LordFangor's Journal

LordFangor's Journal


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39 entries this month


12:14 Aug 31 2022
Times Read: 336

Yesterday , Mango had a great number of posts on his failing Truth Social. Some of those referred to The Storm. The storm is a veiled threat by Mango, appealing to the Q Anon nuts that he Mango is getting ready to return to power by activating military units loyal to him and that he, Mango will publicly execute, Hillary, Biden , Obama, Pelsoi, Schumer, and more.

The man has clearly lost his mind. But I will say this again..... should there be an uprising you can kiss your 401(k) good bye. Your I.R.A. will shrink to nothing. There will be a rush to cash out..... That is what their insurrection will bring...

Oh, and one more thing.... there is plenty of room in the graveyards for these insurrectionist trash.... skip the Federal Prison part.




Proud Boi Thug Sentenced To Federal Prison

11:15 Aug 30 2022
Times Read: 352

A bartender and self-proclaimed member of the Proud Boys extremist group received a record-breaking sentence on Monday among those convicted solely of obstructing Congress on Jan. 6.

Joshua Pruitt, 40, nearly came face to face with then-Sen. Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) as the lawmaker was trying to evade the mob attacking the U.S. Capitol building.

Now bound to spend more than 4.5 years behind bars, Pruitt received a 55-month sentence from U.S. District Judge Timothy Kelly on Monday. Among Jan. 6 defendants who have pleaded guilty solely to the offense of obstructing an official proceeding, Pruitt’s appears to be the longest sentence so far, according to court filings. Jacob Chansley, the so-called “QAnon shaman,” pleaded guilty to the same offense and was sentenced to 41 months, and Paul Hodgkins, the first to plead guilty to the charge, received a sentence of eight months.

Though Pruitt’s sentence broke a record among Jan. 6 defendants convicted solely of obstruction, the longest sentences on the U.S. Capitol docket generally went to Three Percenter militia associate Guy Reffitt, who was found guilty of five charges, including obstruction and bringing a gun to Capitol grounds. Reffitt received an 87-month sentence on Aug. 1.

Pruitt had pleaded guilty in June to obstruction of an official proceeding, a felony punishable by up to 20 years in prison. According to federal prosecutors, he wore a “tactical glove with knuckle pads” to the Capitol that day, when he joined the mob of Donald Trump supporters angry over Joe Biden‘s electoral win. Using a piece of fencing as a makeshift ladder, prosecutors say, Pruitt advanced up the stairs to the Upper West Terrace of the building.

Pruitt breached the building at around 2:14 p.m. He was seen on surveillance footage throwing a wooden sign and was among the first rioters to enter the Crypt, according to the government. He then moved toward the Capitol Visitor’s Center, picking up a chair and tossing it as he did so.

Prosecutors say that what happened next could have resulted in serious injury to Schumer, a top Democratic lawmaker now serving as Senate Majority Leader.

Pruitt] then continued in the direction of the Senate subway. Meanwhile, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer and his security detail — who had evacuated from the Senate Chamber — walked up a ramp toward the elevators in the northern part of the Visitor’s Center. A member of the security detail saw Pruitt approaching. As a result, Senator Schumer and his security detail reversed course, running away from the elevator and back down the ramp. Pruitt climbed out a window to leave the building at approximately 2:52 p.m.

Pruitt was arrested that night for violating a curfew in Washington, and federal charges were filed against him the next day. He was granted pretrial release, but sent back to jail in January after multiple violations.

In a victim impact statement, one of the Capitol Police officers assigned to Schumer’s security detail said that he is still traumatized from the events of Jan. 6, including the close call with Pruitt.

“Every day I enter the beacon of our country, the U.S. Capitol, I relive the memories of that day, and none are as impactful as the moments I saw Mr. Pruitt approaching us with the intent to inflict harm to the Majority Leader of the United States Senate,” the officer, identified only as M.L. in court filings, said. “It was only due to our team[‘]s preplanning of alternate evacuations procedures and quick actions that this impending meeting did not result in blood shed or serious bodily injury to either himself or his conspirator, my fellow teammates, or the Majority Leader of the Senate.”

The 55 months issued by Kelly, a Trump appointee, was just under the 60 months that prosecutors had requested in a sentencing memo, but within the 51 to 63 months contemplated by his plea agreement. The sentence is well over the 36 months Pruitt had suggested in his memo, but it still surpasses sentences issued to Chansley and Hodgkins.

Chansley, sentenced in November by Ronald Reagan appointee Royce Lamberth, is still behind bars. Hodgkins, however, has already completed his sentence, and at a July hearing told U.S. District Judge Randolph Moss, a Barack Obama appointee, that he was getting his life back on track.

Kelly also ordered Pruitt to serve three years on supervised release once he is out of prison. Pruitt must also pay $2,000 in restitution toward the estimated $2.7 million in damage to the Capitol building.


Note: Well a Federal Felon for life...... lock them all up.... NEXT




Running For Cover

02:23 Aug 30 2022
Times Read: 365

yes, this guy has explaining to do.... how the fuck could he be a member of the secret service and Mango's Deputy Chief of Staff???

he is supposedly the one who came up with the idea of Mango's Lafayette Square walk...where he held a bible upside down in front of a church. you know where Mango wanted troops to shoot unarmed protestors




GOP Didn't Complain About Trump Avoiding His Creditors

10:38 Aug 28 2022
Times Read: 376

n Wednesday, President Joe Biden announced up to $20,000 in student loan relief for some borrowers.

Republicans have said it's an unfair burden to taxpayers, and Democrats pointed out their relieved PPP loans.

On Friday, Sen. Bernie Sanders entered the fray and said GOPers didn't complain about Trump's bankruptcies.

It's the war of loan forgiveness, as Republicans and Democrats continue to go back and forth over President Joe Biden's decision to relieve student debt.

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders weighed in on Friday with a typically fiery response.

"I hear Republicans complaining about $20,000 in student debt forgiveness. Funny, I didn't hear those complaints when Trump declared bankruptcy 6 times & had $287 million in loans forgiven by big banks," Sanders tweeted. "The GOP l-o-v-e-s socialism for the rich, rugged individualism for the rest."

On Wednesday, Biden announced up to $20,000 in student-loan forgiveness for Pell Grant recipients making under $125,000 a year, along with up to $10,000 in relief for other federal borrowers under the same income cap. As expected, Republican lawmakers were quick to slam the announcement, with many arguing the broad forgiveness is costly and unfair to taxpayers.

It's a criticism that Biden himself was quick to rebuke, questioning the fairness of taxpayers subsidizing tax breaks for multi-billion dollar companies and pointing out the GOP lawmakers who received business loan forgiveness during the pandemic.

The Washington Post reports that Hillary Clinton was correct to assert in 2016 that Donald Trump had "taken business bankruptcies six times." Trump had said it happened four times, and told the Post that he was tallying the first three bankruptcies as one. The New York Times found in a 2020 analysis of his tax returns that Trump had around $287 million in debt forgiven.

Sanders is not the first Democrat to scrutinize GOP pushback on Biden's relief. After Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell called the president's student-loan forgiveness "astonishingly unfair," Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren was quick to respond by noting that when McConnell graduated from University of Louisville, he only paid $330 in annual tuition.

"Senator McConnell graduated from a school that cost $330 a year," Warren wrote on Twitter on Thursday. "Today it costs over $12,000. McConnell has done nothing to fix it — and is irate that the President is stepping up to help millions of working Americans drowning in debt. He can spare us the lectures on fairness."

The White House itself has also taken to Twitter to call out some Republican lawmakers by name — those who have complained about Biden's relief while also having gotten their Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans forgiven. While GOP Sen. Marco Rubio wrote in a Friday op-ed that PPP loans and student loans are not comparable, National Economic Council Deputy Director Bharat Ramamurti said "we absolutely think it's a fair comparison."

The Education Department is set to announce further details on Biden's relief plans in the coming weeks, and an application for the loan forgiveness is set to become live in early October.


Note: Let's not forget that college tuition has kept going up for years and years. I believe that when Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell attended college the tuition was a little over $300 per YEAR as pointed out by Senator Warren.

Let's not forget the farmers who were bailed out during Covid. Congressman Matt "I'm Calling Daddy" Gaetz had $500,00 in Covid loans forgiven. There is more ... The GOPQ loves forgiving debt unless it's to people who probably will not vote for them.




Witnesses - Emphasis on the Plural

00:39 Aug 28 2022
Times Read: 386

uh, oh.....




GOP Hypocrites

02:12 Aug 26 2022
Times Read: 399

Former baseball pitcher Curt Schilling is the latest conservative to gripe about President Joe Biden’s debt relief plan for college students, but many people noticed his criticism smacked of hypocrisy.

On Thursday, Schilling griped about what he called “a generation of lazy unaccountable uneducated children” — people earning less than $125,000 per year who would have $10,000 to $20,000 of their student debt canceled — “being covered by hard working debt paying Americans.”

Schilling, however, may not be the best person to level this criticism. Back in 2012, his video game company, 38 Studios, defaulted on a $75 million loan from the state of Rhode Island.

He told Esquire in 2017 that he lost $50 million of his own fortune from the debacle, which he called “the most painful time in my life.”

Apparently, Schilling’s experience did not result in any empathy for others who might also need a hand to follow their dreams. Twitter users felt obliged to point out the “rules for thee, not for me” message in his tweet.

Note: Imagine all these GOP people getting loans they never paid back. 2008 Wall Street bailed out. Covid millions loaned to rich people ,like my boss, who did not have to repay it. Space Laser Barbie who owns a company did not have to repay her 180,000 dollar loan, and the goddamn list goes on...... Cruise Ship lines, Airlines, and more, given millions and did not repay a fucking dime.

Yet, they wish to bitch about student loan forgiveness....... and its not even full loan forgiveness for many...




B Squad Member Arrested

00:33 Aug 25 2022
Times Read: 409

more Jan 6 2021 charges by the Feds......

plenty of room in Federal Prison for you




GUILTY of Conspiracy To Kidnap Whitmer

01:38 Aug 24 2022
Times Read: 423

well here you go these two insurrectionists have been found guilty and face life... I say give them life.




Mango Went Through The Boxes Himself

11:13 Aug 23 2022
Times Read: 433

Elsewhere in MAGA World... Herschel Walker says there are to many trees..... Desantis blocks dictionaries from Florida schools..... Fla teachers are quitting in record numbers........ Sen Ron Johnson (R) Wisconsin, says he was only involved with the fake electors for a dew seconds.....

I mean really, come on mugwumps, outside of being liars these people are FUCKING STUPID

Gear up, not long before early voting for the Nov elections....




Laura Turns On Mango Mussolini

11:07 Aug 21 2022
Times Read: 448

oh my




Ad From Lincoln Project

11:01 Aug 21 2022
Times Read: 449




Mango Lies Again about The F.B.I.

16:17 Aug 20 2022
Times Read: 462

indict this piece of crap now... do not worry about violence from some of his inbred supporters. As I have said before there is plenty of room in Federal Prison or in the grave yard... The MAGA crowd and GOPQ are a continuing threat to our country

I just sent Fetterman in PA another 10.





Check Out Dr Oz

10:28 Aug 18 2022
Times Read: 470

Yep, Oz lives in New Jersey and went shopping in New Jersey for the ad. Fetterman absolutely mocks Oz time after time. Oz no more lives in PA than I do.

According to polling Fetterman is up by 10 points. At least one Republican controlled PAC has pulled money from TV ad campaigns in at least three states including PA targeting the OZ campaign, the other two are Wisconsin and Arizona. Though we are a long way out from election day the GOPQ sees the writing on the wall at least as far as the Senate is concerned.

Pick your Dem candidates and donate money as if your life depends on it...because it probably does... as the GOPQ digs in on White Christian Nationalism ... more on that later..... exactly what do you think White Christian Nationalist would do to sites like VR let alone our beloved Porn hub. :)




From Russia With Love: Agent Trump Is Done

02:30 Aug 18 2022
Times Read: 477

Concerns are swirling within the Kremlin and splashing onto the screens of Russia’s tightly controlled state media. Moscow’s grueling invasion of Ukraine and Washington’s potential designation of Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism are at the top of the list—but the upcoming U.S. elections are likewise causing some heart palpitations.

Having recovered from their initial shock over the FBI’s search of Donald Trump’s Florida estate, Russian experts and pundits started to dismiss it as much ado about nothing, albeit a convenient tale they could use to smear American democracy. Now they’re singing a different tune. In the most recent broadcast of the state TV show Sunday Evening With Vladimir Solovyov, host Vladimir Solovyov remarked, “I’m very worried for our agent Trump. They found everything at Mar-a-Lago, they got packages of documents. In all seriousness, they say he should be executed as a person that was ready to hand off nuclear secrets to Russia.”

Appearing on Solovyov’s show, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova likewise raged against the alleged persecution of Moscow’s favorite former U.S. president. In a bizarre tirade, she attempted to tie the search of Mar-a-Lago with Trump’s earlier statement that there are only two genders, male and female. “In the West, you’re not allowed to call a man a man. You can’t call a woman a woman. You’re not allowed to call a child male or female until it reaches the age of 2-3 years old,” she fumed. “In the run-up to the upcoming electoral battles, one of the contenders for a political role—the most important political role in the United States—Donald Trump steps up and says, ‘We’ve gone too far. There are only two genders: male and female.’”

Zakharova then implied that the search of Trump’s property was somehow related to his stance on gender identity. “Immediately, practically momentarily, dozens of cars of U.S. intelligence agencies, dozens—approaching hundreds—of special agents, FBI and so on, searched his home, seized boxes of some papers... and started to say that he broke the law—attention—on espionage! Five minutes from now, this man could be declared an American spy.”

Solovyov chimed in: “[He could be declared] a Russian spy... Will we try to exchange him to bring Trump to Russia? Will they include Trump on the prisoner exchange list?” On his radio show one day before, the host had bemoaned “repressions” against Trump and complained about what a terrible mess the U.S. had become. Nonetheless, the decorated Russian propagandist boasted about not being sanctioned by the United States, even though his visa recently expired. Waiting for a better political climate, Solovyov decided not to renew it just yet.

Having initially believed that better times are ahead and that Trump’s return to the White House was imminent, prominent Russian propagandists dubbed him “the Teflon Don” and predicted that he would overcome the FBI’s investigation as merely the latest speed bump in his alleged “persecution by the deep state.” Now that more details have emerged, their views have become pessimistic. Appearing on the program Solovyov Live on Monday, Yevgeny Satanovsky, president of the Institute of the Middle East, grimly noted that—in light of the baggage carried by Trump—the governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, known in Russia as “Number Two,” may be a better bet for the Republicans. At this point, Russian talking heads aren’t quite certain whether DeSantis would be as likely as Trump to befriend Russia and dump Ukraine—but that’s where their propaganda aimed at U.S. voters would supposedly come in.

Russia’s Trump Raid Tantrum Is a Spectacle You Don’t Want to Miss

More than ever, Russian state media is stressing the need to influence Americans in the run-up to the midterms and the future presidential election. Kremlin-controlled talking heads are hoping out loud that Americans will see things their way, opting to concentrate on internal issues, abandoning Ukraine and letting go of the sanctions against Russia.

In addition to their convenient talking points, furthered by the likes of Fox News’ Tucker Carlson and former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, Russian state media has also announced that it would like to pipe news from Russia straight into the U.S. During Monday’s broadcast of The Evening With Vladimir Solovyov, Americanist Dmitry Drobnitsky said, “The main point of polarization is fast approaching. In November, people in the West have to hear the Russian news, especially in light of the growing interest... We need to break through those barriers, why isn’t anyone doing that? That will be one of the most important components of our future success.”


lol..... mugwumps...you Mango supporters... doesn't it make you wonder just a little bit why Russia is so in love with Mango.

Oh, and I apologize to James Bond Fans, for the From Russia With Love Reference.... :)




F.B.I. Arrests Trump Supporter For Threatening The. F.B.I.

01:02 Aug 16 2022
Times Read: 491

The FBI arrested a Pennsylvania man on Monday for allegedly writing threatening messages against federal law enforcement in response to the Department of Justice investigation of former President Donald Trump.

Adam Bies of Mercer, Pennsylvania, posted the messages on the right-wing site Gab in response to the FBI’s search of Trump’s Florida home for documents he’d taken from the White House.

Every single piece of shit who works for the FBI in any capacity, from the director down to the janitor who cleans their fucking toilets deserves to die,” Bies wrote, according to an FBI agent’s affidavit. “You’ve declared war on us and now it’s open season on YOU.”

The FBI has charged Bies with threatening law enforcement officers, according to court documents. He faces fines and prison time if convicted.

Trump condemned the raid on his Mar-a-Lago residence in a statement saying the Justice Department had been weaponized against him. Elected Republicans amplified the message, suggesting any investigation of the former president is improper and vowing to retaliate with investigations of their own. Some lawmakers even said the FBI should be defunded or destroyed.

In response, Trump supporters have been increasingly threatening federal law enforcement agents, according to an internal intelligence bulletin. Last week, a Trump supporter tried to breach an FBI office in Ohio and was later killed by police in a shootout. Trump backers have also threatened the federal judge who approved the Mar-a-Lago search warrant. Their threats forced his synagogue to cancel a Friday service.

“Unfounded attacks on the integrity of the FBI erode respect for the rule of law and are a grave disservice to the men and women who sacrifice so much to protect others,” FBI Director Christopher Wray, a Trump appointee, said in a statement last week. “Violence and threats against law enforcement, including the FBI, are dangerous and should be deeply concerning to all Americans.”

In the final days of Trump’s single term in office, he incited a mob of his supporters to attack the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, as part of a broader effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election, which he lost to Joe Biden by more than 7 million votes.

On Monday, Trump told Fox News that the search at Mar-a-Lago was a scam but suggested he would like to try to calm tensions that he himself has inflamed.

“If there is anything we can do to help, I, and my people, would certainly be willing to do that,” Trump said.

The National Archives said earlier this year that Trump had refused to hand over documents from the White House as required by law. FBI agents last week recovered more than 20 boxes of material from Mar-a-Lago, including top secret documents. The warrant indicates Trump is under investigation for several potential federal crimes, including obstruction of justice.

The FBI said it moved to arrest Bies because in addition to his threats, he wrote that he was prepared to die as long as he killed FBI agents in the process. The affidavit said “an individual that makes statements accepting the end of life is a danger to himself and society.”


Genius I say.... absolutely genius. Federal Prison for this one. NEXT




Giuliani A Target

21:57 Aug 15 2022
Times Read: 497





F.B.I. On High Alert

01:55 Aug 15 2022
Times Read: 514

So the crazies are getting vocal and threatening..... hopefully the Bureau is rolling cameras and getting tag numbers...... My money is on the Bureau.... as I have said before there is plenty of room in Federal Prison or the graveyard. These insurrectionists break the law, arrest them... seize their property.... they fire on Agents then the agents WILL shoot to kill.

I do not feel sorry for the insurrectionists..




Mango Attorney Told The DOJ All Documents Marked Classified Had been Returned

23:29 Aug 13 2022
Times Read: 526





Another Mango Lie exposed

14:07 Aug 13 2022
Times Read: 536

Days after the FBI’s search of his Mar-a-Lago home for classified documents, at least some of which reportedly relate to nuclear weapons, former President Donald Trump attempted to shift attention to former President Barack Obama. Trump’s Truth Social posts insinuated that he is being politically targeted and uniquely persecuted unlike his predecessor, but the National Archives rebutted that on Friday in a statement.

The Thursday post from the former president on his own social media platform began by asking: “What happened to the 30 million pages of documents taken from the White House to Chicago by Barack Hussein Obama?”

“He refused to give them back!” Trump claimed, before wondering whether an Obama residence would be raided sometime soon. “What is going on? This act was strongly at odds with NARA. Will they be breaking into Obama’s ‘mansion’ in Martha’s Vineyard?”

Trump allies promptly circulated the post.

On Friday, Trump posted again, this time asserting without evidence that Obama “kept” classified documents pertaining to “nuclear.”

How the National Archives Responded

The National Archives or NARA saw fit to respond directly on Friday about what happened to the “30 million pages of unclassified records” (emphasis ours).

The agency said it “assumed exclusive legal and physical custody of Obama Presidential records when President Barack Obama left office in 2017, in accordance with the Presidential Records Act (PRA).”

The statement further said that classified records from the Obama presidency are located in a NARA facility in Washington, D.C., and are not under the 44th president’s control.

“NARA moved approximately 30 million pages of unclassified records to a NARA facility in the Chicago area where they are maintained exclusively by NARA. Additionally, NARA maintains the classified Obama Presidential records in a NARA facility in the Washington, DC, area,” the statement said. “As required by the PRA, former President Obama has no control over where and how NARA stores the Presidential records of his Administration.”

What’s Happened Since

The Trump search warrant was unsealed on Friday afternoon. As legal observers promptly pointed out, the three federal statutes involved do not mention “classified” information.

“None of the statutes in play mention classified information. Two of them could apply to completely unclassified information. The Espionage Act, though, was written during WWI and pre-dated the modern classification regime,” national security lawyer Bradley P. Moss explained. “So, technically, violating 18 U.S.C. § 793 only requires that the information at issue ‘relate to the national defense,’ as opposed to actually being classified under Executive Order.”

“That said,” Moss cautioned, “I am not aware of the government ever prosecuting someone for unauthorized removal or handling of information that relates to the national defense that is not also classified.”


Read it yourself. You know it is amazing as to how stupid Trump Supporters are.... fact checking is a fantastic tool. Remember this is one of his biggest lies.... one on a grand scale... Mango caught with state secrets that he did not declassify according to proper procedure and yes there is a procedure




Check Out Ari-

01:45 Aug 13 2022
Times Read: 543

"eating popcorn here"




F.B.I. Seizes Classified Docs

01:37 Aug 13 2022
Times Read: 545

So classified docs were found.... oh

oh, I know he de-classified all classified documents everywhere, while he was still President, right

as i have said before Mango is a traitorous piece of shit as are his supporters including Marjorie Taylor Greene, Paul Gosar, Lauren Boebert and many more

You see they will never admit Mango is a treasonous PRICK.. never... SO WTF LETS GET TO THE GRAND jURY AND GET IT ON




GOPQ and MAGA Declares War On The F.B.I.

14:12 Aug 12 2022
Times Read: 553

Just a few quick comments on the pushback from the right over the authorized, pursuant to a warrant signed by a Federal Magistrate, search of Mango's home. This pushback seems across the board from Ted Cruz to Kristi Noem of S. Dakota to Ron Desantis of Florida. They are all attacking the F.B.I. and the system itself w/o knowledge of what is contained in the affadavit for the warrant and w/o knowing what was seized. Further, they have adopted Mango's assertion that the F.B.I. planted evidence. Again, w/o any evidence of that happening. Exactly when did that hit the main stream thinking of this country?

This is how authoritarians seize power. They attack the fundamental foundation of the system. Marx said he would tear down the Russian system. In 1917 they seized power and he did. Steve Bannon asserted prior to Mango being elected that he wanted to tear down the system in the U.S., however, they didn't do that completely. Recently, he has said that if Mango is re-elected he will tear it down.

Have you considered that in all likelihood there was an individual at Mar-A-lago who saw something and informed the D.O.J. Perhaps he/ she saw classified files and knew Mango was not supposed to have them. Maybe this individual knew that the D.O.J. had subpoenaed documents last Spring and that Mango refused to comply and this person knew he refused to comply. That individual had a duty to contact the D.O.J. and that was the right thing to do. Hopefully, if they found the documents that were described they will take that person to the Federal Grand Jury as well as the documents. I hope he/she realizes that Witness Protection is in their immediate future.

I suspect that should Mango be re-elected he will end democracy in this country. He will simply declare a state of emergency that is ongoing. Much like they do in South American countries from time to time. He will end elections. He will suspend habeas corpus. He will end funding for certain government programs even if Congress has authorized them. He will end the F.B.I. He will set up his own Federal law enforcement along the lines of what he discussed with Blackwater now Xi founder, Eric Prince. There will not be judicial review and if there is he will literally send someone to put a gun to a judge or Justice's head. He will do it all in the name of stabilizing this country.

But as I have said if there is evidence of criminal conduct and there is a probability of success in court then the D.O.J. should charge Mango, and not be worried about some inbreds taking to the streets or the GOPQ. As I have said there is plenty of room in Federal Prison or the grave yard.




Jan 6 Insurrectionist Attacks F.B. I. Field Office

01:35 Aug 12 2022
Times Read: 565

here you go... so an insurrectionist piece of shit attacked the F.B.I. Field Office today.. upon entering the moron discovered bullet proof glass and fled when special agents responded inside the offices.... he was pursued by local law enforcement and engaged in an exchange of gunfire with cops. He was armed with an AR-15. He took this action because he posted on social media that he was upset about the search warrant served at Mar-a-lago.

He is dead. good.

OK in case the white trash and general pieces of shit fail to understand this..... there is plenty of room in Federal Prison for you or in the grave yard.......





Mango Can Release What Was Seized

14:47 Aug 11 2022
Times Read: 578

The DOJ was tipped off by an insider at Mar-a-lago who knew Mango had something he wasn't supposed to have... I doubt if it was a maid. Maybe a Secret Service Agent.... don't forget they are SWORN law enforcement.

You see Mango has an inventory of what was seized. and he can release it at any time... Why hasn't he. Perhaps because he wasn't supposed to have the material to begin with or maybe there was a document in PLAIN SIGHT labeled "my plan to to overthrow the government and install me as dictator" :)

So this piece of shit also takes the 5th a reported 400 times in New York..... what a guy.... think back did Hilliary or Bill Clinton take the 5th? The answer is No.... but Mango being a piece of shit in his father's image did so

And once again the threats of violence from the insurrectionist pieces of crap.... I hope you understand they wish to overthrow the government, install Mango as a dictator for life, tear down the government agencies, including ; the F.B.I., State Dept, Court System, Social security, Medicare, E.P.A., ban all non whites from entering the country, roll back women's right to vote or even go to college, ban all reference to slavery and ban the use of the words discrimination unless it is discrimination against whites.

I have been telling you for months to wake the fuck up..... Less than 100 days to election.... mobilize, donate, vote early, drive someone to the polls......




Oh, Look What I Found

00:34 Aug 11 2022
Times Read: 594

hear the words out of his own lying mouth..... what a piece of shit...... your supporters and voters are dumb as fucking dirt




Mango Takes The 5th

00:31 Aug 11 2022
Times Read: 596

But waittttt.... Didn't Mango once say that anyone taking the 5th has to be guilty..... and keeping in mind this was a civil case.

Oh, i simply must find where he said that..oh what to do.... poor Mango

All those insurrectionists waiting on him to say the word..... lol.... hey dumb fucks almost 900 charged as a result of Jan 6 2021.... go ahead do something ..... I mean 20 years or more in Federal Prison right... just ask plenty of federal inmates




F.B.I. Executes Search Warrant At Mar-a-lago

01:57 Aug 09 2022
Times Read: 616

keeping in mind a Federal Judge signed the Search warrant.....

And the right is screaming poor former president.... he is being persecuted.....

He is the first ex-president in history to have a search warrant executed on his home. Think about that... especially since it is public knowledge that when Mango left the White House 15 boxes of material, some classified, were removed... and that was a no-no.....

of course, it could be the doing of some aide of his..... but I doubt it




Mango Wanted His Generals To Be Like Hitlers

21:25 Aug 08 2022
Times Read: 628

There’s plenty of evidence that Donald Trump wanted to be treated like a dictator, that he frequently butted heads with military leaders, and that his ignorance of history knew no bounds. It shouldn’t be that surprising, then, how the former president reached back to World War II in trying to explain the kind of absolute loyalty he expected from America’s generals.

According to an excerpt from The Divider: Trump in the White House, 2017-2021 published in The New Yorker on Monday, Trump once griped to then-White House Chief of Staff John Kelly about what he perceived as disloyal generals. “You fucking generals, why can’t you be like the German generals?”

“Which generals?” Kelly responded.

“The German generals in World War II,” said Trump.

Kelly then reminded the president of the failed assassination attempts against Hitler by his subordinates. “You do know that they tried to kill Hitler three times and almost pulled it off?” Kelly said.

But Trump, of course, insisted otherwise. “No, no, no, they were totally loyal to him,” he said.

When asked to comment by the New Yorker, Trump reiterated prior complaints. “These were very untalented people and once I realized it, I did not rely on them, I relied on the real generals and admirals within the system,” he said.

Trump has pined for the kind of loyalty shown to other dictators, as well. While praising Kim Jong-un in 2018, Trump said he wanted “my people” to treat him the same way North Koreans treat that nation’s murderous head of state. “He’s the head of a country, and I mean, he’s the strong head, don’t let anyone think anything different,” Trump told Fox News. “He speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.”


read the rest... but you get the point.. oh, and the Kelly was retired Marine Corp General John Kelly.. Mango's Chief of Staff




C-PAC Day 2

22:01 Aug 07 2022
Times Read: 645

Oh, and did you hear Klan Mom at the end... "most Americans are white Christian Nationalists"....

I'm not.... except the white part




Mango Endorsed Eric In Missouri

21:56 Aug 07 2022
Times Read: 648




Former V.P. Cheney Calls Mango A Coward

13:53 Aug 05 2022
Times Read: 665

And there you go..... and this is one thing Dick Cheney is right on.. Mango is a liar and a COWARD




Former White House Lawyer Says There Is Enough To Indict Mango

13:56 Aug 04 2022
Times Read: 673

Note, Ty Cobb is a Former White House Lawyer in the Mango White House...

Tribe and Cobb are both exceedingly spot on.....

And near the end of the clip Ty Cobb points out that Mango gave aide and comfort to an insurrection and Congress can disqualify him from holding any future office... pretty telling from a former Mango attorney




Alex Jones Admits Sandy Hook Real

23:21 Aug 03 2022
Times Read: 691

So this fat, fucking, Republican who has lied about Sandy Hook and other shootings in this country now says under oath, on the witness stand, during his trial for damages THAT SANDY HOOK WAS REAL.

I hope the jury awards the families 150 million.... you see because it is for damages only as Jones has already been found to have defamed the families.

GOPQ at it's best




Kansas VOTERS Enshrine Abortion Rights in State Constitution

09:07 Aug 03 2022
Times Read: 712

Ok...for those who didn't know back in 2018-2019 the Kansas Supreme Court by a vote of 6-1 said a woman's right to an abortion (her reproductive health) is completely covered and allowed by the Kansas State Constitution . It was an almost 200 page ruling based entirely on Kansas law...therefore not reviewable by the U.S. Supreme Court.

So the Republicans in a deeply red state... a state Mango won by over 10 points in 2020 managed to have it put before the voters in that deeply red state... and the vote was yesterday..... the No vote won by about 25 points as of this count (63 + %).... meaning a "No" vote was against removing it from the State Constitution.

So there you go... National polls seem to indicate a slightly higher percentage at around 70% are in favor of a woman's right to choose......




Dr Oz Admits He is From New Jersey

15:51 Aug 02 2022
Times Read: 726

There he is presenting awards in New Jersey...saying he is from New Jersey..... he owns a house in New Jersey..actually more than one...... yet... he is the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in PA..... oh, and he refers to N.J as "our" state.

John Fetterman, the Lt Gov of Pa is the Dem candidate... polls show him up by almost 10 points... you have an extra 10 send it to him ... I did




More On Reffitt

10:12 Aug 02 2022
Times Read: 740

And his daughter said Trump should receive life..... well she is probably a Dem voter going forward




7 Years in the Joint

00:45 Aug 02 2022
Times Read: 748

A federal judge on Monday sentenced Guy Reffitt, who brought a gun to the US Capitol during the January 6, 2021, riot and threatened House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, to more than seven years in prison, the longest insurrection-related sentence to date.

Reffitt, a recruiter for a right-wing militia known as the Three Percenters, was the first Capitol rioter to go to trial rather than take a plea agreement.
"Mr. Reffitt's reluctance to admit early that his behavior is illegal is concerning," District Judge Dabney Friedrich said before handing down the 87-month sentence. "And I want to be very clear ... under no legitimate definition of the term 'patriot' (does) Mr. Reffitt's behavior on and around January 6 fit the term. It is the antithesis of the word."

Friedrich added: "The officers at the Capitol are the patriots, as well as those who fought and even died to protect our democracy, our rule of law ... those in the mob are not. Not only are they not patriots, they're a direct threat to our democracy and will be punished as such."

Reffitt was convicted by a DC jury in March of five felonies, including transporting and carrying a firearm on Capitol grounds, interfering with Capitol Police and obstructing an official proceeding. He had driven to DC with several firearms, one of which he carried with him on the steps of the Capitol during the early hours of the riot.
"I just want to see Pelosi's head hit every f**king stair on the way out. ... And (Republican leader) Mitch McConnell too," Reffitt said, according to a video recording he made of himself on January 6.

The hefty sentence, paired with the fact that every January 6 defendant to face a jury has been convicted, could deter some of the hundreds of January 6 defendants awaiting trial to instead take plea deals offered by the Justice Department.
The 87-month sentence is two years longer than any other Capitol riot prison term handed down so far.
Reffitt was adamant in earlier hearings about being the first January 6 defendant to take his case to trial. But on Monday, in plea for leniency in advance of his sentencing, he said that he was a "f***ing idiot" who was parroting "founding fathers and stupid sh*t like that" around January 6, and that he doubled down on that rhetoric to "garner money" for his family during the course of his legal battle.
"It seems like you wanted to be the big guy, the important guy, the first guy to go to trial ... the first guy up there, to revel in the press," Friedrich said to Reffitt. "You want to be an important person who makes a difference, and yet you are going about it in all the wrong ways."
"My point exactly, your honor" Reffitt said.
Reffitt's wife and two daughters were in the courtroom when the sentence was handed down. Reffitt's younger daughter, Peyton, told the judge that her father is "not a threat to my family," and that her family "turned a blind eye" to his mental health issues.
"My father's name wasn't on all the flags that were there that day, that everyone was carrying that day. He is not the leader," Peyton said through tears, at times pausing with her hand on her heart.
The mother of Ashli Babbitt, the pro-Trump rioter who was shot and killed by police on January 6, also was in the courtroom at times on Monday.
Reffitt's son Jackson, who testified against his father during the trial, was not in the courtroom. In a statement read aloud by prosecutors, Jackson said that his father "slowly lost himself over the last five years," but that "whether you view him as a father, a family member or friend, using these labels to justify anything he has done is completely wrong."

Prosecutors had sought a sentence of almost a decade longer than the most severe sentence to date by adding enhanced penalties to his sentence for terrorism. Prosecutor Jeffrey Nestler told the judge that Reffitt "wanted to physically and literally remove members of Congress from power" and that the government believes "what he was doing that day was terrorism."
"We do believe he is a domestic terrorist," Nestler said Monday.
Friedrich did not add additional penalties for terrorism, however, saying that it would create an "unwarranted disparity" between Reffitt's sentence and that of other rioters convicted of bringing weapons or threatening lawmakers.


My Take: The sentence is not long enough. Note, the judges comment that the Jan 6 insurrectionists were not patriots. lol.. no, they are fucking not. Next up.. I hope everyone set for a jury trial goes through with it.... Next




Manhunt For Violent Gaetz Supporter

14:04 Aug 01 2022
Times Read: 760

A Matt Gaetz supporter from Shalimar, Florida is currently wanted by the FBI for threatening to kill Gaetz’ opponent, Rebekah Jones, and her family in a chilling voicemail left on her cell phone last week.
“I’m going to kill you. I’m going to kill your whole family. You’re going to die motherfucker,” the caller said.

The man harassed the personal cell phone of Jones and her husband over a period of three days last week. He did not block or hide is number.
The threats came about the same time that Matt Gaetz became embroiled in yet another controversy concerning sexually inappropriate behavior, this time with comments he made at a conservative convention about women and reproductive freedom – themes evident in the wanted-man’s texts to Jones.
“Plus women don’t belong as Governors or anyone like that bc y’all have too many personalities and too emotional to handle big decisions in life!” one of the messages read.
The FBI began searching for the man in cooperation with the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Department Thursday, July 21, 2022. As of July 30, he is still at-large.
Jones announced the FBI search at a women’s rights rally in Tampa Saturday, where she was joined by Hillsborough County Commissioners Pat Kemp and Kimberly Overman, St. Petersburg City Council Chair Gina Driscoll, President of the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Tampa Bay Alex Khalel and Soil and Water Conservation Board member Dr. Sonja Brookins.
“I’ve gotten a lot of threats,” Jones said at the rally. “That’s what happens when you take on a corrupt governor and then a corrupt congressman. But this one was serious. This one scared me.”
Jones has been the subject of a targeted harassment campaign online since May 2020, led principally by Christina Pushaw, Ron DeSantis’ Nazi-connected press secretary, who notably was hired after a court in Maryland issued a restraining on Jones’ behalf and Pushaw was later criminally charged with violating it.

More recently, Pushaw and a Democratic spoiler candidate from another part of the state have been cooperating online in a smear campaign targeting Jones, rape-shaming, slut-shaming and making sexually-charged comments about Jones online. Jones' cell phone number was recently released by the sham candidate in a court filing by the sham candidate requesting an emergency injunction to kick Jones off the ballot - a motion that was denied by the court.

The extent of their cooperation was revealed by a former data architect and cyber security specialist from Google, the details of which were just recently leaked online and can be viewed in this 176-page ethics complaint filed against her.
The failing campaign of former New York City cooperate attorney Margaret “Peggy” Schiller has been exposed as a sham campaign working on behalf of Ron DeSantis, who has been obsessed with Rebekah Jones for more than two years, and Matt Gaetz.
Jones, who is heavily favored to win both her primary election in August and the general election against Matt Gaetz in November, maintains her status as a legally protected whistleblower after exposing COVID_19 data manipulation by Ron DeSantis’ administration in 2020.
Jones gained international notoriety, won national awards, and became known as Florida’s resident COVID-19 expert and one of the most trusted sources for science information in the country.
July 30 also marked National Whistleblower Day, an event Jones was honored at in both 2021 and 2022. Jones also won “Whistleblower of the Year” for 2020, a title given this year to whistleblower Reality Winner.
Jones decided to run against Matt Gaetz in Florida’s 1st Congressional District, in the area she grew up, after learning about the FBI sex trafficking investigating Matt Gaetz is currently the target of.
Jones turned her own grandfather into the FBI in 2019 for sex trafficking in the Philippines. He was later arrested and imprisoned, where he died earlier this year.
A call for Gaetz to make a public statement condemning the threats has gone unanswered, even though Jones issued such a statement in 2021 when Matt Gaetz was receiving threats.


If you can donate send her 10.00....

For you women on here note the fugitive's comments reference women... they don't belong in government because they are to moody... this guy is a woman hater like Gaetz..... unless he wants to fuck them




Jones Files For Bankruptcy

10:47 Aug 01 2022
Times Read: 764

Free Speech Systems LLC, the Alex Jones-owned company behind Infowars, filed for bankruptcy on Friday, according to federal court records obtained by Law&Crime. The case was filed in the Victoria Division of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Texas.

The move was entirely predictable given that Jones filed paperwork in a Connecticut state court on Friday to sue Free Speech Systems. The crossclaim — a lawsuit between defendants named in a separate lawsuit — is legally attached to an original lawsuit filed against Jones and several associated companies over comments Jones made about the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012.

The Connecticut defamation lawsuit against Jones, et al., is scheduled for jury selection this coming week. Meanwhile, Jones is currently on trial in a Texas state courtroom over several similar defamation lawsuits filed against him in the Lone Star State — his own turf.

The plaintiffs in the Connecticut case immediately asked a judge to rubbish the crossclaim because, in their view, it was “yet another bad faith tactic meant to obfuscate, to delay, and to create a false issue in this record in preparation for a new abusive bankruptcy filing.”

That Friday prediction indeed came true later that day.

Free Speech Systems reported in a bankruptcy form document that “its aggregate noncontingent liquidated debts (excluding debts owed to insiders or affiliates) are less than $7,500,000, and it chooses to proceed under Subchapter V of Chapter 11.”

Chapter 11 bankruptcies are frequently dubbed “reorganization” cases. They generally allow companies to remain in control of their own operations and do not require companies to liquidate their assets.

Elsewhere, the first form document filed in the matter says Free Speech Systems anticipates having 50-99 creditors. The company says it has assets of “$10,000,001 – $50 million” but anticipates liabilities of “$50,000,00 — $100 million.” It further asserts that f]unds will be available for distribution to unsecured creditors.”


Bottom Line.. Jones and his company have already been found to have defamed the Sandy Hook Plaintiffs... at issue now is HOW MUCH he owes. You remember Jones said the Sandy hook children who were murdered NEVER EXISTED or that they were crisis actors....

Jones is just another extension of the GOPQ crazy machine but he has made Millions and millions by selling on his podcasts to the inbreds and dropouts.....

And it's not free speech.... he lied....



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