LordFangor's Journal

LordFangor's Journal


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35 entries this month

Judge Sets Trial Date for Next Month in Dominion v. FOX

23:53 Mar 31 2023
Times Read: 236


oh boy, I can't wait for these FOX personalities to get on the witness stand...... think of all those emails Dominion has in their possession....mmmm if one is sending out emails saying that one doesn't believe there was fraud in the election and then night after night screams fraud in the election is that actual malice. If the FOX executives including Murdoch did not believe there was fraud yet allowed these on air psychopaths to lie to their viewers night after night about Dominion is that actual malice? mmmmmm a total disregard for the truth with intent to injure mmmmmm.

A quote from Judge David “The evidence developed in this civil proceeding demonstrates that is CRYSTAL clear that none of the Statements relating to Dominion about the 2020 election are true,” Davis wrote.





Any Chance Mango Will Be Quiet?

13:52 Mar 31 2023
Times Read: 222





Mango Has Been INDICTED!!!!!!!

22:54 Mar 30 2023
Times Read: 232

A grand jury in Manhattan has voted to indict Donald Trump, according to three sources familiar with the matter – the first time in American history that a current or former president will face criminal charges.

The Manhattan district attorney’s office has been investigating the former president in connection with his alleged role in a hush money payment scheme and cover-up involving adult film star Stormy Daniels that dates to the 2016 presidential election.





Boebert Focused On Peeing In Public

16:09 Mar 30 2023
Times Read: 239

Ed Mazza
Thu, March 30, 2023 at 4:50 AM EDT
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) used up some of her time during a House committee meeting on Wednesday to ask a series of rambling questions on urinating in public.

The conspiracy theorist lawmaker seemed to think she was setting up Washington, D.C., Council member Charles Allen on revisions to city laws that she said would decriminalize public urination.

Except, as Allen noted, none of that is true.

“Did you or did you not decriminalize public urination in Washington, D.C.?” Boebert demanded.

“No we did not,” Allen replied.

“Did you lead the charge to do so?” she pressed.

“No,” he said. “The revised criminal code left that as a criminal charge.”

“Did you lead the charge to decriminalize public urination in Washington, D.C.?” Boebert asked again.

“No Ma’am,” he said.

“Did you ever vote in favor of decriminalizing public urination in Washington D.C.?” she asked yet again.

Allen said the new code keeps public urination a criminal offense, but Boebert pressed on anyway, suggesting in multiple ways that peeing in public was decriminalized.

And each time, she got the same answer: It’s still a crime.


So you do understand Boebert never graduated from high School. I don't know..maybe.... just maybe.... that explains HOW FUCKING STUPID she is!!!!!

This is the same person who says government needs to take orders from religious leaders, meaning so-called christians,

In the meantime, we have more mass shootings to look forward to.




Dominion Court Filings Reveal Carlson's Comments About Mango Attorney

16:00 Mar 30 2023
Times Read: 240

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson called Donald Trump’s then-campaign lawyer Sidney Powell the c-word in a text message that was made public Wednesday as part of Dominion Voting Systems’ $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against the conservative network.

In a late-November 2020 exchange with an unidentified colleague, Carlson ― who is no stranger to making offensive comments about women ― privately criticized the unfounded claims of election fraud being pushed by the former president and his allies.

When the colleague sent Carlson a news report detailing Powell’s shunning by the Trump campaign because of her increasingly wild conspiracy theories, the widely watched, prime-time personality replied: “That c**t. I hope she’s punished.”

Several days earlier, per legal filings, Carlson said in another exchange that Powell was “lying” and described her as a “fucking bitch” and “crazy person.”

Post-election, Carlson did actually challenge Powell’s claims on air by asking her to provide evidence.

But he has continued to question President Joe Biden’s victory over Trump to this day, even though other previously private messages suggest he did not buy Trump’s baseless claims.

Dominion’s lawsuit alleges Fox hosts made false claims that its voting machines were to blame for Trump’s 2020 loss. In a statement to Mediaite, a Fox spokesperson said Dominion had in its latest release of records “cherry-picked” quotes to “distract from the facts” of the case.





Mango Loves Greene

20:41 Mar 26 2023
Times Read: 256

Former President Trump said he'd "fight like hell" for MTG if she decided to pursue a Senate bid.

While speaking at his rally in Waco, Tex., Trump praised Rep. Greene as a tough GOP politician.

Greene has also been floated as a potential vice presidential running mate for the former president.

Former President Donald Trump on Saturday praised Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia as "brilliant" and said that he'd "fight like hell" for her if she chose to run for the Senate.

Trump, while speaking during his weekend rally in Waco, Texas, told the crowd that Greene embodied the sort of political toughness that he feels is missing among many Republican leaders in Washington, DC.

"Republicans cannot take it any longer. They have to get tougher, but they cannot take it," he said. "These Washington Republicans like Mitch McConnell who's the absolute worst. They've got to get tougher; they've got to get like Marjorie Taylor Greene."

"Would you like to run for the Senate?" Trump added while addressing Greene from the podium. "I would fight like hell for you."

The next Senate race in Georgia will be held until 2026 when Democratic Sen. Jon Ossoff would be up for a second term. The state's other senator, Democrat Raphael Warnock, won a hard-fought election victory last year, defeating the former NFL star Herschel Walker in what was one of the most competitive races in the nation.

Trump, who faces a potential indictment from the Manhattan District Attorney's office over his involvement in a hush-money payment made to adult film actress Stormy Daniels in advance of the 2016 presidential election, rallied his supporters after spending days attacking his political opponents and claiming that the probe was simply a "witch hunt."

The former president finds himself at a crossroads; he also faces potential criminal charges in Georgia over his push to overturn now-President Joe Biden's 2020 victory in the pivotal swing state, but he consistently remains at the top of the national polls among likely Republican primary voters. And although Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida is seen as a leading contender to possibly capture the GOP presidential nomination over Trump, the governor has not yet entered the race, and the former president has wasted no time attacking his onetime political ally in recent weeks.

Trump, in holding his rally on the 30th anniversary of the deadly siege between the religious cult Branch Davidians and federal authorities, in many ways used the weekend event in Texas to reaffirm his continued political dominance of the Republican Party.

Well-known conservative figures in the Lone Star State like Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, who took credit for selecting Waco as the site of Trump's rally, and Reps. Wesley Hunt and Troy Nehls were in attendance at the rally.

But Greene, a national conservative star, has also been mentioned as a potential vice presidential running mate for Trump next year. And the former president continued to throw compliments her way on Saturday, praising his ally as someone who can be trusted to stand their ground in the nation's capital.

"People don't realize how brilliant she is," Trump said of Greene. "She's a badass."


Brilliant??????? She thinks Jewish Space Lasers started the California wildfires!!!! lol. this is coming from the stable genius who wanted to use nukes on a hurricane. lol




Fed. Judge Orders Names of Jurors Not Be Disclosed In A Mango Civil Trial

21:46 Mar 25 2023
Times Read: 268

Donald Trump’s recent call for “protest” against his potential indictment on a hush-money-related charge helped spur a judge’s decision Thursday to impose an unusual level of secrecy around the jury that will serve in an upcoming civil trial in New York over a rape allegation against the former president.

Citing “a very strong risk that jurors will fear harassment,” U.S. District Court Judge Lewis Kaplan ordered the use of an “anonymous” jury for the trial set to begin next month on writer E. Jean Carroll’s civil suit alleging that Trump raped her in a dressing room at a Manhattan department store in the mid-1990s.

Trump has vehemently denied the allegation, including through a crude counterattack where he asserted that Carroll was “not my type.”

Neither Carroll nor Trump asked Kaplan, an appointee of President Bill Clinton, to block access to the jurors’ names, addresses and similar information. Kaplan raised the idea on his own and announced Thursday he will impose the secrecy despite objections from two news outlets: the Associated Press and the New York Daily News.

The secrecy measure is typically reserved for criminal cases involving alleged mafia or drug kingpins. But Kaplan cited a series of alleged threats of violence by Trump, his public attacks on jurors in other cases and various reports describing Trump’s role in fomenting the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021, as well as his statement Saturday urging his followers to protest what he said was his looming arrest in a probe led by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

“Mr. Trump’s quite recent reaction to what he perceived as an imminent threat of indictment by a grand jury sitting virtually next door to this Court was to encourage ‘protest’ and to urge people to ‘take our country back,’” Kaplan wrote in an 18-page decision. “That reaction reportedly has been perceived by some as incitement to violence. And it bears mention that Mr. Trump repeatedly has attacked courts, judges, various law enforcement officials and other public officials, and even individual jurors in other matters.”

Even as he recounted a litany of provocative statements by Trump, Kaplan was careful to say that he was not accusing the former president of being responsible for incitement, only that the specter created by his statements could be seen as intimidating.

“For purposes of this order, it matters not whether Mr. Trump incited violence in either a legal or a factual sense. The point is whether jurors will perceive themselves to be at risk,” the judge wrote.


lol.... so the civil case goes to trial next month...



00:50 Mar 26 2023



Mango Loses At The Fed. Appellate Level

21:36 Mar 25 2023
Times Read: 271

A federal appeals court has rejected Donald Trump’s bid to prevent special counsel Jack Smith from obtaining key documents from a lawyer for the former president related to the handling of sensitive national security records discovered at Trump’s Florida home last year.

The ruling effectively permits the Justice Department to circumvent Trump’s attorney-client privilege after a lower-court judge found that the documents likely contain evidence of a crime. That finding by U.S. District Court Judge Beryl Howell on Friday triggers the “crime-fraud” exception to the usual attorney-client secrecy, the judge ruled.





Mango Unhinged

08:54 Mar 25 2023
Times Read: 275

This guy.

As some of his allies are trying to rewrite January 6 as an afternoon stroll, Donald Trump is having none of it.

In the face of a possible criminal case in New York, he screamed that “death and destruction” would follow any indictment.

He posed with a baseball bat aimed at the head of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

THIS is Donald Trump.

He hasn’t changed in the slightest.

There is no shame.

After riling up rioters, cheering for a coup and agreeing that his vice president needed to be hanged, he’s back to making violent threats against fellow Americans.

But wait, you say.

This is a biased prosecution.

Trump has every right to be upset.


Not all Trumps are pumped about Donald’s arrest drama
We don’t disagree.

This is not a felony case, and Bragg trying to turn it into one is pure politics.

But rather than seek his vindication in the courtroom, or even just make an impassioned speech, Trump wants to inspire a mob.

Time and time again, Trump’s responses have been unhinged, vindicative and self-defeating.

And don’t buy for a second when he says he’s “fighting for you.”

If you actually “rose up” and were arrested, Trump would abandon you, just as he has every ally who wasn’t useful to him anymore.

What did he do for those locked up for months over Jan. 6?

What cash did he hand over for the candidates he endorsed in the recent midterm elections he torpedoed for Republicans?

Ever given Trump money?

If you stop, and even if you don’t, the angry pleas come fast and furious.

Don’t you care!?

How could you abandon him?

We understand voters who rallied to his cause, because he vows to fight for them.

There is much wrong with the country.

And yes, it will take someone strong to wade through the thicket of Establishment opposition to change.

But Trump is not trying to make America a better place.

He’s not offering anyone apart from himself a better future.

He’s out for revenge.

This is how Trump has been spending his time since announcing his run for president.

Stewing in Mar-a-Lago.

No grievance is too small.

When he found out that Rihanna once criticized him, he took to Truth Social — multiple times! — to bellow how bad her Super Bowl halftime show was.

When Trump ran in 2016, he was an unknown entity.

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Independents took a chance, wanting to break from the stagnant political machines that sought to anoint Hillary Clinton.

But he’s not a mystery anymore.

Americans know that Trump can’t stop himself from nursing piddling grudges and throwing out childish insults.

The emperor has no clothes.

Perhaps you don’t mind.

But there are plenty of middle-of-the-road voters who do.

They saw this behavior in 2020 and the 2022 midterms and said we need less anger and more hope.

Less rage and more rational action to fix the problems facing our nation.

You want a leader who will fight for you?

Then you have to pick someone who can actually get elected.

Republicans can’t throw away their shot in 2024.


So there you go.. This is a Rupert Murdoch owned publication. You know the same guy that heads FOX. This publication is conservative, but even they have had enough of the orange jesus.




Here Are The GOPQ Snowflakes

11:51 Mar 24 2023
Times Read: 284

To be sure.. MAGA is a threat. MAGA, Proud Girls, # Percenters, Oath Keepers etc should all be labeled as domestic terrorists . Speaking of authoritarian.. did you you catch Mango calling for the removal of all who are investigating him..... mmm well there are 4 black DAs/AGs among them. And of course there is the Mango call for protests... he may not say use violence but it's pretty clear.




Art Is To Much For Some Floriduh Parents

08:58 Mar 24 2023
Times Read: 290

lol.... there you go .




Mango Attorney Ordered To Testify By Federal Appeals Court

16:53 Mar 23 2023
Times Read: 299




Don't Say Gay Author Pleas Guilty To Fraud- LOL

23:04 Mar 22 2023
Times Read: 309

The former Florida lawmaker who sponsored the controversial law critics call “Don’t Say Gay” pleaded guilty Tuesday to committing $150,000 in COVID-19 relief fraud.

Joseph Harding, a 35-year-old Republican, pleaded guilty in Gainesville federal court to wire fraud, money laundering, and making false statements in connection with COVID-19 relief fraud, according to court records. He faces up to 35 years in prison at a hearing scheduled for July 25.

Harding resigned from the Florida House in December, a day after federal prosecutors announced his indictment.

According to court documents, Harding made false statements to the Small Business Administration while applying for an Economic Injury Disaster Loan for one of his dormant business entities. After obtaining $150,000 in COVID-19 relief funds, prosecutors said Harding conducted three monetary transactions, each involving more than $10,000 in fraudulently obtained funds: a transfer to his joint bank account, a payment to his credit card, and a transfer into a bank account of a third-party business entity.

The Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program is designed to provide economic relief to small businesses that are experiencing a temporary loss of revenue.

Harding became nationally known last year over his sponsorship of a law that forbids instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through third grade, as well as material that is not deemed age appropriate.





I.Q. Scores in the U.S.

17:22 Mar 22 2023
Times Read: 315

IQ scores significantly increased from 1932 through the 20th century all over the world, with differences ranging from roughly three to five IQ points per decade. This phenomenon is known as the “Flynn Effect.” Now, however, a new study out Northwestern University suggests a “reverse-Flynn Effect” of sorts may be taking place in the United States.

This reverse-Flynn Effect was present across a large U.S. sample covering between 2006 and 2018 in every category — except one. Still, there were consistent negative slopes among three out of four cognitive domains.

Ability scores pertaining to verbal reasoning (logic, vocabulary), matrix reasoning (visual problem solving, analogies), and letter and number series (computational/mathematical) all dropped over the course of the study period. However, scores of 3D rotation (spatial reasoning) generally increased between 2011 to 2018.

Composite ability scores (single scores derived from multiple pieces of information) were also lower across the more recent samples. These score differences persisted regardless of age, education, or gender.

Sugarcoating the findings?
Despite the observed decline in IQ scores, corresponding study author Elizabeth Dworak posits people shouldn’t read these findings and think, “Americans are getting less intelligent.

“It doesn’t mean their mental ability is lower or higher; it’s just a difference in scores that are favoring older or newer samples,” explains Dworak, a research assistant professor of medical social sciences at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, in a media release. “It could just be that they’re getting worse at taking tests or specifically worse at taking these kinds of tests.”

Study authors used the Synthetic Aperture Personality Assessment (SAPA) Project, a free survey-based online personality test that gives test-takers feedback focusing on 27 temperament traits (adaptability, impulsivity, anxiety, humor), in addition to their ability scores.

Survey responses were analyzed from 394,378 Americans collected between 2006 to 2018 in an attempt to examine if cognitive ability scores changed over those 13 years. A smaller cohort of individuals (303,540) was also recruited between 2011 and 2018. The 3D rotation data, though, only exists for subjects who took the survey between 2011 and 2018

More IQ scores needed
This project did not attempt to determine the reason for the decline in IQ scores. That being said, researchers add there is no shortage of possible explanations and theories in the scientific community, ranging from poor nutrition, and worsening health to media exposures and changes to education. “There’s debate about what’s causing it, but not every domain is going down; one of them is going up,” Prof. Dworak notes. “If all the scores were going in the same direction, you could make a nice little narrative about it, but that’s not the case. We need to do more to dig into it.”

To that end, Prof. Dworak and her colleagues are now attempting to access a dataset containing 40 years worth of data in order to conduct a follow-up study.

A change in societal values may have also affected IQ scores, Prof. Dworak adds. “If you’re thinking about what society cares about and what it’s emphasizing and reinforcing every day, there’s a possibility of that being reflected in performance on an ability test,” she continues.

For example, there’s been more emphasis on STEM education in recent decades. So, does that mean other academic areas, like abstract reasoning, are receiving less attention in schools?

Yet another factor could be a drop off in motivation. Since the SAPA Project is advertised as a personality survey, individuals who enrolled may have been more engaged with sections related to the measurement of temperament and less engaged with sections seemingly unrelated to personality.


Ok.... well look at how many viewers FOX has or the growth in QANON..... any questions ?




Mango Calls Prosecutors Racist

09:05 Mar 22 2023
Times Read: 321

Well, they are out to prosecute his fat ass. lol. But Mango is a racist.




Giuliani Says The World Will End If Mango Indicted

21:40 Mar 20 2023
Times Read: 335

By Conover Kennard — March 20, 2023
Former Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani tried to defend the former President on Newsmax over a possible indictment being handed down on Tuesday. And I gotta say that the 'Lock her up' crowd suddenly thinks it's terrible for our country to indict a former president with crimes he (allegedly!) committed.

Republicans certainly don't seem able to uncouple themselves from the one-term President. The excuses for defending him after a grand jury -- if Trump isn't lying about the indictment -- found the evidence worthy of referring Trump for an indictment.

But this excuse made me snort-laugh.

He suggested that "the prosecution system is turned into a political device" and added, "You can look at ancient history, and you can see this is the kind of thing that ends civilization."

The world will end if Lumpy is held accountable for his alleged crimes, according to Rudy. Trump has Georgia to worry about, too. As Susie Madrak reported today, prosecutors in Atlanta are considering bringing racketeering and conspiracy charges in connection with Trump's effort to overturn the 2020 election in that state.

And then Trump is being investigated for possibly mishandling classified documents and his role in the Jan. 6th insurrection after he whipped his supporters into a frenzy. And on the Georgia case, it's on audio. In the case of the Jan. 6 riot, it's on film.

No one should be above the law. Even a former reality TV show star.





Proud Boi Complains He Was Beaten Up At Drag Event

21:36 Mar 20 2023
Times Read: 336

By Conover Kennard — March 20, 2023
Proud Boys members and counterprotesters clashed at a Drag Story Hour hosted by N.Y. Attorney General Letitia James on Sunday. Video captured of the event by Oliya Scootercaster with media site Freedomnews.tv shows the Proud Boys being mocked, and at least one of them was bloodied during the clash.

"I came here to help, not get the s--- beat out of me," the protester wearing Proud Boys' gear said with other members of the far-ring-wing group nearby.

In the background, counterprotesters can be heard shouting: "Go back to Long Island" and "Fuck the Proud Boys."

According to NBC News, An NYPD spokesperson confirmed in an email that a masked man, Robert Porco, 53, of Fishkill, New York, "was arrested and was charged with Assault" after "he approached a victim and struck him in the face." The victim suffered a "physical injury to his face" and "swelling to his nose" but was not hospitalized.

Interestingly, the Proud Boys tried that in New York City, where there is an inclusive environment. New Yorkers do not screw around. They went there to support attendees of the event from people trying to start trouble over the newest culture war.

"We are overwhelming their hate with our love, support, and positivity," Eric Bottcher, a Councilmember who attended the event, said.


lol.... this is rich




Arrest Warrant Issued For Putin

17:15 Mar 17 2023
Times Read: 352

ICC issues arrest warrant for Mango's idol and friend. Well, hopefully Mango will get one one of his own.




Jaime Raskin Tells It Like It Is

17:57 Mar 09 2023
Times Read: 363




Biggs and Gosar Embrace White Nationalism

14:44 Mar 09 2023
Times Read: 366

Perhaps the most disturbing part about the next sentence is that it will not surprise you … at … all.

Arizona Reps. Andy Biggs and Paul Gosar were among 26 members of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee who refused to sign a pledge denouncing “white nationalism and white supremacy,” as well the “Great Replacement” theory.

See what I mean?

No sudden shock. No nothing.

Gosar has defended a white nationalist
For years, Biggs and Gosar have been Arizona’s real-life version of Jasper and Horace from “101 Dalmatians” or Harry and Marv from “Home Alone.”

This time around, the ranking Democrat on the Oversight Committee, Jamie Raskin, drafted a letter denouncing “white nationalism” and racist junk like the “Great Replacement” theory, the creepy conspiracy belief that non-white individuals are being brought into the United States to replace white voters.

Some members of the committee have either tacitly or overtly embraced that lie.

Gosar, for example, has supported and defended the white nationalist Nick Fuentes and has attended Fuentes’ annual gathering of creepy racist trolls.

Still, the Republicans on the committee called Raskin’s letter a distraction. A gimmick.

Are some of them courting the racist vote?
And yes, it was.

But it wouldn’t alter the Republican-controlled committee’s agenda. And how hard is it to say you’re against white nationalism and white supremacy?

I’d even guess that many of the Republicans who refused to sign Raskin’s pledge actually are against white nationalism. They just don’t want to say so.


Because they’re counting on – even courting – the racist vote.

Dems sit out:House GOP rips Biden at Arizona border hearing

Heidi Beirich, co-founder of the Global Project Against Hate and Extremism based in Montgomery, Ala., said, ”White supremacy is the No. 1 domestic terrorism threat in the United States.”

Former Republican Rep. Liz Cheney last year tweeted, “The House GOP leadership has enabled white nationalism, white supremacy, and anti-semitism. History has taught us that what begins with words ends in far worse. @GOP leaders must renounce and reject these views and those who hold them.”

This problem is probably bigger than we thought
Strange, isn’t it?

If some Washington, D.C., politician asked for signatures on a letter denouncing “wokeness” I’d guess that Biggs and Gosar would be first in line. But they refuse to denounce a racist conspiracy theory and the racists behind it?

A spokesperson for Republican Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, who is on the committee, was asked about the anti-racist pledge and pointed out something she has said in the past: “We don’t have a white supremacy problem, we have an illegal immigration problem.”

She’s right about the latter. America has for decades had trouble trying to find a solution to our immigration and border problem. But at least we recognize it.

The fact that a sitting member of Congress and her colleagues refuse to recognize and condemn our white nationalism problem only proves that our white nationalism problem is even worse than anyone thought.


well, if you can't denounce them you must embrace them




Mango Attorney Admits She Lied

09:56 Mar 09 2023
Times Read: 368

Ben Blanchet
Thu, March 9, 2023 at 1:53 AM EST
Jenna Ellis, an ex lawyer for former President Donald Trump, was censured by a Colorado Supreme Court judge on Wednesday for misconduct following her spreading of bogus claims about the 2020 presidential election.

Ellis, in a censure agreement part of a discipline case, agreed that several claims about the election were “misrepresentations,” the Colorado Newsline first reported.

The statements from Ellis, once a Trump critic who later joined his legal team, include those claiming the election was “stolen” from Trump and the outcome of the election was “actually fraudulent.”

Ellis, who was active on Twitter late Wednesday, retweeted a post from one user that claimed she “never admitted she lied” and that “nothing in the stipulation agreed to anything having been false, dishonest, deceptive, or intentional.”

Bryon M. Large – Colorado’s presiding disciplinary judge in its Supreme Court – approved the censure and, in an opinion, said Ellis’ misconduct caused “actual harm by undermining the American public’s confidence in the presidential election.”

“The public censure in this matter reinforces that even if engaged in political speech, there is a line attorneys cannot cross, particularly when they are speaking in a representative capacity,” the Colorado Supreme Court’s Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel said in a statement.

The censure follows a complaint, filed last May by the States United Democracy Center, which called on Colorado Attorney Regulation Counsel Jessica Yates to investigate Ellis and alleged multiple violations “of professional rules” due to her work with the former president, according to Colorado Newsline.





More Murdoch

13:25 Mar 08 2023
Times Read: 377




Mitch McConnell Rips FOX

10:23 Mar 08 2023
Times Read: 378

So the U.S. Senate Minority leader disavows and calls the FOX broadcast a mistake. In addition Mitch says he is associating himself with the statement issued by the Chief of the Capitol Police which accurately describes Jan 6 2021 as an insurrection.

You see mugwumps, there really was an insurrection, cops were injured, The Capitol Bldg damaged (said damage included shit rubbed on the walls), Ofc Sicknick died, others committed suicide. There was an attempt to overthrow the government. To bad the cops didn't open fire on them..... frankly everyone of them deserves to be locked up for years.




Court Docs Reveal Tuckerofsky Hates Mango

10:09 Mar 08 2023
Times Read: 381

Fox News host Tucker Carlson said he despised then-President Donald Trump in a Jan. 4, 2021, text to an unnamed recipient, according to legal documents.

The text transcripts were among the documents released Tuesday as part of the $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit filed against Fox News by Dominion Voting Systems. Dominion alleges that Fox News gave airtime to Trump’s 2020 election conspiracy claims, including that its voting machines were rigged, even though they knew the stories were false.

“We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights,” Carlson texted on Jan. 4, 2021. “I truly can’t wait.”

“I hate him passionately,” he added.

The newest texts paint an even clearer picture of just how much effort Carlson placed into placating Trump and his base in the wake of the 2020 election, despite his apparent personal disdain for the former president. In another court filing last month, Carlson was shown complaining that Trump was a “demonic force” and “a destroyer” in texts to his producer on Jan. 6, 2021, after Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol.

Publicly, Carlson continued to defend Trump, and later that year he released a documentary on the Fox Nation streaming service that suggested the Capitol riot was orchestrated as a “false flag” operation, among other baseless conspiracy theories.

Just this week, Carlson has attracted bipartisan condemnation for airing selectively edited clips of the deadly riot to portray the Trump supporters as “sightseers” and deny there was an insurrection at all.


Well, well, you see a lawsuit allows a party to conduct discovery. Discovery leads to the above.... I really want it to go to trial. I want to see those spineless wogs from FOX under oath and telling the truth. The truth that is recorded and will be released to the public. Oh, Carlson better watch out for those Mango crazies. lol




Tucker Boosts Dominion's Lawsuit

14:13 Mar 07 2023
Times Read: 391

By Conover Kennard — March 7, 2023
Fox News's Tucker Carlson is throwing his boss's network under the bus while Dominion Voting Systems is suing for a whopping $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit. It's been revealed that many Fox News personalities knew that the conspiracy theories about the 2020 election were false, but they continued to feed their viewers false information.

Tucker Carlson is one of those Fox News stars. He obtained footage of the January 6 attack on our Capitol, thanks to Kevin McCarthy. And then he literally lied to his viewers -- again.

On January 6, two years ago, thousands of protesters walked from a Trump rally on the Ellipse-side of the White House to the U.S. Capitol, where the certification of the presidential election was underway," he said. "The protesters were angry. They believed that the election they had just voted in had been unfairly conducted. And they were right."

"In retrospect, it is clear the 2020 election was a grave betrayal of American democracy," he added. "Given the facts that have since emerged about that election, no honest person can deny it."

Rupert Murdoch did exactly that. Under oath, he admitted that the election wasn't stolen, that the result was legitimate and that he could have reined in the Fox commentators who kept flogging the stolen election claims, but he didn't. "Not red, not blue. It is green," Murdoch said, by way of explanation about why Fox News continued to push the lie that the election was stolen.

Carlson said that the protesters were orderly and meek and that the Trump supporters "revered" the Capitol.

Sorry, TV dinner heir, this is not normal. These are not sightseers.

Go fuck yourself, Tuckems.


So Tuckerofsky gets some Jan 6, 2021 footage.... then airs it and lies once again to his audience..... I bet you Dominion's attorneys can't wait to get that fat, little fuck on the witness stand. Of course, FOX attorneys will try to prevent any subsequent lies not connected to election fraud and Dominion voting machines from being heard by the jury. lol.... so many fucking lies.. and imagine HOW FUCKING STUPID ARE FOX VIEWERS.



21:51 Mar 07 2023

I stop watching Fox News about the time the Trump train started.


GOPQ Congressman Photographed With Neo Nazis

03:54 Mar 07 2023
Times Read: 397

Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-Mont.) apparently thought nothing of the man’s gray, Nazi-style trench coat and Hitler Youth haircut.

A smiling Rosendale posed for a photograph outside the U.S. Capitol last week alongside two well-known white supremacists: Ryan Sanchez, a former member of the violent neo-Nazi street gang Rise Above Movement who was dressed similarly to a WWII German officer, and Greyson Arnold, a pro-Nazi blogger.

Just ran into Congressman @mattformontana , a real America First representative with backbone,” Arnold wrote in an Instagram post.

Independent journalist Vishal Singh first drew attention to the photo by posting it on his own Instagram.

“These are not mere far-right activists,” Singh wrote in the caption. “These men support active calls for genocide against LGBTQ+, Black, and Jewish people in the United States. Why are Republicans meeting with mask-off neo-Nazis?”

Rosendale’s office told HuffPost that the men had approached the congressman while he was returning to the House from a joint veterans’ affairs hearing, and that neither he nor his staff knew who they were.

“I absolutely condemn and have zero tolerance for hate groups, hate speech, and violence,” Rosendale said in an email statement. “I did not take a meeting with these individuals — I was asked for a photo while walking between hearings, accommodating as I do for all photo requests, and was not aware of the individuals’ identity or affiliation with these hate groups that stand in stark contrast to my personal beliefs.”

This isn’t the first time Rosendale, a loyal ally of former President Donald Trump who is rumored to be eyeing another run against Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) in 2024, has come under fire for mingling with far-right extremists.

In 2014, he spoke at a pro-gun Oath Keepers rally in Kalispell, Montana. Pictures from that event show Rosendale, then a state senator, standing at a microphone behind a large black and yellow Oath Keepers banner. The anti-government militia group has a long history of violence, including storming the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, in an attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election. Several members of the group, including founder Elmer Stewart Rhodes, have been convicted of seditious conspiracy for their roles in the attack.

“I have zero connection to Oath Keepers, and an event that I spoke at in 2014 was in Kalispell, and it was for the Second Amendment — to support the Second Amendment,” Rosendale told NBC Montana shortly after President Joe Biden’s inauguration. “I don’t have any affiliation with them, I have no communication with them, but I do support the Second Amendment.”

Notably, Rosendale was among the 147 Republicans who voted against certifying Biden as the winner of the 2020 election. He later voted against both creating a select committee to investigate the Jan. 6 insurrection and awarding Congressional Gold Medals to fallen Capitol Police officers, including two who died as a result of the attack.

Sanchez has ties to multiple white supremacist groups. He was a member of RAM, a group notorious for the violence its members inflicted on counter-demonstrators at the deadly 2017 neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Sanchez has claimed his membership in RAM led to him getting kicked out of the U.S. Marine Corps, according to Left Coast Right Watch, an investigative news outlet.

He also was allegedly a member of Identity Evropa, a since-disbanded white supremacist group that had a large presence at the Charlottesville rally. The group practiced “entryism,” which the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights describes as the strategy of “gaining a place in more mainstream organizations by moderating one’s appearance and expressed values in order to further movement goals.”

Sanchez is a practitioner of entryism and has attempted to make inroads with the MAGA movement, speaking at election-denying “Stop the Steal” rallies in California in 2020 and later joining up with the People’s Convoy, a caravan of truckers protesting policies related to COVID.

And this past November, Sanchez was a guest on the pro-Trump One America News Network, where he spoke in defense of a white supremacist sentenced to three years in prison for his role in the Jan. 6 insurrection.


I will make this simple... the Congressman knew who these guys were... Just like Gosar, Greene , Boebert, Gaetz, Hawley, Lee, McCarthy. The individuals I just mentioned wish to exterminate Blacks, Jews, Gays, Lesbians, Non Christians etc. They wish a white ,Christian,white male dominated Country. They are admitting it. You should pay attention




Fake Bots on Twitter Attack Mango Rivals

15:59 Mar 06 2023
Times Read: 408

Over the past 11 months, someone created thousands of fake, automated Twitter accounts — perhaps hundreds of thousands of them — to offer a stream of praise for Donald Trump.

Besides posting adoring words about the former president, the fake accounts ridiculed Trump's critics from both parties and attacked Nikki Haley, the former South Carolina governor and U.N. ambassador who is challenging her onetime boss for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.

When it came to Ron DeSantis, the bots aggressively suggested that the Florida governor couldn't beat Trump, but would be a great running mate.

As Republican voters size up their candidates for 2024, whoever created the bot network is seeking to put a thumb on the scale, using online manipulation techniques pioneered by the Kremlin to sway the digital platform conversation about candidates while exploiting Twitter's algorithms to maximize their reach.

The sprawling bot network was uncovered by researchers at Cyabra, an Israeli tech firm that shared its findings with The Associated Press. While the identify of those behind the network of fake accounts is unknown, Cyabra's analysts determined that it was likely created within the U.S.

“One account will say, ‘Biden is trying to take our guns; Trump was the best,’ and another will say, ‘Jan. 6 was a lie and Trump was innocent,'" said Jules Gross, the Cyabra engineer who first discovered the network. "Those voices are not people. For the sake of democracy I want people to know this is happening.”

Bots, as they are commonly called, are fake, automated accounts that became notoriously well-known after Russia employed them in an effort to meddle in the 2016 election. While big tech companies have improved their detection of fake accounts, the network identified by Cyabra shows they remain a potent force in shaping online political discussion.

The new pro-Trump network is actually three different networks of Twitter accounts, all created in huge batches in April, October and November 2022. In all, researchers believe hundreds of thousands of accounts could be involved.

The accounts all feature personal photos of the alleged account holder as well as a name. Some of the accounts posted their own content, often in reply to real users, while others reposted content from real users, helping to amplify it further.

“McConnell... Traitor!” wrote one of the accounts, in response to an article in a conservative publication about GOP Senate leader Mitch McConnell, one of several Republican critics of Trump targeted by the network.

One way of gauging the impact of bots is to measure the percentage of posts about any given topic generated by accounts that appear to be fake. The percentage for typical online debates is often in the low single digits. Twitter itself has said that less than 5% of its active daily users are fake or spam accounts.

When Cyabra researchers examined negative posts about specific Trump critics, however, they found far higher levels of inauthenticity. Nearly three-fourths of the negative posts about Haley, for example, were traced back to fake accounts.

The network also helped popularize a call for DeSantis to join Trump as his vice presidential running mate — an outcome that would serve Trump well and allow him to avoid a potentially bitter matchup if DeSantis enters the race.

The same network of accounts shared overwhelmingly positive content about Trump and contributed to an overall false picture of his support online, researchers found.

“Our understanding of what is mainstream Republican sentiment for 2024 is being manipulated by the prevalence of bots online," the Cyabra researchers concluded.

The triple network was discovered after Gross analyzed Tweets about different national political figures and noticed that many of the accounts posting the content were created on the same day. Most of the accounts remain active, though they have relatively modest numbers of followers.

A message left with a spokesman for Trump's campaign was not immediately returned.

Most bots aren't designed to persuade people, but to amplify certain content so more people see it, according to Samuel Woolley, a professor and misinformation researcher at the University of Texas whose most recent book focuses on automated propaganda.

When a human user sees a hashtag or piece of content from a bot and reposts it, they're doing the network's job for it, and also sending a signal to Twitter's algorithms to boost the spread of the content further.

Bots can also succeed in convincing people that a candidate or idea is more or less popular than the reality, he said. More pro-Trump bots can lead to people overstating his popularity overall, for example.

“Bots absolutely do impact the flow of information,” Woolley said. “They're built to manufacture the illusion of popularity. Repetition is the core weapon of propaganda and bots are really good at repetition. They're really good at getting information in front of people's eyeballs."

Until recently, most bots were easily identified thanks to their clumsy writing or account names that included nonsensical words or long strings of random numbers. As social media platforms got better at detecting these accounts, the bots became more sophisticated.

So-called cyborg accounts are one example: a bot that is periodically taken over by a human user who can post original content and respond to users in human-like ways, making them much harder to sniff out.

Bots could soon get much sneakier thanks to advances in artificial intelligence. New AI programs can create lifelike profile photos and posts that sound much more authentic. Bots that sound like a real person and deploy deepfake video technology may challenge platforms and users alike in new ways, according to Katie Harbath, a fellow at the Bipartisan Policy Center and a former Facebook public policy director.

“The platforms have gotten so much better at combating bots since 2016,” Harbath said. "But the types that we're starting to see now, with AI, they can create fake people. Fake videos."

These technological advances likely ensure that bots have a long future in American politics — as digital foot soldiers in online campaigns, and as potential problems for both voters and candidates trying to defend themselves against anonymous online attacks.

“There’s never been more noise online,” said Tyler Brown, a political consultant and former digital director for the Republican National Committee. “How much of it is malicious or even unintentionally unfactual? It's easy to imagine people being able to manipulate that.”





23 Mango Lies on Saturday Night At CPAC

10:13 Mar 06 2023
Times Read: 409

As president, Donald Trump made some of his most thoroughly dishonest speeches at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference.

As he embarks on another campaign for the presidency, Trump delivered another CPAC doozy Saturday night.

Trump’s lengthy address to the right-wing gathering in Maryland was filled with wildly inaccurate claims about his own presidency, Joe Biden’s presidency, foreign affairs, crime, elections and other subjects.

Here is a fact check of 23 of the false claims Trump made. (And that’s far from the total.)

Crime and civil unrest
Crime in Manhattan

While Trump criticized Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who has been investigating Trump’s company, he claimed that “killings are taking place at a number like nobody’s ever seen, right in Manhattan.”

Facts First: It isn’t even close to true that Manhattan is experiencing a number of killings that nobody has ever seen. The region classified by the New York Police Department as Manhattan North had 43 reported murders in 2022; that region had 379 reported murders in 1990 and 306 murders in 1993. The Manhattan South region had 35 reported murders in 2022 versus 124 reported murders in 1990 and 86 murders in 1993. New York City as a whole is also nowhere near record homicide levels; the city had 438 reported murders in 2022 versus 2,262 in 1990 and 1,927 in 1993.

Manhattan North had just eight reported murders this year through February 19, while Manhattan South had one. The city as a whole had 49 reported murders.

The National Guard and Minnesota

Talking about rioting amid racial justice protests after the police murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis in 2020, Trump claimed he had been ready to send in the National Guard in Seattle, then added, “We saved Minneapolis. The thing is, we’re not supposed to do that. Because it’s up to the governor, the Democrat governor. They never want any help. They don’t mind – it’s almost like they don’t mind to have their cities and states destroyed. There’s something wrong with these people.”

Facts First: This is a reversal of reality. Minnesota’s Democratic governor, Tim Walz, not Trump, was the one who deployed the Minnesota National Guard during the 2020 unrest; Walz first activated the Guard more than seven hours before Trump publicly threatened to deploy the Guard himself. Walz’s office told CNN in 2020 that the governor activated the Guard in response to requests from officials in Minneapolis and St. Paul – cities also run by Democrats.

Trump has repeatedly made the false claim that he was the one who sent the Guard to Minneapolis. You can read a longer fact check, from 2020, here.

Trump’s executive order on monuments

Trump boasted that he had taken effective action as president to stop the destruction of statues and memorials. He claimed: “I passed and signed an executive order. Anybody that does that gets 10 years in jail, with no negotiation – it’s not ’10’ but it turns into three months.” He added: “But we passed it. It was a very old law, and we found it – one of my very good legal people along with [adviser] Stephen Miller, they found it. They said, ‘Sir, I don’t know if you want to try and bring this back.’ I said. ‘I do.’”

Facts First: Trump’s claim is false. He did not create a mandatory 10-year sentence for people who damage monuments. In fact, his 2020 executive order did not mandate any increase in sentences.

Rather, the executive order simply directed the attorney general to “prioritize” investigations and prosecutions of monument-destruction cases and declared that it is federal policy to prosecute such cases to the fullest extent permitted under existing law, including an existing law that allowed a sentence of up to 10 years in prison for willfully damaging federal property. The executive order did nothing to force judges to impose a 10-year sentence.

Vandalism in Portland

Trump claimed, “How’s Portland doing? They don’t even have storefronts anymore. Everything’s two-by-four’s because they get burned down every week.”

Facts First: This is a major exaggeration. Portland obviously still has hundreds of active storefronts, though it has struggled with downtown commercial vacancies for various reasons, and some businesses are sometimes vandalized by protesters. Trump has for years exaggerated the extent of property damage from protest vandalism in Portland.

Russia, Ukraine and NATO
Russian expansionism

Boasting of his foreign policy record, Trump claimed, “I was also the only president where Russia didn’t take over a country during my term.”

Facts First: While it’s true that Russia didn’t take over a country during Trump’s term, it’s not true that he was the only US president under whom Russia didn’t take over a country. “Totally false,” Michael Khodarkovsky, a Loyola University Chicago history professor who is an expert on Russian imperialism, said in an email. “If by Russia he means the current Russian Federation that existed since 1991, then the best example is Clinton, 1992-98. During this time Russia fought a war in Chechnya, but Chechnya was not a country but one of Russia’s regions.”

Khodarkovsky added, “If by Russia he means the USSR, as people often do, then from 1945, when the USSR occupied much of Eastern Europe until 1979, when USSR invaded Afghanistan, Moscow did not take over any new country. It only sent forces into countries it had taken over in 1945 (Hungary 1956, Czechoslovakia 1968).”

NATO funding

Trump said while talking about NATO funding: “And I told delinquent foreign nations – they were delinquent, they weren’t paying their bills – that if they wanted our protection, they had to pay up, and they had to pay up now.”

Facts First: It’s not true that NATO countries weren’t paying “bills” until Trump came along or that they were “delinquent” in the sense of failing to pay bills – as numerous fact-checkers pointed out when Trump repeatedly used such language during his presidency. NATO members haven’t been failing to pay their share of the organization’s common budget to run the organization. And while it’s true that most NATO countries were not (and still are not) meeting NATO’s target of each country spending a minimum of 2% of gross domestic product on defense, that 2% figure is what NATO calls a “guideline”; it is not some sort of binding contract, and it does not create liabilities. An official NATO recommitment to the 2% guideline in 2014 merely said that members not currently at that level would “aim to move towards the 2% guideline within a decade.”

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg did credit Trump for securing increases in European NATO members’ defense spending, but it’s worth noting that those countries’ spending had also increased in the last two years of the Obama administration following Russia’s 2014 annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea and the recommitment that year to the 2% guideline. NATO notes on its website that 2022 was “the eighth consecutive year of rising defence spending across European Allies and Canada.”

NATO’s existence

Boasting of how he had secured additional funding for NATO from countries, Trump claimed, “Actually, NATO wouldn’t even exist if I didn’t get them to pay up.”

Facts First: This is nonsense.

There was never any indication that NATO, created in 1949, would have ceased to exist in the early 2020s without additional funding from some members. The alliance was stable even with many members not meeting the alliance’s guideline of having members spend 2% of their gross domestic product on defense.

We don’t often fact-check claims about what might have happened in an alternative scenario, but this Trump claim has no basis in reality. “The quote doesn’t make sense, obviously,” said Erwan Lagadec, research professor at George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs and an expert on NATO.

Lagadec noted that NATO has had no trouble getting allies to cover the roughly $3 billion in annual “direct” funding for the organization, which is “peanuts” to this group of countries. And he said that the only NATO member that had given “any sign” in recent years that it was thinking about leaving the alliance “was … the US, under Trump.” Lagadec added that the US leaving the alliance is one scenario that could realistically kill it, but that clearly wasn’t what Trump was talking about in his remarks on spending levels.

James Goldgeier, an American University professor of international relations and Brookings Institution visiting fellow, said in an email: “NATO was founded in 1949, so it seems very clear that Donald Trump had nothing to do with its existence. In fact, the worry was that he would pull the US out of NATO, as his national security adviser warned he would do if he had been reelected.”

The cost of NATO’s headquarters

Trump mocked NATO’s headquarters, saying, “They spent – an office building that cost $3 billion. It’s like a skyscraper in Manhattan laid on its side. It’s one of the longest buildings I’ve ever seen. And I said, ‘You should have – instead of spending $3 billion, you should have spent $500 million building the greatest bunker you’ve ever seen. Because Russia didn’t – wouldn’t even need an airplane attack. One tank one shot through that beautiful glass building and it’s gone.’”

Facts First: NATO did spend a lot of money on its headquarters in Belgium, but Trump’s “$3 billion” figure is a major exaggeration. When Trump used the same inaccurate figure in early 2020, NATO told CNN that the headquarters was actually constructed for a sum under the approved budget of about $1.18 billion euro, which is about $1.3 billion at exchange rates as of Sunday morning.

The Pulitzer Prize

Trump made his usual argument that The Washington Post and The New York Times should not have won a prestigious journalism award, a 2018 Pulitzer Prize, for their reporting on Russian interference in the 2016 election and its connections to Trump’s team. He then said, “And they were exactly wrong. And now they’ve even admitted that it was a hoax. It was a total hoax, and they got the prize.”

Facts First: The Times and Post have not made any sort of “hoax” admission. “The claim is completely false,” Times spokesperson Charlie Stadtlander said in an email on Sunday.

Stadtlander continued: “When our Pulitzer Prize shared with The Washington Post was challenged by the former President, the award was upheld by the Pulitzer Prize Board after an independent review. The board stated that ‘no passages or headlines, contentions or assertions in any of the winning submissions were discredited by facts that emerged subsequent to the conferral of the prizes.’ The Times’s reporting was also substantiated by the Mueller investigation and Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee investigation into the matter.”

The Post referred CNN to that same July statement from the Pulitzer Prize Board.

Awareness of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline

Trump claimed of his opposition to Russia’s Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline to Germany: “Nord Stream 2 – Nobody ever heard of it … right? Nobody ever heard of Nord Stream 2 until I came along. I started talking about Nord Stream 2. I had to go call it ‘the pipeline’ because nobody knew what I was talking about.”

Facts First: This is standard Trump hyperbole; it’s just not true that “nobody” had heard of Nord Stream 2 before he began discussing it. Nord Stream 2 was a regular subject of media, government and diplomatic discussion before Trump took office. In fact, Biden publicly criticized it as vice president in 2016. Trump may well have generated increased US awareness to the controversial project, but “nobody ever heard of Nord Stream 2 until I came along” isn’t true.

Trump and Nord Stream 2

Trump claimed, “I got along very well with Putin even though I’m the one that ended his pipeline. Remember they said, ‘Trump is giving a lot to Russia.’ Really? Putin actually said to me, ‘If you’re my friend, I’d hate like hell to see you as my enemy.’ Because I ended the pipeline, right? Do you remember? Nord Stream 2.” He continued, “I ended it. It was dead.”

Facts First: Trump did not kill Nord Stream 2. While he did approve sanctions on companies working on the project, that move came nearly three years into his presidency, when the pipeline was already around an estimated 90% complete – and the state-owned Russian gas company behind the project said shortly after the sanctions that it would complete the pipeline itself. The company announced in December 2020 that construction was resuming. And with days left in Trump’s term in January 2021, Germany announced that it had renewed permission for construction in its waters.

The pipeline never began operations; Germany ended up halting the project as Russia was about to invade Ukraine early last year. The pipeline was damaged later in the year in what has been described as an act of sabotage.

The Obama administration and Ukraine

Trump claimed that while he provided lethal assistance to Ukraine, the Obama administration “didn’t want to get involved” and merely “supplied the bedsheets.” He said, “Do you remember? They supplied the bedsheets. And maybe even some pillows from [pillow businessman] Mike [Lindell], who’s sitting right over here. … But they supplied the bedsheets.”

Facts First: This is inaccurate. While it’s true that the Obama administration declined to provide weapons to Ukraine, it provided more than $600 million in security assistance to Ukraine between 2014 and 2016 that involved far more than bedsheets. The aid included counter-artillery and counter-mortar radars, armored Humvees, tactical drones, night vision devices and medical supplies.

Biden and a Ukrainian prosecutor

Trump claimed that Biden, as vice president, held back a billion dollars from Ukraine until the country fired a prosecutor who was “after Hunter” and a company that was paying him. Trump was referring to Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son, who sat on the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings.

Facts First: This is baseless. There has never been any evidence that Hunter Biden was under investigation by the prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, who had been widely faulted by Ukrainian anti-corruption activists and European countries for failing to investigate corruption. A former Ukrainian deputy prosecutor and a top anti-corruption activist have both said the Burisma-related investigation was dormant at the time Joe Biden pressured Ukraine to fire Shokin.

Daria Kaleniuk, executive director of Ukraine’s Anti-Corruption Action Center, told The Washington Post in 2019: “Shokin was not investigating. He didn’t want to investigate Burisma. And Shokin was fired not because he wanted to do that investigation, but quite to the contrary, because he failed that investigation.” In addition, Shokin’s successor as prosecutor general, Yuriy Lutsenko, told Bloomberg in 2019: “Hunter Biden did not violate any Ukrainian laws – at least as of now, we do not see any wrongdoing.”

Biden, as vice president, was carrying out the policy of the US and its allies, not pursuing his own agenda, in threatening to withhold a billion-dollar US loan guarantee if the Ukrainian government did not sack Shokin. CNN fact-checked Trump’s claims on this subject at length in 2019.

The economy
Trump and job creation

Promising to save Americans’ jobs if he is elected again, Trump claimed, “We had the greatest job history of any president ever.”

Facts First: This is false. The US lost about 2.7 million jobs during Trump’s presidency, the worst overall jobs record for any president. The net loss was largely because of the Covid-19 pandemic, but even Trump’s pre-pandemic jobs record – about 6.7 million jobs added – was far from the greatest of any president ever. The economy added more than 11.5 million jobs in the first term of Democratic President Bill Clinton in the 1990s.

Tariffs on China

Trump repeated a trade claim he made frequently during his presidency. Speaking of China, he said he “charged them” with tariffs that had the effect of “bringing in hundreds of billions of dollars pouring into our Treasury from China. Thank you very much, China.” He claimed that he did this even though “no other president had gotten even 10 cents – not one president got anything from them.”

Facts First: As we have written repeatedly, it’s not true that no president before Trump had generated any revenue through tariffs on goods from China. In reality, the US has had tariffs on China for more than two centuries, and FactCheck.org reported in 2019 that the US generated an “average of $12.3 billion in custom duties a year from 2007 to 2016, according to the U.S. International Trade Commission DataWeb.” Also, American importers, not Chinese exporters, make the actual tariff payments – and study after study during Trump’s presidency found that Americans were bearing most of the cost of the tariffs.

The trade deficit with China

Trump went on to repeat a false claim he made more than 100 times as president – that the US used to have a trade deficit with China of more than $500 billion. He claimed it was “five-, six-, seven-hundred billion dollars a year.”

Facts First: The US has never had a $500 billion, $600 billion or $700 billion trade deficit with China even if you only count trade in goods and ignore the services trade in which the US runs a surplus with China. The pre-Trump record for a goods deficit with China was about $367 billion in 2015. The goods deficit hit a new record of about $418 billion under Trump in 2018 before falling back under $400 billion in subsequent years.

Trump and the 2020 election

Trump said people claim they want to run against him even though, he claimed, he won the 2020 election. He said, “I won the second election, OK, won it by a lot. You know, when they say, when they say Biden won, the smart people know that didn’t [happen].”

Facts First: This is Trump’s regular lie. He lost the 2020 election to Biden fair and square, 306 to 232 in the Electoral College. Biden earned more than 7 million more votes than Trump did.

Democrats and elections

Trump said Democrats are only good at “disinformation” and “cheating on elections.”

Facts First: This is nonsense. There is just no basis for a broad claim that Democrats are election cheaters. Election fraud and voter fraud are exceedingly rare in US elections, though such crimes are occasionally committed by officials and supporters of both parties. (We’ll ignore Trump’s subjective claim about “disinformation.”)

War and peace
The liberation of the ISIS caliphate

Trump repeated his familiar story about how he had supposedly liberated the “caliphate” of terror group ISIS in “three weeks.” This time, he said, “In fact, with the ISIS caliphate, a certain general said it could only be done in three years, ‘and probably it can’t be done at all, sir.’ And I did it in three weeks. I went over to Iraq, met a great general. ‘Sir, I can do it in three weeks.’ You’ve heard that story. ‘I can do it in three weeks, sir.’ ‘How are you going to do that?’ They explained it. I did it in three weeks. I was told it couldn’t be done at all, that it would take at least three years. Did it in three weeks. Knocked out 100% of the ISIS caliphate.”

Facts First: Trump’s claim of eliminating the ISIS caliphate in “three weeks” isn’t true; the ISIS “caliphate” was declared fully liberated more than two years into Trump’s presidency, in 2019. Even if Trump was starting the clock at the time of his visit to Iraq, in late December 2018, the liberation was proclaimed more than two and a half months later. In addition, Trump gave himself far too much credit for the defeat of the caliphate, as he has in the past, when he said “I did it”: Kurdish forces did much of the ground fighting, and there was major progress against the caliphate under President Barack Obama in 2015 and 2016.

IHS Markit, an information company that studied the changing size of the caliphate, reported two days before Trump’s 2017 inauguration that the caliphate shrunk by 23% in 2016 after shrinking by 14% in 2015. “The Islamic State suffered unprecedented territorial losses in 2016, including key areas vital for the group’s governance project,” an analyst there said in a statement at the time.

Military equipment left in Afghanistan

Trump claimed, as he has before, that the US left behind $85 billion worth of military equipment when it withdrew from Afghanistan in 2021. He said of the leader of the Taliban: “Now he’s got $85 billion worth of our equipment that I bought – $85 billion.” He added later: “The thing that nobody ever talks about, we lost 13 [soldiers], we lost $85 billion worth of the greatest military equipment in the world.”

Facts First: Trump’s $85 billion figure is false. While a significant quantity of military equipment that had been provided by the US to Afghan government forces was indeed abandoned to the Taliban upon the US withdrawal, the Defense Department has estimated that this equipment had been worth about $7.1 billion – a chunk of about $18.6 billion worth of equipment provided to Afghan forces between 2005 and 2021. And some of the equipment left behind was rendered inoperable before US forces withdrew.

As other fact-checkers have previously explained, the “$85 billion” is a rounded-up figure (it’s closer to $83 billion) for the total amount of money Congress has appropriated during the war to a fund supporting the Afghan security forces. A minority of this funding was for equipment.

The Afghanistan withdrawal and the F-16

Trump claimed that the Taliban acquired F-16 fighter planes because of the US withdrawal, saying: “They feared the F-16s. And now they own them. Think of it.”

Facts First: This is false. F-16s were not among the equipment abandoned upon the US withdrawal and the collapse of the Afghan armed forces, since the Afghan armed forces did not fly F-16s.

The border wall

Trump claimed that he had kept his promise to complete a wall on the border with Mexico: “As you know, I built hundreds of miles of wall and completed that task as promised. And then I began to add even more in areas that seemed to be allowing a lot of people to come in.”

Facts First: It’s not true that Trump “completed” the border wall. According to an official “Border Wall Status” report written by US Customs and Border Protection two days after Trump left office, about 458 miles of wall had been completed under Trump – but about 280 more miles that had been identified for wall construction had not been completed.

The report, provided to CNN’s Priscilla Alvarez, said that, of those 280 miles left to go, about 74 miles were “in the pre-construction phase and have not yet been awarded, in locations where no barriers currently exist,” and that 206 miles were “currently under contract, in place of dilapidated and outdated designs and in locations where no barriers previously existed.”

Latin America and deportations

Trump told his familiar story about how, until he was president, the US was unable to deport MS-13 gang members to other countries, “especially” Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras because those countries “didn’t want them.”

Facts First: It’s not true that, as a rule, Guatemala and Honduras wouldn’t take back migrants being deported from the US during Obama’s administration, though there were some individual exceptions.

In 2016, just prior to Trump’s presidency, neither Guatemala nor Honduras was on the list of countries that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) considered “recalcitrant,” or uncooperative, in accepting the return of their nationals.

For the 2016 fiscal year, Obama’s last full fiscal year in office, ICE reported that Guatemala and Honduras ranked second and third, behind only Mexico, in terms of the country of citizenship of people being removed from the US. You can read a longer fact check, from 2019, here.


Well now, he just keeps a lying and his mugwumps believe it or it doesn't matter. Some of the above are whoppers. Pesky little fact checkers.




G.O.P. Strategist Calls CPAC A Grift

23:04 Mar 05 2023
Times Read: 421

GOP strategist Mike Murphy slammed the Conservative Political Action Conference for being “a scam, pure and simple, top to bottom” in a fiery message during an MSNBC appearance on Friday.

Murphy, who has advised such Republicans as the late Sen. John McCain and Sen. Mitt Romney, weighed in on the state of CPAC after a clip aired of Donald Trump Jr. calling on the crowd at its annual conference this week to use the Christian conservative cellphone service Patriot Mobile.

MSNBC anchor Alex Wagner noted that the company has rented excess capacity from other cell providers, including AT&T, a company that Trump Jr. criticized at the conference for “weaponizing” consumers’ money.

On Friday, Murphy took his own jab at Trump Jr. along with the CPAC gathering he admitted he used to attend.

“First of all, I join fellow patriot Donald Jr. in urging our listeners, the true patriots out there, to make a check today out to ‘Christians Against Secular Humanism,’ or ‘CASH,’ because this is a grift pure and simple,” Murphy said. “They ought to put a fence around CPAC and put a bunco charge on all of ’em, it’s unbelievable. I didn’t know God had an opinion about cellphone companies.”

Murphy continued by noting that former President Donald Trump and CPAC are both “shrinking” in popularity in the Republican Party, “but it is kind of the professional, grassroots, huckster wing of the GOP. The good news it’s an outlier, it’s not the sampling it used to be.”

Murphy added that CPAC today represents just a “sliver” of the GOP. “This thing now is a scam, pure and simple, top to bottom.”





Duhsantis Appointee Thinks Tap Water Is Turning People Gay

16:10 Mar 05 2023
Times Read: 431

One of Ron DeSantis’ appointees to a special district that will oversee Walt Disney World once amplified a conspiracy theory that tap water could be turning people gay, according to a report from CNN.

Ron Peri, the CEO of The Gathering, a Christian ministry, also disparaged homosexuality, calling it “shameful,” according to CNN.

Peri was one of five people named to the board of the Reedy Creek Improvement District, which was set up 55 years ago to oversee land use, infrastructure and fire services on the theme park property. DeSantis signed a law earlier this week that give him the power to appoint members of the board, subject to approval by the Senate, in a move that stripped Disney over control of the property. The district also will be renamed the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District.

In a video of a January 2022 Zoom discussion, Peri claimed, without evidence, that higher levels of estrogen in the water from birth control pills led to lower levels of testosterone in men.

“So why are there homosexuals today? There are any number of reasons, you know, that are given. Some would say the increase in estrogen in our societies,” he said, according to the CNN report. He also linked homosexuality to disease.

Peri also said, according to the KFile report, “There are a lot of unhealthy effects of a homosexual lifestyle. There are diseases, but it goes beyond that.”

Peri could not be reached. He did not respond to the network’s request for comment.

Disney and DeSantis also did not respond to requests for comment.

DeSantis’ own statements and his appointees, who also include a high-end political donor and two conservative activists, have raised concerns that the board would try to influence the company’s content decisions, even though the district’s authority is supposed to be related to things like roads and other types of infrastructure.

When he signed the law, DeSantis said, “When you lose your way, you know, you gotta have people that are going to tell you the truth, and so we hope that they can get back on. I think all these board members very much would like to see the type of entertainment that all families can appreciate.”

After Disney announced its opposition to a parental rights law — dubbed “don’t say gay” by detractors — DeSantis championed the effort to dissolve the Reedy Creek district. But quickly there were concerns by nearby counties that their taxpayers would be left to pay off more than $1 billion in bond debt from the district. He instead led an effort to retain the district, but to place it under state control.

Democrats blasted DeSantis’ move, but some Republicans have, too. Former Vice President Mike Pence said on CNBC that “the idea of going after their taxing authority, that was beyond the scope of what I as a conservative limited government Republican would be prepared to do.”

Folks, how fucking stupid are these GOPQers???



17:20 Mar 05 2023

Have a wonderful day!

17:24 Mar 05 2023

I turn the news off its all bad for my brain.


CPAC Day 2

12:05 Mar 05 2023
Times Read: 434

10 month abortions? Fredo should just stay home and be quiet. Gaetz wants to abolish the F.B.I, DOJ and C.I.A. .... lol.... oh, these fools are like little pebbles in a shoe very irritating but don't amount to much. All they are doing is shaking down their base for money. The Grift continues




Speaker At CPAC Calls For TransGendered To Be Eradicated

01:38 Mar 05 2023
Times Read: 446

Thousands of conservatives, including prominent Republican lawmakers and presidential hopefuls, flocked to a suburban Washington, D.C., convention center this week to discuss children’s genitals.

They were there for the 2023 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the preeminent annual gathering of America’s conservative movement, where speaker after speaker held forth on the urgent need for the Republican Party — an institution ostensibly dedicated to limited government — to criminalize the act of doctors and parents providing minors with gender-affirming care.

Sebastian Gorka, an alleged member of a Nazi-collaborating political order in Hungary who served as an advisor to former President Donald Trump, kicked off proceedings Friday morning from the main stage inside the Gaylord Convention Center. Democrats, he warned the crowd, are “mutilating boys and girls” and “sacrificing them on the altar of their transgender insanity.”

A short time later, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) — a featured speaker at a white supremacist conference last year, where her fellow speakers praised Adolf Hitler and cheered on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine — took to the stage to make a big announcement.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) speaks at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) at Gaylord National Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland, on March 3, 2023.

“So last Congress, I did something radical and extreme because remember Marjorie Taylor Greene, ‘she’s so extreme,’” she joked. “I introduced a bill called the Protect Children’s Innocence Act. And let me tell you my great news this morning, ladies and gentlemen: It couldn’t pass last Congress because Nancy Pelosi was the speaker of the House. She doesn’t believe in gender at all, but we have a new speaker in our Republican majority… and I’m going to be re-introducing my bill… that will make it a felony to perform anything to do with gender!”

The crowd roared. Greene’s cruel piece of legislation — based on a multitude of lies — would prohibit transgender Americans under 18 years old from receiving crucial health services that have long been endorsed by the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, the Endocrine Society, the American Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric Association.

Such endorsements were of little concern at CPAC, where politicians and right-wing influencers fine-tuned the anti-trans messaging that will likely be a staple of next year’s presidential campaign news cycle — the Republican Party clearly having decided that trans kids are worthy enough of a wedge issue to win back the White House.

But it also became clear at CPAC that the Republican campaign against trans kids isn’t just a mere ploy to energize its base — it could also be the beginning of an insurgent fascist campaign to erase trans people from public life altogether.

Michael Knowles, the host of ”The Michael Knowles Show” on The Daily Wire, gave a speech at CPAC that, at moments, sounded genocidal. “The problem with transgenderism is not that it’s inappropriate for children under the age of 9,” he said. “The problem with transgenderism is that it isn’t true.”

There are an estimated 1.6 million trans people in the United States. Knowles told the CPAC crowd that these people should not have a right to exist.

“If [transgenderism] is false, then for the good of society... transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely,” he said.

Eradicated. The crowd roared again.





In Attendance At CPAC

00:29 Mar 05 2023
Times Read: 447

Mango the serial rapist attended along with Matt Gaetz the sexual trafficker, and with Marjorie Taylor Greene the serial adulterer and Gym Jordan who covered up sexual abuse while a coach at Ohio State.

Pretty much sums it up




13 Lies From CPAC- LOL

00:00 Mar 05 2023
Times Read: 449

The Conservative Political Action Conference is underway in Maryland. And the members of Congress, former government officials and conservative personalities who spoke at the conference on Thursday and Friday made false claims about a variety of topics.

Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio uttered two false claims about President Joe Biden. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia repeated a debunked claim about Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Sen. Tommy Tuberville of Alabama used two inaccurate statistics as he lamented the state of the country. Former Trump White House official Steve Bannon repeated his regular lie about the 2020 election having been stolen from Trump, this time baselesly blaming Fox for Trump’s defeat.

Rep. Kat Cammack of Florida incorrectly said a former Obama administration official had encouraged people to harass Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Rep. Ralph Norman of South Carolina inaccurately claimed Biden had laughed at a grieving mother and inaccurately insinuated that the FBI tipped off the media to its search of former President Donald Trump’s Florida residence. Two other speakers, Rep. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania and former Trump administration official Sebastian Gorka, inflated the number of deaths from fentanyl.

And that’s not all. Here is a fact check of 13 false claims from the conference, which continues on Saturday.

Zelensky’s remark about American ‘sons and daughters’
Marjorie Taylor Greene said the Republican Party has a duty to protect children. Listing supposed threats to children, she said, “Now whether it’s like Zelensky saying he wants our sons and daughters to go die in Ukraine…” Later in her speech, she said, “I will look at a camera and directly tell Zelensky: you’d better leave your hands off of our sons and daughters, because they’re not dying over there.”

Facts First: Greene’s claim is false. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky didn’t say he wants American sons and daughters to fight or die for Ukraine. The false claim, which was debunked by CNN and others earlier in the week, is based on a viral video that clipped Zelensky’s comments out of context.

In reality, Zelensky predicted at a press conference in late February that if Ukraine loses the war against Russia because it does not receive sufficient support from elsewhere, Russia will proceed to enter North Atlantic Treaty Organization member countries in the Baltics (a region made up of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia) that the US will be obligated to send troops to defend. Under the treaty that governs NATO, an attack on one member is considered an attack on all. Ukraine is not a NATO member, and Zelensky didn’t say Americans should fight there.

Greene is one of the people who shared the out-of-context video on Twitter this week. You can read a full fact-check, with Zelensky’s complete quote, here.

Fox and the 2020 election
Right-wing commentator and former Trump White House chief strategist Steve Bannon criticized right-wing cable channel Fox at length for, he argued, being insufficiently supportive of Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign. Among other things, Bannon claimed that, on the night of the election in November 2020, “Fox News illegitimately called it for the opposition and not Donald J. Trump, of which our nation has never recovered.” Later, he said Trump is running again after “having it stolen, in broad daylight, of which they [Fox] participate in.”

Facts First: This is nonsense. On election night in 2020, Fox accurately projected that Biden had won the state of Arizona. This projection did not change the outcome of the election; all of the votes are counted regardless of what media outlets have projected, and the counting showed that Biden won Arizona, and the election, fair and square. The 2020 election was not “stolen” from Trump.

Fox, like other major media outlets, did not project that Biden had won the presidency until four days later. Fox personalities went on to repeatedly promote lies that the election was stolen from Trump – even as they privately dismissed and mocked these false claims, according to court filings from a voting technology company that is suing Fox for defamation.

Biden’s attempted deportation pause
Rep. Jim Jordan claimed that Biden, “on day one,” made “three key changes” to immigration policy. Jordan said one of those changes was this: “We’re not going to deport anyone who come.” He proceeded to argue that people knowing “we’re not going to get deported” was a reason they decided to migrate to the US under Biden.

Facts First: Jordan inaccurately described the 100-day deportation pause that Biden attempted to impose immediately after he took office on January 20, 2021. The policy did not say the US wouldn’t deport “anyone who comes.” It explicitly did not apply to anyone who arrived in the country after the end of October 2020, meaning people who arrived under the Biden administration or in the last months of the Trump administration could still be deported.

Biden did say during the 2020 Democratic primary that “no one, no one will be deported at all” in his first 100 days as president. But Jordan claimed that this was the policy Biden actually implemented on his first day in office; Biden’s actual first-day policy was considerably narrower.

Biden’s attempted 100-day pause also did not apply to people who engaged in or were suspected of terrorism or espionage, were seen to pose a national security risk, had waived their right to remain in the US, or whom the acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement determined the law required to be removed.

The pause was supposed to be in effect while the Department of Homeland Security conducted a review of immigration enforcement practices, but it was blocked by a federal judge shortly after it was announced.

The media and the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago
Rep. Ralph Norman strongly suggested the FBI had tipped off the media to its August search of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home and resort in Florida for government documents in the former president’s possession – while concealing its subsequent document searches of properties connected to Biden.

Norman said: “When I saw the raid at Mar-a-Lago – you know, the cameras, the FBI – and compare that to when they found Biden’s, all of the documents he had, where was the media, where was the FBI? They kept it quiet early on, didn’t let it out. The job of the next president is going to be getting rid of the insiders that are undermining this government, and you’ve gotta clean house.”

Facts First: Norman’s narrative is false. The FBI did not tip off the media to its search of Mar-a-Lago; CNN reported the next day that the search “happened so quietly, so secretly, that it wasn’t caught on camera at all.” Rather, media outlets belatedly sent cameras to Mar-a-Lago because Peter Schorsch, publisher of the website Florida Politics, learned of the search from non-FBI sources and tweeted about it either after it was over or as it was just concluding, and because Trump himself made a public statement less than 20 minutes later confirming that a search had occurred. Schorsch told CNN on Thursday: “I can, unequivocally, state that the FBI was not one of my two sources which alerted me to the raid.”

Brian Stelter, then CNN’s chief media correspondent, wrote in his article the day after the search: “By the time local TV news cameras showed up outside the club, there was almost nothing to see. Websites used file photos of the Florida resort since there were no dramatic shots of the search.”

It’s true that the public didn’t find out until late January about the FBI’s November search of Biden’s former think tank office in Washington, which was conducted with the consent of Biden’s legal team. But the belated presence of journalists at Mar-a-Lago on the day of the Trump search in August is not evidence of a double standard.

And it’s worth noting that media cameras were on the scene when Biden’s beach home in Delaware was searched by the FBI in February. News outlets had set up a media “pool” to make sure any search there was recorded.

Two-parent households
Sen. Tommy Tuberville, a former college and high school football coach, said, “Going into thousands of kids’ homes and talking to parents every year recruiting, half the kids in this country – I’m not talking about race, I’m just talking about – half the kids in this country have one or no parent. And it’s because of the attack on faith. People are losing faith because, for some reason, because the attack [on] God.”

Facts First: Tuberville’s claim that half of American children don’t have two parents is incorrect. Official figures from the Census Bureau show that, in 2021, about 70% of US children under the age of 18 lived with two parents and about 65% lived with two married parents.

About 22% of children lived with only a mother, about 5% with only a father, and about 3% with no parent. But the Census Bureau has explained that even children who are listed as living with only one parent may have a second parent; children are listed as living with only one parent if, for example, one parent is deployed overseas with the military or if their divorced parents share custody of them.

It is true that the percentage of US children living in households with two parents has been declining for decades. Still, Tuberville’s statistic significantly exaggerated the current situation. His spokesperson told CNN on Thursday that the senator was speaking “anecdotally” from his personal experience meeting with families as a football coach.

The literacy of high school graduates
Tuberville claimed that today’s children are being “indoctrinated” in schools by “woke” ideology and critical race theory. He then said, “We don’t teach reading, writing and arithmetic anymore. You know, half the kids in this country, when they graduate – think about this: half the kids in this country, when they graduate, can’t read their diploma.”

Facts First: This is false. While many Americans do struggle with reading, there is no basis for the claim that “half” of high school graduates can’t read a basic document like a diploma. “Mr. Tuberville does not know what he’s talking about at all,” said Patricia Edwards, a Michigan State University professor of language and literacy who is a past president of the International Literacy Association and the Literacy Research Association. Edwards said there is “no evidence” to support Tuberville’s claim. She also said that people who can’t read at all are highly unlikely to finish high school and that “sometimes politicians embellish information.”

Tuberville could have accurately said that a significant number of American teenagers and adults have reading trouble, though there is no apparent basis for connecting these struggles with supposed “woke” indoctrination. The organization ProLiteracy pointed CNN to 2017 data that found 23% of Americans age 16 to 65 have “low” literacy skills in English. That’s not “half,” as ProLiteracy pointed out, and it includes people who didn’t graduate from high school and people who are able to read basic text but struggle with more complex literacy tasks.

The Tuberville spokesperson said the senator was speaking informally after having been briefed on other statistics about Americans’ struggles with reading, like a report that half of adults can’t read a book written at an eighth-grade level.

Biden’s speech on threats to democracy
Rep. Jim Jordan claimed of Biden: “The president of the United States stood in front of Independence Hall, called half the country fascists.”

Facts First: This is not true. Biden did not denounce even close to “half the country” in this 2022 speech at Independence Hall in Philadelphia. He made clear that he was speaking about a minority of Republicans.

In the speech, in which he never used the word “fascists,” Biden warned that “MAGA Republicans” like Trump are “extreme,” “do not respect the Constitution” and “do not believe in the rule of law.” But he also emphasized that “not every Republican, not even the majority of Republicans, are MAGA Republicans.” In other words, he made clear that he was talking about far less than half of Americans.

Trump earned fewer than 75 million votes in 2020 in a country of more than 258 million adults, so even a hypothetical criticism of every single Trump voter would not amount to criticism of “half the country.”

The Biden administration, gas stoves and electric vehicles
Rep. Scott Perry claimed that “average citizens need to just at some point be willing to acknowledge and accept that every single facet of the federal government is weaponized against every single one of us.” Perry said moments later, “The government doesn’t have the right to tell you that you can’t buy a gas stove but that you must buy an electric vehicle.”

Facts First: This is nonsense. The federal government has not told people that they can’t buy a gas stove or must buy an electric vehicle.

The Biden administration has tried to encourage and incentivize the adoption of electric vehicles, but it has not tried to forbid the manufacture or purchase of traditional vehicles with internal combustion engines. Biden has set a goal of electric vehicles making up half of all new vehicles sold in the US by 2030.

There was a January controversy about a Biden appointee to the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission, Richard Trumka Jr., saying that gas stoves pose a “hidden hazard,” as they emit air pollutants, and that “any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned.” But the commission as a whole has not shown support for a ban, and White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said at a January press briefing: “The president does not support banning gas stoves. And the Consumer Product Safety Commission, which is independent, is not banning gas stoves.”

Biden’s laugh
Rep. Ralph Norman claimed that Biden had just laughed at a mother who lost two sons to fentanyl.

“I don’t know whether y’all saw, I just saw it this morning: Biden laughing at the mother who had two sons – to die, and he’s basically laughing and saying the fentanyl came from the previous administration. Who cares where it came from? The fact is it’s here,” Norman said.

Facts First: Norman’s claim is false. Biden did not laugh at the mother who lost her sons to fentanyl, the anti-abortion activist Rebecca Kiessling; in a somber tone, he called her “a poor mother who lost two kids to fentanyl.” Rather, he proceeded to laugh about how Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene had baselessly blamed the Biden administration for the young men’s deaths even though the tragedy happened in mid-2020, during the Trump administration. You can watch the video of Biden’s remarks here.

Kiessling has demanded an apology from Biden. She is entitled to her criticism of Biden’s remarks and his chuckle – but the video clearly shows Norman was wrong when he claimed Biden was “laughing at the mother.”

An exchange about Justice Brett Kavanaugh
Rep. Kat Cammack told a story about the first hearing of the new Republican-led House select subcommittee on the supposed “weaponization” of the federal government. Cammack claimed she had asked a Democratic witness at this February hearing about his “incredibly vitriolic” Twitter feed in which, she claimed, he not only repeatedly criticized Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh but even went “so far as to encourage people to harass this Supreme Court justice.”

Facts First: This story is false. The witness Cammack questioned in this February exchange at the subcommittee, former Obama administration deputy assistant attorney general Elliot Williams, did not encourage people to harass Kavanaugh. In fact, it’s not even true that Cammack accused him at the February hearing of having encouraged people to harass Kavanaugh. Rather, at the hearing, she merely claimed that Williams had tweeted numerous critical tweets about Kavanaugh but had been “unusually quiet” on Twitter after an alleged assassination attempt against the justice. Clearly, not tweeting about the incident is not the same thing as encouraging harassment.

Williams, now a CNN legal analyst (he appeared at the subcommittee hearing in his personal capacity), said in a Thursday email that he had “no idea” what Cammack was looking at on his innocuous Twitter feed. He said: “I used to prosecute violent crimes, and clerked for two federal judges. Any suggestion that I’ve ever encouraged harassment of anyone – and particularly any official of the United States – is insulting and not based in reality.”

Cammack’s spokesperson responded helpfully on Thursday to CNN’s initial queries about the story Cammack told at CPAC, explaining that she was referring to her February exchange with Williams. But the spokesperson stopped responding after CNN asked if Cammack was accurately describing this exchange with Williams and if they had any evidence of Williams actually having encouraged the harassment of Kavanaugh.

The Trump-era economy
Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana boasted about the state of the country “when Republicans were in charge.” Among other claims about Trump’s tenure, he said that “in four years,” Republicans “delivered 3.5% unemployment” and “created 8 million new jobs.”

Facts First: This is inaccurate in two ways. First, the economic numbers for the full “four years” of Trump’s tenure are much worse than these numbers Kennedy cited; Kennedy was actually referring to Trump’s first three years while ignoring the fourth, which was marred by the Covid-19 pandemic. Second, there weren’t “8 million new jobs” created even in Trump’s first three years.

Kennedy could have correctly said there was a 3.5% unemployment rate after three years of the Trump administration, but not after four. The unemployment rate skyrocketed early in Trump’s fourth year, on account of the pandemic, before coming down again, and it was 6.3% when Trump left office in early 2021. (It fell to 3.4% this January under Biden, better than in any month under Trump.)

And while the economy added about 6.7 million jobs under Trump before the pandemic-related crash of March and April 2020, that’s not the “8 million jobs” Kennedy claimed – and the economy ended up shedding millions of jobs in Trump’s fourth year. Over the full four years of Trump’s tenure, the economy netted a loss of about 2.7 million jobs.

Unemployment under Trump
Lara Trump, Donald Trump’s daughter-in-law and an adviser to his 2020 campaign, claimed that the last time a CPAC crowd was gathered at this venue in Maryland, in February 2020, “We had the lowest unemployment in American history.” After making other boasts about Donald Trump’s presidency, she said, “But how quickly it all changed.” She added, “Under Joe Biden, America is crumbling.”

Facts First: Lara Trump’s claim about February 2020 having “the lowest unemployment in American history” is false. The unemployment rate was 3.5% at the time – tied for the lowest since 1969, but not the all-time lowest on record, which was 2.5% in 1953. And while Lara Trump didn’t make an explicit claim about unemployment under Biden, it’s not true that things are worse today on this measure; again, the most recent unemployment rate, 3.4% for January 2023, is better than the rate at the time of CPAC’s 2020 conference or at any other time during Donald Trump’s presidency.

Fentanyl deaths
Multiple speakers at CPAC decried the high number of fentanyl overdose deaths. But some of the speakers inflated that number while attacking Biden’s immigration policy.

Sebastian Gorka, a former Trump administration official, claimed that “in the last 12 months in America, deaths by fentanyl poisoning totaled 110,000 Americans.” He blamed “Biden’s open border” for these deaths.

Rep. Scott Perry claimed: “Meanwhile over on this side of the border, where there isn’t anybody, they’re running this fentanyl in; it’s killing 100,000 Americans – over 100,000 Americans – a year.”

Facts First: It’s not true that there are more than 100,000 fentanyl deaths per year. That is the total number of deaths from all drug overdoses in the US; there were 106,699 such deaths in 2021. But the number of overdose deaths involving synthetic opioids other than methadone, primarily fentanyl, is smaller – 70,601 in 2021.

Fentanyl-related overdoses are clearly a major problem for the country and by far the biggest single contributor to the broader overdose problem. Nonetheless, claims of “110,000” and “over 100,000” fentanyl deaths per year are significant exaggerations. And while the number of overdose deaths and fentanyl-related deaths increased under Biden in 2021, it was also troubling under Trump in 2020 – 91,799 total overdose deaths and 56,516 for synthetic opioids other than methadone.

It’s also worth noting that fentanyl is largely smuggled in by US citizens through legal ports of entry rather than by migrants sneaking past other parts of the border. Contrary to frequent Republican claims, the border is not “open”; border officers have seized thousands of pounds of fentanyl under Biden.





Duhsantis Eye Blinking

20:56 Mar 04 2023
Times Read: 455

Ron DeSantis was on Fox, and Bill Hemmer talked about DeSantis giving a nod to Trump's support in his book, and asked him whether a Trump endorsement matters in Republican politics in America.

He replied "I mean, I don't know, I think our voters always make their own decisions, and they consider obviously, endorsements, and that time, he was president and was the big enchilada. But our voters want to look at you and size you up."

Now start counting, as Blinky blinks his way through this 30-second clip. (I got 70.)

Liars tend to blink more because lying is stressful. Under stress, eye blink rate increases (Mann, 2013). People tend to blink more rapidly when they become nervous or when they hear or see something unpleasant (Navarro & Schafer, 2001).

Examining the model estimates, we find that the average blinks per minute for someone of an average age answering honesty to a factual question was 31. However, when lying they increased they blinks per minute by 1.67. All participants increased their blinks per minute over time by . 20 a minute.


lol go to the site and view the video.

Ok... allow me to point out the following Duhsantis will have "deer in the headlights" moments. This is in addition to his rapid eye blinking. The moment happened when debating Charlie Crist in the 2022 election cycle. It happened again just the other day when a reporter asked him a question. It will happen again. Oh yes, Duhsantis is the great white hope. lol. Duhsantis is a thug, a racist, in a suit.



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