“I own; therefore I am”. In contemporary society, it is impossible to deny the relation between cultural decline and a civilisation driven solely by consumerism.
Consumerism offers the possibility to satisfy human desire, but never actually does. It has become so embedded within our society that we have lost sight of the actual substance that constitutes life. Consumerism has become the “opium” of the masses; it fills us with an erroneous sense of security.
In the marketing society, we seek fulfillment but settle for abundance. Prisoners of plenty, we have the freedom to consume instead of our freedom to find our place in the world.
― Clive Hamilton, Growth Fetish
Humanity is on a slippery slope of vacillation; we can no longer differentiate between true culture and counterfeited pseudo-culture. True cultural values have been lost to the hallowed dollar.
Consumption, at its very best, is a cheap substitute for authentic culture. It offers us nothing more than short-term ego-gratification. Just like the once great Roman Empire, social decadence will see the collapse of our civilisation.
Seshat 2012
18:23 Nov 25 2013
Ouch.....Just wanted some light reading!! You'll be saying Xmas has nothing to do with religion next, and that it's to commercial :-p
02:40 Nov 26 2013
Nah, I'm super religious.
I had forgotten I had written this until a friend posted a link to it from one of my blogs on her FB wall. I thought, "Well, that rant must have made an impression!! I know...I will copy and paste it into my VR journal because the entire world wants to hear me rant." #LOL
16:19 Nov 26 2013
I bet your nose nose goes wrinkly and cute when you verbally rant ;-)
15:58 Nov 28 2013
Someone told me today, on my private blog, that the only thing that would make it better is if Morgan Freeman narrated all of my entries. That made my day! #LOL