Annnd just like that I'm feeling creative. Stay tuned.....
So my outdoor lights can shine Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Pink, Teal and White.
Think I'll play around with the color scheme tonight. ^_^
Great, now could you come here and do the same thing to my back yard. Landscape design is a bit beyond me. I can make artistic cookies and cakes but suck at all other forms of design.
So I let Bandit out for some fresh air, but had to keep him calm so he didn't rip his stitches open.
He showed me how much he hates being kept mostly inside and having to wear that cone around his neck not to mention having his one testicle removed by promptly taking a crap in my Outdoor Pentacle Ritual Area. smh....
Well played Bandit...Well played. You little Mr. Pickles. Ha!
Just waiting on darkness.
I purchased two sets of 4 Flood Lights that have not only the standard white bulb, but 6 additional colors.
It also comes with three timer options.
I was going to shine one color on one portion of the house and then another color on another portion, but then decided I wanted to see how it would look if I intermingled them.
So yeah...Just waiting. ^_^