So are you a leftover sandwich or spaghetti?
This is important...
I'd rather be a sandwich....leftover spaghetti sounds disgusting
Pffft. Well now I DON'T want you. I was only in it if you were spaghetti.
We're through D: E-break-up official!
I'm gonna let her have you :3 Mwahahaha
Nuuuuu don't break up with me....I dont want her to have me *sobs*
Now I’m hungry for Spaghetti lol
But seriously have some sort of standards, geez. 🙄 You’re making yourself look bad when you’re sexually harassing someone who has made it clear on several occasions that they don’t want you. Some women just don’t get it unfortunately MasterOfMadness and I’m so sorry you have to go through that.
Also I agree, please do leave Cubbeh alone. She is one kick ass chick and has more class in her pinky finger than this thing does in the screenshot.
... and here ... just for the food! Sandwich or Spaghetti .... someone please feed me!!!
Love you slippeh! Muaks.
Well, at least tell me this, motherfuckers. Before your man decides to string along a woman romantically, keep him on a tight leash.
Do I have the word FOOL written on my forehead? You used heavy words like love and silly brown girl and then just decide to dump me?
Bloody fools. He has no such standards until you came along, Fever fucking Dreams.
Once an ass, always an ass.
Stupid motherfuckers. Go fuck each other.
I mean... You were "e-married" to some dude you've never met, so maybe fool is an apt title for you. How 'bout you stop throwing yourself at men who clearly don't want you?
Really.....I haven’t though about you in an your calling me an ignoramus.....aintchu cute.
How about you self delete yourself from this site and do everyone a favour.
Smh some people just crave attention don’t they?
Anty ... i see you had 65% battery .... just wondering what you spent the 35% on ... obviously not me ... *stares*
Wait, what? You are with her now?
Hey, Fever Cubby Dreams. You really think you're the hot stuff of 2019, huh? Stupid biatch. He's gonna drop you too.
You have got to be the most bland-looking Indian chick on this planet. You ain't even pretty. Plus, if you think that being a beauty has only one criteria (ie. being slim), get your head outta your ass.
Well, well, well. Look who's back to being a spiteful cunt to people who've done nothing to you. But, no, it can't be. Because you, Tristesse, aren't that kind of person, right? You don't say nasty things to innocent people just because you're a jealous bitch, right? No, not you.
Cubby is lovely, both inside and out. You, however, you're just a bitter, ugly person. Not your looks, but your personality. Though, you calling Cubby bland is rich.
don't let me get started on you, you rotten woman. What is this?
Ah, the truth hurt a little too much, darlin'?
07:45 Aug 12 2019
Oh, Puppy, I love you! Lol.
07:48 Aug 12 2019
Look, nutzo the clown, regardless of whatever happened between you he's made it clear he doesn't fucking want you. He made that clear years ago. Yet you keep throwing your tits at him, begging him, then cry he hurt you. Have some goddamn self-respect, and stay away. But no, you wanna be a weak trash fire dumpster whore, and attack someone who isn't doing anything other than being his friend. He's straight up insulting you, and you just keep begging for it. Back your big ass up already. And don't fucking ask why people hate you again, this is a pretty clear answer.
08:59 Aug 12 2019
You ruined my life. You'll pay for it. And I ain't getting past what happened between us. Like I want you back, Anthony. I have moved on... trust me. But, I ain't your well-wisher.
You nasty men ought to be taught a lesson.
Back up your ass first, lily white ass. Mind your words.
09:14 Aug 12 2019
I'm so insulted you called me white on a VAMPIRE website.
Could you at least be creative with your insults? Or do you need to take ya swamp donkey ass back on home to Shrek?
You begged him to fuck you. But you're totally right. Nothing says repulsion like, "I want you to fuck me hard."
I don't have to back up. This one is mine, he belongs to me, so run along before we have to listen to more bitchass whining from you that absolutely no one cares about.
09:15 Aug 12 2019
You'd better choose one us girls and keep it in your pants. Do not pull a Zeus on me, dude. Let this be my final warning. Settle the fuck down.
09:31 Aug 12 2019
Somebody get the pudding pit, we wrestle this out at dawn D:
09:33 Aug 12 2019
Can I charge money for people to watch?
09:44 Aug 12 2019
Of course, wrestling in pudding is the purest form of sensual companionship😉😉😉
09:45 Aug 12 2019
Woot woot...I'll split the pudding.....I mean profits with you 50/50 hows that
10:09 Aug 12 2019
My biggest mistake was doing whatever I used to do, for FREE. And you never insult one's job. I thought you'd know better than that. I'm outta your lives. My work is work is work. Don't poke fun at it, woman. What would you know? We all have to make a living. I'm just too vocal about it, that's all.
I'm out. Have a great life.
10:25 Aug 12 2019
11:57 Aug 12 2019
Again ... I can't help but notice your phone battery ... lol ...
11:58 Aug 12 2019
Lol so obsessed with my phone battery Cubby :p
15:14 Aug 12 2019
Hurry Hurry Step Right Up!
15:20 Aug 12 2019
For FeverDreams

15:54 Aug 12 2019