lordvampirio's Journal

lordvampirio's Journal


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17 entries this month

16:11 May 31 2006
Times Read: 791

Isnt it funny how someone leads you on, screws you over, has a cowardly walk off and sends her people to check on you?

now, how pathetic is that? it's like a déjà-vu





22:13 May 29 2006
Times Read: 808

If you think that there are many weirdos on VR then let me assure you that it is not a bit different on myspace (bottom to top):

you are a strange child, do me a favour, dont send me the message next year but next century maybe.

----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: helin

Date: May 29, 2006 9:52 PM

ok you wait for me i will send you a message next year

bye bye

----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: Lord Vampirio

Date: May 29, 2006 1:51 PM

dont you think this is a bit too personal for a 4th message?

----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: helin

Date: May 29, 2006 9:49 PM

i like gusy with blakc socks

what would u do if a girl licks bottom of your foot or between the toes

----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: Lord Vampirio

Date: May 29, 2006 1:07 PM

you should put a pic of yours up then ;)

i think my shoe size is 10
(editor: UK size) and the colour of my socks right now is black but im not wearing any if it's warm enough

----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: helin

Date: May 29, 2006 9:02 PM

sorry for feet question

i am foot fetisist

----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: Lord Vampirio

Date: May 29, 2006 1:01 PM

LMAO i know where the size of my feet question is heading to but what does the colour of the socks matter?

----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: helin

Date: May 29, 2006 8:26 PM

may i please ask what size is your feet and what colour is your socks






17:45 May 26 2006
Times Read: 835

yet another of these funny ratings. this is on my portfolio:


Rating: 6

Comment: i like your pixs so i give you a 6 rate and comment back

Date: 09:25:57 - May 26 2006

That is fair enough but I was trying to find out what she considers to be a better portfolio. And so i went to hers:


not a single pic or piece of her own art. and from my comment I can see that she used to have copyrighted images.

I am at a loss for words there.




19:49 May 25 2006
Times Read: 849

now there is another piece of logic I just don't get. I just found that on a profile:

I happen to be a lesbian. The only way I'll date a boy is if they're insanely awesome.

Where exactly is the lesbianism in dating a boy?




04:28 May 25 2006
Times Read: 856

When I wrote my entry yesterday I was a little worried that I would have an inbox full of nasty comments on my return. Not a single one though!!!!! Instead I received many messages from females telling me that I am right and that they have observed that as well and even practiced.

The person that inspired me to the previous entry was quite pleased with its outcome.

Below you can find the best feedback I have received from someone. Her comments are in red.

I'm ging to have to agree with you on this entry.

I've sat back and watched, exactly what u just described, happen quite often.

True some females have a hard time making up their mind. That doesnt always come very easily,

but, when it comes to a relationship... either you want it or you dont.

Theres no point in agreeing to get into a relationship, if you have doubts about it to begin with.

Apparently some females do have those doubts, yet jump into a relationship anyways, thinking

it really doesnt matter-- "easy way in, easy way out."

Yes, in my opinion, that is an irrational move. Some females do that, often, and if they disagree with that, they

are completely in denial. Hell, Im a female, I've done it, I've hopped into a relationship just to jump right out of it again

Thats simply because I didnt know what I wanted, I was slightly worried about pleasing myself with the fact that I was in a relationship,and didnt bother

analyzing the situation and understanding how it would make the other half feel.

Most people, (male or female) have had that happen and or done that before. It is a re-occuring pattern.

Especially within the people who dont know what they want, cant make up their minds, and jump into something they cannot or do not want to deal with.

Now to analyze it all.

We put aside the fact that I don’t do friendship after a relationship but what do we notice in this process?

I went through a few previous relationships and the pattern was similar. The female doesn’t take the male’s emotions into consideration as soon as they get involved, only hers.

That is what I call irrational thinking. That is not constructive, that is destructive. The relationship never had a chance and was over before it even began. Is it so hard to think about others from time to time?

I know that some males are like that as well but I have noticed this pattern in quite a few women.

First and foremost..I completely agree. I have observed that quite abit as well.

Any and all relationships should be a 50/50 thing, with each side taking the other's feeling into consideration, before they make any decision that could make or break (so to speak) the other person.

Thats what a relationship is all about. The ones who cannot handle that, obviously do not know what they want, and or cannot handle any kind of relationship.

Thats when you know you should look past it, move on and find someone who knows what they want, someone mature enough to handle some kind of relationship.

Why not approach it differently, more rational? All our actions have an affect on someone so let’s try to act to everyone’s satisfaction. With a relationship you have taken part-responsibility for your partners emotions. If you try to keep your partners emotions up you will benefit from it as well. Make your partner feel special. Show your partner that you think about him, care about him, that your partner is an important part of you. Make your partner happy and you will see that you are automatically happy as well. Try it out and you will see what I mean. A core part of a relationship is making your partner happy. If you can do that the relationship will be a huge success. If you do not take your partners emotions into consideration then you will see how fast it will become a huge failure.

This is one of the best "layouts" for an equal relationship I've ever read from anyone.

It too bad, some people cannot fully understand this. More people should think along the same lines of this statement.

I am convinced that things would look much better if females thought more rational.

Call me sexist now, I don’t care, I know that I am not. I know that not all females are like that. I am just generalizing but I have to admit that I see the pattern mentioned above quite frequently

I would not in any way consider this sexist. Speaking on females specifically, I've seen it. Been there, done that. Understand exactly what your saying.

Once again, you are correct. There is no need for me to say much as you have said it good enough.

As for the friendship after a relationship, where is the point in that?

Someone gave you their heart and now they take it back again?

You gave them your heart and they don’t want it anymore?

Why would you settle for less than you had before?

Do you think that the friendship will be as good as it was before the relationship?

You reached the peak and favour the descent?

Occasionally the whole "friendship" thing can work out, but for the most part it really doesnt.

Not oly that But you are right, there is no point in it.

Like you said, why settle for less than you had before.

ou shouldn't. Take what u can get the first round, if it gets better, so be it, if it is reduces to less, move on.

The friendship usually, most of the time, is never as good as it was before.

Desiring the decent. Its not about desiring it.. in my opinion, its a subconsience thing, to make them feel better

about what they are doing and ease themselves from the lingering effects that they are hurting someone else.

With the many messages I received today I learnt that women are actually aware of it. Well, stop doing it then please. Treat you partner’s feelings as if they were yours and relationships will be much much happier and actually worth having!

Are you surprised that there are so many people with trust issues?

Keep it rational, keep it considerate and I will congratulate you to your new found happiness!




A Woman’s Logic

05:22 May 24 2006
Times Read: 878

I know that I won’t increase the number of female fans with this entry but I think that I got the female way of thinking a bit better this afternoon.

Today I was talking to a sort of ex for the first time since we broke up a while ago. She knows that I am writing about this and understands that it is nothing personal, just something generic. She wanted to have a friendship with me. We were going through what happened. We discussed this calmly but ended up disagreeing (not arguing!). We just see things differently now.

For the rest of the afternoon I just sat there thinking, trying to figure out where the logic is. Suddenly I realized that her thinking might be irrational yet common, meaning it is not only her it is widespread female thinking in general. Not all are like that (I am sure there is a handful that’s different lol) but a lot think in similar fashion. Anyhow, here is what I mean:

Girl meets boy

They hit it off straight away

They talk a lot

They wish for more

Boy asks girl out

Girl says yes

Girl thinks that everything was better before

Girl ends it

Girl wants it as it used to be

Girl wants friendship

We put aside the fact that I don’t do friendship after a relationship but what do we notice in this process?

I went through a few previous relationships and the pattern was similar. The female doesn’t take the male’s emotions into consideration as soon as they get involved, only hers.

That is what I call irrational thinking. That is not constructive, that is destructive. The relationship never had a chance and was over before it even began. Is it so hard to think about others from time to time?

I know that some males are like that as well but I have noticed this pattern in quite a few women.

If that experience seems to be “normal” then I am not surprised that most relationships are doomed to fail or let’s put it differently, as a bloke you should always be prepared that you are back single any moment without your wrong-doing.

Why not approach it differently, more rational? All our actions have an affect on someone so let’s try to act to everyone’s satisfaction. With a relationship you have taken part-responsibility for your partners emotions. If you try to keep your partners emotions up you will benefit from it as well. Make your partner feel special. Show your partner that you think about him, care about him, that your partner is an important part of you. Make your partner happy and you will see that you are automatically happy as well. Try it out and you will see what I mean. A core part of a relationship is making your partner happy. If you can do that the relationship will be a huge success. If you do not take your partners emotions into consideration then you will see how fast it will become a huge failure.

I am convinced that things would look much better if females thought more rational.

Call me sexist now, I don’t care, I know that I am not. I know that not all females are like that. I am just generalizing but I have to admit that I see the pattern mentioned above quite frequently.

As for the friendship after a relationship, where is the point in that?

Someone gave you their heart and now they take it back again?

You gave them your heart and they don’t want it anymore?

Why would you settle for less than you had before?

Do you think that the friendship will be as good as it was before the relationship?

You reached the peak and favour the descent?




19:19 May 23 2006
Times Read: 882

i just received the following rating:


Rating: 6


Date: 14:07:29 - May 23 2006

well, it's above average but i was still wondering what it would have to look like to be considered an 8, 9 or 10.

see for yourselves:


do i really want to "update" my profile to that?




19:12 May 18 2006
Times Read: 907

I just found that on a profile:

.....i am pretty much engaged and soon will be happily married to the love of my life Joey....

I am glad to read that people take their time these days before they settle down.

did i mention her D.O.B.? oh well, it's 12/12/90




Your friendly Neighbourhood :)

04:28 May 15 2006
Times Read: 930

What a morning I had. I was about to go to bed at 6am this morning when I thought I heard a knocking at my door. I looked at the reflection of the windows on the opposite side of the street and seemed to recognize my neighbour. I do not get along with her very well. She tends to wake me up when she hears little voices in her head and thinks it’s noise from my flat and starts to complain LOL I was wondering what I have done this time so I opened my window and there she was sitting on her doorstep dressed in a sleeveless top, jeans and bare feet.

When she spotted me she was mumbling something like she has locked herself out of her flat, lost her key and asked if she could have a cup of tea. She must just have come back home from an extended clubbing tour because she seemed drunk like a skunk LOL

I would have loved to ignore her but it was a freezing morning and I couldn’t really take the responsibility for her freezing to death so I decided to let her in. Good for her that I cleaned and tidied my flat recently. I gave her warm clothes, turned the heating on for her and made her a cup of tea.

We sat down and she told me that she was out clubbing, lost her key and can’t get in touch with someone who has got a spare key. Her breath smelt like a distillery.

In between her attempts to reach one of her mates I had the pleasure of getting bored to death by her. There is just nothing interesting about her and she couldn’t actually remember anything of what I was saying anyway because she usually asked the same questions 5 minutes after I had answered them already so it was a bit pointless LOL

After 2 hrs being stuck with her I got tired, mainly of her. So I asked her where she is going to sleep tonight. She tried to get in touch with someone again but had no success. So I told her that I would have a spare bed, which she seemed to be happy about. So I got the spare bed out, mattresses, covers, duvet and pillow and put the bed up. And just when I finished doing that she told me that her father is coming with the spare key. That was some relief somehow because that way I could get rid of her at last.

At 8am I finally got to sleep, missing most of the day, which sucks and waking up with a headache because I forgot to turn off the heating and my flat was like a steam room :( Yep yep, that is what I got out of being a friendly neighbour for once, boredom, half a missed day and a headache LOL

Well, at least I did a good deed today but I am sure she will forget about it as soon as she has something to complain about LOL





16:36 May 13 2006
Times Read: 948

Now here is a great example of intelligence, or the lack of it:

A Necromancer is sick of not being a Sire after more than a year and a half when others with much less VR presence have managed it within 4 months. So how could we get the remaining few percent to reach Siredom? Exactly, we are joining a coven or a house and ask to get a well deserved for mark of the Sire or Master Vampyre for being a pointless existence.

After we get what we wanted we show off our new status and let other members worship us for all the wrong reasons.

When the jubilations wear down we can go back to our usual ways and in particular show off our mental abilities. We leave the house or coven again because now we are a Sire and can leave houses and covens at any time.

B U L L S H I T! ! ! ! !

One will lose the mark upon leaving and with it the mark modifier that formerly boosted your level. The consequences are that the Siredom one was working oh so hard for became a Necromancerdom again. LMAO there is a true genius at work!!!!!

I am sure that this story is not yet finished because after realizing that the status went down one always has the opportunity to rejoin a house or coven and start the entire process all over again.

I do sincerely hope that some of the new members have the talent to pick the right senior members on here when they ask for help, knowledge or information.




15:05 May 10 2006
Times Read: 967

I found this in a journal of a 16 year old girl on here:

the best day of my life was satirday may 6 i fianlly got a bf that i care about and that was basically the best day of my life

How relationships have changed these days. I always thought you would only have partners that you care about. I don't get how you could have one that you don't care about.

Has "having a partner" become some sort of status symbol? Like you have to have one? Like a mobile phone? Or a game console? Do you differentiate between partners you care about and partners you don't?

Small wonder that some people have many relationship problems these days when they actually create them where there could or would be none.





03:37 May 08 2006
Times Read: 984

I find it quite amusing,

· how the most dyslexic people on here criticize other people’s spelling.

· how people with stamps like “add me to every list” claim that it is not about the top lists.

· how people say they don’t care about ratings, rate low and send abusive messages when they receive a low rating.

· how people of a higher level use their level to patronize members of a lower level.

· that it’s always the same people!




Love is.....

03:20 May 08 2006
Times Read: 986

Now here is a forum post that actually impressed me for a change.


Spook (7)

Posts: 154

Re: love is ............

Posted: 03:21:48 - May 06 2006

Times viewed: 5

love...cant say i even know what it truly is yet (oh the innocence of youth, lol)

This girl is 17. Most people younger than her claim to know everything about their own sexuality and love.

I am 36 and even I couldn’t give a proper answer because I experience it differently every time however, I have my opinion on love and what it should be like.

This person left a good first impression on me. How refreshing amongst the many posers, show-offs and know-it-alls!




21:53 May 04 2006
Times Read: 1,011

You can check my journal as often as you like but I won't be writing about you even though you are just as bad if not even worse!!!!!

Have at least the guts to own up to the shite you have pulled instead of checking up on me.

I am still waiting for an acceptable apology and not a feeble bullshit excuse!

guess now i have written about you but that doesn't count.




02:43 May 04 2006
Times Read: 1,022

Even when the odds for a shitty coincidence are 1/20,000,000 it just has to happen to me. Oh well, maybe I should play the lottery this weekend.




04:26 May 03 2006
Times Read: 1,033

First off the good news, Sports Illustrated published two letters of me. I’m so proud of myself lol Something positive had to come out of the Detroit Red Wing’s third consecutive early exit from the play-offs. Yep, I’m a Red Wing through and through, always have been, always will be and had to voice my opinion lol

And now for a little rant: The number of retards is dangerously increasing. First there were only a few of them but the amount of followers or should I say brainless copycats is getting higher and higher.

Never have I seen as many members greeting newbies with bullshit like add me blah blah blah (which is sad and pathetic as such), bite me and stalk me as I have today. Well, in the ten months I have been on here now I have never seen a whelp biting or stalking someone. Have you? I rest my case.

Oh well, if stupidity was painful some people would have to scream 24/7!





03:29 May 02 2006
Times Read: 1,044

Isn’t it funny how some people sign in on MSN, immediately change their status to “Busy” or “Away”, stay like that for the next 6 hours and then sign back out?

Why do they sign in in the first place if they will be “Busy” or “Away” for the time of their stay?

Well, of course we know that you are actually there all the time but you want to appear important and your popularity forces you to make people believe that you are “Busy” or “Away” so only 20 people instead of 120 will contact you.

LMAO how stupid do some people think others are? Not half as stupid as the ones who believe that anyone believes you are “Busy” or “Away”! That trick is probably older than MSN itself.

There are actually better ways to sort that problem, let’s see if you can figure it out yourselves :p



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