LordFangor's Journal

LordFangor's Journal


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36 entries this month

Patriot Front Member Pleads Guilty..... To Child Porn

11:28 May 29 2023
Times Read: 234

By Conover Kennard — May 28, 2023
A neo-fascist group Patriot Front member could face 30 years in prison after pleading guilty to child porn charges. Jared Michael Boyce was also kicked out of his Mom's house last year because of his ties to white nationalism. Btw, Boyce is not a drag queen, but he is anti-LGBTQ.

Jared M. Boyce, 28, of Springville, pleaded guilty in a Utah court last month to nine felony counts of sexual exploitation of a minor and a misdemeanor count of dealing in material harmful to a minor. He faces up to 30 years in prison when he is sentenced Tuesday in Provo.

Boyce was among 31 men associated with the group Patriot Front arrested last year near a gay pride event in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, and the child pornography case appears to be an outgrowth of what happened there.

Court records say the FBI searched Boyce's phone a month after the Idaho arrests and found images depicting children in sex acts. Boyce, the court document says, admitted to an investigator he possessed the images in Utah County and to sending a sexually-explicit photo of his genitals to a 16-year-old girl.

Boyce has been in the Utah County jail since March 10, according to an online roster. Meanwhile, he is still charged in with a misdemeanor count of criminal conspiracy in Kootenai County, Idaho.


lol.... he was living in his mother's house.... I bet in the basement. lol




Elmer's Ex-Wife Happy At The Sentence

22:06 May 28 2023
Times Read: 246

You see Elmer terrorized her and their children. Elmer is not a hero. He is a fucking piece of shit.




Marge Calls For Decorum

22:55 May 27 2023
Times Read: 257


This comes from Greene who has heckled Biden at the State of The Union. Who spouts conspiracy theories such as Jewish space Lasers started the California Wildfires.... The woman is a whack job




Duhsantis PROMISES Pardons To Jan 6 Traitors

11:13 May 27 2023
Times Read: 268

By Susie Madrak — May 26, 2023
Desperate to curry right-wing support, Ron DeSantis on Thursday said he would “aggressively” use presidential pardons to free people who’ve been charged or convicted of crimes – including former President Donald Trump. Via The Independent:

Speaking during an interview with hosts Buck Sexton and Clay Travis, Mr DeSantis claimed that the Department of Justice has been “weaponised” under the Biden Administration. He cited a laundry list of GOP grievances about federal law enforcement targeting conservative activists and other GOP figures who have allegedly violated federal laws.

“What I’m going to do is ... on day one, I will have folks that will get together and look at all these cases, who people are victims of weaponisation or political targeting, and we will be aggressive at issuing pardons,” he said.

Mr DeSantis downplayed what he described as “technical violations of the law” and suggested he’d issue pardons for January 6 rioters because Black Lives Matter protesters have not been prosecuted to the same extent by the federal government.

Let me just make this point. It was NOT BLM protesters who ripped through my neighborhood, looting and destroying local stores. It was opportunistic criminals who organized mobs on social media, and cops who mostly let them do it. Yes, police officers in Philadelphia and elsewhere around the country were so angry at the very idea that Minneapolis police should be held accountable in the death of George Floyd, they took the attitude (widely shared on social media), "You don't like the cops? Fine, see how you do without us."


In case you have missed it Duhsantis is as much a threat to Democracy as Mango. The guy is an authoritarian. A would be dictator. Removing books in Floriduh, attacking trans, casting doubt on science, rewriting history. Yes, just think what he would bring to the country......




Another Jan 6 OathKeeper Gets 8 Years

02:29 May 27 2023
Times Read: 280

A judge sentenced Oath Keeper Jessica Watkins to 8-and-a-half years in prison on Friday.

He said Watkins could have used her identity as a trans woman to be a role model.

Instead, she formed a local militia and encouraged others to commit crimes on January 6.

The judge who sentenced Oath Keeper Jessica Watkins for her role in the Capitol insurrection said she could have used her identity as a transgender woman and army veteran to be a role model, rather than a riot leader.

US District Judge Amit Mehta sentenced Watkins to eight-and-a-half years in prison on Friday. Watkins is a US Army veteran and Oath Keepers member who founded a local militia in Ohio, which she mobilized to join her in attacking the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, CNN reported.

Much of Watkins' emotional testimony focused on her struggles as a trans woman in the military, a journey she says made her "fearful and paranoid" and drove her deep into the world of conspiracy theories, according to CNN.

Mehta acknowledged her hardship at Friday's sentencing, telling the court that Watkins' "story itself shows a great deal of courage and resilience," according to CNN.

"You have overcome a lot," Mehta said, according to CNN. "And you are to be held out as someone who can actually be a role model for other people in that journey. And I say that at a time when people who are trans in our country are so often vilified and used for political purposes."

But, he said Watkins' suffering "makes it all the more hard for me to understand the lack of empathy for those who suffered that day," CNN reported.

Watkins at first showed little remorse for her actions at the Capitol, where she blocked officers and encouraged other rioters to follow her lead, CBS News reported. She has since apologized and says she is now "ashamed" of her actions, according to CBS News.

Despite his empathy for Watkins, Mehta said, "Your role that day was more aggressive, more assaultive, more purposeful than perhaps others," CNN reported.

"Your role in those events is more than that of just a foot soldier," he added. "I think you can appreciate that."

Watkins was first convicted last year on a number of felony charges including obstructing Congress and interfering with police, CBS News reported.


keep them coming.. lock them ALL UP



05:48 May 27 2023

You missed the guy who got 18 years reported yesterday

11:03 May 27 2023

no, i didn't . That was the previous entry, Oh, Elmer.

22:56 May 27 2023

Okay missed that one


OH, Elmer

02:22 May 26 2023
Times Read: 296


don't drop the soap, fatboi




Bigo Goes In For 4.5

09:25 May 25 2023
Times Read: 307


don't drop the soap




Proud Boi Mom Wants To Ban Amanda Gorman in Elementary School in Miami-Dade

09:11 May 25 2023
Times Read: 310

The parent who got a Florida school to ban Amanda Gorman’s inauguration poem has ties to the far-right Proud Boys and conservative firebrands Moms For Liberty, The Daily Beast has confirmed.

The links, first highlighted by the Twitter account Miami Against Fascism, follow an exposé on Florida mom Daily Salinas by the Miami Herald. In an interview with the Herald, Salinas said she “is not for eliminating or censoring any books,” but wants materials to be appropriate and for students “to know the truth” about Cuba.

Salinas’ complaints led a Florida school to restrict access to The Hill We Climb, a book adaptation of the poem Gorman recited at President Joe Biden’s inauguration. The Bob Graham Education Center in Miami Lakes, Florida also pulled two other titles—The ABCs of Black History, and Love to Langston—from its elementary school section after a single complaint from Salinas, who has two children at the school, the Miami Herald first reported.

The complaints, reviewed by The Daily Beast, reveal that Salinas reported the books for things like “CRT and gender idiology [sic],” and “indoctrination.”

“Is not educational and have indirectly hate messages,” Salinas wrote of The Hill We Climb, which she incorrectly described as being authored by Oprah Winfrey (the book features a foreword by Winfrey). One of the pages Salinas complained about reads: “Somehow, we’ve weathered and witnessed / A nation that isn’t broken, but simply unfinished.”

A committee at the school decided to reshelve the books in the library’s middle school section, according to meeting minutes viewed by The Daily Beast, despite the books being recommended for younger readers.

Salinas, who filed complaints against five books, appears to be connected to multiple far-right organizations, attending events with Moms for Liberty and the Proud Boys.

Salinas did not return requests for comment. The Miami-Dade Moms for Liberty chapter did not immediately return a request for comment.

Salinas was removed by security from a Miami-Dade school board meeting in July 2022, according to video of the event, during an intervention by Moms For Liberty. The group disrupted the meeting to protest two sex education textbooks that had been previously approved by the board. Following petitions from parents, the board voted 5-4 to remove the books, effectively leaving the district without instruction materials for sex education.

An avid supporter of Ron DeSantis, Salinas worked as a volunteer on his “Education Agenda Tour” in August 2022, according to social media posts reviewed by The Daily Beast. That summer, DeSantis traveled the state boosting conservative candidates in school board elections and lambasting schools “indoctrinating” children.

However, Salinas’ politics appear to have gone beyond the right wing of the Republican party, veering into extremism and antisemitism.

In March of this year, Salinas shared a Facebook post entitled “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,” which included a series of anti-Semitic tropes about an alleged Jewish conspiracy to control the world. Salinas appears to have deleted the post on Wednesday, after it was flagged by the group Miami Against Fascism on Twitter. After the deletion, she posted a picture of an armed Israeli Defense Force soldier in front of a tank, with the words, “People never seen this.I love my Jewish people.”

Salinas attended a protest against masks in Miami-Dade schools, where she was photographed standing next to Enrique Tarrio, the former leader of the Proud Boys. Tarrio had already been implicated in the Jan. 6 Capitol attack, for which he was later convicted of seditious conspiracy. (Salinas has shared posts indicating she believes Jan. 6 defendants are political prisoners.)

Just over a year later, Salinas attended another rally organized by the Proud Boys in support of Christoper Morzon, a far-right extremist nicknamed the “Cuban Confederate.” At the protest in November, 2022, Salinas can be seen wearing a Ron DeSantis T-shirt and hat.

A month earlier, Morzon was physically assaulted in Hialeah, Florida, ending up in hospital. Immediately afterwards, Sen. Marco Rubio tweeted that the attack was politically motivated and that Morzon had been out canvassing for Rubio’s campaign. However, an incident report from the Hialeah Police Department made no mention of a political motive.

Nonetheless, right-wing groups rallied around Morzon, despite his history of racist and white supremacist beliefs. Morzon took part in the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, which ended in the death of an anti-fascist protester. He was previously a member of the League of the South, a designated hate group, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. (Morzon claimed to have resigned from the group in 2021 and disavowed his former views.) Salinas was also part of a select group of right-wing activists pictured with Morzon shortly after his release from hospital.


mmmmIt is interesting that Salinas has these obvious ties to the Proud Bois and the racist Moms for Liberty.....




Right Winger Says a DICK Taitor is Coming

11:36 May 24 2023
Times Read: 327

Conservative radio host Jesse Kelly, who was a frequent guest on Tucker Carlson’s prime-time Fox News show before Carlson’s reported firing from the conservative network last month, this week tweeted that America “needs a dictator.”

“As the great John Adams said, a free country only works for ‘moral people,’” Kelly wrote on Twitter. “We are not worthy of freedom. A dictator is coming.”

n later posts, Kelly said he himself didn’t want to be a dictator and suggested authoritarian rulers “are awful” but that “one is coming and we deserve him.”

One commenter said, “Weimar problems eventually lead to Weimar solutions.”

Some of the challenges faced by Germany’s Weimar Republic following World War I assisted with brutal Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler’s rise to power.

“There it is,” replied Kelly, an Iraq War veteran with two failed runs for Congress under his belt, who is a fierce critic of President Joe Biden.

Another Twitter user suggested Kelly’s comments were “a warning” and not a literal advocation for a dictator.

They asked for clarification.

He responded: “I don’t give clarifications. What I said is right there for everyone to read. It’s quite plain and simple. The perpetually offended dork wing will take it how they take it. The ‘get it’ people will understand it. It needs no further clarification at all.”


You see guys I keep telling you this is how they think. And people of a different skin and eye color than me SHOULD BE worried about the GOPQ. This little prick mentioned Weimar.... leading to Hitler.... and the Camps will follow.

Better wake the fuck up




Scott and Duhsantis on Abortion - Presidential Candidates

12:13 May 23 2023
Times Read: 340

Tim Scott has said more than once than he would sign the most restrictive abortion bill put in front of him as President.

Duhsantis has recently signed a 6 week abortion ban in Floriduh. He has said abortion is not mentioned in the Florida Constitution. Either are corporations, fast food, beaches, book bans, and I could go on. What is in the Florida Constitution is a Right To Privacy Clause, which once upon a time applied to abortion in Florida. The issue is once more in front of The Florida Supreme Court... A court that Duhsantis has appointed the majority of.

Better wake the fuck up. This is the GOPQ




Putin Bans Mango Enemies

09:37 May 23 2023
Times Read: 341


Funny this comes a few days after the release of the Durham Report, where Durham ,one very serious looking walrus, said the F.B.I. did not have cause to open an investigation into the Mango/Russia connection...... mmmm and now once again we see the connection.... one DICK-taitor loving another.

And as a reminder the Intelligence Committee Chaired by GOPQ Marco Rubio concluded, after an investigation, finding credible evidence of Russia meddling in the U.S. elections.

Seems Putin is at it again. But what the fuck Americans should stay the fuck out of Russia, until Putin is buried




Fla Travel Warning on MSNBC

13:26 May 22 2023
Times Read: 354





11:38 May 21 2023
Times Read: 367

The NAACP issued a formal travel advisory for Florida on Saturday, saying the state has become “hostile to Black Americans” under Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s (R) leadership.

“On a seeming quest to silence African-American voices, the Governor and the State of Florida have shown that African Americans are not welcome in the State of Florida,” the travel advisory reads.

“Due to this sustained, blatant, relentless and systemic attack on democracy and civil rights, the NAACP hereby issues a travel advisory to African Americans, and other people of color regarding the hostility towards African Americans in Florida,” the group added.

The advisory points to several of DeSantis’s controversial policies, including legislation he signed on Monday to prohibit colleges from spending public funds on diversity, equity and inclusion efforts.

The Florida governor also previously signed the Stop WOKE Act, restricting how workplaces and schools can discuss race during required training or instruction, and blocked an Advanced Placement African American Studies course in the state’s public schools, claiming it lacked “educational value.”

The Florida governor also previously signed the Stop WOKE Act, restricting how workplaces and schools can discuss race during required training or instruction, and blocked an Advanced Placement African American Studies course in the state’s public schools, claiming it lacked “educational value.”

“Let me be clear — failing to teach an accurate representation of the horrors and inequalities that Black Americans have faced and continue to face is a disservice to students and a dereliction of duty to all,” NAACP President and CEO Derrick Johnson said in a statement.

“Under the leadership of Governor Desantis, the state of Florida has become hostile to Black Americans and in direct conflict with the democratic ideals that our union was founded upon,” Johnson added.





Check Out Marjorie Taylor Greene's Lies

13:26 May 20 2023
Times Read: 379


Greene is really not to bright and that is an understatement. There is nothing to suggest that Rep. Bowman has a history of aggression. She is using the age old verbiage of a threatening, large black man.... She intended to put a target on his back. This is coming from Greene who posed with an AR-15 and a photo of The Squad, who are all female women of color.

Yes, Greene is a racist.... probably like the majority in her District who returned her to office. Consider this, she hasn't done anything of value in either of her terms. All she does is heckle as pointed out by the host Michael Steele, who was GOP National Chairman, a few years ago.

As far as violence is concerned. I saw the GOPQ Congressman Higgins assault someone asking questions. He is a threat ,now and when he was a cop.




World's Largest Book Publisher Files Suit Against Escambia County School Board

10:27 May 20 2023
Times Read: 380

As school library book bans proliferate across the country, the resistance is becoming more organized. This week, a book publisher — the largest in the world — entered the fray. A lawyer for the publishing conglomerate Penguin Random House told The Times it was suing to stop "one of the most unsubtle attempts at viewpoint discrimination" ever seen.

Joined by free-speech advocacy group PEN America and several authors and parents, Penguin Random House filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday against the Escambia County School District and its school board, alleging they were violating the 1st Amendment by scrubbing library shelves of books based on a political or ideological disagreement with the ideas the books express.

They also allege a 14th Amendment violation citing the Equal Protection Clause, because the challenged books are disproportionately titles by nonwhite and/or LGBTQ+ authors and explore diverse stories and themes.

Penguin Random House has had two of its books, “The Bluest Eye” by Toni Morrison and “Push” by Sapphire, removed from some Escambia School District libraries. Numerous other books, including “The Kite Runner” by Khaled Hosseini and “Slaughterhouse-Five” by Kurt Vonnegut, were targeted for removal pending a review process that the suit claims is essentially bogus.

“For many instances there’s not even the attempt at a pretext," Dan Novack, Penguin Random House vice president and associate general counsel, told The Times. "These are being removed because there are depictions of [LGBTQ+] characters, there are depictions of racial identity, and that's the reasons why they are being flagged by individuals for removal.

“And on top of that," Novack continued, "when these titles do get flagged, what we're seeing is that there is a committee that it’s supposed to go to that's filled with actual members of the community, experts, etc., and they're saying these are educationally appropriate. And then the school district is just overruling their own people. So it's one of the most eye-popping fact patterns we've seen, and we think that when the court sees it, and certainly the public sees it, they'll understand the strength of the case.”

According to the lawsuit, the majority of the book bans in the county, which encompasses Pensacola in the Florida panhandle, stem from a single Northview High School language arts teacher, Vicki Baggett, who embarked on an aggressive campaign to remove student access to 116 books, stating the books “should be evaluated based on explicit sexual content, graphic language, themes, vulgarity and political pushes.”

Among the challenged titles were “Drama” by Raina Telgemeier; quotes from the book relating to one character’s identification as gay were listed as the sole ground for removal, according to the lawsuit. Baggett also petitioned for the removal of Duchess Harris' “Race and Policing in Modern America," a nonfiction resource guide intended for middle-school readers, arguing it was anti-police and written "to race-bait.”

The suit also alleges that Baggett admitted she’d never heard of “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” by Stephen Chbosky, which she petitioned to remove, until learning it was frequently targeted elsewhere. Many of her objections seemed to be copied and pasted (including typos) directly from the website Book Looks, which was founded by a member of the Brevard County, Fla., chapter of the group Moms for Liberty.

After a panel consisting of Northview leadership, faculty, staff and one parent voted in favor of “Wallflower” remaining on library shelves, Baggett appealed the panel’s decision with a letter to the school district’s assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction, copying members of the school board, the superintendent and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

The assistant superintendent responded by convening a “district review committee,” which echoed the initial panel’s vote in favor of "Wallflower."

Baggett appealed the decision again, which led to the school board overruling the committee’s decision and removing “Wallflower” from school district libraries.

Baggett did not immediately respond to The Times' request for comment.

According to the lawsuit, the total number of books currently being challenged in the Escambia County School District has reached 197; 70% of these remained restricted as of Wednesday’s filing. Statewide, more than 500 books were permanently or temporarily removed between July 2021 and June 2022. And nationwide, according to PEN America’s Index of School Book Bans, 2,532 individual titles were banned during the same time period.

“We've been looking at this escalating pattern nationwide of censorship," Novack said. "And when we found out that our partners on the ground, PEN, and authors and parents were interested in formally and legally pushing back, the case was irresistible to us because they need the support, and we're here to provide it."

As for a nationwide legal strategy to fight book bans, Novack says publishers have a challenging road ahead: “These laws are like snowflakes, there's so many different variants, and they all work in slightly different ways.

“So while this is an important precedent to set thematically and legally, it doesn't work the same way in Tennessee versus Florida or Texas or Missouri or Utah. So we're really ... figuring out where we can have impact.”

Nadine Farid Johnson, managing director of PEN America Washington and Free Expression Programs and lead counsel on the lawsuit, told The Times that PEN hopes this suit will help turn the tide against the current wave of book bans.

“PEN America has been documenting and analyzing these bans for the better part of two years, and the numbers are continuing to grow,” Johnson said. “We have upwards of 4 million students across the U.S. affected by these decisions, and our lawsuit is looking at this through the constitutional lens, which I think is the correct lens, because ultimately what is at stake here are the fundamental rights that are in our Constitution.”

DeSantis is not named as a defendant in the suit, but the Republican governor, who is expected to announce his 2024 presidential campaign this month, has championed policies that embolden book-banning efforts, specifically in relation to cultural divides on race, gender and sexual orientation.

“Thirty-two different states have experienced a ban of some sort, and Florida really is a leader in this realm," Johnson said. "And Escambia County in particular, it truly epitomizes what is happening around the country. And for that reason we chose to go into this district."

On Wednesday, Macmillan Publishers CEO Jonathan Yaged released a statement expressing support for the suit. “Macmillan staunchly supports our author, George M. Johnson, PEN America, and all the plaintiffs in their lawsuit," Yaged said in the statement. "... As future leaders of our democracy, children need and deserve access to the full breadth of who we are as Americans. The censorship of books is a direct attack on the founding principles of our country and our constitutional rights as citizens.”

Escambia County school officials did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times.

Penguin Random House has had two of its books, “The Bluest Eye” by Toni Morrison and “Push” by Sapphire, removed from some Escambia School District libraries. Numerous other books, including “The Kite Runner” by Khaled Hosseini and “Slaughterhouse-Five” by Kurt Vonnegut, were targeted for removal pending a review process that the suit claims is essentially bogus.

“For many instances there’s not even the attempt at a pretext," Dan Novack, Penguin Random House vice president and associate general counsel, told The Times. "These are being removed because there are depictions of [LGBTQ+] characters, there are depictions of racial identity, and that's the reasons why they are being flagged by individuals for removal.

“And on top of that," Novack continued, "when these titles do get flagged, what we're seeing is that there is a committee that it’s supposed to go to that's filled with actual members of the community, experts, etc., and they're saying these are educationally appropriate. And then the school district is just overruling their own people. So it's one of the most eye-popping fact patterns we've seen, and we think that when the court sees it, and certainly the public sees it, they'll understand the strength of the case.”

According to the lawsuit, the majority of the book bans in the county, which encompasses Pensacola in the Florida panhandle, stem from a single Northview High School language arts teacher, Vicki Baggett, who embarked on an aggressive campaign to remove student access to 116 books, stating the books “should be evaluated based on explicit sexual content, graphic language, themes, vulgarity and political pushes.”

Among the challenged titles were “Drama” by Raina Telgemeier; quotes from the book relating to one character’s identification as gay were listed as the sole ground for removal, according to the lawsuit. Baggett also petitioned for the removal of Duchess Harris' “Race and Policing in Modern America," a nonfiction resource guide intended for middle-school readers, arguing it was anti-police and written "to race-bait.”

The suit also alleges that Baggett admitted she’d never heard of “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” by Stephen Chbosky, which she petitioned to remove, until learning it was frequently targeted elsewhere. Many of her objections seemed to be copied and pasted (including typos) directly from the website Book Looks, which was founded by a member of the Brevard County, Fla., chapter of the group Moms for Liberty.

After a panel consisting of Northview leadership, faculty, staff and one parent voted in favor of “Wallflower” remaining on library shelves, Baggett appealed the panel’s decision with a letter to the school district’s assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction, copying members of the school board, the superintendent and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

The assistant superintendent responded by convening a “district review committee,” which echoed the initial panel’s vote in favor of "Wallflower."

Baggett appealed the decision again, which led to the school board overruling the committee’s decision and removing “Wallflower” from school district libraries.

Baggett did not immediately respond to The Times' request for comment.

According to the lawsuit, the total number of books currently being challenged in the Escambia County School District has reached 197; 70% of these remained restricted as of Wednesday’s filing. Statewide, more than 500 books were permanently or temporarily removed between July 2021 and June 2022. And nationwide, according to PEN America’s Index of School Book Bans, 2,532 individual titles were banned during the same time period.

“We've been looking at this escalating pattern nationwide of censorship," Novack said. "And when we found out that our partners on the ground, PEN, and authors and parents were interested in formally and legally pushing back, the case was irresistible to us because they need the support, and we're here to provide it."

As for a nationwide legal strategy to fight book bans, Novack says publishers have a challenging road ahead: “These laws are like snowflakes, there's so many different variants, and they all work in slightly different ways.

“So while this is an important precedent to set thematically and legally, it doesn't work the same way in Tennessee versus Florida or Texas or Missouri or Utah. So we're really ... figuring out where we can have impact.”

Nadine Farid Johnson, managing director of PEN America Washington and Free Expression Programs and lead counsel on the lawsuit, told The Times that PEN hopes this suit will help turn the tide against the current wave of book bans.

“PEN America has been documenting and analyzing these bans for the better part of two years, and the numbers are continuing to grow,” Johnson said. “We have upwards of 4 million students across the U.S. affected by these decisions, and our lawsuit is looking at this through the constitutional lens, which I think is the correct lens, because ultimately what is at stake here are the fundamental rights that are in our Constitution.”

DeSantis is not named as a defendant in the suit, but the Republican governor, who is expected to announce his 2024 presidential campaign this month, has championed policies that embolden book-banning efforts, specifically in relation to cultural divides on race, gender and sexual orientation.

“Thirty-two different states have experienced a ban of some sort, and Florida really is a leader in this realm," Johnson said. "And Escambia County in particular, it truly epitomizes what is happening around the country. And for that reason we chose to go into this district."

On Wednesday, Macmillan Publishers CEO Jonathan Yaged released a statement expressing support for the suit. “Macmillan staunchly supports our author, George M. Johnson, PEN America, and all the plaintiffs in their lawsuit," Yaged said in the statement. "... As future leaders of our democracy, children need and deserve access to the full breadth of who we are as Americans. The censorship of books is a direct attack on the founding principles of our country and our constitutional rights as citizens.”

Escambia County school officials did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times.


lol.... Escambia County is a podunk County in North Florida... its where Pensacola is. Now, I wonder how much they have budgeted to defend against lawsuits?

You see books are being jerked off the shelves left and right. This group Moms for Liberty is primarily made up of white women who are simply racist. There I said it. The idea that this school district or ANY school district wishes to ban books by Toni Morrison is appalling to me and should be to most individuals who have actually read a book. Why, ban her books? Oh, she is black. Remember that biographies of Roberto Clemente have been banned in Floriduh. Clemente a Hall of Famer deceased baseball player is black. He died in an airplane crash many years ago.

Frankly, I do not think ANY books should be banned. Wait.... Mein Kampf? How about The South was Right, by the Kennedy brothers? How about any book that premises the Insurrection of 1861-1865 was correct.... because many of us consider them traitors. I could go on.

Better wake the fuck up...




Next Lawsuit Up For FOX

13:11 May 19 2023
Times Read: 390

lol... well, probably another record payout coming.... we shall see

oh, I wonder who is next to go at FOX?




A Word from the Lincoln Project On GOPQ Candidates

12:43 May 18 2023
Times Read: 401

cu..koo, cu...koo, cu....koo

Pretty much sums up these loonies.....




Missouri GOPQ Admits That State Citizens Are Likely To Vote To Re-Instate Roe

17:55 May 17 2023
Times Read: 412

As Missouri girds for an anticipated fight at the ballot box next year over an amendment overturning its near-total abortion ban, some Republicans have begun saying they expect a majority of voters to support restoring access to the procedure.

The stark admissions have also been accompanied by intense efforts to make it harder for Missourians to amend the state constitution – an extraordinary acknowledgment that the Republican-controlled General Assembly must erode direct democracy in the state or risk decades of anti-abortion policy unraveling in a single election.

“I think we all believe that an initiative petition will be brought forth to allow choice,” House Speaker Dean Plocher, a St. Louis Republican, said Friday. “I believe it will pass. Absolutely.”

Plocher’s remarkable comments come near the beginning of what is almost certain to be a furious 18-month race to the November 2024 general election, when an abortion rights amendment is likely to appear if one qualifies for the ballot.

Missouri, the first state to ban abortion after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022, could also potentially become the first state where voters reverse an abortion ban.

Ending the ban would be a seismic event in Missouri, opening a path for the return of abortion clinics after years of restrictions imposed by the General Assembly effectively whittled access down to a single location in St. Louis even before the ban, sending residents into Kansas, Illinois and elsewhere for the procedure.

Eleven amendments have been proposed so far that would allow various levels of abortion access and abortion rights supporters are expected to seek signatures through an initiative petition to place at least one on the ballot. Republican lawmakers have until then to pass an overhaul to the initiative petition process that would raise the threshold for passing an amendment at a statewide vote – and, the thinking goes, place a victory out of reach for abortion rights supporters.

A compromise lawmakers agreed to last week but couldn’t pass through the Missouri Senate would have required amendments to receive 57% of the vote instead of the current simple majority, a threshold that would have prevented recreational marijuana legalization from passing last November (the measure received 53% of the vote). GOP leaders have already said they will try again next year.

Whatever changes the General Assembly approves must then itself go to a statewide vote and pass with a simple majority. Republicans have signaled they would try to win support for the overhaul with arguments that the state constitution, at 253 pages, has grown too complex and that a higher bar for passage will require amendments to receive more buy-in from rural voters.

One idea that was discarded during negotiations, but could be revived next year, would require amendments to also win a majority of congressional districts if they only obtain a simple majority statewide. The change would empower residents in the rural areas to block amendments even if a majority of voters support them.

“The threat of abortion with no restrictions looms large and we are committed to finding the answer early next year. That timeline allows us to see the actual language of abortion advocates and plan a path to defeat it,” Senate Majority Leader Cindy O’Laughlin, a Shelbina Republican, wrote in a newsletter to constituents Monday explaining that the Senate would act on initiative petition changes in 2024.

The anti-abortion group Missouri Right to Life has been even more blunt, calling the initiative petition overhaul the “Resolution to Protect our Constitution and ‘Keep Missouri Pro-Life.’”


There you go another State along with At least Ohio that are trying to make it more difficult to put the issue on the ballot or increase the percentage needed to Approve said measure.

Better wake up.... see what your state is doing




GOP OVERRIDES Gov Veto of Abortion Ban

13:58 May 17 2023
Times Read: 416

North Carolina Republicans successfully killed Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper’s veto of a 12-week abortion ban on Tuesday, paving the way for the restriction to soon become law.

When the legislature held an override vote on Tuesday, every Republican voted for the 12-week abortion ban in the Senate, 30-20, and the House, 72-48 ― confirming that the state’s Republican supermajority had the power to override Cooper’s veto. All four Republicans whom Cooper had eyed as possible swing votes — state Reps. Tricia Cotham, John Bradford and Ted Davis Jr., as well as state Sen. Michael V. Lee — voted in favor of the abortion ban.

Protesters in the state house immediately started yelling “Shame! Shame! Shame!” after the override was successful. Republican leadership cleared the galley.

The 12-week ban and its additional restrictions concerning medication abortion are set to go into effect on July 1. Other parts of the legislation are expected to go into effect at different times later this year.

Cotham switched parties earlier this year, handing Republicans their critical veto-proof supermajority. The former Democrat was once an outspoken advocate for abortion rights, even sharing her own abortion story on the House floor in a passionate plea against an abortion restriction in 2015. Earlier this year, she co-sponsored a bill to codify abortion protections as a response to the Supreme Court’s decision to repeal Roe v. Wade last summer.

Cooper vetoed the 12-week abortion ban at a rally in Raleigh on Mother’s Day weekend, surrounded by physicians, advocates and fellow Democrats.


So you understand the Governor is a Democrat ... result of a statewide vote. The individual GOPQ state reps are a result of gerry mandered districts.... meaning the majority is represented by a GOPQ minority. Better wake the fuck up

They ban books, they ban words, they are against social justice, they are against a woman's right to make their own medical decisions, they ban courses in high school and college (pretty soon they will try to ban women from attending college, my thought).... the GOPQ is similar to the Taliban..... :) just a thought.




Mango Says Felon Flynn Back In

18:14 May 14 2023
Times Read: 433

Although he canceled his outdoor rally in Iowa due to tornado warnings, Donald Trump did not let his Saturday night end without addressing a crowd. The former president called in to a pro-MAGA event featuring disgraced former national security advisor Michael Flynn and signaled he would make Flynn part of his next administration, confirming Rolling Stone’s reporting.

“I want to thank you all for being here at the wonderful hotel,” Trump said as Flynn held a cell phone up to a microphone so the audience at the “ReAwaken America Tour” event, taking place at Trump National Doral Miami, could hear. “It’s a wonderful hotel, but you’re there for an even more important purpose.”


lol... so Flynn a White Christian Nationalist by the way, who called for Mango to declare martial law after the 2020 election and whom is a convicted felon will return to work for Mango. Of course, it will be in a postion that doesn't require Senate Confirmation I'm sure. Another report says Jeff Clark, the environmental lawyer who Mango almost installed as Attorney General will be named Attorney General... lol Oh, I'm just sure there is nothing to worry about, right?




Racist Signs Posted in Rhode Island Park- MAGA Supporters Probably

13:53 May 14 2023
Times Read: 440

The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) is investigating after “racist and hateful” signs were spotted in Lincoln Woods State Park.

The metal signs, which were designed to look similar to the signs DEM posts throughout its state parks, were discovered attached to trees throughout Lincoln Woods.

“These are not DEM signs and the Division of Parks and Recreation did not post them,” the DEM wrote in a social media post which included photos of two of the signs. “We strongly condemn racism and discrimination.”

“It’s particularly sad that vandals have targeted Lincoln Woods, Rhode Island’s first state park which, since 1909, has existed to afford ‘the greatest good for the greatest number,'” the post continued.

DEM spokesperson Mike Healey said the signs were taken down immediately.

“It’s discriminatory and it sickens us,” Healey said. “We don’t want to think for a minute that anyone would feel intimidated or threatened to come to one of our parks.”

“We find this signage really disgusting and hateful and we hope that whoever did it gets caught,” he added.

The DEM’s Division of Law Enforcement is actively investigating the vandalism. Anyone who has information on where the signs came from is asked to call (401) 222-2284.





Fredo Threatens To Sue Rachel Maddow

14:07 May 12 2023
Times Read: 451

iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/pwKxCVcQU60" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen>

So here you go another Mango Scion threatening to sue... I say let him.. Then when it's dismissed he will be stuck with costs and fees.

Poor Fredo




Ohio Looking To Stop A State wide Vote on Abortion

12:59 May 12 2023
Times Read: 455

Ohio Republicans are being pretty transparent in their efforts to block a proposed abortion ballot measure from passing by popular vote in November: They’re going to spend $20 million in taxpayer dollars to hold a special election that would raise the referendum threshold from a simple majority to 60 percent of the vote to win.

Abortion rights supporters in Ohio need to collect 413,000 signatures by July 5 to put their measure codifying abortion access in the state constitution on the November ballot. (The initiative would also enshrine the right to make decisions about contraception, fertility treatment, and miscarriage care.) But on Wednesday, Republicans passed a resolution to hold an August special election on whether to make it harder to amend the state constitution.

The resolution, SJR 1, asks voters if they want to raise referendum thresholds from a simple majority to 60 percent. If that passes in August, the new rules would take effect in time for the November election, thereby kneecapping the abortion ballot measure. Every living ex-Ohio governor opposes this special election, including the staunchly anti-abortion John Kasich (R).

Summer special elections are expensive and turnout is usually low—so low in fact that Republican state lawmakers passed a bill last year that would end August special elections unless needed to fill a Congressional seat. That bill took effect in April—yet here they are just weeks later doing everything they can to limit voters’ power.

Hundreds of people protesting SJR 1 flooded the capitol Wednesday.

Ohio Senate President Matt Huffman (R), who voted to end August elections, made his motives crystal clear in March. “If we save 30,000 lives as a result of spending $20 million, I think that’s a great thing,” Huffman told Cleveland.com. (Yes, he’s implying that embryos and fetuses are people.)

State Rep. Gary Click (R), who co-sponsored the bill to end August elections, posted a selfie on Facebook with protestors behind him and tried to paint his colleagues as the real defenders of democracy. “Republicans put democracy on the ballot. Despite their chants the Ohio Democratic Party is afraid to trust the people to decide...Why are they afraid of the people?”

Of course, the reverse is true here: Abortion access is broadly popular, even in red states, so Republicans have to rig the game in order to win. As the Associated Press noted:

“Since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned its landmark Roe v. Wade ruling guaranteeing abortion rights last year, other states’ amendments involving the procedure have shown voter support for legal access to abortion is between 50 percent and 60 percent, whether in conservative Kansas, Democratic-leaning Michigan or Republican-leaning Kentucky. No vote has exceeded 60 percent. AP VoteCast polling last year found 59 percent of Ohio voters say abortion should generally be legal.”


So if 59% want a woman's right to an abortion enshrined in the Ohio State Constitution but 41% do not then the minority of VOTERS control the majority. mmmm The GOPQ in Ohio has definitely SHOWN they are afraid of their voters.



13:34 May 12 2023



Mango Says Crash The Economy in CNN Townhall

16:43 May 11 2023
Times Read: 467

By Susie Madrak — May 11, 2023
So Trump thinks it's okay to destroy the nation's economy and roll over on Republican cuts to senior and veterans, because, well, that's who he is. Just in case you forgot, America was reminded last night of how crude, stupid, and single-minded he is. If it's good for Trump, it's good for America. Last night's CNN town hall with him and Kaitlan Collins was a reminder.

Such an important question," Trump said.

"So we're at thirty-three trillion dollars, a number that nobody ever thought possible. When we had our economy rocking and rolling just prior to covid coming in, like literally, we were making a fortune. And oil... we're gonna make so much money from oil, we're gonna start paying off debt. But then with covid coming in, and we had to do other things we had to keep this country alive because it was so serious. But we have to get the country back.

"We have to lower energy prices. We have to lower interest rates, interest rates are through the roof. Energy has to come down.

"It all has to come down and we have to start paying off debt. But when we have a debt limit and they use that very seriously. They came in, Schumer came in with Nancy Pelosi and they were using a real "violate it." We'll do whatever.

"They talked a whole lot different than they do right now. I say to the Republicans out there, congressmen, senators, if they don't give you massive cuts, you're gonna have to do a default and I don't believe they're going to do a default because I think the Democrats will absolutely cave. Because you don't want to have that happen, but it's better than what we're doing right now. Because we're spending money like drunken sailors," said the man who gave out tax cuts to his wealthy pals like a drunken sailor.

"So just to be clear. Mr. President, you think the U.S. should default if the White House does not agree to the spending cuts," Collins said.

We might as well do it now because you'll do it later. Because we have to save this country. Our country is dying. Our country is being destroyed by stupid people, by very stupid people. ," he said. (Yes, it is. By you and your devoted followers.)


Oh yeah, he spent like a drunken sailor, tax cuts to the VERY FUCKING Wealthy, and this moron who actually doesn't have a plan,other than him being a dictator, wants to crash the economy and ride it to the White House and my guess is he will never leave.




MAGA Super Powers According to Hakeem Jeffries

16:06 May 11 2023
Times Read: 468

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) put former President Donald Trump and his supporters in the Republican Party on blast on Wednesday by naming their three defining characteristics.

And they’re not exactly points of pride.

“One, facts don’t matter,” Jeffries told MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell minutes after Trump’s lie-filled CNN town hall event. “Two, hypocrisy is not a constraint to their behavior. And three, they actually believe that shamelessness is a superpower.”

CNN was widely panned for the town hall event, in which Trump not only repeatedly lied but did so to a roomful of supporters who cheered him on.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) called CNN’s decision to air the event “shameful” and slammed the network for “a series of extremely irresponsible decisions.”

Even CNN’s own employees were reportedly embarrassed by the event, with one unnamed insider telling Rolling Stone it was “a fucking disgrace.”

Jeffries and O’Donnell also called out CNN for failing to fact-check Trump’s claims on abortion and other topics.


Yep, it was a shit show. Everytime Mango opens his mouth he should be fact checked as he is A LYING PIECE OF SHIT.




Mango Off The Rails

10:05 May 11 2023
Times Read: 474

The 2024 presidential campaign is only beginning, but former President Donald Trump made clear that his third bid for the White House will feel very much like the first two.

Could he stop lying about the 2020 election?

Did he regret his role in the US Capitol riot on January 6, 2021?

Would he attempt to walk the line in a bid to win over moderate voters?

No and no. Emphatically no.

Trump might be trying a new tack in this campaign, running what is, to date, a more conventional race with less internal drama. But when pressed by CNN’s Kaitlan Collins, the 76-year-old showed on Wednesday night that he is very much the same person Americans came to know in 2016, throughout his four years in office, and in the aftermath of his 2020 election defeat.

During the town hall, the former president talked up a potential debt default as a minor inconvenience, wouldn’t say if he’d back Ukraine over Russia in the war and spoke glowingly of his family separation policy at the US border.

Notably, Trump refused to plant a flag in the sand on a potential federal abortion ban. He did, however, make a number of false claims about abortion being conducted at “nine months.”

He repeated much of what he’s said previously. Trump blamed others for the January 6, 2021, riot at the US Capitol. He lied about the timeline of that day, suggesting he had called for his supporters to stand down earlier than he actually did. And he again criticized former Vice President Mike Pence for not trying to overturn the election results.

He smeared former magazine columnist E. Jean Carroll, the day after a Manhattan federal jury found that Trump sexually abused her in 1996, and Trump repeated his infamous comments from the “Access Hollywood” tape that emerged in 2016.

When he wasn’t calling women names, airing old grievances or attempting to rewrite history, the former president largely dodged questions and follow-up inquiries from Collins, saying he was “looking at” his options, without committing to anything in particular.

Unsurprisingly, the mostly Trump-loyal audience lapped it up. Trump’s place in the GOP primary polls, as he often mentioned, is strong. In New Hampshire on Wednesday night, he showed why.

Here are 8 takeaways from Trump’s CNN town hall:

Trump makes dismissive comments about Carroll
A little more than 24 hours after a jury found Trump liable for sexually abusing and defaming writer E. Jean Carroll, and awarded her $5 million, the former president denied the accusations and again said he had never met Carroll.

“This woman, I don’t know her. I never met her. I have no idea who she is,” Trump said, before going off on an odd tangent about her former husband and a pet.

Trump also brushed off a question over whether the verdict would hurt his standing with female voters, saying he doubted it. The reaction from the Trump-friendly audience appeared to support his opinion – they laughed at his jokes and other dismissive comments about Carroll.

While the jury found that Trump sexually abused Carroll, sufficient to hold him liable for battery, they did not find that Carroll proved he raped her – a distinction Trump was quick to point out.

Carroll filed the lawsuit last November under the New York State Adult Survivors Act, a state bill that allowed renewed consideration of sexual assault allegations that would previously have been mooted by the statute of limitations.

Trump says GOP should be willing to blow up debt ceiling
The US is on the brink of a catastrophic default on its sovereign debt. Asked what his advice is to Republicans in Washington, Trump was clear.

“If they don’t give you massive cuts,” he said, “you’re going to have to do a default.”

Trump predicted that Democrats would “cave” in the current negotiations, but insisted that default would be preferable to a result that doesn’t stop the government “spending money like drunken sailors.”

The US hit the debt ceiling set by Congress in January. That forced the Treasury Department to begin taking so-called extraordinary measures to keep the government paying its bills. And Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen recently warned that the US could default on its obligations as soon as June 1 if Congress doesn’t address the debt limit.

A default would eliminate millions of jobs, with generational wealth wiped out, Moody’s Analytics has warned. The impact could include a delay in Social Security payments, late paychecks for federal employees and veterans.

Trump is vague on federal abortion ban
Trump repeatedly ducked questions about whether he would sign into law a federal abortion ban, as well as after how many weeks into a pregnancy abortion should be made illegal.

He touted the Supreme Court’s decision last year to overturn Roe v. Wade’s federal abortion rights as “such a great victory” – and one made possible by his appointment of three conservative justices.

But Trump also recognized splits within the GOP over whether to impose a federal abortion ban, and what the conditions of such a ban should be. Democrats have won statewide referendums, judicial races and more while emphasizing their support for abortion rights in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision.

Trump said he supports exemptions to abortion bans for cases of rape, incest and when the life of the mother is threatened.

“We now have a great negotiating ability, and I think we’re going to be able to get something done,” Trump said.

Trump refused to say whether he wanted Ukraine to prevail in its war with invading Russia.

“I don’t think in terms of winning and losing,” he said, “I think in terms of getting it settled so we stop killing all these people.”

Asked to choose a side he would prefer to win, Trump again demurred. “I want everyone to stop dying,” he said before promising to end the war in “24 hours.”

Ultimately, Trump fell back on two familiar topics: demanding Europe “put up more money” in support of Western goals and speaking meekly about Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“He made a tremendous mistake” Trump said of Putin, before adding, “He is a smart guy.”

The mistake, Trump said, “was going in” to Ukraine – something, the former president added, that would not have happened if he were still in the White House.

Trump says he’d pardon January 6 rioters
Trump demonstrated no remorse for his role in the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol.

Asked about former Vice President Mike Pence’s claims that Trump’s actions put his family’s lives in danger, Trump said he does not owe Pence an apology – and blamed his former vice president for his ceremonial role in counting Electoral College votes.

“No, because he did something wrong. He should have put the votes back to the state legislature,” Trump said, wrongly insisting that Pence had the legal authority to reject some states’ electoral votes.

Trump also said he was “inclined to pardon” many of the pro-Trump rioters who were convicted for their roles in the attack on the Capitol.

He said he won’t be able to pardon “every single one” but said “it will be a large portion of them.”

And he criticized the US Capitol Police officer who shot and killed rioter Ashli Babbitt, who was attempting to crawl through a broken window leading to the House Speaker’s Lobby.

Trump suggests family separation immigration policy could return
Trump said he would return to one of the harshest immigration enforcement policies imposed by his administration: separating migrant families at the US-Mexico border.

The “zero tolerance” policy encapsulated the lengths Trump’s administration was willing to go to deter migrants from coming to the United States, and Trump said it remained a strong deterrent.

“When you say to a family that if you come, we’re going to break you up, they don’t come,” Trump said.

His comments come with Title 42, the Trump-era pandemic public health restriction that became a key tool officials used to expel migrants at the US-Mexico border, set to expire Thursday.

Trump repeats election fraud lies
As he has at virtually every stop since leaving office, Trump repeated his lies about widespread fraud in the 2020 presidential election.

He also would not commit to accepting the results of the 2024 presidential election, saying he would only do so “if I think it’s an honest election.”

Collins pointed out that Republican state elections officials in Georgia and elsewhere had refuted Trump’s falsehoods, and that Trump and his supporters lost dozens of lawsuits over the 2020 race. But Trump deflected, repeating debunked claims about fraudulent votes.

“I think it’s a shame what happened. I think it’s a very sad thing for our country,” Trump said.

Trump uses same name-calling tactics
Trump kept up his long habit of name-calling Wednesday night.

Democratic former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is “a crazy woman.” Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a potential 2024 GOP presidential primary rival, is “DeSantimonious.” Pence, who rejected Trump’s urging to try to overturn the 2020 presidential election, is “the human conveyor belt.” The US Capitol Police officer who shot and killed Babbitt is a “thug.” (The rioters, meanwhile, were “great people.”) Carroll, in Trump’s telling, is a “whack job.” And when Collins pressed Trump about documents he took from the White House, he said: “You’re a nasty person.”

The jabs are standard fare for Trump, who en route to the GOP nomination in 2016 branded rivals with nicknames. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush was “low energy.” Texas Sen. Ted Cruz was “Lyin’ Ted.” And when then-Fox News host Megyn Kelly pressed Trump on his history of insulting women in a 2015 debate, Trump falsely said of Kelly: “There was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever.”


Let me point out that Mango by refusing to indicate whether he wanted Russia or the Ukraine to win has essentially said he wants Russia to win. Not to mention he said he would pardon the Jan 6 insurrectionists who are essentially his c0-conspirators.This guy is a traitor, an insurrectionist and a piece of shit. About a hour into the shit show the host asked him about the classified documents at Mar -A-lago, he called HER nasty. In case you haven't read anything about his father Fred, well Fred often referred to Women as NASTY. He viewed them as beneath him.

Better wake the fuck up




Santos Charged With 13 Federal Crimes Taken Into Custody By The F.B.I.

15:24 May 10 2023
Times Read: 483

Rep. George Santos made false statements on multiple financial disclosure reports to the House of Representatives, according to an indictment.

Congressional candidates are required to file sworn financial disclosers before an election that give a full accounting of that candidate’s finances, such as their assets and income.

As part of his first congressional race in 2020, Santos filed two disclosures with the House that contained false statements, according to the indictment. Santos claimed in the reports that he had earned $55,000 in salary, commission and bonuses from a company, identified in the indictment only as “Company #2.”

Santos also reported in the 2020 disclosure that the only compensation he received exceeding $5,000 from a single source was an “unspecified commission bonus from Company #2.”

Prosecutors say, however, that Santos only received $27,555 from Company #2. Santos also allegedly failed to disclose altogether a salary he earned from an unidentified investment firm.

The behavior continued when Santos filed his 2022 disclosure in the election, which he went on to win, according to the indictment.

Santos wrote on the form that in 2021 and 2022, his “earned income consisted of $750,000 in salary from the Devolder Organization LLC,” his “unearned income included dividends from the Devolder Organization LLC valued at between $1,000,001 and $5,000,000” and that “he had no compensation exceeding $5,000 from a single source in which he had an ownership interest.”

The then-candidate also claimed on the 2022 form that he “owned a checking account with deposits totaling between $100,001 and $250,000” and “a savings account with deposits totaling between $1,000,001 and $5,000,000,” prosecutors said.

“Contrary to these statements, in truth and in fact, as Santos then and there well knew and believed, he had not received from the Devolder Organization LLC the reported amounts of salary or dividends; he did not maintain checking or savings accounts with deposits in the reported amounts; and he received approximately $28,107 in income from (an investment firm Santos worked at) and approximately $20,304 in unemployment insurance benefits from (New York) during the same reporting period, all of which he failed to report as required,” according to the indictment.

New York Rep. George Santos is accused of fraudulently applying for unemployment benefits, with the indictment alleging he falsely claimed to be unemployed in an application for a pandemic-related unemployment insurance program.

Though he claimed in the application he had been unemployed since March 2020, according to prosecutors, he was employed at an investment firm and, as part of a $120,000 annual salary, he was allegedly receiving regular deposits – with the exception of one period in July and August 2020.

He was employed at the firm between February 2020 and mid-April 2021, the indictment alleges. But, because of the repeated false assertions he is alleged to have made to the unemployment program, Santos also received $24,744 in benefits, according to prosecutors.

it goes on... read it all here https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/george-santos-federal-charges-05-10-23/index.html




Newsmax Lies About Texas Shooter (the most recent)

09:25 May 10 2023
Times Read: 485

By Conover Kennard — May 9, 2023
Like many conservatives, Newsmax's Greg Kelly wanted to disprove the Texas mall shooter's ties to white supremacy. Last year, Axios reported on the rise of white supremacy with Hispanics. That didn't fit Kelly's narrative, though.

Kelly used the wrong person's image to claim that the shooter couldn't be a white supremacist. And he even tried to tie the shooter in with a prison gang even though he had no criminal history.

By Conover Kennard — May 9, 2023
Like many conservatives, Newsmax's Greg Kelly wanted to disprove the Texas mall shooter's ties to white supremacy. Last year, Axios reported on the rise of white supremacy with Hispanics. That didn't fit Kelly's narrative, though.

Kelly used the wrong person's image to claim that the shooter couldn't be a white supremacist. And he even tried to tie the shooter in with a prison gang even though he had no criminal history.

"They told us this guy did it, Mauricio Garcia, and oh, yes, a white supremacist with neo-nazi ties," he insisted. "Now look, this is not a white supremacist, and oh, by the way, we abhor white supremacy, but you know what the left does, right?"

"They think anything MAGA must be white supremacist. That is appalling -- This is just pathetic. Alright, now there's a tattoo. Many tattoos."

Kelly claimed without evidence that the shooter's tattoo represents the 'Puro Tango Blast' prison gang.

"This is what they do now. This is what it's all about," he added. "Try to tarnish or somehow diminish the other side by any means possible."

The shooter's social media posts would have been a red flag for Kelly. He had a massive swastika tattoo across his chest and admitted to being a white supremacist. He used those words. Interestingly, MAGA defends white supremacists, and that's because they agree with that ideology. That's the only explanation.


Ok....in case you all have forgotten Newsmax is also being sued by Dominion and Smartmatic AND Newsmax DOES NOT have the financial resources of FOX...... hey with on air personalities like this guy you are fucked it's just a matter of time.... lol




LOL-WHERE TO START - Mango, Santos, Tuckerofsky

02:34 May 10 2023
Times Read: 500

A Manhattan federal jury found that Donald Trump sexually abused E. Jean Carroll in a luxury department store dressing room in the spring of 1996 and awarded her $5 million for battery and defamation.


Then We Have

Federal prosecutors have filed criminal charges against New York Rep. George Santos, the Republican lawmaker whose astonishing pattern of lies and fabrications stunned even hardened politicos, according to three sources familiar with the matter.

Santos is expected to appear as soon as Wednesday at federal court in New York’s eastern district, where the charges have been filed under seal.

The exact nature of the charges couldn’t immediately be learned but the FBI and the Justice Department public integrity prosecutors in New York and Washington have been examining allegations of false statements in Santos’ campaign finance filings and other claims.

And Tuckerofsky

Tucker Carlson announced on Tuesday afternoon that he would soon launch a new version of his former Fox News show with Twitter, a move that arrived in the aftermath of his removal from the media outlet last month.

“Starting soon we’ll be bringing a new version of the show we’ve been doing for the last six and a half years to Twitter,” Carlson said in a video on Twitter, alluding to his recently-ended six-year tenure on Fox News.


My Comments: lol Mango lost and now has to cough up. Appeal away. GOPQ George Santos is going to Federal court lol... can you say fucked.....warm up the vacant seat...well it will be vacant when he resigns..... and Tuckerofsky... might as well get out the checkbook because he will spout the same lies as before.....




Morning Joe on Saturday's Massacre

13:43 May 09 2023
Times Read: 513

So the piece of shit shooter was a right winger. Had swastika tats. He was wearing a tactical vest which had the patch RWDS... I believe I have that right. RWDS... Right Wing Death Squad...... oh, and the recently convicted Enrique Tarrio had the same patch on Jan 6. The shooter had online postings about being replaced by immigrants... this is the replacement theory that Tucker Carlson promulgated so often on his program. Other FOX hosts did he same. Again, FOX lied and people have died.

An AR-15 is a weapon of war. It was designed to kill as many as possible in the shortest period of time. This is what is on the streets. I would point out that the late Justice Antonin Scalia himself said there were limits to the 2nd A. He also said the Constitution is not a suicide pact.

Remove these weapons.. Designate the Proud Bois, Oath Keepers, 3 Percenters etc. as domestic terrorists and be done with it.




More MASS Murder in a Red State by AR-15

22:41 May 07 2023
Times Read: 541

“I love guns. I love (the) Second Amendment. I own guns. I teach people how to shoot guns. But we don’t need these high-capacity weapons on our streets," Spainhouer said. “All the prayers and thoughts and well wishes in the world are great in time of tragedy, but if you don’t change our gun laws and put red flag laws in place and take these high-capacity weapons off the street, it’s going to happen again."

These are the comments from a veteran and former law enforcement official upon viewing 7 bodies at the mall where he had driven after receiving a call from his son reference the shooter.

Read the article here https://www.cnn.com/us/live-news/allen-texas-mall-shooting-news-05-07-23/index.html



03:10 May 08 2023

A person with a knife kills multiple people every day. Are we going to outlaw knives? The key phase is "a person".

A gun can be left on counter and harm no one, it is the person that picks it up and uses it for ill will that causes harm, not the gun.

02:13 May 09 2023

Outlaw assault weapons . Keep your rifles and shotguns . Raise the age of any firearm purchase to 25, strengthen red flag laws, strengthen background checks, impose liability on gun manufacturers. The Founders would be astounded at the cowardice of the GOPQ and the Supreme Court. No one needs an AR-15 or similar weapon in their home. Those weapons belong in the hands of the military and law enforcement.


DOJ Seeks 25 Year Sentence for Elmer

10:59 May 07 2023
Times Read: 548

Prosecutors are seeking the most severe sentence yet in connection with the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol — a 25-year prison term — for the founder and leader of the far-right Oath Keepers militia, characterizing it as a necessary punishment to deter future attacks against democracy.

The Justice Department says Stewart Rhodes and his allies were among the most significant drivers of the violence that unfolded at the Capitol, amassing a stockpile of weapons nearby in Virginia and dressing in military-style gear in a way that exacerbated the sense among the Jan. 6 mob that a revolution was underway.

In seeking the stiff sentence for Rhodes — on a rare seditious conspiracy conviction — prosecutors said that lengthy sentences are necessary for the survival of American democracy.

“As this Court is well aware, the justice system’s reaction to January 6 bears the weighty responsibility of impacting whether January 6 becomes an outlier or a watershed moment,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Nestler wrote in the 183-page sentencing memo. “Left unchecked, this impulse threatens our democracy.”

Prosecutors cited polling from earlier this year showing that one in five Americans believe political violence is sometimes justified and that one in 10 “believes it would be justified if it meant the return of President Trump.”

Rhodes was charged with seditious conspiracy last year alongside nearly a dozen Oath Keepers for their roles in the Jan. 6 attack. Prosecutors alleged that Rhodes embraced Donald Trump’s false claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen and used it to mobilize Oath Keepers across the country to resist the results of the election.

“These defendants were prepared to fight. Not for their country, but against it,” prosecutors wrote in their sentencing memo. “In their own words, they were ‘willing to die’ in a ‘guerilla war’ to achieve their goal of halting the transfer of power after the 2020 Presidential Election. … These defendants played a central and damning role in opposing by force the government of the United States, breaking the solemn oath many of them swore as members of the United States Armed Forces.”

In an eight-week trial last year, prosecutors presented evidence that the group planned to descend on Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6 in response to Trump’s call about two weeks earlier for supporters to “be there, will be wild.” They stockpiled weapons, which prosecutors contend were meant to be available if the mob’s clash with police turned even more violent than it did, at a Comfort Inn in Arlington, Va.


There's more to the article, so go read it. The point is a VERY LONG sentence is called for in order to save American Democracy,

So all you inbred, confederate flag waiving clowns do understand that Elmer and the t-shirt salesmen Tarrio are traitors and not patriots. Somewhat like all the insurrectionist trash that rebelled against the government in 1861




Jan. 6 Defendant Gets 14 Years

10:27 May 06 2023
Times Read: 561

A Kentucky man with a long criminal record was sentenced Friday to a record-setting 14 years in prison for attacking police officers with pepper spray and a chair as he stormed the U.S. Capitol with his wife.

Peter Schwartz’s prison sentence is the longest so far among hundreds of Capitol riot cases. The judge who sentenced Schwartz also handed down the previous longest sentence — 10 years — to a retired New York Police Department officer who assaulted a police officer outside the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

Prosecutors had recommended a prison sentence of 24 years and 6 months for Schwartz, a welder.

U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta sentenced Schwartz to 14 years and two months in prison, followed by three years of supervised release.

Mehta said Schwartz was a “soldier against democracy” who participated in “the kind of mayhem, chaos that had never been seen in the country’s history.”

“You are not a political prisoner,” the judge told him. “You’re not somebody who is standing up against injustice or fighting against an autocratic regime.”

Schwartz briefly addressed the judge before learning his sentence, saying, “I do sincerely regret the damage that Jan. 6 has caused to so many people and their lives.”

The judge said he didn’t believe Schwartz’s statement, noting his lack of remorse.

“You took it upon yourself to try and injure multiple police officers that day,” Mehta said.

Schwartz was armed with a wooden tire knocker when he and his then-wife, Shelly Stallings, joined other rioters in overwhelming a line of police officers on the Capitol’s Lower West Terrace, where he threw a folding chair at officers.

“By throwing that chair, Schwartz directly contributed to the fall of the police line that enabled rioters to flood forward and take over the entire terrace,” prosecutor Jocelyn Bond wrote in a court filing.



And did you hear the Federal prosecutors want the one eyed fat man Elmer Rhodes to be sentenced to 25 years. lol we will see what the court does...





16:28 May 04 2023
Times Read: 574

Four members of the far-right Proud Boys have been found guilty of seditious conspiracy by a jury in Washington, DC, for their role to forcibly prevent the peaceful transfer of power from then-President Donald Trump to Joe Biden after the 2020 election.

Defendants Ethan Nordean, Joseph Biggs, Zachary Rehl, Enrique Tarrio and Dominic Pezzola face a range of charges, including three separate conspiracy charges, obstructing the Electoral College vote and tampering with evidence. 

The verdict marks the third time that prosecutors have secured convictions for seditious conspiracy in the Justice Department’s historic prosecution of those who breached the Capitol that day.

The jury was unable to reach a verdict on the seditious conspiracy charge against Pezzola, as well as several other counts against all five defendants. The judge instructed them to continue deliberations.

During the trial, using messages and videos posted by the defendants and other members of the group, prosecutors laid out the case that the Proud Boys, animated by Trump and his election lies after the 2020 defeat, began calling for violence and revolution against the incoming Biden presidency.

Members of the group saw Biden and others on the left as a threat to the country, according to prosecutors, and messaged one another about the need for “war,” “revolution,” and firing squads for traitors.

On January 6, 2021, prosecutors said, many of the defendants didn’t attend Trump’s speech that day but instead began a march to the Capitol.

Proud Boys were at the front lines of the mob on Capitol grounds and were there when the first barriers were breached. Prosecutors have alleged that leaders of the group riled members up and communicated with them, through hand signals, to move ahead.

After rioters had arrived at Senate wing doors of the Capitol building, Pezzola used a police riot shield he stole during the attack to break open a window, prosecutors said, which rioters entered the Capitol through.

Defense attorneys have argued that their clients never had a plan to storm the Capitol and stop the electoral college vote that day. The messages and videos show nothing more than stupid, vulgar rhetoric, defense attorneys said, hardly a seditious plot against the US government.

Often teetering into disarray with legal battles, evidentiary disputes, sealed hearings, countless calls for a mistrial and several shouting matches with the judge, the trial concluded Tuesday with the final closing arguments from defense counsel and federal prosecutors.

During the trial, jurors listened to testimony from multiple officers who defended the Capitol on January 6 as well as FBI agents who investigated the Proud Boys and testimony from several Proud Boys members including two of the defendants, none of whom said there was ever a specific plan to take the Capitol.

The countless delays, brought on by newly unveiled evidence and informants, a juror who believed they were being followed, and internecine squabbles among attorneys pushed a trial originally estimated to last five to seven weeks to stretch across four months.


lol NEXT

I hope they get 20 years.




Fla. GOPQ Rep Says The Quiet Part Outloud

09:53 May 03 2023
Times Read: 591

There was a jaw-dropping moment on the floor of the Florida House of Representatives this week after a Republican lawmaker’s comment about who really hates the LGBTQ+ community.

“ISIS, the Taliban and al Qaeda. Those are the folks who discriminate,” state Rep. Jeff Holcomb said Monday. “Our terrorist enemies hate homosexuals more than we do.”

It’s not clear if he misspoke or intended to say it like that, but he was speaking in support of a bill that urges Congress to prohibit “woke social engineering and experimentation” that are “eroding” the military.

The implication that Republicans hate the gay community ― but terrorists hate them even more ― led to gasps in the audience, while Democratic Rep. Kelly Skidmore’s jaw literally dropped:


So the GOPQ is not quite as bad as the Taliban???? Well, they have a war on homosexuals, they have a war on women, they have a war on non-Christians, they are banning books, they are anti science, they call for violence..... I would say the MAGA and GOPQ are real close to the Taliban




The GREAT Gordon Lightfoot Has Died

08:26 May 02 2023
Times Read: 601

Gordon Lightfoot — a genius-level Canadian singer-songwriter whose most enduring works include “If You Could Read My Mind,” “Sundown,” “Carefree Highway,” “Early Morning Rain,” and “Rainy Day People” — died on Monday, the CBC confirmed. He was 84.

Lightfoot’s deceptively simple songs, which fused folk with pop and country rock, have been covered by everyone from Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Elvis Presley and Johnny Cash to the Grateful Dead, Barbra Streisand, Jerry Lee Lewis, Eric Clapton, Jimmy Buffett, and the Replacements.




21:15 May 06 2023

A beautiful artist of my youth his music will live on.

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