LordFangor's Journal

LordFangor's Journal


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26 entries this month


20:44 Jun 30 2016
Times Read: 841

I'm off for the next two after today. And not a moment to soon. :)

Hopefully, my cold will lesson by tomorrow and I will not be attached to a tissue box.

I think i may take a drive to an establishment that sells blades and take a look at a local cemetary. And I believe that a movie maybe on the agenda.





23:12 Jun 29 2016
Times Read: 850

I'm at work and could go for some green apple licorice or twizzlers.




Tuesday Evening

02:24 Jun 29 2016
Times Read: 893

Fuck, just fuck!



06:41 Jun 29 2016


15:26 Jun 29 2016

For clarification, I have a cold. I had a box of Kleenex next to me when I wrote the entry. First cold in about 18 months. As I have said before I do not often become sick.

And I'm still blowing my nose every few minutes. It will be better by Friday.

I know some of you thought it was something else, right?



21:21 Jun 27 2016
Times Read: 922

1. All the name changes become irritating.

2. Overcast and it looks like rain.

3. Replacement fridge in place and as I suspected my dog wanted to eat the delivery people. :) Just doing her job. :)

4. I'm sleeping in tomorrow assuming i can. Well, I'm not setting the alarm anyway.

5. I'm tired, yawning and I've sneezed twice.

6. I'm hungry.

7. More later

8. :)



23:14 Jun 27 2016

I have always said that I think Cancer should charge $5 for changing your name. He could be retired by now...lol


Sunday Late

05:30 Jun 27 2016
Times Read: 941

1. Worked 13 hours today.

2. Drinking a rum and coke and then bed. Ate a couple of slices of cajun turkey

3. Back in tomorrow from 8-12 then 3-12.

4. I'm tired.

5. I wish I could get out of a couple of these 4 hour shifts. I don't need the money.

6. more later

7. :)




Saturday Night

02:33 Jun 26 2016
Times Read: 964

1. Worked a little today. Brought my total to 60 for the week.

2. Gym

3. Laundry

4. I was thinking about seeing Independence Day:Resurgence. However, when I drove down main street and passed the theater I saw a parking lot full of cars. I'll catch it in a week or so.

5. Finished 1408 on Amazon Prime. It was pretty good.

6. Working 13 hours tomorrow. I think a 11:00 bedtime. So I'll pop a couple of melatonin in about a hour.

7. more later

8. :)





15:03 Jun 25 2016
Times Read: 972

Why are my shoes so big?





12:34 Jun 23 2016
Times Read: 1,018

1. 13 hour day coming up. Almost time for the first 4.

2. Seems I need a new stove and refrigerator. They will not be installed until at least next Friday and I'm guessing it will be the following week.

3.I'm definitely more sleep deprived than usual.

4. Well after tonight I'm off two days from the main job though I have a couple of short shifts at the other place.

5. Cloudy and looking like rain here.

6. And my head is hurting a little... And I haven't had a headache in months... :)

7. more later

8. :)





19:24 Jun 22 2016
Times Read: 1,033

1, Shoulders and upper back this morning.

2. Working 3-12 today. I think I will take a couple of boiled eggs, rice cakes and water to eat and drink for tonight.

3. Looks like rain

4. You know some will just not learn when to remain quiet.

5.Watching Room 1408 on Amazon Prime.

6. more later

7. :)



19:55 Jun 22 2016

Some will not learn when comments get deleted they get posted else where


Tuesday Night

04:13 Jun 22 2016
Times Read: 1,051

1, I went and saw The Conjuring 2 tonight. It was pretty good. 4 or 5 did get up and leave the theater about 10 minutes into it.

The actors who played the Warrens clearly communicate the love the two have for one another. I guess to do what they do love plays an important role.

2, I'm considering getting a cherry blossom tat. I've been thinking about it for several weeks now. It wasn't what I wanted to do next but it's coming more into focus than the other.

3. I'm working 3-12 tomorrow. Then on Thursday it will be another 13.

4. Life is funny... you stick to a course.... when so many others quit and take the easier road. I don't know. But.... one shouldn't abuse that knowledge.

5. Melatonin in a few minutes.

6. more later

7. :)



04:42 Jun 22 2016

2. Perfect.


Monday Night

04:02 Jun 21 2016
Times Read: 1,092

1. Tired. 13 hours again.

2. Well someone or something popped up on xxxskullyxxxs profile. I mean speak of the devil. And yes my location is correct. :)

3. Only working one of the places tomorrow. 12-4 and I'm out.

4. Gym tomorrow afternoon.

5. I want to see The Conjuring 2. I'm thinking either Friday or Saturday night.

6. More later

7. :)



04:21 Jun 21 2016

I tired too!

02:57 Jun 22 2016

We don't get any younger....13 hour shifts make us tired...I feel ya on that. I work 13 hour shifts on Mn, Tues and Thursdays. When we were young we could stay up for days and still function....smh lol


Monday Morning

12:45 Jun 20 2016
Times Read: 1,107

1. Well yesterday was a 13 hour day. Getting ready to go out the door for the first 4 and then a 3 hour break.

2. Another one coming up today.

3. Breakfast was a repeat of yesterday, Greek yogurt and strawberries.

4. Weather in the low 50s here this morning . It feels good.

5. more later

6. :)



14:10 Jun 20 2016

have a good day



11:35 Jun 19 2016
Times Read: 1,143

1. xxxskullyxxx now has her 10 year batty too. Interesting having two Sires with 10 year batty's.

2. I'm working 14 hours today between the two places. 8-12 at one and 3-1 at the other.

The owner of the place I work is leaving on vacation today. So I've known for a couple of weeks that I would be putting in over 50 hours this week and next, between his two places.

Yesterday, someone quit. She apparently had no choice due to her living arrangements changing. So its now about 66 hours this week.

Oh well, with so many around here looking for work I shouldn't complain.

3. Nice cool morning

4.The cat meows a lot.

5. I think strawberries for breakfast with a little Greek yogurt.

6. more later

7. :)



12:48 Jun 19 2016

That is perfect breakfast. I eat oatmeal with strawberries and greek yogurt almost every morning. It's good for energy and it's very healthy.

17:37 Jun 19 2016

And the schedule has been reworked again so it's 13 hours instead of 14. :) 4 are down


Friday - Update on Calendar

23:15 Jun 17 2016
Times Read: 1,191

So I've a new vacuum cleaner and I have had another thought; the girls of VR with my vacuum while sporting their anal plug tails. :) Each month would feature a different girl with my vacuum cleaner.

I think I should start with members in geographical proximity to me... So that means Virginia members nearest to me first... oh, that brings me to .... oh. :)

And just think you can really vacuum my carpet too. :)

Well time for a rum and coke as the orders pour in. Just 29.95, buy it now!





Kismet of the Day

17:13 Jun 16 2016
Times Read: 1,232

And speaking of Anal Plugs


you wouldnt know style if it pitched a tent in your ass

My Comment: Interesting, but hardly Model of the Month material for the Calendar.




17:20 Jun 16 2016


17:23 Jun 16 2016

I thought so too.




18:15 Jun 15 2016
Times Read: 1,280

So I'm chatting with someone and I have come up with the following; The Girls of VR calendar. Only in this one each monthly model would be sporting an anal plug tail.


I think it would sell. Hmmmm .... $29.95 for the calendar.



18:18 Jun 15 2016

Yes it would sell, the people on this site would want to buy one.

18:24 Jun 15 2016

I think so too.


23:22 Jun 15 2016

Well, it depends on who is featured. There's some on here I wish to NOT see with an anal plug.

23:55 Jun 15 2016

Good point!



Tuesday Late

03:59 Jun 15 2016
Times Read: 1,294

1, Worked 2-9 today.

2. Congratulations to the University of Miami baseball team. They are ONCE again bound for the college world series in Omaha, Nebraska. Oh yeah, the Gators are going too.

3. This morning was shoulders, back and abs.

4. Popped a melatonin and hopefully slumber time soon. Just yawned. :)

5. Well, so far I like Amazon Prime. Currently I'm watching Anger of the Dead. Yes, another zombie movie.

6. Yes, so many are into Zombies. You know these mindless, shuffling creatures. Oh, you know a number like that you say. In fact, but for the diet it's hard to differentiate between zombies and some humans.

7. more later

8. :)



10:30 Jun 15 2016

Long Beach totally should have won their game with Miami... but a loss is a loss.



22:40 Jun 13 2016
Times Read: 1,309

1. Well I have had 4 days off. Ventured into Tennessee a couple of times. Different directions each time. Just looking.

2. Working for the next 5 days that I know of.

3. Chest, arms and abs this morning. Well, it was 40 sets of chest and 500 reps on abs. I didn't isolate the biceps today.

4. Purchased a bottle of Black Patch Rum. It's the first time for that one. So we shall see.

5. I added Amazon Prime today. I will give it a tryout.

6. I've been using organic brown rice lately. It has 15 grams of protein in a cup. It tastes good too.

7. I think veggie stir fry over brown rice for dinner.

8. So my neighbors have a white German shepherd puppy. I pet it a lot. She is pretty but needs a little training. So when I come in my 80# 1/2 pit sniffs me all over and then stares at me. I swear I hear a voice in my head saying "cheater, traitor". I guess it's my imagination.

9. more later

10. :)




Sunday Morning

15:32 Jun 12 2016
Times Read: 1,344

Holy crap... I'm sane compared to some on here.



19:08 Jun 12 2016

I know the feeling.

01:34 Jun 13 2016

Forgive me for saying this Lordfangor, but you are only realizing this now??? Lol. Agreed!!!

Lady Morganna


Saturday Night

02:28 Jun 12 2016
Times Read: 1,363

1. Awakened at 6:35 by the phone. Yes, its my stalker. :)

She did it to me at 6:20 AM yesterday. :)

2. Legs in the gym . 700 reps on my abs.

3. Went over to Tennessee today. Went to look at something. Getting a visual. I may trip on down to N.C. soon.

4. Walmart on the way back. Purchased a folding chair among other items. The chair has a weight limit of 225. Well, we shall see how long it lasts. Yeah, yeah, I fucking exceed the weight limit.

5. I'm I missing something? Why doesn't Netflix make clear that certain movies are not in English?

6.Yesterday I spoke to a Captain in the Sheriff's Office , he related to me an experience he had where he saw a ghost. He is one of the first people I spoke with at any length after I arrived here. Yeah, I threw some stuff at him, last December. I wanted to see his reaction. There wasn't any. Which is actually a good thing, given the subject matter.

7. Sat out in my chair and watched the sun set drinking beer. The view was much better than that of Mallory Pier in Key West. Yep, I've watched the sunset there plenty of times. And yes, usually under the influence. Much cooler here too.

8. Watching Jarhead 3 on Netflix.

9. more later..... You know you shouldn't look at my other profiles. You will piss her off. :) Such a dumbass. But you go ahead

10. :)

11. :) :)





21:58 Jun 10 2016
Times Read: 1,385





Thursday Evening

00:47 Jun 10 2016
Times Read: 1,393

1. Chest and arms this AM. I hit the arms more than usual and I feel it sitting here at work.

2. It was a very nice clear day here. The air just seems cleaner.

3. Working 3:15 to midnight today. Currently watching The Conjuring again on Sci -Fi. I think I'm going to catch the 2nd one at the movies since it comes out tomorrow.

4. I've upped my protein in the last few weeks. I can see the difference. I will go with it and see what happens over the month or so.

5. More later

6. :)




Wednesday Night

01:07 Jun 09 2016
Times Read: 1,401

1. It was leg day today.

2. I'm working 5:15 to midnight today and 4 to midnight tomorrow. Then i'm off for 4 days. I think I'm going to do a little exploring during those 4 days.

3. So I just saw the ad for Sharknadoe #4. Hard to believe there have been 3 others.

4. Dipping to the upper 40s tonight. Yep this is great. :)

5. More later

6. :)




Saturday Morning

11:32 Jun 04 2016
Times Read: 1,426

1.Three time heavy weight boxing champ Muhammad Ali has died. One of the greatest if not The Greatest boxers and sports figures in history.

2. Working 8-5 today. I plan on the gym around 6 or so.

3. Cool morning but will warm quickly.

4. more later

5. :)





14:22 Jun 03 2016
Times Read: 1,436

1. So I'm working 10-7 today instead of 7-7. I like that better.

2. Shoulders, upper back and abs in the gym earlier.

3. I think I'm going to throw a few slices of deli turkey, carrots, hard boiled egg and green bell pepper into a plastic container and take that as my lunch.

4. Overcast here. 50% chance of thunderstorms. :) This is certainly familiar. :)

5. Didn't sleep well again. When I say the dog takes up to much room that is exactly the case. Not to mention her barking at something she heard. Well, that's her job.

6. more later

7. :)





16:03 Jun 02 2016
Times Read: 1,447

1. Up before the alarm again

2. Chest, arms, abs this AM. Threw in 20 minutes of cardio.

3. I've consumed to much beer in the last 3 days.

4. Working at 2 today. Very short shift. I've been asked to work 12 hours tomorrow. I have not yet agreed to that. And it's 9 hours on Saturday. Of course, the schedule could change. A bunch of unhealthy people around here.

Which brings me to... it is never to early to watch one's health.

5. I've been watching Aquarius on Netflix. Set in 1967. David Duchovny plays a Detective on the trail of Charlie Manson BEFORE he became famous. It's not bad. Of course, how he plays the character is pretty much how he played Mulder on the X-Files. Speaking of that, Skully, Skully, Skully or should it have been Scully.. nope, right the first way. :) Both are connected. NVM

6. And my thoughts....

7. In any event, I'm thinking about looking for another job. I haven't had much trouble getting job offers here... it just finding a better position.

8. more later.

9. :)



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