RedQueen's Journal

RedQueen's Journal


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7 entries this month

20:20 Nov 18 2005
Times Read: 919

Vampire Rave - The Ultimate Vampire Resource and Directory - http://www/VampireRave.com Vampire Rave - The Ultimate Vampire Resource and Directory - http://www/VampireRave.com

.....nature loving beings, closely connected to the woods and amongst the most beautiful of beings....they can entrance with a look and are very sensual creatures. they are said to be able to bring emotions and feelings and sensations to heights that a normal human could never reach...they are powerful, strong, independant and stunningly beautiful...they are intelligent and cunning. and when they love, it is forever

i've wondered what it would be if you could cross those two together

now i know

Vampire Rave - The Ultimate Vampire Resource and Directory - http://www/VampireRave.com




My bad

20:10 Nov 13 2005
Times Read: 936

2. revenant - someone who has returned from the dead

ghost - the visible disembodied soul of a dead person

according to a person who should know, this is apparently what I came into contact with Thursday night, as mentioned in my last journal entry....anybody who has a different opinion, please feel free to leave me a message and chime in




Quelqu'un m'aide s'il vous plaît

20:49 Nov 11 2005
Times Read: 946


Before reading this, allow me one rant at the general populace-if you see a word you do not recognize-LOOK IT UP- do NOT leave childish remarks about what you think the word means, thinking you are going to get a laugh-all you'll get is a pissed off redhead-

********END NOTE********

It has all been just too much...too many mental and emotional overloads in one week, and my poor head and heart have just been over taxed to the limit. We're not talking depression here, it is more along the lines of what my roommate (yes THAT one) affectionately calls my "vortex of weird" kicking in at a high rate of speed....and for 3 days, I have felt like the proverbial sea wall in a hurricane....and I just need something or someone to shore me up before I collapse completely and disappoint a lot of people who depend on me...but when the rock in everybody's life starts to slide in the mud, who props me up? who keeps me from disappearing into the storm? *sigh*

Tuesday...we all have friends, both here, on other sites, in life, people that come and go, people that stay, people who affect us daily...I have such a friend, a friend whom I met on another site (yes, one of THOSE sites...lol). Brian and I SOO got off on the wrong foot when we first met-he responded to my hello with a sarcastic rejoinder about something in my profile, I told him he was a sawed off little pischer with condescension to spare, and that as they say was that....then we apologized, started over, and hence began one of the strangest of my computer friendships...he is indeed short-but then again, at 5'10", to me just about EVERYBODY is short...while we meshed on a much more intellectual level than sexual, things being more platonic then flirtatious, we shared a love of such things as books and music, good wine and love for brewing, of peace and serenity in a singular environment. We both recognized that while we got along well together sometimes we were better apart, and we found comfort and peace in being both solitary and yet connected. It's like having a friend in high school that likes exactly the same things you do, but you don't have to talk every single day to know you have that person in your life. And we drifted like that for months, occasionally IM'ing, mostly not, e-mailing to check on each other, but always knowing in the back of your mind that they were there...Tuesday things went wonky...it was the wee hours of the morning, we had been talking about Midwest wineries and such, he was enjoying a glass of port, I had a glass of merlot, all things in heaven and earth were exactly where they were supposed to be and suddenly I am being asked if I would agree to help him take pictures, pictures of him and another man, would I join in, did I know someone because he was nervous about the whole thing, and he trusted my judgement...to say I was blindsided would be the understatement of the year. I NEVER would have thought he thought of me in any way sexual, because he is well, rather attractive, and well, I am not...lol..*insert self deprecating laugh here* but the fact that he sought me both for succor, support, and protection, PLUS he felt comfortable in this experiment as long as he knew I was there, just absolutely threw me for a loop-back to that friend in high school? it's like having that same friend on the night you graduate tell you he/she has been in love with you all along, and you never had a clue...I was off kilter for the entirety of Wednesday night at work, which some of you poor wee folk here were well aware of, and I simply could not be still...to sit still was to think, and to think was to invite madness.....

Wednesday.....as many of you know, I have been in what I consider an intolerable situation where my marriage, home life and work life are concerned-one could always be counted on to be a refuge from the other, and now neither are a refuge at all...I no longer am consulted in decisions where the household is concerned, my husband talks to my roommate, and I get everything third hand-I have had to retain a lawyer in order to put a stop to the harrassement that my stepmother has indulged herself in at my expense since my father passed away almost two years ago, and I am loathe to even discuss how frustrated I am with the roommate who seems to think that I have "free ride for you" tattooed on my ass somewhere...I quit paying her when she decided that sleeping all day, putting the dishes in the dishwasher, and playing on her computer all day constituted her work day-she simply went over my head *CAN you get athelete's scalp?* to my husband, and things stay the same...whatever work needs doing I do, along with getting my son to school in the morning and working at night-in order to sleep I have to swallow doses of shit the average doctor would go into screaming fits over, and yet most of the time I don't, because I would never be able to get up in the morning to do all the stuff I have to do without being seriously compromised in the function department...the condescension I get from these two make me wonder if waiting till the beginning of next year is the best thing for everyone involved, or just the slowest form of suicide I have ever seen...and me telling people that suicide is the worse form of cowardice-what kind of hypocrite does that make me? Again, the ones I talked to on line that night were fully aware of the fact that my vortex was rapidly spinning off it's axis, and I was hanging it all together with barbed wire and spit...and not much left of either...

Thursday....as in some of my other entries, I have well and fully admitted to the fact that I believe myself to have a certain empathic ability, and as a bartender that has served me well over the years, giving me both the chance to help people and the chance to know things that have netted me decent tips over the years...we had another funeral gathering in the hotel last night, and true to form, they gathered in the bar around 10, filling the place up, and giving me a run for my money after I virtually sat on my ass most of the night for lack of business...the guys were handsome and lively under the circumstances, much fun to be around and joke with, their wives and g/f's equally charming and sociable...the woman who died was their mother, and she was an alcoholic, but who had passed on with few other regrets that I could feel...I was checking on these lovely people when I turned around, and came face to face with a void...this woman was the eldest daughter of the woman, and if ever there was an unawakened psi vampire, this was her. She stood there, I asked her if I could get her anything, she haltingly started talking, and I told her no problems, I had all night, not to worry..she said no, she couldn't find the word, she had been in a coma and had just gotten out of the hospital and still was trying to regain her vocabulary skills. She also said she had been in AA for 26 years, and shouldn't be drinking, but she REALLY wanted......it was....I don't know the word...she finally told me she wanted a vodka and sprite, and she wanted it now...it had grown very quiet amongst the other family members, as if they waited to see just how bad this would get...I reached up and put my hands on her upper arms, and light, sound, speech everything disappeared from me as if it had been sucked into the void...I looked into that woman's eyes, and what life I saw left for her was totally devoid of anything...it was the hollowest, emptiest feeling I have ever had the displeasure of experiencing, and I never want to ever see that in my life again...physically she looked like a cross between Linda Lavin and Gilda Radnor (again, look it up), and I saw skin that had the translucency of fine porcelan, but which had been irrevocably stained, eyes that were more like empty graves than the windows to the soul, and I wanted to throw up just so I could feel something. Bearing in mind of course that all this took place in the briefest of seconds, and then I pulled my hands off her and it was over....I walked behind the bar, poured her a plain sprite, and told her I would not contribute in any way to what I saw in her eyes...her family as a unit heaved a quiet sigh, and the conversation went back to it's boisterous level of a few minutes ago, and they eventually paid their tab, tipped me well, and went to their respective rooms....

it is now Friday, as some of you know (since I have thrown sparkly shit at most of you...lol) the day was good, and I was good as long as I was amongst the living...now I find myself in the house, no one is about but the cats, it's cool and the noise of the occasional car outside, and I find myself afraid to venture anywhere without turning lights on first....the dark is real and it has claws....and I find myself yearning for the comfort of the arms of he who is my soul, who loves me and cherishes me, and lives beyond the boundaries of my country in a land far away...but whose sheer strength of love and warmth for me gives me the strength I need to carry on beyond the dark corners...and I have my friends who need me, and the attention they require is sufficient to keep my mind off the shifting mists like old torn lace....




Nice to see someone who gets it...lol

14:15 Nov 08 2005
Times Read: 969

This was left on my ratings page as a comment-the first and only one to point out where my name came from-thanks GODOT...

One pill makes you larger

And one pill makes you small

And the ones that mother gives you

Don't do anything at all

Go ask Alice

When she's ten feet tall

And if you go chasing rabbits

And you know you're going to fall

Tell 'em a hookah smoking caterpillar

Has given you the call

Call Alice

When she was just small

When men on the chessboard

Get up and tell you where to go

And you've just had some kind of mushroom

And your mind is moving low

Go ask Alice

I think she'll know

When logic and proportion

Have fallen sloppy dead

And the White Knight is talking backwards

And the Red Queen's "off with her head!"

Remember what the dormouse said:

"Feed your head

Feed your head

Feed your head"




Clmbing the food chain...

17:11 Nov 07 2005
Times Read: 973

trust me to me able to multitask enough to notice this...when I answered messages, I noticed that instead of it showing me as having viewed one page, it marked up two...when I post threads in the forum, it marks up three....and I thought I was going to be here forever...LMAO




Couldn't let this one go

15:41 Nov 07 2005
Times Read: 975

I answered a thread in the forum, and my answers even broke me up, then brought me to tears...guess even I can write goodly when I want to...

you know you're a parent when....

everything set in front of you immediately gets cut into small pieces...

when you end every argument no matter who it is with, with the statement "because I said so"

the cat sneezes at 3 am, and you immediately get up and take someone's temperature

the lusciousness of gourmet ice cream has been replaced in your freezer with popsicles in primary colors...

when other people say they got to sleep late, you laugh at them...

when "rocking" means in a chair, not on your feet...

you know all the words to the opening theme of "sponge bob square pants"...

you used to think dinosuars were the BOMB.....then you met barney...

"Some assembly required" can cause a massive coronary at midnight Christmas eve...

it may be the nastiest thing on the face of the earth, but when a 3 year old gives it to you, you think it's priceless...

1) Tent sex after a fabulous gourmet dinnner..... $100

2) Pregnancy test $12.95

3) Labor and Delivery $4000

4) having a 4 yr old look at you and smile, and when you ask them what they are smiling at, they say " I just love looking at you mommy.........






13:42 Nov 07 2005
Times Read: 977

Yeah, I know it's a little past due, but what the hell...I'm entitled to some lag time on this...lol...

I wanted to "go goth" for halloween, and so to that end, I cleared it with the "boss" (a rather perky, bubbly redhead...oy). I left a thread on the forum page about how I should dress to go to work (I am a bartender for a Hilton in Tallahassee) received loads of helpful hints, so on Monday I dyed my hair black (oh yeah...picked up the permenant color instead of the semi-bet THIS is going to stay for awhile, much to my chagrin), and started rummaging through my stuff....

The ensuing outfit would have made my mother cringe, so of course I did a good job...had my roommate take pictures, so of course they're lousy...got all my shit together, and headed out the door. Here's where the fun starts...

I decided to stop on my way and pick up the two necessities of life in Florida- a bottle of gatorade and a lottery ticket. Now bear in mind, I live in a small town, the population is mostly old money hysterical district types, and blacks, so I got a good cross section of people going here...I walked into the convenience store, walked up to the counter with my gatorade and my ticket, and the Indian guy behind the counter looks up from counting money and damn near drops the rolls of change in his hand....his g/f rounds the corner, GASPS, and starts muttering under her breath....I finally pay for my stuff, turn around, and there is a LINE behind me clear to the door...lol...I pop my shades back on, say "excuse me ya'll" in my best southern belle drawl, and took one step towards the door....ya know, we are told in our tight lipped religion that Moses parted the Red Sea with his staff and the name of God, but let me tell you something-he'd have gotten alot farther with some black eyeliner, red eye shadow, and black lipstick...I have never in my life seen such a crowd of people take precisely one step back and out of my way in perfect unison like that before...LMAO-with my best back porch hip swing, I strolled to the door (needless to say one of the gentlemen at the end of the line was nice enough to hold the door for me) turned around, slid my glasses to the end of my nose, looked at everybody, smiled, and walked out. I don't think I have EVER seen so many people who were just mind fucked quite that way before-it was one of the most exhilarating experiences I have ever had....then I got to work.....ROFLMAO



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