4 entries this month
22:44 Jun 30 2019
Times Read: 821
It is so, so, SO annoying when people are having are having a conversation about something they find interesting or neat and someone busts in with trying to be all mystical with their self proclaimed woo-woo.
Listen, you ain't divine. You ain't mystical. You ain't got no super power.
What you got is a whole lotta batshit craziness.
This used to happen all the time in the forums. It gets so damn aggravating. I get it people like to role play. People like to believe they are something extraordinary online because in reality they are just them. Contain your crazy to your own space like that one chick that is having a vampire baby or whatever. At least she keeps her crazy contained.
01:26 Jun 28 2019
Times Read: 872
I... Stymie... Member in good standing of the He-Man Woman Haters Club... Do solemnly swear to be a he-man and hate women and not play with them or talk to them unless I have to. And especially: never fall in love, and if I do may I die slowly and painfully and suffer for hours - or until I scream bloody murder. " -Little Rascals.
It was so cute when they did it. In reality, not so much. Thank baby jeebus in his golden pampers momma didn't raise no fool.
22:37 Jun 22 2019
Times Read: 929
Keyboard warriors suck so hard. Just so damn hard. It's so lame.
03:40 Jun 02 2019
Times Read: 974
Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death. — Anais Nin
Basically, don't act like an asshole and people won't have reasons to treat you like an asshole. If you don't want to be an asshole, change your assholitry state.
Self awareness is a fuckin' awesome thing.
Venerable Sire (135)

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00:44 Jul 01 2019
The desperation to feel special... Born special. Notice they never have to work for these supposed abilities? No, they were farted into existence by a rainbow unicorn and have always been special.
Give me someone who can perfectly poach an egg over someone who thinks they can talk to dead people, any day. One is WAY more impressive than the other.
01:09 Jul 01 2019
Damn fartin' magestic rainbow unicorns! Always fartin' at the wrong time. Someone flip 'em bean! STAT!
01:21 Jul 01 2019
Damn... I just took a nap and woke up to that. 0_o
03:04 Jul 01 2019
Oops.. I meant someone flip 'em' bean-o. hah. Derp.
That is a whole lotta crazy to wake up to. Hell, it's a whole lotta crazy just to deal with. lol
15:38 Jul 01 2019
People like that is what started killing the forms for me.
18:10 Jul 01 2019
While it was aggravating in the forums, I could ignore it to an extent. People acting like know-it-all dicks in the forum is what ruined it for me.
19:37 Jul 01 2019
21:01 Jul 01 2019
Yeah that too. For me a discussion is to talk about what you know about the topic, and to learn stuff you may not know, to open your mind to other's views but then comes along a -know-it-all who then just kills the converations everyone was having. These two types- The Know it All, The Look at Me I am a living breathing Vampire-Werewolf-Magical-Ghost Speaking-I see dead people and am all that, people. Killed the Discussion Forms. :) What gets me is how they think we believe all that. Anyways, your journal made me laugh and poor Seaten blow out the nose her tea.