19 entries this month
22:47 Jan 30 2014
Times Read: 1,047
Let's do a New Moon Ritual together....Oh, did I mention it will be Skyclad? ^_^
01:37 Jan 30 2014
Times Read: 1,058
I was proud of the TV series 'The The Originals' using the appropriate term "WARLOCK" in referring to Papa Tunde....Season 1, Episode 12 ''Dance Back From The Grave". He was a witchcraft practicing male after all.

01:37 Jan 30 2014
Times Read: 1,059
Magick is forbidden by YOUR God....Not MINE!
19:54 Jan 29 2014
Times Read: 1,065
"My Will Be Done"

23:55 Jan 27 2014
Times Read: 1,070
A $498,000.00 Book of Shadows....I thought mine was expensive. Fuck!
The Book is made at a size of 11"x 14" with a weight of 18 lbs, and bound in Italian black leather. Only top quality diamonds, sapphires, rubies, and emeralds' set in 18 carat gold have been used on the cover to represent the four elements. A black Haitian pearl is set in the middle of the elements to represent the Fifth Element. The frame on the front of the Book is also made of 18 carat gold. The spine is about 3 inches thick featuring semi-precious stones (Peridot, Aquamarine, Carnelian, Amethyst, and Citrine) set in a vine of 18 carat gold.
Now this is a serious book.

15:36 Jan 25 2014
Times Read: 1,083
So last night I practiced my scrying. I used my mirror and my crystal ball. Nope, didn't see anything but me in the mirror and shadows in the crystal ball. I meditated for 10 minutes and used my massage chair to get a 10 minute heat back massage. Then while using my cell phone looking over pictures of contacts I was moved to tell someone to 'go to sleep' when I knew it was 2 am their time. Well if they were already asleep, they were going to be pissed that I woke them up...Hahaha..They found it odd that I would know that they were still awake and couldn't get to sleep. They had issues on their mind which led us to just chat for awhile until I decided that it was time for me to fall asleep. Then I had a pretty awesome dream.
18:51 Jan 22 2014
Times Read: 1,090
My Warlock Magickal Sigil Will Be Known Throughout The World...

02:42 Jan 20 2014
Times Read: 1,095
Checking out metaphysical wands to start a collection.
21:11 Jan 18 2014
Times Read: 1,101
It's been said to keep your personal beliefs a secret and to yourself. However, it has also been said that your personal beliefs will shine through by the way you live your life and by the choices you make. ^_^
23:09 Jan 15 2014
Times Read: 1,109

15:03 Jan 12 2014
Times Read: 1,112
When and if I purchase suits in the future, they will only be of the mandarin collar style. No more neck ties for this Warlock.
21:49 Jan 11 2014
Times Read: 1,119
And this is how it will look, but with my actual name of course.... ^_^

18:33 Jan 11 2014
Times Read: 1,122
Since March 15, 2013, I've developed an incredibly deep insight into my own Soul and Spiritual Evolution. I LOVE what I've transformed into and transcended to
18:03 Jan 11 2014
Times Read: 1,125
I am what I am....

18:00 Jan 11 2014
Times Read: 1,126
Some of the paths listed here are NOT Pagan or Heathen or Magickal. Listed are paths that have influenced modern Pagan and Heathen Spirituality and Modern Magickal thought.
Dianic Wicca
Gardnerian Wicca
Alexandrian Wicca
British Traditional Wicca
American Celtic Wicca
Anglo-Saxon Tradition
Anglo-Romany Tradition
Arthurian Tradition
British Traditional Witchcraft
Creabh Ruadh Tradition
Reclaiming Tradition
Aquarian Tabernacle Church
The Church of All Worlds
Cymri Tradition
Deborean Tradition
Dryad Tradition
The Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids
Eclectic Wicca
Ár nDraíocht Féin
Reformed Druids of North America
The Druid Network
Eireannach Tradition
Erisian Tradition
Feri Tradition
Faery Tradition
Family Tradition
Fennian Tradition
Georgian Wicca
Hibernian Tradition
Kingstone Tradition
MaidenHill Tradition
Majestic Tradition
Lucifarian Witchcraft
Church of Satan
LaVeyan Satanism
Pictish Witchcraft
Satanic Witchcraft
Kemetic Wicca
Kemetic Reconstruction
Hellenic Reconstruction
Celtic Reconstruction
Hellenic Polytheism
Religio Romana
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
Correllian Nativist Tradition
New Reformed Orthodox Order of the Golden Dawn
Semitic Neopaganism
Ausar Auset Society
MOGYology the Warlock Path of AWESOMENESS
00:29 Jan 10 2014
Times Read: 1,127
I just put on clothes and ventured outside. I love my neighborhood. It's truly a blessing. I LOVE being inside the Egyptian like walls of Bakerland, but sometimes the Warlock Vampyre Hedonist must go among the mundanes. They deserve the honor of my presence.
05:58 Jan 05 2014
Times Read: 1,133
This is what I told my family:
Change to my Ascension/Death Instructions. I still want to be CREMATED, but no longer have my ashes spread over the Pacific Ocean. I WANT my ashes placed in my Egyptian Storage Cabinet and then have it buried in a National Cemetery with full Military Honors.
- I'm advising you of my wishes. My discharge papers (DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty) are kept in my fire proof box in my bedroom. These papers are very important in establishing my eligibility for a veteran's burial.
- Forgo as many Funeral Expenses as possible. Don't let them stick you for your paper.
- Contact a Cremation Office for cremation of my remains. Once cremated, I want my ashes to be place in my Sarcophagus Storage Cabinet (see picture) located in Bakerland.
- The Sarcophagus Storage Cabinet is to be delivered to the cemetery in the back of my Titan Truck.
- Gravesites in Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) national cemeteries cannot be reserved in advance so at the time of need, the Cremation Office or a funeral home will assist with making burial arrangements at the national cemetery. Funeral honors are normally requested through a funeral director, but a Cremation Office may do this as well. The Cremation Office or a funeral director will also contact the appropriate Military Service to arrange for the military funeral honors detail to show up at the cemetery. However, if arrangements can be made without a Funeral Home's involvement, GREAT! To schedule a burial: Fax all discharge documentation to the National Cemetery Scheduling Office at 1-866-900-6417 and follow-up with a phone call to 1-800-535-1117.
- The Plot: For in ground burial, the actual piece of land, or burial plot, must be purchased. The cost varies depending upon the type of cemetery that a person is buried in. I will find the cost out if any at a veteran's cemetary
- Grave Digging: Once the burial plot is secured, there is an additional cost to have the grave hole, in which the casket is placed, opened and closed. In other words, a separate fee applies for having the hole dug and then filled in. The fees varies again based on the type of cemetery
- Vault: If in ground burial is chosen, not only is there a fee for the grave digging, but the grave site must be reinforced with a concrete vault which is a separate fee. This is also sometimes referred to as a grave liner. This protects the grave site and reinforces the walls to prevent erosion, collapse or shifting of the casket. This fee is almost always mandatory for an in ground burial. The cost varies depending upon the cemetery, but usually ranges from $800 to $2000.
- Funeral Announcement via a FB post is good enough, but attendance is really only required by son and or future spouse to collect the flag.
- The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) furnishes upon request, at no charge to the applicant, a Government headstone or marker for the unmarked grave of any deceased eligible Veteran in any cemetery around the world, regardless of their date of death. Request an upright headstones in marble with the Pentagram inscribed.
- I'm to be buried at the Riverside National Cemetery - U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
- The rendering of Military Funeral Honors for an eligible veteran, free of charge, is mandated by law. An honor guard detail for the burial of an eligible veteran shall consist of not less than two members of the Armed Forces. One member of the detail shall be a representative of the parent Service of the deceased veteran. The honor detail will, at a minimum, perform a ceremony that includes the folding and presenting of the American flag to the next of kin and the playing of Taps. When available taps will be played by a bugler, however there are so few buglers available that the military services may choose to provide an electronic recording of taps. The veteran's parent Service representative will present the flag.
- The VA will also reimburse funeral cost so don't forget to save all receipts.
- After conclusion of burial, throw a party and celebrate my Ascension. ^_^

18:26 Jan 04 2014
Times Read: 1,148
Did you know that the term 'Amen' is a Pagan term for the name of an Egyptian God adopted by Christians hundreds of years later when they wrote their Holy Bible to control the masses by he use of religion? No, I didn't think so. Do your research. The internet is full of knowledge people. LOL!
18:12 Jan 04 2014
Times Read: 1,150
My Book of Shadows (Custom Made to be a working book like the Book of Amun Ra in The Mommy motion picture with the key) is said to be on schedule for shipping Monday. Almost 10 months in the making. I know there have been challenges making the book since a fully functioning one that is not a movie prop has never been created before, but my patience has worn then. Get it to me already! Jeesh!

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23:59 Jan 30 2014
I've done that a few times!!
02:40 Jan 31 2014
You just earned yourself some cool points. LOL!