immortalxkiss's Journal

immortalxkiss's Journal


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18 entries this month

03:23 Mar 31 2024
Times Read: 289

So, the meeting we were suppose to have at Faire was postponed, due to all the rain we've been getting. I haven't heard anything from Andrew since he let me know we were putting it off. No news on when we might meet again. I have a feeling that he'll have us do it on Friday, since I don't think he'd drag us out there tomorrow, with it being Easter and all. Plus, it's suppose to rain tomorrow, too.

It's just been a blah kind of day. The rain, while I do love it so, always seems to sap the energy out of me. And, despite a somewhat fitful sleep, I did get a solid eight and a half hours last night. So, I shouldn't be as tired as I have been all day.




11:04 Mar 30 2024
Times Read: 324

I had a dream that we met, after all this time. But, you weren't you, you weren't the person I had always known. It was like you were being forced, the only reason you came to see me was because of someone else forcing you to. That hurt, it cut deep inside of me. And I woke up feeling so sad, so empty...





21:49 Mar 28 2024
Times Read: 333



22:34 Mar 26 2024
Times Read: 377

Finally got news from Andrew about working Faire. He sent over the forms I have to fill out for my parking pass and employee ID, which I took care of immediately. He also wanted to let me know that we'll be meeting on Saturday at 10 for a staff meeting. I mean, it's probably going to be just like last year was, but, it's fine. Hopefully I'll be able to pick up my passes then, and I can talk to the office about getting a parking pass for Logan's car, since he's going to be driving me on the weekends we have together. I'm eager to get back into things, as this is probably the most enjoyable job I've ever had. Every season I've worked has been tons of fun, save for when I worked for Nick, but yeah. I'm looking forward to getting back into things.




07:27 Mar 25 2024
Times Read: 409

While I enjoy these weekends with Logan, I'm going to be so happy when we'll have every day together. The weekends are always over too quickly. We went to Pirates Dinner Adventure out in Buena Park on Saturday, and I really loved it. Moreso than Medieval Times, and I really love jousting and Medieval Times. But Pirates offers far more in terms of audience participation. We got there about an hour early, and I'm glad we did. We were lucky enough to be seated in the VIP ticket area, despite not having had paid for it, which meant we were in the front row of our section. We were seated in the Yellow Pirate's section, and he came out before the show just to chat with guests and do a little banter with the other members of the cast. But, getting there early meant we got to talk with pretty much all the Pirates on our side of the ship, Yellow, Red, and Green. The Medieval Times cast doesn't really do any of that. You can see the horses getting groomed before the show, but as for interaction with the knights, there isn't any. So, being able to talk to the cast before hand while they were still in character was fun. And, the show as a whole does a lot of picking people from the audience to help. Logan was actually picked towards the end of the show to help hoist the sails. I got a video of that. But yeah, I throughly enjoyed the Pirates show, more than I expected to. It was just so much fun. Today we went and saw Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire. I mean, it wasn't amazing, but it was pretty good. Better than I expected after seeing the low reviews it's gotten. So, yeah, it's been a great weekend, but they're always great weekends. The next weekend we have together is opening weekend for Faire, so it's going to be busy and tiring. I'm really looking forward to getting back into garb and being transported to Port Deptford once more.



22:15 Mar 25 2024

Did they do reallllly high dives in the pirate show? Where there any seals? The fact their were color sections and some of the things you said, plus the picture I saw makes me think it is very similar to the one I have seen in Pigeon Forge. It was a great show!

23:24 Mar 25 2024

No high dives, no seals. There were two aerial silk artists and they did some light trampoline work. And lots of rope swinging around. Like Medieval Times, I do believe they have places all over the country, so it could very well be the same company in Pigeon Forge. The shows might just have some differences. Logan told me that they do a Halloween show with vampires, so we're gonna try and get in one that in October. It should be fun.

01:59 Mar 26 2024

Oh that sounds fun! I have never been to Midevil times though.

21:14 Mar 27 2024

Did Midevil times once, loved it.


08:01 Mar 22 2024
Times Read: 456




06:40 Mar 22 2024
Times Read: 465

Logan got us tickets to the Pirates Dinner Adventure in Buena Park for Saturday. It's like Medieval Times, only with, ya know, pirates. So, that should be interesting. I've never been to this show before, so I'm curious to see what it's like. Although, I'm not a fan of all the fees and shit they make you pay, $5 for ticket handling, with an online order, $7 for parking in their parking lot. I mean, even Medieval Times doesn't charge you to park in their parking lot. Seems just a tad ridiculous to me. But, hopefully it'll be a fun evening. I'm looking forward to it, at any rate.



21:53 Mar 23 2024

I wonder if it is like the one in Pigeon Forge, Tn. If so you will love it.


06:01 Mar 22 2024
Times Read: 478

Just call me Immy, Crusher of Dreams.





08:51 Mar 21 2024
Times Read: 481



23:09 Mar 17 2024
Times Read: 554

When people you want nothing to do with try to get back into your life under the guise of "checking up" on you. Yeah... No thank you. I haven't talked to you in years for a reason, and I'd like to keep it that way. That doesn't mean texting me cryptic shit from a new phone number. I'm not the person you knew, she's long gone. I'm someone better, someone who doesn't need your validation, someone who doesn't want anything to do with you. I just don't get it, that need to hold on to someone after so long. Were you hoping to find me in the same place I was all those years ago, just waiting for you to pop back into my life? That might've been me before, but it's definitely not me now.

In other news, my brother and sister-in-law are getting a divorce. My brother told my mom, who then told me. It's really heartbreaking, I had thought they'd be together for the long haul. But no. It'll be 17 years married in July, but they're calling it. I'm just worried about the kids, how this is going to affect them. I'm not a child of divorce, I'm a child of the old staying together for the kids school of thought, and I'm really not sure which is worse. I am not going to get involved, I have no place to do so, it isn't my marriage, I can only offer all the support and love to them, all four of them. This can't have been an easy decision to make for Kevin and Liz. It's just sad. But, you know, they were high school sweethearts, married only a few years after graduating before my brother was deployed to Iraq, and when you get married that young, sometimes you just grow up into totally different people and things just don't work.




05:18 Mar 16 2024
Times Read: 640

I got some shitty news tonight. It feels like it's totally out of left field, I never would have suspected such a thing to happen. But it is. And I'm just beyond heartbroken.



18:15 Mar 16 2024

Oh no sorry


03:42 Mar 15 2024
Times Read: 661




05:08 Mar 13 2024
Times Read: 713

I find it a little strange that not one, not two, not three, but more than four people that I've dated have referred to me as cat-like in some capacity. Felina. Kitten. It makes me laugh, I must've been a cat in a past life and just held on to some of those characteristics. But, I don't mind it at all, I'll be your kitty. It's far more preferable to some of the other things I've been called in the past. And, I do feel it's mighty fitting. I'm a Leo after all, a lion.



05:28 Mar 13 2024


16:05 Mar 13 2024

Meow..... :)


07:17 Mar 11 2024
Times Read: 765

It's been a not so great weekend. Logan and I went to a baby shower for one of my cousins on Saturday. We only stayed about two hours, as the drive from Hidden Hills to Perris is a long one, and, towards the end, I was getting really sick. So we dropped my mom off at home and then drove back to his place where I spent the rest of the night feeling like shit. Today we were supposed to go see Labyrinth at AMC, since it was back in theaters for two days, but I woke up again feeling like complete shit, so we decided not to go. Instead I slept most of the day, and then he took care of me when I did finally wake up. It's just been one of those weekends, half of our plans had to be cancelled. I was super excited for Labyrinth, too. But not even the promise of David Bowie playing the Goblin King on the big screen could get me out of bed today. It's a shame, but I'm sure it'll be back in theaters again at some point, and we can see it then.

I will say that I am so Thankful for Logan. He really took care of me this weekend, let me sleep, got me food and drinks, gave me back rubs and cuddles. Hopefully I'll be healthy in two weeks when I see him again and we can make up for the not so great weekend this was.



14:37 Mar 11 2024

sounds like a bug or nervousness I get that allot hope you feel better soon.

19:27 Mar 12 2024

Yeah... It's called being sick, not nervousness.


00:57 Mar 06 2024
Times Read: 806

I was talking to Logan last night, and I mentioned that I'd like to try and visit the Texas Renaissance Faire this year. So, we'll see if that happens. We still need to go out sometime and take a look at the property we're moving to, but with things as they are right now, it's not a good time. Maybe it'll be better in autumn, so if we do go down to visit the TRF, we can make the drive up to the property. But, we'll see. I just really want to check out TRF. I've been watching more and more videos on it and that just feeds the desire to go visit in person.




05:08 Mar 03 2024
Times Read: 860

I've been in a Ren Faire mood today since getting the good news about work. But, I've been looking into things in Texas. Apparently when Logan and I move, we'll be like 3 hours away from the largest Ren Faire in the world, the Texas Renaissance Faire in Todd Mission. I've been watching a bunch of videos on it, and it looks amazing. I'm so sad that this will likely be my last year here at the Irwindale Faire. I've been attending this Faire since I was a kid, back when it used to be located in Devore. It was one of my favorite family traditions. So, leaving it is going to be hard. And even more so after I've made connections with people over the last three seasons working it. But, such is life sometimes. I'd love to see if I could work the Faire in Texas, I have the experience so I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to get in touch with vendors. I know Heart's Delight, which is a staple clothing booth here, also works that Faire. I think sometime this season I may make my way over to them and see if I can't talk to someone about working. At least see if they could give me contact information for it.

And Logan, bless his heart, is just like, "whatever you want, love. It could be fun." as I go on and on about things. I love that he's so supportive of me and my weird nerdy interests. He absolutely doesn't have to be, but he is. He will spend all day at Faire on his own while I work, just so he can drive me home so I don't have to worry about it on our weekends together. Gets me food and drinks whenever I need something. It's so sweet. I've never been with someone as supportive as he is. But yeah, knowing all this about Texas makes me want to get the move over with and done even more now.




21:54 Mar 02 2024
Times Read: 874

It was a little iffy there for a moment, but I officially have a job with Faire this year. Yay! Andrew got back to me today about working for him again, and I have a spot open. Yeah, that's what he said last year, but a lot can happen in a year, so you never know. But, at least I have confirmation that I'll be working for him again. In the three years I have worked Faire, he's the best person I have worked for, and the experience was a great one. I'm excited. I mean, I'm always excited for Faire, but at least I k ow I'll be working at the best food both with the best group of people. I'm so ready for the season to start. Faire season is the best season of the year.

And, I know we have more SoCal members here. So, if you live in the SoCal area and you enjoy Renaissance Faires, the Original Renaissance Pleasure Faire in Irwindale at the Santa Fe Dam is the place to be. We run every weekend from April 6th through May 19th. And if you enjoy poke (tofu or tuna or both if that's your thing), come by my booth and say hi! We have the best food at Faire, hands down.



22:47 Mar 02 2024

congrats my lady


01:08 Mar 01 2024
Times Read: 673

I dislike mechanics. I brought my car in last month to my usual mechanic to fix an issue. He told me that there were other issues that also needed to be addressed, but since I didn't have the cash at hand, I could put them off for a bit. Cut to today, I take the car in to address another of the issues I was told about last month. Only now, it's not that one things, it's X, Y, and Z as well. Oh, and I need a new serpentine belt. Uh huh. I brought my car in just last month and was told it was one thing, now it's something else entirely? And you want to charge me like, $200+ more than what I was told last time? Right. I drove my car all of like, four times in the month between shop visits, there's no way I could have damaged things to such an extent. I talked to Logan about it and we just agreed to do the bare minimum fix. I don't know if the shop is just trying to take advantage of me because I'm a woman or what, but to have been told it was one thing just last month and then be told it's kinda that, but also some other shit too that wasn't brought up at all last time, it's kinda weird. I don't know. I just need the Versa to last me about a year more, then when we move we can figure out a new car situation.



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