It has been written that Magick is the art of producing a desired effect or result through the use of incantation, ceremony, ritual, the casting of spells or various other techniques that presumably assure human control of supernatural agencies or the forces of nature. Magick is focused on achieving results more so than religious worship. Magick's primary purpose is Personal Spiritual Growth.
I grew up witnessing people being told to say certain prayers, the use of prayer cloths to be carried arround on one's person, the use of candles, the use of oils, partaking in ceremonies known as a supper, teaching of spirts, angels and demons and much, much more. However, all of this was done under the guise of Christian Religion.
To me, Magick is how I communicate with my God. However, I do not feel magic allows me any sort of "control" over my God. I consider my God beyond the limits of human ability and is the the supreme being and principal object of my faith. It is my faith that allows his power to manifest itself within my life in addition to all that he does in nature. To me God is nature. To me God is the universe. When I marvel at nature and the universe, I marvel at my God. When I die, I will once again become part of God in the same spiritual realm he now exists. However, if I have failed to learn the lessons I've been made human to learn, I will be reincarnated either as human again or something else. I believe in Ascension. That my actions throughout my life will allow me to ascend and become something more upon death. There is a little truth in every fantasy whether believed or not. Much like a well known tv series where as Ascended Beings exist as a form of energy in a higher plane than the one in which corporeal beings exist, my belief is that there is some truth to this.
You may call the way you want something positive to happen a wish, a prayer, luck or whatever. That is your belief. You have the right to believe whatever you wish.
I believe my Magick is my Method Of Communication with my God. If my Magick moves him to act, it will be in one of two ways; a Blessing (anything positive that was made possible by human interactions) or a Miracle (anything positive accomplished without any human interactions).
So I Believe In Magick. I Belive in My God.
Extrasensory perception (ESP) involves reception of information not gained through the recognized physical senses but sensed with the mind. ESP is also sometimes casually referred to as a sixth sense, gut instinct or hunch. It is also sometimes referred to as intuition. The term implies acquisition of information by means external to the basic limiting assumptions of science, such as that organisms can only receive information from the past to the present.
I've lived with ESP all my life.
For example, I can sense right now you think I'm lying. ^_^
I was raised that ESP was more or less God needing you to know something. Such as if you knew something bad was going to happen before it did, it was him warning you. Not sure I believe that but I was raised that all the psychic type things were evil and it was a sin to even try to learn about them.
Yes, that is the Christian belief. However, that belief also makes it ok if the warning came from a so called "Person of God" or "Spiritual Leader" in the form of prophecy. So to me it's kind of a do as I say not as some are allowed to do standard to me.
Magic is the art of producing a desired effect or result through the use of incantation, ceremony, ritual, the casting of spells or various other techniques that presumably assure human control of supernatural agencies or the forces of nature.
Magic has been practiced in many cultures, and utilizes ways of understanding, experiencing and influencing the world somewhat akin to those offered by religion, though it is sometimes regarded as more focused on achieving RESULTS than religious WORSHIP. Magic is often viewed with suspicion by the wider community, and is commonly practiced in isolation and secrecy.
Modern Western magicians generally state magic's primary purpose to be Personal Spiritual Growth.
Modern perspectives on the theory of magic broadly follow two major views.
The first sees magic as a result of a universal sympathy within the universe, where if something is done here a result happens somewhere else.
The other view sees magic as a collaboration with spirits who cause the effect.
Why did I just purchase that? It was more than my monthly mortgage. I'm so bad! LOL!
Ok, I know I live in a Fantasy World, but it's my world and I can be whomever I choose.
I'm a Vampire Warlock
A King
A Pharaoh
Ok, ok,.......I'll go as far as Demi-God, but that's it!
I'm not God!
I'm too humble to assume that title. ^_^
15:11 Aug 10 2013
too cool
15:16 Aug 10 2013