MooniePie's Journal

MooniePie's Journal


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3 entries this month

01:49 Sep 20 2016
Times Read: 816

Evolving and growing as a person is so important in life. Without doing so you lose so much; different connections, different points of view and different paths to take.

I feel sorrow for the ones who cannot.

What I don't feel sorrow for, are the ones who just refuse to evolve. The ones that are constantly in the same cycle of atrocious behavior for consecutive years. They never learn, they never move on and they never stop the antics. It becomes so damn selfish. Not only do they hold themselves back, they hold back others.

Not only do they have to deal with their crappy behavior, so does everyone else; even if they do not want anything to do with them. I guess when someone is just that selfish, it doesn't matter as long as everything revolves around them and their inability to grow.

Being a decent human being isn't for everyone it seems.



03:45 Sep 20 2016

Well said and I could not agree more. Growing and maturing is very important. It's annoying to see some never change, never grow up, never mature, never learn from there mistakes or bad behavior. But some people are like that. They never change. Some never grow up. Some never evolve into productive members of society or a community. Some will never be decent human beings and will always be wasted space on this planet. It's a same we have to keep putting up with them.

19:02 Sep 20 2016

Some people never learn .. so I guess we can't just put ductape on stupid Moonie!

22:50 Sep 27 2016

This observation should be a primary subject taught in schools. I watch my family sit and have their lives sucked from them watching crap on a box where the commercials are more interesting than the show. Endless mind numbing video games. It is almost as if they want to prevent one from thinking much less becoming the best person they can be.


20:33 Sep 16 2016
Times Read: 897

The name change feature is a Premium Member feature. If you've paid for a Premium Membership, then Cancer has given you the ability to use this feature to your own discretion. You do not have to ask anyone for permission to use this feature.

This also goes for telling people if you have/use multiple profiles. You, as a member, have the right to keep your profile ownerships private. No one can force you to divulge this information.

No one has the right to force a member into telling their profile ownership or asking permission for a name change; not Admin, Staff, or Coven Masters.

Side Note: Coven Masters do not have the power within Vampire Rave to change the rules Cancer has set forth. They are regular members who are given the chance to run a Society on Vampire Rave by Cancer- a society that can be disbanded at any time if he decides to do so.



21:41 Sep 16 2016

-clap hands- thank you :) I've seen some members asking that at times' do I have to tell my coven master? they keep asking me saying its in their rules...

And even tho I am not nor would I ever pretend to be an admin or staff or anyone of that level/power/rank I am happy it has been clearly stated here because 'some' coven master still think they have that kind of power and are all like on some sort of power trip and telling these ppl over and over : no your coven master can't force you, or yes you can change your name or even at times I've seen some saying ' my coven master says in the rule they can tell me what to put on my profile I dont want to put the coven crest but they say I have to because they are the coven master and they can tell me to' I roll my eyes at those and say NO they CAN'T!

The only rules about profiles are in the Vr manual and TOS.

Coven master can not force you to put anything on your profile you do not want. They can't tell you what to rate, how to rate who to rate, who to block, they can't tell you what name to use or not, what theme to use or not, what whatever to do or not who to speak to or not, they CAN'T!!!!

The only rules that are RULES for real here are those set by Cancer.

-sits down- Want some coco with me Moonie? its my treat

22:07 Sep 16 2016

What you said is correct.

They cannot tell you what to rate.

They cannot tell you who to rate.

They cannot tell you who you can/can't have on your friends list.

They cannot tell you to give/take honor.

They cannot tell you what to put on your profile.

They cannot tell you who to associate with.

They cannot tell you what theme to use.

With the exception of adding the crest to your profile, if I had a Master that tried to force me to do any of the things listed above, I wouldn't be a member, or participate, for very long.

00:52 Sep 17 2016

YES, a coven master CAN tell you to do all of these things...IF...you wish to remain in that membership.

Now, it's not enforceable by the admin because, it is not VR policy. But, coven masters do have the right (given by Cancer) to set standards for their society.

Mind you, I'm not in opposition to this entry. I quite agree with it. But, at the same time, a coven master can blind or kick a member for any reason they so choose. Therefore, a CM does have a certain amount of power in dealing with the issues you suggest.

02:43 Sep 17 2016

So while YES, a coven master CAN tell you to do all of these things...IF...you wish to remain in that membership they cannot force you to do it. They might not be welcomed as a member anymore, but they still have a choice.

Kicking a member or blinding a member isn't the type of 'power' I was referring to. I was speaking of site powers- example suspending people.

Can they request it of their members- sure. But to say they have *the right* to overrule the rules Cancer has in place, I don't think so.

02:50 Sep 17 2016

Just to clarify when I said With the exception of adding the crest to your profile Personally, I find that rule to not be a bad rule. It shows you enjoy your Society and proud to display it. I didn't mean it as it is something enforced by anyone outside of a Society.

Which is what I meant when I said the exception.

I wasn't clear and Serenity pointed it out with her confusion. lol

19:25 Sep 17 2016

The whole point is moot. Cancer's rules cannot be overruled.


02:27 Sep 12 2016
Times Read: 943

Seeing the same victim mentality over the years gets so tedious and tiresome. People need to take responsibility for their own actions. Stop blaming other people. Stop trying to justify the action(s). Stop saying so and so did it. The action was not forced from another party. It was made with the conscious decision to do so by the person who carried out the action.

Putting the blame on someone else for one's own action(s) is ludicrous.

If someone really feels that they are always the victim, then perhaps they need to change their life and the way they act. If a person is constantly doing garbage things to other people, then it shouldn't take common sense to realize that the same will be done in return.

While adulting is hard, it can go a little bit easier if someone isn't always a nitwit.



02:37 Sep 12 2016


And I get tired of the whiny woe-is-me shit at work.

06:39 Sep 12 2016

But but but I don't want to be an dult, cause that means I can't whine anymore I can't spend my time complaining and throwing tantrums.... why do I have to adult?

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