Suicide Note19:03 Sep 22 2007
Times Read: 769
Can you imagine taking your own life?
Knowing for certain the uncertainty that will greet you after.
Heaven, Hell, limbo, nothing.
What if you believe in nothing, that when you die, you simply cease to be, that there is no conscious afterlife. That you become worms meat and nothing more, knowing that you will never see the ones you love again. You will never see again, never hear music, never think of anything, never see any advancements in the world, to see change and grow, new discoveries. Fame, fashion, religion, art, politics, movies. A world revolving, continuing without you. A world growing and realising with you body slowly decomposing within the earth that covers it. Could you take your life, the only one you will ever have, could you give up on future endevours, on future loves and hope, on miracles and laughter of being noticed, being important. Being someones rock, being a part of something, of belonging, happiness, ALL emotions, giving out advice, holding your grandchildren, watching them growing up into fine strong adults, watching them get married and carrying on your bloodline. Could you give up on your future?
What could make someone begin to contemplate giving up existence? To end everything? What emotions go through them how strong their pain? The images and thoughts going through their mind to provoke such an extreme action, how terrible must their life be to want to end it, nothing could be so terrible, right? Except that uncertainty. What horrors have been bestowed upon them, how can they simply give up?And if that happens, if the time comes would you seriously do it? Enter the unknown just for that?
Tell me
Johnette Napolitano - Suicide Note
Every night
You wrote another line
With a bloody, broken, bottle
And every day
You wish it away
Why don't you pull the pin
On that grenade
You cuddle
I wanted to believe
Bodies swinging from trees
Struggling to stand
With your head in your hands
A stoic last stand
Of a dying man
I wanted to believe
As I watched your world
Crumble in your hands
I wanted to believe
As you raised your glass
To your last stand
And I wanted to believe
You would win
The war in your head
That I did not understand
That I did not understand
Every night
The questions poured out
Of your wounded eyes
Damn dark things
Every day
You used to pray
Listen to the black raven sing
You wanted to believe
As you were falling to your knees
Struggling to stand
With your life in your hand
The sad last stand
Of a broken man
I wanted to believe
As I watched your world
Crumble in your hands
I wanted to believe
As you raised your glass
To your last stand
And I wanted to believe
You would win
The war in your head
That I did not understand
That I did not understand
I wanted to believe
As I watch your world
Crumble in your hands
I wanted to believe
As you raised your glass
To your last stand
And I wanted to believe
You would win
The war in your head
That I did not understand
That I did not understand
And the questions pour out
And the questions pour out
I did not understand
I did not understand
I did not understand
I did not understand
The sound of you falling
I did not understand
As the trembling heart of a man
Did not understand
The sound of a trembling heart