immortalxkiss's Journal

immortalxkiss's Journal


Honor: 900    [ Give / Take ]


13 entries this month

07:49 Sep 28 2016
Times Read: 1,677

Oh man, is the grind ever real in Destiny. It's been a week since the new DLC, Rise of Iron, dropped, and five days since the normal mode raid was released. In that time I've managed to get all my characters up from 335, which was max light, to 380-381 light. And, it's taken so much work to get there. Running strikes, so many strikes, in hopes of good drops in the form of exotics or high light level from the end chests. And, I've done the raid five times since it's release in search of better gear. The cap right now is 385 light, but exotics drop higher, so it is possible to go passed that cap. It will raise to 400 whenever they chose to release the hard mode raid. I have to say, I've enjoyed this DLC far more than I have any of the others. And, sure, it's only been a week, but at this point in the past, people would have already run out of things to do. The raid is so much fun. It's short, but it's just a blast to actually do. I rank it up there with Vault of Glass, the first raid from vanilla Destiny, in terms of how much I enjoy it. Like I said, I've run it five times in just as many days, and it's never once been a chore for me. I also got the year three Thorn, which I'm acting to go use in Crucible. I'm the first in my circle of friends to have gotten the bounty. I thought it would have been much harder, as I remember how torturous it was to get in year one, and they didn't really change it, but, it wasn't. It was easy. Finished the thing in eight games of Contorl.

So, yeah, I love the game. Rise of Iron rekindled that flame I had at the beginning, that love I had for that world and my Guardians. It was getting so stale for a while, that playing wasn't even something I wanted to do. Now it's all I play when I'm free, and it feels just like it did back then.




00:54 Sep 21 2016
Times Read: 1,697

I've been up since 2... The Rise of Iron DLC dropped for) Destiny. There was a slight hiccup at 2,when the DLC was supposed to go live. Apparently more people signed on to play than Destiny's servers could handle. It took about 2 hours to finally get into the game after ques of 200,000+. But, from what I've played so far, it's been worth it. The game is great. The strikes are awesome, and year 3 Gjallarhorn, yes please! I've gotten my light level up to 355,already. I'll hit 360 before I log off for the night. It's been great.




18:47 Sep 19 2016
Times Read: 1,714

Rise of Iron drops tonight at 2 AM. I can't wait! I'm totally looking forward to spending, like, an hour not actually playing the DLC, but buying shit and decoding engrams and turning things in for faction reputation, all in pursuit of a higher light level on three characters. Then, maybe after all that is done, I'll run some missions. Yay, DLC!




23:46 Sep 17 2016
Times Read: 1,789

The rating system here is so broken. I don't think it was ever taken into account when members would start hitting the 200's and above, just how much it would screw things up. I rated an empty profile a 1. It went from 14.something down to 10.something. Totally broken.



00:20 Sep 18 2016

Perhaps you are correct. Perhaps it is broken to some degree. And I thank you for the 1 rating,even though you had seen that the profile is being worked on and already had a layout and forced layout added to it. But,as you said..

Tell me, what's all the fuss about? Remember, in the end it's just a silly number. Enjoy. :]

I must really ask myself,if it really 'is' just a silly number to you,then why do care what my profile rating is? Or why you've felt the need to add to it by posting a journal. lol

00:25 Sep 18 2016

I don't care what your rating is, I simply used it as an example. The fact that rating scores can even get that high is what I'm referring to when I say the system is broken. It was a generalization of the system as a whole, which is why no name was given, but if you want to think this is specifically about you go for it.


19:29 Sep 17 2016
Times Read: 1,798

I had a dream about you, sir, and it was every bit as heartbreaking as all the others. I miss your company and our conversations.




10:17 Sep 17 2016
Times Read: 1,802

I have to give it to Bungie, regardless of how people may feel about Destiny as a game, the lore really takes it a step above. If you've ever read all of it, it's pretty interesting and very well put together. This Owl Sector stuff they've been putting out since the "space AIDS" was released upon the game's population Thursday, has really just been above what you would expect from a game. I'm loving it. Every few hours something new is unlocked, a new entry to read in the logs. Some of it is pretty funny, or at least I've found it funny. And, slowly, we're learning more and more about the mites that have infected almost all the Guardians in the game. I want to see where this goes, if it is just a last minute thing to help people level up quicker (those XP boosts are pretty nice), or if it's going to carry over to Tuesday, when Rise of Iron gets released and be something to do with that storyline. We just have to wait and find out.




09:33 Sep 16 2016
Times Read: 1,813

Destiny has a thing going on, and no one knows what exactly it all is or what any of it means. It's pretty awesome. Sparkles around all the guardians' heads!




09:02 Sep 15 2016
Times Read: 1,821

I'm considering buying ReCore. I have a few friends who play it and enjoy it. But, I also want the remastered Skyrim. And, knowing me, I probably wouldn't play ReCore for very long before getting bored with it. My main games to play these days are simply Destiny and ESO. I tried getting back into Halo, I still have to finish Guardians and run through all the campaigns in the Master Chief Collection, but I haven't had the real desire to do so. It really doesn't help that all my friends are on Destiny and ESO. I mean, they play other stuff, but nothing I have the desire to get into. And what draws my attention when it comes to games is pretty limited. I like to do the same thing over and over again, both Destiny and ESO are a grind. And I happily grind away. And, if I do get Skyrim, I probably won't touch anything until I finish that completely. And then there will be all the mods... New games sound nice, in theory, but in reality I tend to just stick with what I know I'm good at.




07:21 Sep 12 2016
Times Read: 1,844

These are the nights I love. When I can just relax, spend time with Chris and our friend, Joe, running strikes and playing Crucible on Destiny. Good company and easy conversation. I missed his voice. Talking to him can always put a smile on my face.




22:30 Sep 10 2016
Times Read: 1,872

Haha, for realsies, I write like a fucking moron because I'm proving that you, yes YOU, are the ignorant one. Lol. I use constant run-on sentences, completely disregard proper punctuation, and I ramble on and on, not making all that much sense most times, but hey, YOU'RE the fucking ignorant one here.

I'm sorry, but that's not how it works... You don't make anyone but yourself look like a complete and utter fool with such nonsense.




08:33 Sep 08 2016
Times Read: 1,882

"And the world is beautiful because it dies,

Or such is the design of human eyes."





18:19 Sep 07 2016
Times Read: 1,893



11:23 Sep 07 2016
Times Read: 1,905

I haven't spoken to Chris in probably two and a half weeks now. Like, actually spoken to him, heard his voice. What little communication we have had has been via text. And, while this would normally make me feel ignored and neglected and make me kind of go a little crazy and text him all the time, I haven't. I've been doing my own thing while he's been doing his. It's growth. It's me not depending so much on him for my own happiness. Instead, in my free time, I've been playing ESO, meeting new people, hanging out in the game and just chatting with the random strangers I find. I've managed to meet some pretty cool people that way, one of them whom I've been doing quests and dungeons and PvP with a lot these last few days. There's no expectations, no flirting, no history. It's just him and I, hanging out and having fun, talking about life and the game and anime and getting shit done. It's refreshing. I miss Chris, I do, but I don't need him there like I did before. If he doesn't want to talk to me or do things with me, that's cool. Now I have other friends I can just hang out with.

Of course, this will all change come the 20th, when Destiny's new DLC drops and both he and I start focusing on that game again. But, for now, this works, and I needed it. I really needed to just get him out of my head for a while.



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