I know I haven't been writing much lately. Please don't give up on me. I have some time and will do some writing soon. But if you want to check out a new journal, give LiamK a try. He knows how to paint with words and he's my dear friend for many years. Welcome to VR, Liam!
23:04 Dec 26 2009
I glow at the compliment even as I cringe at the impending strange-faced intrusions you've just instigated. Solely for your own glee over my squirming, I'm quite sure.
02:48 Dec 27 2009
No worries, you'll never disappear from my favorite journals list.
Hmm, if Joli says it's good it must be so I think I'll check it out.
00:21 Jan 08 2010
You're so worth waiting for :)
02:24 Jan 10 2010
would never give up, on you,