MooniePie's Journal

MooniePie's Journal


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5 entries this month

18:18 Jan 14 2016
Times Read: 963

Dear Higher Power...

How about you give us back the rockin' people that have passed on this year and our Doe and really take the ones faking their own death.


A person sick of fake fuckery.



18:51 Jan 14 2016

Well said

Another great star went to heaven...

We will remember him.. Always

19:13 Jan 14 2016

Sadly I agree with this. Whilst I wouldn't want to wish harm on another person. If you have the sick mind to laugh and joke about faking your death then feel free to actually go and do it. Some people who don't want to leave and have had their lives taken did all they could to stay here.

00:19 Jan 15 2016

Doe? Something happened to Doe?

I really haven't been on much. Damn. She's an awful nice person.

00:46 Jan 15 2016

Hi moonkissed! I haven't seen you on in awhile.

She passed away last month. :( There is more in Images journal about it.

01:42 Jan 15 2016

I found a post about it in the House. It is too bad. She was a damn sweet person and I am going to miss her. She read my journal whenever I posted an entry and always had helpful things to say. A genuine human being. I visited the profile. I cried a little, no big thing.

I don't come back to VR often, once a year at least. When people start talking to me I retreat.

20:33 Jan 15 2016

The place just isn't the same without Doe. She is missed..


20:39 Jan 11 2016
Times Read: 1,023

Some people use the internet lie. That's just the way it is. They lie about everything. Who they are. What they are doing in their life. Deaths. Marriage. Etc. Etc. Basically what a person show's you online can be nothing but a huge pile of lies... aka.. straight up bullshit. Hell, even I have lied about stupid things. I think everyone has done it to an extent. But to take it to a level that some people do is just.... disturbing. Especially to continue lying about things that are easily accessible to check into.

People run around screaming so and so stole my profile. And then when you look into it.. guess what. LIE. Yup, this happened to me. But seeing as I had/have the message it was easily prove to be crap. Along with other things lied about.

But anyways, back to yadda yadda...

What I just can't fathom is what people will believe. When over a long time period, a person just keeps lying, being down right horrible with things- people still believe. Even when they've seen the nasty things said, the actions and even been involved in some of the shitty things.. THEY STILL BELIEVE.

When a person sees only what they want, no matter how many times things are put in front of them, it is hard to feel sorry for them. They've made a choice to remain blinded to what was put in front of them. It would be like someone seeing a person slam a knife into a chest cavity and then going, 'Oh, well...I just can't believe they did it'. Like, WHAT?! For realsies?!

No, not everyone is going to like one another and get along. Some people don't like me and I don't like some people. It's life. It happens.

Everyone can be a shitty person, but people have a choice to be shitty. And when someone constantly makes the choice to do shitty things... well.. then you're probably a shitty person. And hell yeah I am going to judge you for it. But at least I admit it.



22:26 Jan 11 2016

What gets me is the one's who do bad things here, like the current drama, in a few months can come back on a new or old profile and start there games all over again and some fall for it.

23:01 Jan 11 2016

This is so true and I agree with you about everything. I mean what do you care what anyone will think about you on Internet you should care about real life because when you turn off your computer you back in real world and you stop being person what you said you are on some non important site and that site won't bring you nothing just will take your time. Or perhaps people love to be delusional hahaha

And about lies. I swear I lie every day my girlfriend but in my real life xD I admit.

00:07 Jan 12 2016

Yup, Dakotah. It also happens because the huge flunkie has a lil flunkie side kick that constantly enabled the shitty things by being involved in them. So really... I think they both can go eat a jumbo bag of dicks.

Scorpion- totally. I don't know if its delusions, mental illness or just being very naive.

12:29 Jan 13 2016

Can we also not forget about common sense here, which I mentioned in my journal.... The last thing my mother would do in the event of my demise would be to go online and tell everyone on VAMPIRE RAVE. The thought would not even CROSS her mind.. And why?? Because the second I shut the lid of my laptop this place does not exist. I don't know what this person's problem is.. But there are quite a few key points in my journal as well. Anyone with common sense can see the situation for what it is. As far as people believing, I think that believing the truth would be more horrific for them.


17:19 Jan 11 2016
Times Read: 1,038

Everything I've done, I've done for you. I move the stars for no one. - The Goblin King.

How sad we've lost someone that opened the eyes of people and brought joy to so many. So many people will mourn him and the loss from the world.

A true loss. A very sad loss. A loss that will devastate the world.

And with this loss, I am once again angry that people fake their death. Making the loss of this person and their struggle with cancer a mockery.

Fuck you and your fake bullshit death.

Fuck you and all the bullshit you've spewed.

And fuck the people that help you spread this filth.



20:24 Jan 11 2016

He will be truly missed

He was and always be an amazing artist.

Now he is a star among the real stars.

20:43 Jan 11 2016

He will be.

What an amazing star he will make. He shined so bright while he was living. His light now will just be glorious.

22:27 Jan 11 2016

So very true

I will always have him in my mind as the Goblin King

May his light shine forever


01:33 Jan 11 2016
Times Read: 1,070

I hear the rain falling.

The wind whispers your name

I imagine your essence around me.

I close my eyes and listen

It’s like I can hear you breathe

My eyes stay closed and I feel you standing next to me.

I know you’re always with me

No matter where I happen to go

I'll always feel you deep down into my very soul.

These moments will last forever

Even when I open my eyes.

You will always walk with me, within the falling rain.

Excuse the quality of the poem, I am using as a 'space filler' before I get to what I really want to talk about.

Over the years there have been some true deaths here- people who have legitimately passed on from this world and not just in attempts at attention. A few are:





I believe there were a few others, but these are the people that I seen obituary of and were a part of my life.

These people have families and friends that mourn them. These people are actually gone from this world. They're leaving has left a wound in people that time won't fully heal. As each day goes on, all people have of them are the memories they are left with. These people have friends/family who get hit in the face with realization at random times that that person is really gone and not coming back. And each time that happens, the wound is opened up like it is fresh again.

And then I seen this story in my facebook earlier. And I became extremely angry.

Angry because people lie about their death to gain some form of attention. They make a mockery of those who have really passed on. Along with the pain of their friends and families. It is a slap in the face, a punch in the gut and a disgusting thing to do. And not only is it from the people who have faked the death, but those who have helped spread it along. Who have enabled the vileness of it. How does it feel to be a participant in the mocking of the people who have passed in your world? How does it feel to know that you were a participant in something that was just so..... inhumane? That's the only word I can link with that action.

This really makes me beyond mad to a point of being furious at every single person who has claimed this or been involved.

It's disgusting. It's vile.

And to support it is as well.



04:00 Jan 11 2016

Ann hated it too. She'd lost several people, and wouldn't tolerate it here.

04:17 Jan 11 2016

No, she wouldn't. Not one bit.

I am glad I got away from that mess when I did. Because that's all it is- a big mess of dysfunction and delusions from people. Nothing but a bunch of bullshit.

The lies are insane. Just INSANE. I just can't even...


18:59 Jan 09 2016
Times Read: 1,112

The amount of delusionalism is astounding. Along with the enabling of it.

Plus, I just noticed my 11 year batty. Which makes me realize I shouldn't be astounded by something that has been repetitive in years by the same.



02:12 Jan 10 2016

"The more things change, the more the song stays the same" eh? I think that's why I keep taking breaks from VR.

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