immortalxkiss's Journal

immortalxkiss's Journal


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37 entries this month

03:30 Jun 29 2013
Times Read: 1,880

Tonight it's lemon pepper chicken breast with steamed rice and garlic and butter sautéed asparagus for dinner. So yummy.




08:24 Jun 28 2013
Times Read: 1,961

So, tonight was a whole new level of stupid I had yet to experience here on VR. I was accosted due to the cam topic on my Nymphaea account. Was there anything horrible about said topic? Nope. It was merely because it had the word "kiss" in it.

"Let the wind erase me like the memory of a kiss..."

Apparently using the word kiss in anything around here means your automatically dating a certain member who goes by the same name. But, I'm sorry, when you jump my shit about a cam topic, thinking it's about something VR related when it's not, I stop playing nice. Do you wish to know where I got the above? It's from an amazing song by Assemblage 23. It's not the first time I've used the lyrics, either. It was my kismet on Demure for a while, and I even put it into a photomanipulation I made way the hell back in November. But, oh no, that can't be real. It just has to refer to idiots on here and I just have to be hinting at something that has not nor will ever happen here. I do have some standards, people. I wouldn't date a person who doesn't know the difference between noun and known. Just Sayin'.

Here's the image, which I titled "Let the Wind Erase Me"

And here's the damn song I got the lyrics from.

Attenuate the light of day,

So I can see the lines and details,

And not the hazy, plastic blur,

That floods my eyes 'til I can't see.

Let the wind erase me,

Like the memory of a kiss.

Let these waters take me,

Away from all of this.

Let the wind erase me,

Like the memory of a kiss.

Let these waters take me,

Away from all of this.

I long for anonymity,

To wipe the features from my face.

One single moment of escape,

Then I can wake myself again.

Let the wind erase me,

Like the memory of a kiss.

Let these waters take me,

Away from all of this.

Let the wind erase me,

Like the memory of a kiss.

Let these waters take me,

Away from all of this.

I need a respite from this noise,

The distant roar of static oceans.

Give me a haven from this bedlam,

And let my senses rust away.

Let the wind erase me,

Like the memory of a kiss.

Let these waters take me,

Away from all of this.

Let the wind erase me,

Like the memory of a kiss.

Let these waters take me,

Away from all of this.

But oh no, everything revolves around VR. Jesus fucking Christ, you people need to get some semblance of a fucking life.



08:33 Jun 28 2013

O.O Did someone forget to tell you? Vampire Rave is the real world and we all but a dream.

08:35 Jun 28 2013

I guess I never got the memo.

08:57 Jun 28 2013

Did she think you were stealing her e-boyfriend or was it some other moron with a grudge against the e-skank?

They live on here, this is the real world to them... hopefully someone will pull the plug some day.

12:20 Jun 28 2013

You and kiss??? ROTFL. In his wet dreams maybe!

12:25 Jun 28 2013

Most people on VR are nothing but Drama Whores that have to have VR to feel like tough people .

14:44 Jun 28 2013

Every time I write a rant, I have to state it's not VR related, 'cause of the messages I receive afterwards. So apart from this, nowadays no one can write kiss without it being vr related? Ok then this means that I'll start drama every time, someone writes death, night or nite, and girl (grl) because it's obvious that they'd be talking about me. Thanks for the info :)

17:52 Jun 28 2013

Nope, you're wrong, you obviously made that image and searched out that song to help you keep your secrets and what not...or something. I don't know.


20:47 Jun 26 2013
Times Read: 1,973

Man, the good things just don't stop coming today. My SIII underwent some updates and now I can have two applications open at the same time. That will work for me since I always want to run youtube while I am surfing the net. So yeah, this will be awesome.




15:39 Jun 26 2013
Times Read: 1,983

So, they avoided a direct ruling on Prop 8. But, since that's the case, it is still ruled as unconstitutional. It was already ruled unconstitutional here in 2010. So, Yay! That would mean same-sex marriage should be legal here again! It's about time.

At least, that's what I got from all the legal jargon.




15:11 Jun 26 2013
Times Read: 2,002

Section 3 of DOMA (the Defense Of Marriage Act) was struck down! Yay! Now all there is to wait on is the ruling on Prop 8.




12:31 Jun 26 2013
Times Read: 2,018

In a few short hours the Supreme Court will rule on whether Proposition 8 (the ban on same-sex marrage), which passed in 2008, is unconstitutional. I am fairly certain that they will rule in favor of same-sex marrage, as it's discrimination to deny any group of people the ability afforded to another group of people. But, until they put out official word, I can't really say one way or another. I can only hope they do the right thing and throw Prop 8 right out the window.

People view California as a liberal state, mostly because of Hollywood and San Francisco. But, the truth of the matter is that voters tend to be more on the conservative side. Take proposition 8, for example. It passed with 52 percent of the vote. More than half the people voting believed that gay marrage was to be defined as strictly between a man and a woman. So, I find it funny that we get painted as some crazy liberal state. If that were the case we never would have voted against the legalization of marijuana.

Anyway, I am eager to hear the ruling about Prop 8. There are a number of outcomes that can come about from the ruling, and I am curious to see how it is all going to play out here. We spent far too long being so dead set against same-sex marrage, I can only hope the end is near for such prejudices. You may not approve of gay people, but they have every right to be just as happy or miserable as every other married couple. Who are any of us to deny them that right?

The following questions and answers were taken from this article.

Q. What if the Supreme Court upholds Proposition 8?

A. This would leave gay Californians without the right to marry in the state and would tell the roughly three dozen states that do not allow same-sex marriages that there is no constitutional problem in limiting marriage to a man and a woman.

Such an outcome probably would trigger a political campaign in California to repeal Proposition 8 through a ballot measure, which opinion polls suggest would succeed, and could give impetus to similar voter or legislative efforts in other states. Proposition 8 itself was adopted by voters in 2008, but there has been a marked shift in Americans' attitudes about same-sex marriage in the past five years.


Q . What if the court strikes down Proposition 8?

A. A ruling in favor of the two same-sex couples who sued to invalidate the gay marriage ban could produce one of three possibilities. The broadest would apply across the country, in effect invalidating constitutional provisions or statutes against gay marriage everywhere.

Or a majority of the justices could agree on a middle option that applies only to California as well as Colorado, Hawaii, Illinois, Nevada, New Jersey and Oregon. Those states already treat gay and straight couples the same in almost every respect through civil unions or domestic partnerships. The only difference is that gay couples there are not allowed to marry.

This so-called seven-state solution would say that the Constitution forbids states to withhold marriage from same-sex couples while giving them all the basic rights of married people. But this ruling would not implicate marriage bans in other states and would leave open the question of whether states could deprive gay couples of any rights at all.

The narrowest of these potential outcomes would apply to California only. The justices essentially would adopt the rationale of the federal appeals court that found that California could not take away the right to marry that had been granted by the state Supreme Court in 2008, before Proposition 8 passed.

In addition, if the Supreme Court were to rule that gays and lesbians deserve special protection from discriminatory laws, it is unlikely that any state ban on same-sex marriage could survive long, even if the justices don't issue an especially broad ruling in this case.


Q. Are there other potential outcomes?

A. Yes, the court has a technical way out of the case without deciding anything about same-sex marriage. The Proposition 8 challengers argue that the private parties defending the provision - members of the group that helped put the ban on the ballot - did not have the right to appeal the trial judge's initial decision striking it down, or that of the federal appeals court.

The justices sometimes attach great importance to this concept, known as "standing". If they find Proposition 8's proponents lack standing, the justices also would find the Supreme Court has no basis on which to decide the case.

The most likely outcome of such a ruling also would throw out the appeals court decision that struck down the ban but would leave in place the trial court ruling in favor of same-sex marriage. At the very least, the two same-sex couples almost certainly would be granted a marriage license, and Gov. Jerry Brown, D-Calif., who opposes Proposition 8, probably would give county clerks the go-ahead to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.


Q. Are the possibilities for the DOMA case as complicated?

A. No, although there are some technical issues that could get in the way of a significant ruling.


Q. What happens if the court upholds Section 3 of DOMA, defining marriage for purposes of federal law as the union of a man and a woman?

A. Upholding DOMA would not affect state laws regarding marriage but would keep in place federal statutes and rules that prevent legally married gay Americans from receiving a range of benefits that are otherwise available to married people. These benefits include breaks on estate taxes, health insurance for spouses of federal workers and Social Security survivor benefits.


Q. What if the court strikes down the DOMA provision?

A. A ruling against DOMA would allow legally married gay couples or, in some cases, a surviving spouse in a same-sex marriage, to receive benefits and tax breaks resulting from more than 1,000 federal statutes in which marital status is relevant. For 83-year-old Edith Windsor, a New York widow whose case is before the court, such a ruling would give her a refund of $363,000 in estate taxes that were paid after the death of her spouse, Thea Spyer. The situation could become complicated for people who get married where same-sex unions are legal, but who live or move where they are not.


Q. What procedural problems could prevent the court from reaching a decision about DOMA?

A. As in the Proposition 8 case, there are questions about whether the House Republican leadership has standing to bring a court case to defend the law because the Obama administration decided not to.

House Republicans argue that the administration forfeited its right to participate in the case because it changed its position and now argues that the provision is unconstitutional.

If the Supreme Court finds that it does not have the authority to hear the case, Windsor probably would still get her refund because she won in the lower courts, but there would be no definitive decision about the law from the nation's highest court and it would remain on the books. It is possible the court could leave in place appeals court rulings covering seven states with same-sex marriage: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont.




23:42 Jun 25 2013
Times Read: 2,040

Did you know? I wear the necklace you gave me for Christmas every day. It reminds me of you, makes me feel like I am closer to you in some small fashion.

I miss you.



03:20 Jun 26 2013

I believe this one small act honors a presence which, in your heart, you have already acknowledged is there.

03:43 Jun 26 2013

Someone is a very lucky man. I just hope he realizes just how special you are and how very lucky he is.


17:08 Jun 24 2013
Times Read: 2,085

So... Yeah... I am so good at the making friends thing. I logged on this morning to find this lovely message sent to me. Someone didn't like a rate I gave them... Frankly I am shocked. People should feel special that I stopped by to rate them at all, not all butt hurt because they didn't get a ten. God, don't they realize I am amazing and awesome and that my stopping by is an absolute gift? Sheesh, talk about ungratefulness.

Har har. All joking aside, I did get this message and I did find it rather humorous.



10:00:34Jun 24 2013 

listen dont fucking rate me a 5 ya hear me 

Well, let's see. Looks like I already rated you a five, either accept it or don't, it hardly matters to me. And really, or what? What the hell can you possibly do to me over the internet? You are an idiot. Take the five, which was generous on my part, and shut the fuck up. Stupid messages like this only raise the desire to go rate you a one. I only refrain because I don't care and I can't be bothered to go to your profile again.

Oh, and I was going to hide the name, but really, fuck that noise. Names neither hidden nor changed to protect the stupid.



18:06 Jun 24 2013

Oh this is priceless:p love it!

18:28 Jun 24 2013

It's guru. Careful he may use caps locks!

18:54 Jun 24 2013

I would rate him another five then tell him it makes to ten just not the way he likes it.


09:58 Jun 24 2013
Times Read: 2,090

The inner monologue from earlier tonight...

Hmm... I am tired, but not tired enough to go to sleep quite yet. I know, off to see what's on Netflix! Saw it, saw it, don't want Star Trek tonight. No Anime either. I sure as hell am not awake enough to read subtitles and concentrate on a Korean drama. What's this, they got the Silent Hill sequel. Now, that is perfect to watch right before bed!

Cut to an hour and whatever later and yeah. It wasn't scary or anything, not like playing the games in the dark can be, but even so. Like my dreams aren't screwed up enough, I will probably be adding in some of those creatures. I guess they do beat out those cannibal children from that one nightmare from hell I had... I should have stuck with Star Trek.




22:01 Jun 23 2013
Times Read: 2,099

Well, she wasn't impressed with The Cabin in the Woods. I think she lost it at the first killing. And then even more so at the ending. All she had to say was "They were selfish brats." And, well, yeah, they were. I love the movie, but the ending bothers me as well.

Now, I have to get her to watch Archer. My brother and I have been trying to talk her into watching that show for months and she's done nothing but refuse. And now after we praised The Cabin in the Woods and she found it such a let down, I doubt she'll be checking out Archer anytime soon. Which is a pity because Archer is fucking hilarious.




20:39 Jun 23 2013
Times Read: 2,104

I'm forcing my mother to watch The Cabin in the Woods. She's a Whedon fan, well, to an extent. She likes Firefly and Serenity, as well as the Avengers. But, I don't know how she'll take this movie. I freaking love it, but that's just me. So far she's laughed a bit, but it's only ten minutes in so, we'll see.



20:48 Jun 23 2013

That was an okay movie.


03:25 Jun 23 2013
Times Read: 2,115

It's getting close to August... and that is just always a bad time for me. Top it off with everything that has come to pass this year and well, I have sunk into a bit of a depression. It's hard to deal sometimes. Even after all these years, it's still so hard to deal with it all. So, to keep me somewhat sane I have been listening to Delta Rae. Well, really, just one song.

I posted about Delta Rae back in January when I happened to stumble upon them. Thier song, Dance in the Graveyards, really helped pull me out of my spiral when my great uncle passed away. And now they're helping me again. The video for this song is amazing, as I said in January. And the song itself is so uplifting. I have to remember that though I may miss those who've passed on, I really shouldn't mourn their passing. I should celebrate their lives, and remember that I will see them again one day.




02:00 Jun 22 2013
Times Read: 2,142

Just to throw this out there for some who are mistaken, but a lot is not interchangeable with allot. They don't mean the same thing.

A lot (two words) is an informal phrase meaning "many." It can take an adjective, for example, "a sizeable lot."

Example: Karl needed a lot of time for the job.

Allot means "to distribute between or among." It has the same root as lottery.

Example: He allotted three breaks a day to everyone in the department.

And then, of course, alot isn't a word and you make an idiot of yourself every time you use it.

I hope you appreciated the grammar lesson. Next time learn the meaning of words before you go swapping them in where other words ought to be.



23:09 Jun 22 2013


23:12 Jun 22 2013

Lol, I hate you so much.


19:33 Jun 20 2013
Times Read: 2,150

I had a dream about you. It was heartbreaking, only in the fact that it was a dream. I miss your company so very much.




00:14 Jun 20 2013
Times Read: 2,171

My dad's application was approved for LAX's K-9 unit. So, hopefully he'll ace the interview and get to work with the dogs. It's what he's wanted to do since he started with the TSA.

In other news, the jerks who did the broadcast of the Angels game last night didn't pay any attention to the contestants of People Magazine's Tribute to Heroes contest. I couldn't even find the interview Kevin and Cory did on any of the stuff we recorded last night. Well, hopefully it'll pop up later in the week, because I really want to see the interview.




07:57 Jun 19 2013
Times Read: 2,181

So, the game was actually really fun, aside from the fact that the Angels lost in extra innings. We got to meet one of the other finalists, Cory, and he and his family were super nice. Kevin and Cory were interviewed for Fox Sports West and we got to hang out on the field for about an hour before the game started. I got some pretty good pictures from that that I will post tomorrow, after I resize them and clean them up a bit. All in all, it was a fun night, and despite not being a baseball fan I did enjoy the game and being out on the field and stuff.



02:21 Jun 22 2013

Glad you had a great time. Hope your brother wins, I keep voting two or three times or more a day for you.


00:20 Jun 19 2013
Times Read: 2,187

Off to the Angels game. Yay.




04:51 Jun 18 2013
Times Read: 2,210

My brother is making me wear his old Angels jacket. He also wanted me to wear one of his shirts, but I drew the line. It's going to be fun tomorrow. He is also going to be interviewed for Fox Sports. So yeah, I am looking forward to tomorrow.



05:32 Jun 18 2013

Have a terrific day and best of luck to your brother. :)


22:37 Jun 15 2013
Times Read: 2,220

So I found out today we will probably be on television at the Angels game Tuesday. Kevin asked if we wanted to go out onto the field, andwe figured why not? I mean, how often would the opportunity to step foot on a major baseball team's playing field come up? So, that will be fun.




02:13 Jun 15 2013
Times Read: 2,241

Playing around on the tablet today made me realize I really don't like tablets. It's the keyboard, I think, that just completely turns me off. I am going to have to look into getting a seperate one, because this touchscreen one is driving me nuts. On the plus side, it took no getting used to, since it's the same OS as my phone. I think I am only ever going to buy Samsung products from now on. Well, as far as their Galaxy series is concerned. I know it and I love it and that's all that matters to me.



02:32 Jun 15 2013

Tablets depend on the manufacturer I suppose. I have a Archos Arnova 7 G3 tablet, and the thing is slower than I thought anything that could run the Android OS could be. The more I use it, the more it makes me wanna pay out the $199 for an iPad Mini.

02:36 Jun 15 2013

I have the Galaxy Tab 2 by Samsung. It's not that it is slow or anything, because it's just as fast as my phone, if not even faster. It is just the keyboard. I don't know, I just can't stand it. The way it takes up half the screen so I can't really see what I am doing drives me absolutely crazy. I am sure if I had one of those external keyboards it would be perfect and just like a small laptop.

03:47 Jun 15 2013

I have an iPad and it kicks ass. It's super fast and the keyboard is big enough to where it feels like a full-size one when typing. I do have a separate keyboard for it though, I bought it in the cases I am typing a long story or something. But, really- I've never use it. iPad's are just bigger than all the other tablets out there. Like you with Samsung- I am with Apple products (I have an iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, & Apple TV), because they are just so dependable as well as all Apps out there seem to be made for Apple first. There's no major App not made for Apple products.


14:24 Jun 13 2013
Times Read: 2,293

Telling members not to go to the administration if they have a serious problem on VR simply because they don't handle a situation like you think they should is silly. No member should ever feel like they cannot take a serious issue to the Admin team. No, they won't solve all your problems for you, and no, they will not get involved in your petty bullshit, but if it is a real, truly serious matter, you should approach them.

Now, serious issues do not include your ongoing hate wars against each other. If you want to bitch because so-and-so called you this or that, keep it to yourself. Because they will tell you one thing, ignore the user, and block them if need be. You have the tools at your disposal, make some use of them. It's common sense, really. Don't associate with that member or members. Be the adult so many of you claim to be and ignore the words someone throws at you on a computer screen. And, should you ever fear for your safety offline, take it to your local authorities. The Admins have no authority off of Vampire Rave and other Dark Network sites.

I know, this is a lot to wrap your mind around, but please do try to understand. You bitching and quoting VR's TOS at everyone is going to get you nowhere. Bitching and whining and complaining will get you nowhere. Throwing up petitions to get members banned will get you nowhere. And saying that the Admin team doesn't do their job is just ridiculous. Learn to differentiate between real major issues and those you think are major because someone online slighted you in some stupid way.



14:27 Jun 13 2013

I love it when you get all cranky and start making sense. ;)

14:28 Jun 13 2013

I know, it's a rare occurrence. Heh.

16:40 Jun 13 2013

I just love it when she tells it like it is. But even though she and several admins state the truth, some people just don't want to hear it. They want their way or the highway, just like a bunch of kindergarten children throwing fits.

17:45 Jun 13 2013

And this is one of the reasons I respect you so much- straight shooting and to the point. No one should keep their mouths shut about serious issues on VR, but like you said- a personal dispute with a member here cannot be considered one. Speaking loudly about a member without a ToS violation warranting it does not equal a suspension, however I have humored a member who wasn't willing to listen. Playing party to the ignorance of others, I know... but yeah.

18:45 Jun 13 2013

Common sense is not common.

02:51 Jun 14 2013

Very well put. If some of these so called " adults " would grow up They wouldn't need to be told things that should be common sense.


12:02 Jun 13 2013
Times Read: 2,298

December 13th, why can't you be here now?!




05:31 Jun 13 2013
Times Read: 2,330

Whaaa! There's no freedom of speech here!The Admins are corrupt and they can't handle the truth. Well, the truth as I see it.

God, you people all sound the same. TRT, Analietheawhatthefuckever, and now you. You're just one more in a long line of people who didn't like to face the consequences of their actions. So instead you scream and rant and rave about corruption and the admins abusing their power. This shit is getting so old.




04:00 Jun 13 2013
Times Read: 2,340

I found out tonight that I get to attend the Angels baseball game Tuesday night for the People Magazine Tribute for Heroes competition my brother is a finalist in. He was only supposed to get four tickets, but he asked for a fifth so I could attend. It was a sweet gesture, but a little wasted as I am not a baseball fan. But yeah, it should be fun, I suppose. We will get VIP treatment and we might get to meet Tim Salmon, my brother's favorite Angels player ever. If nothing else, it will be a nice night out with my family.




23:35 Jun 09 2013
Times Read: 2,385

I finally got around to getting a new case for my SIII today. The case I originally had for it was a cheap one I got when I activated my phone back in November. It was one of those stupid Whatever It Takes cases with art done by Coldplay. I am not a Coldplay fan, but it was them or Kanye West. So yeah, I was needing a new case. I got one of the flip cover ones they always have in Korean dramas. In the blue that my phone is. I love it and it gives me that extra protection on the front of my phone that the other one didn't have. Plus, it got rid of the original backing that had Verizon scrawled over it in huge letters. The world doesn't need to know what carrier I have.




00:19 Jun 09 2013
Times Read: 2,392

Finally home, Yay! And we got a nice surprise that was waiting for us. Our new Galaxy Tab 2. So yeah, I am so glad to be out of Arizona.




05:44 Jun 08 2013
Times Read: 2,402

Oh my god, Dairy Queen Blizzards are the freaking best. It's still in the triple digits here, at a quarter to ten, so the ice cream was such a welcomed gift.




22:37 Jun 06 2013
Times Read: 2,412

Made it to Yuma without incident. Hanging out in my grandmother's house, it stinks of dogs. And she wonders why we wanted to stay in a hotel. Plus, it's 110 freaking degrees outside. Ugh. This is going to be a long few days.




08:57 Jun 06 2013
Times Read: 2,421

I should have been asleep hours ago, but it just wasn't happening. Thank goodness for melatonin. Now I just have to wait for it to actually kick in.




04:02 Jun 06 2013
Times Read: 2,430

So I get to leave at the lovely hour of five o'clock in the morning tomorrow. Yay. I am not looking forward to this trip. Well, no, I am but I'm not. I am not looking forward to the triple digit heat we'll be facing, or the long drive in the early morning hours. Though, it will be nice to spend my grandmother's birthday with her. We haven't done that since we lived with her like, ten years ago. So, yeah. It's going to be nice to spend time with my family, but it's going to suck as well.

Like I said in an earlier entry, I probably won't be on much, or really, at all until I come back on Saturday night. Though, truthfully it'll probably be Sunday before I'm on in any real capacity again. After a four+ hour drive from Yuma to here, the computer is the last thing on my mind.




09:39 Jun 05 2013
Times Read: 2,454

And I fall for it every single time. I will never learn when it comes to him.




22:32 Jun 04 2013
Times Read: 2,469

I finally got to sit down and watch Game of Thrones. Ah, the red wedding. It played out a lot worse in my head when I read it in the book. So many people went on about Bolton stabbing Robb's wife in the belly, but meh, it wasn't all that bad in my opinion. And now a lot of the key characters are dying and being killed and what not. I cannot wait to see them off the little shit Joffrey at his wedding feast.

Oh... Spoilers? Sorry if I ruined it for anyone who hasn't read the books. But he dies and I found it hilarious. And a Tyrell does him in. It is absolutely glorious.



02:50 Jun 05 2013

I was so confused when I heard people bemoaning that she died, because she's still alive in the books.


Can't wait for Joffery's death. It was even fitting - Robb, noble, honourable (unless it comes to women) Robb, marries the light of his life and then dies bloody, surrounded by those he loves.

Joffery is poisoned. No battle for him!



04:46 Jun 04 2013
Times Read: 2,482

Today was long and totally wasted. My jury duty got postponed because of my trip to Arizona this Thursday. So that means I get to look forward to this all over again within a few months. Yay.

I am just ready to call it a night. My head is killing me and I am seriously worn out.




02:08 Jun 04 2013
Times Read: 2,497

Some moron bitching about the administration team confused me with Deity. Well, hot damn, if I was even half as awesome and lovely as her, that would be so great. But no, I am not and never have been Deity.




01:23 Jun 03 2013
Times Read: 2,509

I have to show up for jury duty tomorrow. I am so not a happy camper about this. Hopefully it'll just be a waste of time, like last time, and I won't actually get called up to be on a jury. I can't be involved in something that may take days or weeks.




19:57 Jun 02 2013
Times Read: 2,533

Priceless. Absolutely priceless. Man, was that ever entertaining.





19:22 Jun 01 2013
Times Read: 2,562

This coming week is going to be fun. I may have jury duty on Monday, I have to call in tomorrow to see if I have to go. And then Thursday my mother and I will be going to Yuma for my Nana's 80th birthday. We'll be three until Saturday evening. So yeah... Yuma in June is like taking a refreshing trip to Hell. But, it is my grandmother's birthday, so my mother is insisting we go. At least this time we're staying in a hotel.

With that said, I probably won't be on while in Yuma. I don't have unlimited data anymore, since I got my phone at a crazy discount (90-something cents), so my data plan switched down to 2 gigs a month. I am sure the hotel will have wifi, but really, we'll be spending so much time with my family that the Internet won't be thought of. So, just a heads up there.



19:57 Jun 01 2013

Have a good time. :)

And Yeah, Yuma is scorching hot this time of year.

00:55 Jun 02 2013

A shame you won't be around. I start yet another round of summer school classes...and regular conversations with you are usually the only thing that keep me from going stark raving mad. ;)

Try to enjoy yourself, if at all possible, and come back safe. =^.^=

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