MooniePie's Journal

MooniePie's Journal


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3 entries this month

19:17 Feb 20 2015
Times Read: 969

There are a few things that I really, really hate with some social media places/people- when people use pictures that aren't them and claim it is, when they flat out lie about who they are and when they just flat out lie.

Here's a few examples-

I have an ex that is certifiable- I say that not in a joking way. At the time I didn't realize it. I thought maybe it was just something to do with quirks, age and a few other things in life-like the drug use of past times catching up. But when everything started to progress it really came down to a total level of instability that was/is not at all normal and beyond toxic. I realized this when this person has told me one thing, and then lied to them self so much that they actually believed it. And then turned around and thought I would believe it as well. I am sure they did it because they couldn't live with any form of guilt and its easier to blame someone else, then take responsibility for your actions and own up to your wrong doings. Basically put, being a victim got them more attention. So thats what they went with. If you want to lie to yourself, whatever that's your business. But when you try to drag me into a lie to make yourself feel better, that's a whole 'nother thing. Not only are you trying to lie to me, you are also assuming I am beyond ignorant and stupid and will just 'eat it up with a spoon. I don't think so. Screw you and your low opinion of who I am, and you claiming to know 'what love is'. Yup, I said it all so suck it.

Next is a guy who sends out fake pictures to claim they are someone they aren't. Then when said person is called out on it, they go silent and just fade into nothingness because they were caught. I just don't understand using pictures of someone else. Now a days, it can be easier to see who is lying and who isn't. And yet people still do it. I just don't understand.

And the third one claims to be 'looking for a relationship'. You chit chat ask questions and yet something just doesn't feel right. You've asked if they have ever been married, they say no. Then you expand that question and ask if they have children. They once again respond no. You keep talking and you notice a trend suddenly logging out, logging back in, short answers that rarely expand past a yes or no. And them never digging deeper to really get to know you. So you look into it a bit, mostly to be curious, but also to see what comes up. Then you stumbled across their facebook page. Which shows that not only are they married, but their wife has also given birth within a short amount of time. You ask them again about being married and children and they reply no once again. Then you when provide the truth, they freak out and try to lie even more. After that is the most he's talked the whole time, so you know everything was just a cover up and lie.

Oh and the fact he doesn't feel any guilt about what he's done and signs back into the site to find more people lie to is disgusting.

Which brings me to another thing. Mostly because I've seen it happen on a few media sites I am on and I always wonder about the mentality of a person:

People who have been caught in lies, both publicly and privately, and yet choose to still 'darken the halls' that is the website. I have seen people been called out in some horrible, horrible things. Even after facing embarrassment, ridicule, attitudes, negative comments, etc, they still continue to come back. They never leave no matter how many times they claim they are going to leave, they just come back and continue on with their same horrible behavior. There is no guilt, no shame or anything. They just continue on like nothing happened. Perhaps its another case of 'lying to yourself to make yourself feel better'. But then there are people who accept the behavior and accept them back into the fold. No matter how many times said person has screwed people over, said things, done the same thing to numerous people.. there is always someone waiting to be their friend again. Why? I just.. don't understand that at all. And then said person really has the gull to ask the question 'why doesn't anyone like me'? Really?

Then there are the ones that just never leave, but come back as different people, using fake pictures and the whole situation plays out again.

The types of situations above have led me to be very careful about who, and how, I associate with people. I have been Catfished on a few places. While I didn't lose anything extreme, just my time and some of that online innocence of trust, the situations could have been very different if I wouldn't have listened to that inner warning system. I tend now to be very careful with the people I interact online. If I am in a 'getting to know a person' scenario and that little warning goes off. I make sure to check out what I can and look into things. It really has proved useful. Just a little tip.. the show Catfish can really help give you some kind of skills to do your own online checking on people.

These people just don't care about the position they put others in. They just simply don't care. They don't care about a person feeling guilty because they are unsure if they should contact the persons spouse to tell them about their partners infidelity. They don't care if a person goes back and forth with wondering if they should contact the real owner of the image to inform them it is being used maliciously. They don't care if a person struggles to come to terms with being lied to. They also don't care about what position it puts people in who run the website and can see things from a way that the population of the website can't.

With privacy policies they way they are on some websites, people are not allowed to give out information. I am certain without a doubt that a few websites I frequent there is someone using fake images, hiding behind a name catfishing people and yet there is nothing to be done because simply- people who run the places can't.

Maybe people see it but just don't care. How can they not when the signs are clearly there? Writing styles, decor styles, etc. Maybe some people crave to be accepted so much, they don't care who its by. And they choose to ignore all the signs because it's easier that way. Perhaps people have such low self esteem that being taking into any kind of group is acceptable to them. To be like is so important that they are willing to overlook their own morals, ideas and views. It really is sad to think about.

Trust is given so freely now. It is such a scary thing to see what some people do with it.

I wrote this in my blog earlier. Even though this blog wasn't geared towards VR, I decided to share it here as well. Some of these situations can happen here as well as other places. I really do not like to publicly share my personal business anymore, but I felt this was one of those 'need to share' things.



21:03 Feb 20 2015

I believe this pretty much sums it up!

23:14 Feb 20 2015

I remember late 2013, I was on a dating website because someone convinced me that, that's just how things are done these days. I talked to one guy and we agreed to meet up. Anyone I ever almost got together with, I added on Facebook, so they could see the real me right away.

Well, I never met the guy. Because he claimed I was a catfish. Lol! Now it did hurt to be stood up but it was a good thing I was or I wouldn't be in the all-real relationship I'm in now.

I agree that more people should watch catfish. :)

23:40 Mar 18 2015

This pretty much sums up why it's crucially important to give everyone else just enough rope to hang themselves with. It's a pretty convenient strategy, and the best part is that it doesn't require some fantastical, outlandish ability. Just raw, mathematical certainty.


21:36 Feb 08 2015
Times Read: 1,003

No member of the Vampire Rave administration will ever ask for your password. If someone asks for it, they do not represent Vampire Rave.

Do not give your password out.

Do not give your password out.

Do not give your password out.

Seriously, how many times does this need to be said?

Administration shouldn't have to dig to find out who a profile belongs does and doesn't belong to. It becomes ridiculous when there are numerous people signing into an account.

People want to give out their passwords and not face the repercussion that comes from it. And they want something done because they were wronged! Oh golly, I don't know how that person got into my account. I only gave them the password out 50 effin' times.

Its the same people over and over again who've had things happen from giving out their profile.. and yet they STILL GIVE IT OUT. W T F.

Ugh.. Just freakin' UGH.





21:46 Feb 03 2015
Times Read: 1,063


I have it clearly listed on my profile that I don't do it.. and not to bother me with it. If I don't talk to you, or hell even in the case of me not liking you, why in the hell would I add you to my list?

This is stated clearly on my profile:

Real Vampires love Vampire Rave


You may get the same from people when you send the message. But Jeebus.. if it is CLEARLY listed on a profile not to do it.. don't fucking do it.

It isn't rocket science.

Its god damned common sense. And it isn't even really that since its written in simple terms.

From now on if you send me one.. you'll get that image send to you. Debating on my mood, a roll of the die.. you'll either get blocked, rated a 1 or negative honor.



00:24 Feb 04 2015

but but but I want to send it to you, I want to remind you to add me over and over and over and over and rate me... I mean, alzhimer starts younger and younger these days so not taking any chances :p

-goes hide in the anti nuke bunker- please don't shoot me :p

-slide some chocolate and almonds in front of the door-

03:51 Feb 04 2015


(Lol...you know who this is. I know where you live. I will steal all of your tea).

04:52 Feb 04 2015

Problem is the ones who keep doing it over and over will just keep doing it over and over and most likely never read this. I had one person ask me 4x within 3 hours to rate/add...ect ect the request was clearly a cut and paste message that I am sure was sent to the other 25k members here too. I like that post thing you made. I am considering making one too.

05:38 Feb 04 2015

You know what sucks? When you have to NOT be polite about it in order for people to get it. When you have to throw out an F-bomb with other swear words so certain people can comprehend.

It should be common sense to see I'm an Administrator. It should be common sense to realize that if you are a someone who is constantly involved in drama I sure as hell won't be adding you because I sure as hell don't want you on my space.

Derp. Damn. Derp.

And YOU stay away from my tea, dammit! lol ♥

05:43 Feb 04 2015

If you don't add me, I'll grow 10 inches and stop being 'vertically challenged'. Then whatchu gonna do, huh?!

I hate it, too. I delete the messages, although if it's someone in particular, like Cat, who sent me shitloads of those messages, I'll just block.

I hate getting messages about "Merry thanksgiving" or whatever, every few months, from a particularly dense retard who ignores my messages asking them to stop.

I just block them.

08:17 Feb 04 2015

Ain't shit like that against the rules or something?

12:17 Feb 04 2015

I have done more name changes than I care to count. That being said, I don't recall ever sending private messages to anyone asking for adds and or rates. I don't know what compels others to do that.

If one's status on this website is that important to them, perhaps they should stop doing name changes.

I for one, have stopped "returning the favor," as it really hasn't been a "favor" to me in a VERY long time. To be honest, I never considered it a "favor" to begin with and I'm really getting sick of that term being used when I haven't asked for said "favor."

17:33 Feb 04 2015

No, it isn't against the rules.

I hate the term 'return the favor', Zombeh. Totally. Effin. Hate. It. I feel the same way you do. I get sick of getting it from the same people who just won't go away.

17:37 Feb 04 2015

Oh and by this line From now on if you send me one.. you'll get that image sent to you. Debating on my mood, a roll of the die.. you'll either get blocked, rated a 1 or negative honor. (Yes that should have been sent.. not send)

I will do it to every single profile that is yours. EVERY SINGLE ONE. So if you have numerous profiles, or if you sign into someone elses account and it comes up.. I'll do it to those too.

That's how effin sick of these messages I am.

Not to mention certain people that send me the god damned message.

22:53 Feb 08 2015

What?? you got tea??!!! Hey 8of9 I,m coming t o help you , I love tea, hum as for the rest... well I made my stamp to say if they wish to do it to let me know because I sort of figure i did not feel the need or want to add unless ppl wish to do it, then ok I do it. But its in my stamp not in personal message, I don't message much...

Now about that tea... -gets ninja suit-

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