

01:29 Sep 21 2013

Ditto Sexy! ^_-


04:30 Sep 20 2013
Times Read: 2,018

So my Son ask me to take the hair clippers and edge his beard for him. Feeling really old right about now. LMAO!!!



05:41 Sep 20 2013

Do you do trim jobs on females? :P

08:09 Sep 20 2013

Yes...With a happy ending too. :p


21:07 Sep 19 2013
Times Read: 2,020

When it comes to hating someone that has never wronged me, nahhh, I don't do that. If you're cool with me, I'm cool with you. The way you treat me is the way I will treat you....Unless you're Bat Shit Crazy, then I may give you a pass. I have a soft spot for crazy people. I love when they block me and tell me I'm #1. ^_^



04:32 Sep 20 2013

Haha! Chant: You're #1. You're #1..."

05:40 Sep 20 2013

I feel the same way Mogy!!!! One of the MANY awesome reasons we get along so well!

08:10 Sep 20 2013



04:53 Sep 11 2013
Times Read: 2,033





04:59 Sep 10 2013
Times Read: 2,036

Hahahaha...I agree. It is the image I have in my head of them or him or her or it! But, I like how they playyyyy. ^_^

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03:28 Sep 10 2013
Times Read: 2,039

Good point! LOL!

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01:54 Sep 10 2013
Times Read: 2,041

This Old one was nice...But the new one is even Better and I get to save an extra $30 a year....Sorry, won't be showing that one...I have too many STALKERS!!! Hahahahaha!

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00:39 Sep 10 2013
Times Read: 2,045

True! I have to look. It's a matter of pride.

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00:38 Sep 10 2013
Times Read: 2,046

I had visitors today on my profile from my children....Sweet! Daddy likes. ^_^




19:21 Sep 09 2013
Times Read: 2,055

When you're at work and need a break, do you start surfing the internet wishing you could just do that all day or when you're reading a book for school and you begin wishing for the day you can read a book you actually would enjoy or when Sunday Night rolls around you wish that Monday was a day off or you find yourself spending more money than you want to on fuel for a long commute and wish you didn't have to drive so much? Well it feels good not to have to make those kinds of wishes anymore let me tell you. ^_^




18:47 Sep 09 2013
Times Read: 2,057

I just cracked the f*ck up when I saw this....

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06:14 Sep 09 2013
Times Read: 2,074

That look your Ex gives you when she notices you're even more AWESOME now that she's out of your life....

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15:07 Sep 09 2013

My ex's do that too. Specially when they see how well the kids turned out despite their bad mouthing me during their tantrums:p. They forget kids grow up and see the truth sooner or later. Then when kids figure out for themselves the facts, it is amazingly crushing to the parent that was an idiot all those years:p

The look on the ex's face when their own kids want nothing to do with them. Priceless.

I have to say Karma has a way of getting hers. In the most, cruel way possible:)))


02:58 Sep 09 2013
Times Read: 2,081

When I knew that my Son's Mom and I were not going to make it as a married couple since all her actions told me she wanted (needed) to be single again...I told her that one of us will live on only seeing our Son every now and then and the other will raise him daily. I didn't grow up with my Father so I told her since she already had a child from a previous relationship that I wanted to raise my Son (and also get a DNA test). Well she had other plans and she snatched him up from my Day Care and left the state. Mostly for the Child Support she would receive. I may not have been the Custodial Parent, but I have always supported my Son and stayed in contact with his teachers and made sure he had medical and dental and even though she said he wasn't mine out of spite, the state forced her to participate in a DNA test and shut all that crazy talk...besides, they were coming after me for Child Support anyways since I stopped sending money in order to force her to participate in DNA testing. It didn't take long before she needed financial assistance from the state so that got the ball rolling.

As I watched him grow each 2 weeks in the Summer and 2 weeks in the Winter visit and through pictures, I would at times ask him if he wanted me to fight for full custody for him in court. He would tell me no because he would miss his sisters and he knew that my support was the only support out of the three Fathers that was coming into their family and if my support stopped it would hurt them. She also gave him the 'mother's cry' whenever he brought it up to her.

I was always happy to see him visit and it broke my heart each time to see him leave. Well he's 18 yrs old, a High School graduate and he's finally coming home to stay...well until he spreads his wings to move out on his own.

I'll take what I can get. ^_^



04:41 Sep 09 2013

Awww. :)


00:32 Sep 09 2013
Times Read: 2,083

Night Swim felt pretty good last night...




17:32 Sep 08 2013
Times Read: 2,087






16:57 Sep 08 2013
Times Read: 2,088

LFL is AWESOME! Wayyy better than that 'No Fun League' NFL. Touch Down celebrating is crazy funny!!!




04:54 Sep 07 2013
Times Read: 2,116

What happens to a guy that hadn't had sex in a long time....



05:47 Sep 07 2013

Oi!!! you need to resize your shit before you post....Stretch the fuck out of my page...

Maybe you can't though :P

05:49 Sep 07 2013

LOL! It must have been the twerking video...Can't do videos.

08:55 Sep 07 2013

omg its LF lol


01:03 Sep 07 2013
Times Read: 2,124

Twerking Gone Wrong...Too Funny!




12:45 Sep 06 2013
Times Read: 2,151

The glitch in the Honor Stat still exists....LOL!

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14:59 Sep 06 2013


00:49 Sep 07 2013

The whole thing needs to be rewritten.


23:30 Sep 05 2013
Times Read: 2,161

Do I want to eat, read, watch TV or play on the computer? Decisions, decisions...




23:13 Sep 05 2013
Times Read: 2,163

Whenever you experience boredom, you have chosen it. The causes of boredom is due to unfulfilled expectations, boring activities that have no challenge to them, lack of physical activity and being too often a spectator and too seldom a participant. Ultimately you are the author of your boredom.




23:07 Sep 05 2013
Times Read: 2,165

If you get married at a court house, but she wants a fake wedding picture, she puts together fake resumes just to get hired, she wears pounds of make-up to fake her true looks...well you can see the trending word. It's all about IMAGE...A Fake Image. So what do you think her feelings for you will be?




22:52 Sep 05 2013
Times Read: 2,166

If she decides to settle for something less just to brag and gain some level of attention for herself quickly instead of waiting to get what she will really would cherish....she won't be happy with what she has long term. Attention, being liked and what other people think means EVERYTHING to her.




22:43 Sep 05 2013
Times Read: 2,169

If she makes a promise to do something that she has an issue with, but you enjoy just to get married....She won't keep that promise for long AFTER you've married her.




22:31 Sep 05 2013
Times Read: 2,174

If asking her to marry you means very little without doing so with a ring at that time.....Run! She's all about the IMAGES in her head and how things are SUPPOSE to be. If things are not the way she plays them out in her head, she will often time not be a HAPPY person.



22:37 Sep 05 2013

Indeed. I think it's a nice gesture to have the ring, but it's the commitment that's important. If my boyfriend proposed and put a straw wrapper around my finger I would say yes with just as much enthusiasm hahaha :D

02:11 Sep 06 2013

I knew a girl who got married with a ring from a vending machine- the cheap, adjustable kind that sell alongside gumballs.


22:11 Sep 05 2013
Times Read: 2,176

If you meet someone who is mentally challenged or unstable...Run!!! However, if you are the brave type and enjoys a challenge and the sex may be good and you come to care for them to the point of deciding to to be in an intimate relationship with them....know the challenges you will face and be ready to accept and deal with them. They will come. But ensure they know what your 'Deal Breakers' are for you.




22:03 Sep 05 2013
Times Read: 2,177

If you decide to marry someone who is fairly young and you propose and place the engagement ring on their finger, if they remove the ring and place it on a finger on their other hand or any other finger except the traditional one because to them it 'looks better' there.....Postpone the marriage and allow them to mature a little longer.




21:58 Sep 05 2013
Times Read: 2,178

When a person wants to leave the relationship because they realize they don't have what it takes to meet your needs, LET THEM GO! They know their own limitations quite well. They may have studied you in the beginning and deceived you into believing they had what it takes to meet your needs because they saw something in you that they wished in their life, but deception is only temporary. They will never be able to sustain their deception and will live daily in fear and anxiety of being found to be FAKE. So take pity on them and allow them to move on. Hoping that they learn a valuable lesson about being himself/herself.




21:30 Sep 05 2013
Times Read: 2,182

When people attach onto you thinking that you are the one that may help them feel good about themselves...it won't last long. It starts out great. You love them, they love you and he/she even feel good about himself/herself...until that one day you bring up something that annoys you just a little. From then on...they are on a downward spiral of self-hate and depression that you may not be able to pull them back from. It could be something as simple as asking them to rinse the shower wall of hair once they finish showering. Being with someone that posses Self-Love and Self-Esteem is very important in a relationship.




19:56 Sep 05 2013
Times Read: 2,187

OBB of VR....Give us a sign. ^_^




18:10 Sep 05 2013
Times Read: 2,193

Time to watch some LFL on Youtube...LFL | USA | Season 4 | Game 25 | Chicago Bliss vs. Seattle Mist




17:52 Sep 05 2013
Times Read: 2,201

I have a very thirsty swimming pool. Sometimes I wonder if it has a leak, but I know it's just evaporation from this SoCali sun.




17:42 Sep 05 2013
Times Read: 2,204

Those with multiple profiles should have on each of their profiles the total number of profiles assigned to that IP address....Not the name of the different profiles nor the IP address, just the total number....and listed on each of their profiles. Now that would be interesting. LOL!




03:24 Sep 05 2013
Times Read: 2,212

Nap time....



05:38 Sep 05 2013



03:20 Sep 05 2013
Times Read: 2,214

Wish I lived in a neighborhood with more single people.




02:31 Sep 05 2013
Times Read: 2,216

Well I just finished watching all 13 episodes of VH1's Black Ink Crew. Wow! I'm hooked. Can't wait for season 2.




18:14 Sep 04 2013
Times Read: 2,226

I'm the only man I know who would go from loving someone suffering with Chronic Depression/Anxiety to loving someone suffering with Bipolar Disorder/Bat Sh*t Crazy! Yeah, I use to have a 'Caregiver' personality. Key words...'Use To'. I think I'm cured of that now. ^_^



18:41 Sep 04 2013

It's the masochistic part of you. ;p

19:00 Sep 04 2013



17:41 Sep 04 2013
Times Read: 2,229

I did an eBay search under the category of 'AWESOME' and found people bidding on me! They should read the small print...It says Priceless! ^_^




17:34 Sep 04 2013
Times Read: 2,230

I'm so AWESOME I wish they could clone a female version of myself to marry. ^_^




17:19 Sep 04 2013
Times Read: 2,233

If you discover she's holding something 'special' given to her by a 'male friend' with the plan to return it to him if they ever meet again...the relationship is over before it even began. Leave now or just wait for it. It'll happen. You just found yourself in the 'I needed you to make the other guy jealous' zone.




16:56 Sep 04 2013
Times Read: 2,234

Understand The Concept Of Cheating:

Cheating isn't just limited to being physical with someone behind your partner's back, it is much bigger than that. If you're talking romantically with someone who isn't your partner, having long flirty conversations with someone, being a little too comforting with someone or if you still think about your ex in an emotional way, all while hiding it from your partner then you're cheating on them. Whatever you do behind your partner's back with the fear of them finding out and being hurt by it is "cheating".




15:36 Sep 04 2013
Times Read: 2,238

Sometimes it's so hard to be a Good Guy!

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14:52 Sep 04 2013
Times Read: 2,239

Life comes down to 2 things....'Action' & 'Reaction'. BOTH will forever be judged.




14:45 Sep 04 2013
Times Read: 2,240

I remember framing and hanging our marriage vows on the wall due to my past history with spouses that seemed to have forgotten them right after having said them. However, even that didn't help. Some people go around saying they don't make promises lightly. That they are very careful of making promises. The reason being is because they know they have a very poor history of not keeping their promises. At the end of the day, one's word is all they have. When you break your promises, there is a spot on your character that can NEVER be removed. There are people walking around with so many spots over their character that their character should be wearing a Burqa.

Vow - An earnest promise to perform a specified act or behave in a certain manner, especially a solemn promise to live and act in accordance with certain rules or code of conduct.




14:15 Sep 04 2013
Times Read: 2,242

Some women ARE loyal...well that is until the guy she REALLY loves comes back around, or someone says 'party over here', or tough time comes around, or she gets into one of her emotional moods around her male 'friend' when she couldn't get her way at home, or AFTER she gets that thing she used the relationship to obtain, or etc, etc, etc....But, that's only SOME women. They know who they are. It's in their character.




03:53 Sep 04 2013
Times Read: 2,249

A DMV employee took the time to call my home to thank me for my many years of military service and to let me know that although one of my requested Personalized License Plate Numbers had not been approved, one of my other choice had. I pickup my 2nd Veteran Personalized License Plate next week. Awesome! ^_^




02:09 Sep 04 2013
Times Read: 2,251

Watching past episodes of VH1's Black Ink Crew series...Never seen it before, but now I'm hooked!




20:29 Sep 03 2013
Times Read: 2,259

If someone deceives, betrays and hurts the one they claim to love, it may show poor judgement on the one that got betrayed, but it shows poor character of the one that did the betraying. One can improve their judgement, however, it's harder to change one's character. At the most, you could just fake your change better and improve subduing your true nature. In time and given the right circumstances, their true nature will resurface even if for a brief moment. They may be only human, but their actions will leave a long lasting negative impact in someone's life.




19:36 Sep 03 2013
Times Read: 2,264

Opposite Sex Friends | VERSUS | NatesVlogs vs. BkAngel310

"Just A Friend".....Riiiggghhhttttt!!!!!




19:11 Sep 03 2013
Times Read: 2,265

I awaken from sunlight as it slowly seeps through the blinds covering my window and not from noise nor disturbing dreams. My first thought is not 'Thank You', but 'Why'? Then I remember my son and my God-Daughter and all those who from time to time I am able to bring some level of joy into their lives. I've never really lived for myself, I've always lived for others. At least that's the way I feel. I suppose that's why I love life, but death brings little fear.




18:42 Sep 03 2013
Times Read: 2,267

I feel that I miss someone who has never been born...




05:29 Sep 03 2013
Times Read: 2,279

This entry is due to a show I just watched.

Now I'm not saying this because I'm done with Child Support myself, I'm saying this because it's the right thing to do. Men....If you've taken a DNA Test (Please, Please Do That) and/or you know the child is yours, but you are no longer with the Mother and she is the Custodial Parent......SUPPORT THAT CHILD! Also, whatever you do.....KEEP A DAMN RECORD of what you do and give towards the support of your child. No matter how much you hate the Mother....No matter if you think the Mother is spending every dime on herself (if you can prove that...document it and go to court)...Be able to prove that you've provided SUPPORT FOR YOUR CHILD!



05:42 Sep 03 2013

Being a child whose parents were divorced, I can agree with this wholeheartedly. Don't take your anger at the other parent out in neglect of the child, please. It hurts the child more than just financially.


03:44 Sep 03 2013
Times Read: 2,285

Chris Starr (Diet Etiquette) video

I don't diet....I just portion control.




18:01 Sep 02 2013
Times Read: 2,291

I've never Heard So Many Women Calling Each Other a Bitch Than In The LFL....They would give VR a run for its money if VR Journals had a voice option...LOL!




17:40 Sep 02 2013
Times Read: 2,293

Boobies popping out, thongs being revealed and some good football....I LOVE the LFL........F*ck the NFL!!!




17:08 Sep 02 2013
Times Read: 2,295

Watching LFL | USA | Game 23 | Atlanta Steam vs. Philadelphia Passion on Youtube...




15:40 Sep 02 2013
Times Read: 2,297

Ahhhh Monday...How I Love Thee....




02:18 Sep 02 2013
Times Read: 2,305

Oh How Pain Changes A Person.....

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00:31 Sep 02 2013
Times Read: 2,313

In Fond Memory Of SIN Coven

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00:10 Sep 02 2013
Times Read: 2,316

I can feel it in the air of the night.....

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00:03 Sep 02 2013
Times Read: 2,317

What? Who was that?




00:02 Sep 02 2013
Times Read: 2,318

I think I received a sign that the OBB of VR is very much alive and well... ^_^




23:52 Sep 01 2013
Times Read: 2,326

I LMAO when I see someone using their 'Free Will' to attack the 'Free Will' of another. Wait, What? Seriously? Wow! Hahahaha




23:50 Sep 01 2013
Times Read: 2,327

A Journal is someone's daily record of events in their life...Good, Bad, Boring or Not. I LMAO when I read someone's journal entry stating how much they hate reading someone else's entries.....Wait, What? Seriously? Wow! Hahahahaha




22:50 Sep 01 2013
Times Read: 2,331

Just watched 'The Man From Earth' on Hulu.....Awesome Movie!!!



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