StatiliusVampyriusMortis's Journal

StatiliusVampyriusMortis's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


15 entries this month


Vampyrium - Prophecy of Blood

07:15 Apr 30 2018
Times Read: 468

120 BPM Gothic Industrial EBM Rave.
Come if you wanna follow me... in the shadows...
To fulfill the Prophecy... of Blood...
Prophecy of Blood says I must take your soul
(Give me your blood... Give me your blood...)

---- Vampyrium - Prophecy of Blood ----






Constant State of Rave

03:59 Apr 29 2018
Times Read: 488

24/7 Rave. Eat, Sleep, Rave, Repeat...



125 BPM Gothic EBM Industrial Rave

---- Vampyrium - Eternal Implications ----




Galactic Goth Princesses

17:09 Apr 28 2018
Times Read: 522

Just made this...
Galactic Goth Princesses



120 BPM Gothic Industrial EBM Rave
Composed this last night.

---- Vampyrium - Bleeding Star ----




Rh Incompatibility during Pregnancy... Background,Pathophysiology,Epidemiology,Mortality...

13:23 Apr 28 2018
Times Read: 546

Rh- blood (which does not have Rhesus Monkey transmembrane proteins) attacks & kills the fetus inside the mother's womb as if it was a foreign species/viral infection.

Rh Inc Eng

Rh Inc Es

The Rh factor (ie, Rhesus factor) is a red blood cell surface antigen that was named after the monkeys in which it was first discovered. Rh incompatibility, also known as Rh disease, is a condition that occurs when a woman with Rh-negative blood type is exposed to Rh-positive blood cells, leading to the development of Rh antibodies.

Rh incompatibility can occur by 2 main mechanisms. The most common type occurs when an Rh-negative pregnant mother is exposed to Rh-positive fetal red blood cells secondary to fetomaternal hemorrhage during the course of pregnancy from spontaneous or induced abortion, trauma, [1] invasive obstetric procedures, or normal delivery. Rh incompatibility can also occur when an Rh-negative female receives an Rh-positive blood transfusion. In part, this is the reason that blood banks prefer using blood type "O negative" or "type O, Rh negative," as the universal donor type in emergency situations when there is no time to type and crossmatch blood.

The most common cause of Rh incompatibility is exposure from an Rh-negative mother by Rh-positive fetal blood during pregnancy or delivery. As a consequence, blood from the fetal circulation may leak into the maternal circulation, and, after a significant exposure, sensitization occurs leading to maternal antibody production against the foreign Rh antigen.

Once produced, maternal Rh immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies persist for life and may cross freely from the placenta to the fetal circulation, where they form antigen-antibody complexes with Rh-positive fetal erythrocytes and eventually are destroyed, resulting in a fetal alloimmune-induced hemolytic anemia. [2] Although the Rh blood group systems consist of many antigen subtypes (eg, D, C, c, E, e), the D antigen is the most immunogenic; therefore, it most commonly is involved in Rh incompatibility.

The amount of fetal blood necessary to produce Rh incompatibility varies. In one study, less than 1 mL of Rh-positive blood was shown to sensitize volunteers with Rh-negative blood. Conversely, other studies have suggested that 30% of persons with Rh-negative blood never develop Rh incompatibility, even when challenged with large volumes of Rh-positive blood. Once sensitized, it takes approximately one month for Rh antibodies in the maternal circulation to equilibrate in the fetal circulation. In 90% of cases, sensitization occurs during delivery. Therefore, most firstborn infants with Rh-positive blood type are not affected because the short period from first exposure of Rh-positive fetal erythrocytes to the birth of the infant is insufficient to produce a significant maternal IgG antibody response.

The risk and severity of sensitization response increases with each subsequent pregnancy involving a fetus with Rh-positive blood. In women who are prone to Rh incompatibility, the second pregnancy with an Rh-positive fetus often produces a mildly anemic infant, whereas succeeding pregnancies produce more seriously affected infants who ultimately may die in utero from massive antibody-induced hemolytic anemia.

Risk of sensitization depends largely upon the following 3 factors:

Volume of transplacental hemorrhage

Extent of the maternal immune response

Concurrent presence of ABO incompatibility

The incidence of Rh incompatibility in the Rh-negative mother who is also ABO incompatible is reduced dramatically to 1-2% and is believed to occur because the mother's serum contains antibodies against the ABO blood group of the fetus. The few fetal red blood cells that are mixed with the maternal circulation are destroyed before Rh sensitization can proceed to a significant extent.

Rh incompatibility is only of medical concern for females who are pregnant or plan to have children in the future. Rh-positive antibodies circulating in the bloodstream of an Rh-negative woman otherwise have no adverse effects.


During the course of Rh incompatibility, the fetus is primarily affected. The binding of maternal Rh antibodies produced after sensitization with fetal Rh-positive erythrocytes results in fetal autoimmune hemolysis. As a consequence, large amounts of bilirubin are produced from the breakdown of fetal hemoglobin and are transferred via the placenta to the mother where they are subsequently conjugated and excreted by the mother. However, once delivered, low levels of glucuronyl transferase in the infant preclude the conjugation of large amounts of bilirubin and may result in dangerously elevated levels of serum bilirubin and severe jaundice.

Mildly affected infants may have little or no anemia and may exhibit only hyperbilirubinemia secondary to the continuing hemolytic effect of Rh antibodies that have crossed the placenta.

Moderately affected infants may have a combination of anemia and hyperbilirubinemia/jaundice.

In severe cases of fetal hyperbilirubinemia, kernicterus develops. Kernicterus is a neurologic syndrome caused by deposition of bilirubin into central nervous system tissues. Kernicterus usually occurs several days after delivery and is characterized by loss of the Moro (ie, startle) reflex, posturing, poor feeding, inactivity, a bulging fontanelle, a high-pitched shrill cry, and seizures. Infants who survive kernicterus may go on to develop hypotonia, hearing loss, and mental retardation.

A very serious life-threatening condition observed in infants affected by Rh incompatibility is erythroblastosis fetalis, which is characterized by severe hemolytic anemia and jaundice. The most severe form of erythroblastosis fetalis is hydrops fetalis, which is characterized by high output cardiac failure, edema, ascites, pericardial effusion, and extramedullary hematopoiesis. Newborns with hydrops fetalis are extremely pale with hematocrits usually less than 5. Hydrops fetalis often results in death of the infant shortly before or after delivery and requires an emergent exchange transfusion if there is to be any chance of infant survival.

Rh Blood Dif




14:39 Apr 28 2018

Most times the mothers antibiotics attack the fetus as if it were a pathogen, many times if the mother is not treated with special vaccinations, the fetus will eventually turn to mush and the bidy aborts the fetus. I know this because I worked at a speciality plasma dination center that offered big money to eomen with Rh - blood to donate whole blood.

16:04 Apr 28 2018

Very true, with medical intervention (RhoGAM Shot - http://www.rhogam.com/), the pregnancy becomes safer for both the mother and fetus. That's the thing, Positives can receive Negative blood but Negatives can't receive Positive blood without causing a reaction, and since Rh- is Rare, then it's "worth more" due to scarcity...

Blood Cell Compatibility

Rh- mothers are really blessed some Alchemists invented the RhoGAM shot, a few centuries ago, prior to that, uncountable amounts of children were loss due to this sanguine reality. It used to be really, really dangerous, but modern scientific alchemy has made it a lot safer for every Rh- mother and their children. Nurses can and will treat it automatically in a hospital during a woman's pregnancy without even thinking about it. They're used to it now. Back in the days, this RhoGAM shot would've looked like a magic elixir of life and protection. Today we just call it a "vaccine" but it's basically the same thing. Many blessings.,,


Pyramide de la SociƩtƩ Vampirique

13:20 Apr 28 2018
Times Read: 547

Pyramide Vampirique




Real Historical Goth Fashion (Visigothic Branch) #NotVictorian

13:09 Apr 28 2018
Times Read: 554

As someone with actual Visigoth blood & no saxon blood, it's critical that I write an entry about real Goth clothingfashion.
Visigoth Women often walked with their breasts out like Greek & Roman women, not fully covered in fluffy stuff like the Anglosaxons.

Trajes, Armas y Joyeas de los Visigodos

Trajes, Armas y Joyeas de los Visigodos

And before you start arguing with me, remember, we Spanish Nobles are the only real goths left alive on Earth in 2018...
since the Ostrogoths were destroyed/assimilated in Rome (Italia) a long, long time ago.

Migraciones Godas

As you can tell, what most people consider Goth or Gothic is neither Goth nor Gothic, especially not Victorian.
Victorian which is Imperial British (Anglosaxon, The Sworn Enemies of the Visigoths)




New Song: Vampyrium - Bleeding Star

12:09 Apr 28 2018
Times Read: 567


120 BPM Gothic Industrial EBM Rave
Composed this last night.





New Song: Vampyrium - Peace Of Mind (Vampyrium Remix II)

12:08 Apr 28 2018
Times Read: 568


135 BPM Gothic Industrial EBM Rave.
Remix of Wynardtage - Peace Of Mind (Re:Legion remix), 2nd Version.





Violent Criminal Charges & the AVA VEWRSAVEWRS Research Stats

12:02 Apr 28 2018
Times Read: 575

Some old charges... For what it's worth, I rejoice in my experience in doing to the French Canadian Colonists the same that they did to the Native Mohawks. I feel no remorse, no regret. No pride either but almost.
348: Breaking and entering with intent, committing offence or breaking out.
344: Armed Robbery
88: Possession of weapon for dangerous purpose
267: Assault with a weapon or causing bodily harm

I pleaded guilty to everything, they dropped half the charges and gave me 1 day in jail (that I had already served in Habeas Corpus waiting to see a judge) so I was basically free to go.


#ConquistadorForever #OldMemories

Old Charges

Yes they only wrote my first name and first last name, and did not include my middle name, or 2nd last name, because they are lazy corporate acting fucks.

And that was just some of them...
Now according to SUSCITATIO (AVA):

AVA Criminal History





Next step: Uploading some Legal Documents from my past Criminal Charges

00:12 Apr 27 2018
Times Read: 627

Breaking & Entering, Assault with a weapon causing bodily harm, etc, etc.
A real blood bath, not a bitch ass tiny medical cut with a scalpel like you fucking faggot-worms in the "Consensual Vampire Society" do.

I'm the kind of guy that will cut your entire fucking arm off and drink from the flow of blood coming out of your dying monkey body.

So the next step, uploading Criminal Prosecution documents.
As for the whiny bitches, taking honor, I guarantee you, In any single one of my fights, I've drank more blood than you will your entire rhesus monkey lifetime fucking around with Anglosaxons that pretend to be goths & dress like shit in cheap peasant clothes.

In other words I'll commit homicide to feed, and I have more chances of feeding without your consent than with it.
You wish I wasnt' a vampyre, but I guarantee, I'm the worse kind there is.




On the subject of mis Capas EspaƱolas (Spanish Cloaks)

20:22 Apr 26 2018
Times Read: 658

Spain is a mix of multiple cultures, the major ones being ROMAN & VISIGOTHIC.
Both Romans & Visigoths have Cloaks as TRADITIONAL GARMENTS.
So whereas a peasant slave worker in a US colony will wear cheap crappy jeans (since he's laborer class), I being nobility happen to wear Velvet cloaks worth more than their entire wardrobes. Obviously this fucks with the brains of peasants.

They're like "what the fuck is that", totally understandable position & reaction from an Anglosaxon colonial slave-peasant worker.
Doesn't change the fact my double-layer velvet cloaks are worth more than their entire wardrobes.
So can they really insult me calling me Superman when Imperial Romans & Visigothic Kings always wore cloaks, of course not, but they can try.

Going to add some pics to my portfolio & profile to demonstrate the difference between these faggot ass colonist slave workers & the European Roman & Visigothic Nobility Classes.

Will included ancient paintings of Imperial Romans & Visigoths as well as modern pictures of other Nobles in Spain wearing cloaks.
Cloaks are also associated with Nobiliary Military Chivalric orders, such as the Knights Templar, Hospitallers, etc.

I couldn't give a flying fuck about Superman if you paid me.
My cloaks are worth a lot more than his movie-uniforms, because he didn't wear velvet.
Superman wore some cheap plastic synthetic crappy shit cloaks... sad as those are, probably worth more than my hater's entire peasant wardrobes & slave-worker jeans as well.

Fabric matters.



22:31 Apr 26 2018

The Higher you are in the pyramid, the more chances you have of wearing cloaks... Velvet cloaks is usually for nobles.

The lower you are in the pyramid, the more chance you have of wearing petty slave-worker jeans.


So you can't really insult me for being above you socially and wearing velvet cloaks, you're just gonna insult yourself for wearing peasant jeans.

Capas 1

Capas 2

Capas 3

Capas 4

If you wear jeans every day (I never wear jeans), and if the only place you see cloaks is in movies, you know you're working class and not Nobility.

The day one of you jean-wearing slave-plebs can afford a 1400 Euros Double-Layer Velvet Cloak, we'll talk.

Alfonso XI de Castilla y León, King of Castilla y León, as you can see he's not wearing jeans or crappy latex.

Alfonso XI de Castilla y León

Roman Praetorians and Centurions



Below: Don Pelayo de Asturias, the Visigothic Noble who started the Spanish Reconquista

Don Pelayo

Don Pelayo


On the subject of male haters

20:06 Apr 26 2018
Times Read: 671

AbsintheandBlood, Doru, ErebustheDead are all butthurt.
This is the short story, they came to my profile, rated it 10, I went to look at theirs, saw garbage, rated them 5.
From their profiles, you can see these fucking rhesus animals lack intellect, education, and didn't really put in effort to make their profile look nice. Ever since then they've been butt-hurt and constantly coming back to bitch-comment & rate me 0 as well as take "honor" from my profile, 0 fucks given. Apparently doesn't take much to hurt their feelings, but since they wanted to act like punk-ass bitches, I've taken the liberty of going back to spit in their faces and rate them 1. Since they actually care about their ratings & honor, will probably affect them more than it could affect me.

They've inherited perma-bans being punk-bitches, so congratulations peasant slave workers.
Come at me assholes, I'll take all you SOBs on at the same time.

TheNameGame is obviously a fake account and whoever administers it clearly has a fucking mental problem, thinkin' I'm some anglosaxon johny piece of shit or something, they can go fuck themselves too.



20:10 Apr 26 2018

As per the rules of this website a user can give another user a rate of any number of their choosing....so to bitch and whine about a number on a website is just pathetic...seriously is that number gonna kill you...take your children....maybe affect your man hood some....well no its not gonna do any of these things for once you hit the red x in the corner VR VANISHES.

20:24 Apr 26 2018

I told you its the magic 10 complex. People think they are owed that 10 just cuz they have profiles. I rarely rate profiles cuz people get way too bent out of shape over the rates. As for honor, its one of the worst things on here. Its just another way for people to bully others. It doesnt help or hinder you level status. Its pointless. Regardless of how much "honor" they have on here most of them dont have enough to fill their pinky toe in reality.

20:26 Apr 26 2018

Pretty much how I see things as well.
Ratings don't bother me in real life, neither do criminal records.
So to have these peasant jean-wearing colonial slave-workers trip out is just hilarious.

21:26 Apr 26 2018

Somebody actually took honor from me and left a comment about putting alcohol on my wounds, I was like who the fuck is this ignorant ass plebbish slave animal? Alcohol on an open wound would actually be a good thing medically, and disinfect it. I ain't no fucking bitch-pussy, alcohol on an open wound does not hurt nor burn. What the fuck kind of rhesus animal that never bled in a fight wrote that to me. They obviously have no medical first aid training or nothing similar. Some people attack me but they're so stupid they insult themselves trying to insult me.

22:47 Apr 27 2018

You can't go back and re rate after you already rated someone . Why judge someones profile when you haven't done anything but post a lot of huge graphics on yours ? You don't even support the website by buying a membership ? I see no reason to judge these people when they have nice profiles. Looks like they spent a lot of time on them like most profiles members have here.

09:25 Apr 28 2018

Who the fuck are you tell me what to do peasant slave worker. Get the fuck off my journal you punk-bitch and stop trolling.
You and your friends are all bitcheasses. My profile is x1000 more educative than any of yours.


Created my portfolio, uploaded over a dozen pics...

08:20 Apr 26 2018
Times Read: 693

Most of the pics I uploaded are scar pics... because my cuts were sexy when they were bleeding and I like remembering that.
So warm & wet, so if you don't like my fucking cuts, then you can suck DEEEEZ NUTZ.




Cuts & Scars, Wounds of Flesh

04:21 Apr 26 2018
Times Read: 706

Thinking about creating a portfolio for my all my scars & cuts, I have many...
I think the Sangs might enjoy it...




Genealogy: Vlad III Tepes Dracula to House of Astudillo

03:11 Apr 24 2018
Times Read: 735

Related by marriage, I am not a direct descendant of Dracula.
My family of conquistadors conquered a lot more territory than Dracula did.
But we has very good at defending Romania against the Ottomans.
No pride but it's a reality nonetheless for me.

PS: (will be linking every link, for now I only HTML coded the first & final links) but you can keep a tab open and follow the tree with the list easily just with the names until every line is coded (it's gonna take a while to code it so for now that's it.)

Vlad III Tepes Dracula, prince of Wallachia
Vlad II Dracul (Vlad Tepes III Dracula’s father)
Vlad IV Dracula, príncipe de Wallachia (Vlad Tepes III “Dracula’s Brother)
Radu IV, príncipe de Wallachia
Mircea III, príncipe de Wallachia
Stanka de Wallachia
Zamphira Logofat de Szazsebes
Adam Racz de Galgo
Peter Racz de Galgo
Kristina Racz von Galgo
Katalin Kun von Osdola
Agnes Kendeffy de Malmoliz
Gregor, barón Inczédy de Nagy Varad
Agnes Inczedy de Nagy Varad
Claudina Zsuzsanna Kisrhedei Rhedey, condesa de Hohenstein
Francisco, duque de Teck
Mary, princesa de Teck
Jorge V, rey del Reino Unido
Alejandra, princesa de Dinamarca
Cristián IX, rey de Dinamarca
Jorge I, rey de Grecia
Constantine I, rey de Grecia
Pablo I, rey de Grecia
Sofía de Grecia, Reina de España
Felipe VI, rey de España
Juan Carlos I, rey de España
Juan de Borbón, conde de Barcelona
Alfonso XIII, rey de España
Jaime de Borbón y Battenberg, duque de Segovia y de Anjou
Alfonso de Borbón, duque de Cádiz y de Anjou
Luis Alfonso de Borbón, duque de Anjou
Carmen Martínez-Bordiú
María del Carmen Franco y Polo, 1ª duquesa de Franco
María del Carmen Polo y Martinez-Valdez, 1. señora de Meirás
Felipe Polo y Florez
Claudio Polo y Astudillo
Isabel Astudillo



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