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3 entries this month

One wild ride of a week

15:14 Apr 26 2013
Times Read: 605

Started off this week worried about some of the stuff happening and sure enough it was a rough one but not in the way I expected of course.

Started off with a call that my aunt Vela was in the hospital, but we were at a doctor's apt in Lexington at the time so it was a bad drive on home in the pouring rain only to drop off the kids and head to the hospital. There was a roomful of family there when we arrived but they made room for us to see her and she knew both of us right away which was a bit of a shock as her memory has been very shaky of late.

She's 90 years old, the eldest child of my Mom's family but her heart is failing and her legs and feet are swelling yet the doctor's say there is nothing they can give her to make her more comfortable without causing her heart to go even faster. So it's a waiting game, no treatment, just waiting in the hospital to die. I really hate it, I've had to sit with way too many family in this same manner. It never gets any easier.

There was a meeting at the school about my 8 year old nephew Adam, since he's autistic it was an ARC meeting and the school called it so we had not ideal what they were going to suggest. It's been a really hard year for Adam (and us) as he had a growth spurt that threw off his medications then we had to wait months to get into a new doctor to even start making changes.

We feared the school wanted to put him into an autism only unit instead of main school which would destroy Adam's chances of a normal adult life. Luckily that wasn't it, just them explaining to us that as Adam misbehaves he has to be removed from class for the sake of the other children in it, which is fully understandable. The problem is in 3rd grade he will really need the classroom time more in order to keep up. So far he's been ahead of the educational requirements but that's starting to change. We've got some work ahead of us this summer for sure.

Tonight we're off to an autism walk and I have no ideal what to expect, it's the first time we've attended one but at least we have family and friends there.




Just a Rant... nothing to see here honest!

17:44 Apr 19 2013
Times Read: 624

I don't talk with folks on facebook as a matter of fact other than the silly games I don't care for the whole ideal of it. I'm not going to waste my time keeping everyone "updated" on my status as it's none of everyone's darn business. I sure don't care to know how anyone else is on their way to work or to do their laundry!

Here's another reason I don't enjoy the site.

I'm terribly happy that some people are so devoted to their faith that they want to shout about it but for crying out loud if the only thing you're going to post on your page is big flasy pictures supporting your faith, I'm getting very close to blocking you, even if we are friends in real life. When we meet face to face you don't flag wave your religion at me so why do you do it online? I'm not the type to appreciate it and it sure won't get me to change my faith.

okay just a mild rant.



19:59 Apr 19 2013

FINALLY! somneone who hates facebook as much as I do. Is it possible to start an "I hate facebook" facebook group?

13:11 Apr 20 2013

I totally agree with you! How about couples claiming their love on the status every darn minute and copy pasted repetitive statuses? Jeez!

16:12 Apr 20 2013

NO kidding!

I know I'll start a group on the sci-fi site for us "I hate Facebook" updates bunch of wise folks. :)


Keeping Busy

17:30 Apr 05 2013
Times Read: 642

Done a bit of housework this morning trying to get ready for the weekend where I hope my friends will get to come over to do some crafting. First though I promised my nephew a trip to the park for some play as the weather is finally up in the 60's and sunny. Tonight though taking him up to Eastern Ky University where they have a special program for special needs kids where their students that are planning on working in the field get to spend a couple of hours in the pool or playing basketball with a kid assigned to them for the semester. This is Adam's second semester in it and he really likes it though he plays so hard at times he has to sit or he'll throw up *which has happened too*

I made a old fashioned fudge cake from scratch a couple days ago and it was so very good. It was so moist and rich that it didn't even need icing just a little sprinkle of powedered sugar was just right. For a change around my house ever piece was eat and none thrown out. So I might just have to make another one tomorrow morning before the girls get here for us to enjoy. I've been looking for a different from scratch recipe but then I remembered they adore chocolate so what am I thinking?

I'm discovering I like cooking my own food at home more than eating out as I've developed a dislike of all the food additives and questionable quality practices in the restaurant industry. I know that's just being silly after all these years things haven't suddenly changed and it never bothered me before, yet I can't seem to help it.

I think I caught some of it from Rat as I'm now spending way too many hours watching cooking shows and trying to find recipes I think we'll like enough to eat. With a bunch of very picky eaters as are in my house that's harder than it sounds. Remember I am not that good a cook and tend to keep it pretty simple. So wish me luck finding easy to fix foods.



18:48 Apr 05 2013

Mmmmm.. that cake. :)

19:24 Apr 05 2013


Does wonders for me, that and a large collection of cookbooks...lol

And yet most of what I make, where recipes form my mom, dad, and grandmothers...

21:34 Apr 05 2013

Looking forward to getting together!

05:07 Apr 06 2013

Mine too puppy. I'm in the process of going through Mom's years and years of recipes written on slips of torn papers and cut out of new papers 30 years ago.

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