My intuitive friend and I were throwing out old junk tonight: crappy memories that serve no purpose but to haunt and drag down what should otherwise be optimistic and positive events.
It is nice to have someone that can put some logic behind the evidence, remind you that you've been right all along and those greener pastures are often just moss growing on the rot and decay of yesterday's poor choices.
Whether they were your choices or someone else's. Keep on the path you know is right....
I think that's what I'll do!
Ahhh.... rum. My first mistress on the road.
How we return to where we came from....
18:34 Oct 22 2013
"all along and those greener pastures are often just moss growing on the rot and decay of yesterday's poor choices"
The birra makes an excellent and intuitive point for the crossroad I presently find myself at. I respect your strength -- for me, it's the letting go that kills.
Sorta like not wanting to pull the ripcord before you go SPLAT.
Denial is not a river in Egypt. I'm working on accepting that.
12:51 Oct 29 2013
Exactly. It is imperative that we follow that intuition, as when shit happens, because it always will; knowing you are where you are supposed to be is huge. It can make the difference of creating happiness, sooner rather than later.