immortalxkiss's Journal

immortalxkiss's Journal


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26 entries this month

12:24 Jul 31 2014
Times Read: 1,808

Man, I probably should not have watched those Destiny Beta Let's Plays. I want to play Destiny again. It's withdraw, man, and it's horrible. Halo doesn't fill the gap Destiny left. Only a month and some days to go. That's what I will keep telling myself. Because, I swear, if I am not gone by the ninth of September, that game will be mine the minute it is released. And if I am gone, that game will still be mine, I just want be able to touch it for a few months. But, by then I will have the Xbox One, so it will be okay. And it will look so much better than it did on the 360, not that it didn't look just absolutely beautiful on the 360. I want to play it now though... I want my Awoken Titan who was pretty and blue and kind of looked like Cortana back.



12:38 Jul 31 2014

I know how you feel. I wanna unlock the next sub class for my Hunter. It practically makes me a ninja. :D

21:10 Jul 31 2014

You're assuming the subclass will still function the same way in final release it does in beta. They'll probably nerf it, like they are going to do to the Warlock's nova bomb.

I miss my Warlock...


04:22 Jul 31 2014
Times Read: 1,817

Getting FiOS on Tuesday! Yay!

It's about time, really. Verizon has been promising it since May 1st.




02:21 Jul 31 2014
Times Read: 1,848

I'm done being helpful towards someone only to have it all thrown back in my face. So, this is me telling you to go fuck yourself. I'm done doing favors for most people. This includes graphic work, layouts, and anything else deemed helpful to someone who isn't me.

If this makes me seem like a bitch, fine, I'm a bitch. I'm just tired of getting walked over because I go out of my way to do something for someone else. I'm done. Fin.



03:06 Jul 31 2014

Sometimes, we need to learn the hard way to stop being so giving to others especially when they dont deserve what we have to offer. Its sometimes a hard lesson to learn especially when they shaft you out of like 180 dollars out of money... I dont willingly help people financially any more.

Doesnt make you a bitch at all, take some time and be selfish, its not always a bad thing to do things for you

04:18 Jul 31 2014

You do what you have to, and if people can't understand that, then to Hell with them.

I do hope I can still count on you for the design of my book cover though. There's no one else I trust to do the job. :)

04:21 Jul 31 2014

You're not selfish. It's selfish of others to expect you to make them images and graphics at the drop of a hat. You make lovely things. Lovely things take time. You spend time and effort making things for people who aren't grateful, it's not selfish to therefore stop making graphics for others.


22:47 Jul 30 2014
Times Read: 1,884

Yeah, I went that route. Call it petty or anything else, but it's my right. And, frankly, I don't care. :]



23:23 Jul 30 2014

What did you do?


22:33 Jul 29 2014
Times Read: 1,932

When you insult someone you should probably make sure you spell your insults correctly. You could be well educated, yet still look like an absolute idiot when you don't know how to properly use "your" and "you're".

Just sayin' you look like an idiot. It's almost as bad as the people who spell a lot as one word, or input allot instead, like it means the same thing. Or those who don't know when to use their, there, they're, to and too right. You may be so educated, and you may think it doesn't matter, but your spelling and grammar are all people who don't know you have to judge you on. And when you paint us a picture of someone who doesn't know how to use basic words in the right way, you paint us a picture of a moron. And that's how we will judge you. Don't be the moron.



02:04 Jul 30 2014

U now nothing abot me. U cant juge a bok buy it's covr.


03:05 Jul 30 2014

You're right, one cannot judge a "bok" by it's "covr", mostly because neither of those things exist.

03:06 Jul 30 2014

She was being sarcastic with her choice of spelling.

04:32 Jul 30 2014

Ah, well played then. :)

07:58 Jul 30 2014

More insults by the members of VR to the members of VR. -shakes head- ...why does this not surprise me?


07:33 Jul 28 2014
Times Read: 1,955

I hate that the Destiny Beta is now closed. I want to go play some more of it, get lost in that world, shoot things in the head, speed around on my awesome gold speeder bike, go be on a fireteam with perfect strangers who wind up becoming friends, go dance at the Tower with no one and everyone, sit on my favorite ledge overlooking The Last City, take part in Control matches and raise my awesome rep, go find loot. I want to do it all. I fell hopelessly in love with that game and now I feel so empty since the servers went offline. I want my Titan who looked like Cortana back. I didn't even mean to make her look like Cortana, I just liked the Awaken and she looked lovely in those shades of blue.

I was playing Halo earlier, and even that didn't make me happy like Destiny did. And we all know how I love my Halo.



13:03 Jul 28 2014

I love Beta testing

doing it myself, presently doing it for the new upcoming expension of WoW Warlods of Dreanor

Also doing tech Beta testing for Heroes of the Storms

Its nice kill and get killed, lost and found don't matter lol as long as you shoot anything everything and go everywhere lolll


07:14 Jul 28 2014
Times Read: 1,960

Starving yourself is counter productive if you aim to lose weight, ask any heath care professional. Ideally you should eat five times a day, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two light snacks. It keeps your metabolism active. When you starve yourself, or skip meals, you drop back and you lose any progress you may have made.

I see that a lot, and I used to do it as well. I wouldn't eat, save for dinner, if even that. And it never helped me. Because when you do finally eat, you'll take larger portions to ease the hunger you gain from skipping meals in the first place. Eating right is the key. Eating right and exercise.




09:21 Jul 26 2014
Times Read: 2,002

Oh my god, Destiny is amazing. AMAZING! It has an old school Halo feel to it, but I think that's because it's a Bungie game. I need this game when it gets released. I NEED it.

I love that you can chose your class and customize your character. I went with Titan. It reminds me of Halo mixed with Borderlands and a dash of MMORPG thrown in via the interactions at the Tower.

And goodness, is it just absolutely beautiful. So freaking pretty to look at.

Yeah, I am in love with this game. It was totally worth the 15 hour download. Totally. Worth. It.

Bungie, you make some gorgeous, captivating games.



01:01 Jul 27 2014

Took me 2 hours to download it for Mike while he was at work but he loves it. He's playing it now. Lol.

01:35 Jul 27 2014

Already maxed out one character and working on the next.


17:18 Jul 25 2014
Times Read: 2,027

I'm downloading the Destiny Beta, which is open to all Gold members now. I've been downloading it since around three this morning... It is only a quarter of the way done. In six hours, it only downloaded 28 percent. If that isn't a direct indication that we need FiOS installed now (and not when Verizon feels like it as that seems to be the stance They've taken since May 1st), I don't know what is. It's not even that big, only 5.14 GB. It's aggravating, as this will probably take the rest of the day, and possibly night, to finish. And that's if I don't actually use my Xbox to play any games, as downloading stops when you do anything but look at the dashboard.

I just want to play the awesome looking game.

But, I bet you anything I won't be able to as it will probably lag out so bad when I attempt to hop on, as seems to be the custom with my Internet connection. "You want to have fun?! Unheard of! No, you cannot enjoy a game on LIVE with other players, instead, watch as the connection rate falls down to zilch and you constantly die. Isn't that fun?" No. No it isn't.



18:52 Jul 25 2014

Im at 2% after about 30 min. But im also wireless, and using my neighbors net. Lol. He an i set up our apts so the router is on the wall closest to my xbox wall. Pretty fast still, but still wireless. Its about..a foot away...and thats through the wall...lol


01:18 Jul 25 2014
Times Read: 2,074

So... I got this in the mail today from him...

I don't deserve it, but he won't let me send it back. So, yeah. It's beautiful and probably the most amazing thing anyone outside of my family has ever given me. Ever.



01:32 Jul 25 2014

That is just lovely, Immy. ♥ I want a shiny too :D

03:52 Jul 25 2014

Oh, be quiet, you do so deserve it. You're just not used to being appreciated, that's all.

But you are worth it, and so, so, so much more.


11:10 Jul 24 2014
Times Read: 2,104

So, I'm looking for a Society to stash two accounts into.

I would promise tons of activity from me, but I can't. So if you don't mind sporadic members, let me know.



20:06 Jul 24 2014

Hey, there's always IS. :)


11:59 Jul 23 2014
Times Read: 2,120

You know what's seriously addicting? The Halo Edition if Minecraft. Yup. I could play that for hours (which I kind of did tonight) and not be bored with it. I don't normally like Minecraft all that much, I had purchased it for a reason which is no longer relevant now, but the Halo pack makes it so much better. Like, SO MUCH BETTER.




03:29 Jul 23 2014
Times Read: 2,133

I have an account that needs a new name. I am thinking of another Halo themed profile. Only, this time, I'm going for something from Reach, which has become my new favorite game to run through over 4. Now I just have to think up some content.



20:03 Jul 23 2014

Oh! Take some of my Halo moments from my Facebook page! Most, if not all, of them are from Reach.


03:34 Jul 22 2014
Times Read: 2,191

I don't get it. You all bitch about certain members here, and yet those who do the bitching and insult slinging throw alternate accounts into said person's Coven. You either hate her or you don't. If you hate her, ignore her, if you don't, do not join in on the bashing just to turn around and be an active part of her Covens.

You all look like idiots.



18:18 Jul 22 2014

I guess they do it to try and bring that person's coven down or to spy on them and see what the post in the coven's forums.

People on here seem to love drama and being mean for some reason. What those reasons are, I can only speculate. But, all in all, it seems to be the favored pastime here.

20:37 Jul 22 2014

Either which way you slice it, the facts boil down to this:

VR is part of the internet. The internet facilitates duplicity and hypocrisy and it is most blatantly present in this particular situation.

People bash and flame then turn around on an alt and act like their the person's best buddy. Why? The same repeating reason, sick, twisted mind games for their own demented amusement.


01:32 Jul 20 2014
Times Read: 2,229

I have the best of luck with cars, I swear. Some idiot rear ended me at a stoplight. We were at a full stop, too, then she hit the gas and slammed right into the car. The bumper is bent to shit, apparently Mini Coopers are made of plastic and the slightest hit ruins everything. So, yeah, the bumper needs to be replaced. It doesn't look bad, but there is a huge crack along the top of it, and three perfectly symmetrical scratches from the lady's chrome grill. Of course, her car had no damage whatsoever. Fords are really built tough. It's just so annoying. Third accident in less than two years, but thankfully, not one of them has been my fault. Of course, it just means I clearly shouldn't drive anymore, because when I do I get hit by or hit other idiots who aren't paying attention.



03:01 Jul 20 2014

Maybe we need to get you something with some armor on it. :P

Sorry about your car, but I'm glad you're alright. :)

05:42 Jul 20 2014

Or you just need to drive in a state with less idiots.

The important thing is that you're okay and didn't get hurt :)


20:35 Jul 18 2014
Times Read: 2,263

Best reaction to someone getting one of my images:

"Oh my fuck :D"

For Nero. Again. I liked this one, it was super easy to do, and gave me a bit of creative freedom with it.

What is the music of life?

Silence, my brother.



20:38 Jul 18 2014


21:50 Jul 18 2014


21:57 Jul 18 2014

and the brotherhood rises... :D

00:22 Jul 19 2014

That's pretty badass.

03:03 Jul 20 2014

Hard to believe no one has thrown in a "Hail Sithis" here. :D

Awesome crest.

20:39 Jul 22 2014

That's because Talos is much cooler than Sithus.

But, I digress...

Awesome crest :)


18:11 Jul 16 2014
Times Read: 2,314

This Crest is for Nero. I love the colors on this one, shades of green and blue. Haha, Halo reference. Anyway, like I said in the last entry, I love this one.



19:37 Jul 16 2014

Awesome work...as always. :)

21:52 Jul 16 2014

Very nice. Looks like you nailed it perfectly :)


16:38 Jul 16 2014
Times Read: 2,333

I have to admit, that Crest looks pretty damn awesome.

I can only hope the intended Coven Master to-be likes it as much as I do.



17:51 Jul 16 2014

Immy I fucking love you. :D


08:59 Jul 16 2014
Times Read: 2,347

It was only a matter of time...

Only a matter of time before this made me miss something important. Fuck.



21:50 Jul 16 2014

Don't worry about it. You've got to keep up with your medicine and the program. It would only make me feel worse if you were to miss out on your opportunity to get into the Air Force.

Besides, August is only a week or two away and you'll have completed an extremely difficult task in your life and for that I am very proud of you.


12:12 Jul 15 2014
Times Read: 2,370

I am a beast with the gravity hammer in Halo. If I ever cosplay as a Spartan or ODST, my primary weapon will be a grav hammer.

I had fun tonight, playing with my two best guys, Rob and Matthew. I had a lot of connection issues with LIVE, but our custom SWAT matches were something else. I do realize that I need to get better with the actual guns in the games. I can snipe with a DMR or a sniper rifle or Covvie Carbine or Magnum, but I can't do it as quickly as I need to in SWAT games. And, if it doesn't have a scope, I am just so absolutely fucked. So many shotgun blasts to the face were had... It's a pity not everything can be done with the grav hammer. I would be the best Halo player ever if it could be done.



18:01 Jul 15 2014

True, true. The grav hammer is definitely your weapon. I'm tempted to take you into Griff Ball Matchmaking and getting you to rack up some MP kills. You'd be an awesome defender/offensive player. All you have to do is run around the map and smash anything that highlights red in your targeting reticle. Even better if you can trap the other team at their spawn point and spawn kill them.

The trick to getting good with weapons like the DMR, and other accuracy weapons is to learn to shoot from the hip without the scope. Master that type of shooting and you'll be golden with pretty much every weapon. Learn the no scope shooting and you will be a well rounded, effective player in no time.

Tonight, we should practice it. I have an idea for a good variant to practice no scope shooting. :)

23:19 Jul 15 2014

...sorry about all the shotgun blasts to the face, my dear, but once you pick up a gravity hammer I need every advantage I can get! :D


12:37 Jul 14 2014
Times Read: 2,398

My body feels like it's been hit by a truck. Repeatedly. And as such, it makes getting back to sleep rather difficult. I guess I know not to push myself and overdo it so much on the weight machines at the gym. But, considering I can't really work out like I want to, I do because I need to feel like I am doing something with myself.

Blah. I watched the first season of Rooster Teeth's series, RWBY again tonight. I seriously love that one, the characters. It's no Red vs. Blue, but I still very much enjoy it because it's like my fairy tails brought to life in a different way. I am always for that. The new season premiers in a few weeks, and I am looking forward to it. Hopefully there is a bit more character development this time around. Because, as much as I do like the show, there is some room for major improvement.

It's nearly five in the morning and I am rambling. I'm tired but my body hurts and sleep is evading me currently. I guess it's okay, as I did knock out at around nine. Or maybe it was ten. I don't remember. I was playing Halo: ODST with Rob and I was half asleep during it. We hunted down all the freaking audio logs, and that took forever. And I crashed right after I turned my Xbox off. So, I think it was nine-ish. Which reminds me that I have been a shit girlfriend these last few weeks. I am just always so tired and all I want to do is sleep. I try to get in some time on LIVE, playing one Halo game or another with him, it is just so difficult to do so when I can hardly keep my eyes open for more than an hour. I can't wait until August when I am completely done with all of this stuff. Then things can get back to normal. Well, until I leave anyway.



18:38 Jul 14 2014

I hope you feel better soon. :)

01:33 Jul 15 2014

You are far from a shit girlfriend. Light years from it. You're tired, and that's understandable considering what you have been putting your body through to reach your goals, and for that I couldn't be more proud of you. You are showing exceptional strength and determination, qualities that only add to the amazing person you are.

Sleep and do what you need to do to get through this and know I'll always be there for you no matter what, through anything and everything, waiting for you and only you, till time stops and all things die, except for my love for you.

I'm stubborn that way ;)

01:36 Jul 15 2014

Besides, last night when you cracked Mickey with the Gravity Hammer and sent him plummeting into the abyss... Fracking hilarious... You sent that useless NPC hurtling towards his doom and to be honest it was about time someone did it :)

....but then he teleported back and well... blah... I was hoping it would have actually killed him...

He annoys me, so very much...



12:15 Jul 13 2014
Times Read: 2,413



06:08 Jul 11 2014
Times Read: 2,457

I enjoyed doing this Crest. The color scheme, goodness, I just freaking love it. For Sae and The Coven of The Curious. :]



11:34 Jul 11 2014


22:58 Jul 11 2014

For some reason, one of the first things that I do upon logging in after being gone for a while is check the societies page. When I saw this crest, I knew you'd made it, haha. It's great. For some reason it's reminiscent of the coven of the dragon...for me at least. It's great.

02:29 Jul 12 2014

Nice additions from what you showed me last night. I like the sword at the base of the tree and the dragon. The originals were a bit bare, but you filled it in nicely while sticking to the Asian theme.

16:36 Jul 13 2014

I want to see the originals!

18:38 Jul 13 2014

It does have that Coven of the Dragon feel to it, though their Crest was far more simple. The colors on this one actually remind me of Ancient Wisdom, now that I think about it.

And, the originals were just lacking the dragon and the sword. So, nothing major changed in the whole creation of it. Just that, with different font and just the tree.



08:03 Jul 10 2014
Times Read: 2,495



07:27 Jul 09 2014
Times Read: 2,522

My Great Uncle Del left my cousin, Arthur, his late 1960s Mustang when he passed away. I want to say it's a '67, but I am probably wrong. It's between '65 and '68, though. And I'm too lazy to go ask and find out for sure. Anyway, my cousin wants to sell it because, honestly, the thing needs quite a bit of work. A new engine, the interior needs to be redone, and some light bodywork to get rid of some rust. But, aside from all that, it's in great condition, still a work of art. However, my cousin just doesn't want to invest the time and money it would take to bring the car back to it's former glory. So, he approached my dad about buying it.

I hope my dad goes for it, even it it would mean he couldn't get the truck and/or motorcycle he's been wanting to get. That car needs to stay in the family. it would be so depressing to see it sold to someone we're not related to. Because, we will appreciate it far more than anyone else could, because it was Uncle Del's. My dad is seriously considering the purchase, he was discussing it with my mother yesterday, talking about what it would likely cost (around $15,000 to $20,000), and what he'd have to put off if he did buy it. He did say, though, that if he does, he'd give me our Ford Fusion that he drives right now. Which would be very awesome. I haven't had my own car since the Suzuki.

In truth, though, if he did buy it, it would be pretty awesome. That car is a classic, and if it gets fixed up like it deserves, it will be beautiful. It's an investment, and the value for it will only go up. Plus, he said if I put in ten years, he would give it to me. That is far more tempting than you could possibly know.

Here's what it looks like:



10:33 Jul 10 2014



12:05 Jul 06 2014
Times Read: 2,547

Well, damn... Did MrD close down Les Enfants or was it shut down because of the 30 day rule? I was going to throw ForwardUntoDawn in there, but when I went to petition I didn't see it on the list, then I checked his profile and saw he hadn't been on since late April and he no longer had the Coven. That is depressing.

Well, if he ever comes back and is active again like he used to be, maybe he'll reopen. Then I can rejoin. I hope he comes back, his company, more so than just the Coven, is missed.



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