The Spirit Song - A Nordic Lullaby
Så lilla vän
(Sweet friend)
Dimman för dig hem igen
(The mist will carry you home again)
Om du går vilse
(If you get lost)
Natten är lång
(The night is long)
Tusen stjärnors urtidssång
(The ancient song of a thousand stars)
Dimmorna dansar
(The mist is dancing)
Sov lilla vän
(Sleep little friend)
Skogen vaktar, värmer dig
(The forest guards you, and keep you warm)
Om du är frusen
(If you are cold)
(Northern lights)
Dansar över skog och fjäll
(Dancing over the forest and mountains)
Brinner i natten
(Burning in the night)
Så lilla vän
(Sweet friend)
Dimman för dig hem igen
(The mist will carry you home again)
Om du går vilse
(If you get lost)
I've visited Finland several times and have always been been somewhat captivated by the uniqueness of the culture; even as it's often considered 'Nordic', or 'Scandic', when it's not really related culturally. The language family is not derived from Old Norse and is more of the eastern Russian/Hungarian root. the way Finns approach inter-personal relations is very stoic and reserved, until they get to know you, that is, in comparison to the typically more boisterous Scandinavians.
One of the main things I like about Finns is their capacity to get shit done- not a lot of messing around. Once they have a plan, they act upon it.
Kati RÁN is a Dutch artist who focuses on Nordic folk legends and music.
From the album, 'Lys':
"Lys" means light and in essence, is about learning to follow your heart and dreams. To trust your vision and to draw on your own strength despite uncertainties coming your way.
It is about finding light and daring to let it go, while trusting the process.
It is about knowing darkness and light are both part of the wheel of Life, ever turning, ever changing, but always intrinsically connected.
It is about becoming and standing strong in your own light.
It is 'sjalfr sjalfom mér' from Hávamál, meaning: yourself given yourself.
Tune of the Day: Ran - Suurin
Mie suusi suurin - I am the greatest wolf
Suveks syömää - A wolf to eat them
Muut lampaaks lautsan alle - Others will be sheep under the bench
Mie suusi suurin - I am the greatest wolf
Mie karhu kankahalla - I am a bear on the heath
Miun veret pieälimmäisinä - My blood above all others
Mie suusi suurin - I am the greatest wolf
Suveks Syömään - A wolf to eat them
Muut lauhtuoh lampahaksi - Others grow weaker to be sheep
Minä sudeksi - May I be a wolf
Muut lampahiksi - May others be sheep
Mie suusi suurin - I am the greatest wolf
When it comes to the VR community, we are a mixed bag- we have our variation of personalities and opinions. We don't all get along and we have our dramas. However, one thing that remains constant is that we are a community, with all our foibles. We are the Vampire Rave. We have been for decades. It would only be a fool filled with utter ignorance who might think that those of us who have been here for nigh on twenty years don't talk to one another, that we aren't also friends outside of these pages, that we don't see what goes on, even in the shadowy corners. We do. We are watching. And when those malicious, putrid and puss-filled boils on our community infect this site, principally to fuck with us and ours, subsequently exposing themselves and their true nature, we tend to come together to lance those vile caricatures of humanity.
We see them in filthy rags in the middle of the room. They think they're sneaky, that their sock puppets are believable as real entities. They are not. No-one here is their friend, not even those whom hooks may have been deceitfully latched on to. Their manipulations inevitably reach a point where they are no longer functioning and are of such a repetitive pattern, that they have become obvious and tiresome. No-one here is welcoming them. There is no quarter in which to hide and so they sit out in the light of our perception of them, believing that they are somehow cloaked in their own clever little machinations. How childlike they are, it oft surprises that they might actually think they're getting away with it.
While we here have our circles and our own varying likes and dislikes, we all know that none of us will stand by and watch our friends be lied to and manipulated for the gleeful satiation of trollish little minds, who's only satisfaction in life comes from the debasement of others. Cowardly and selfish, these twisted abominations are left bereft of true joy in their lives, trying to fill the void with the misery of others. They are lost, decrepit shells and we will not provide succor for the disgusting behaviors that form the foundation of their existence.
We will rally around our people, support them and reject attempts to debase their value to us. The scum that floats to the top of our well shall be skimmed and dumped out each and every time. We will not tire of surrounding our community with care and respect and yes, love.
*Slides blade edge across the whetstone with particular attention to detail...*
See, here's the thing- I'm not some insecure little bitch that'll suffer a crises of confidence because of one less than subtle, and yet at the same time, insufferably amateurish psychoanalysis of my mental state.
*Looks up from the sharpening.*
This blade hasn't been necessary for a long, long time. However, it can be assured that I have not forgotten the particular set of skills which allow me to wield it with such efficacy.
Clinging like the fog, seeping into the cracks of the wall. Cloying, suffocating, it saps at the warmth. It feeds on it. It needs it. It follows, wants to usurp, to be in it all. Everywhere. There cannot be any thing, any one, that is sacred. All are desired, all are sought out like the deer who who don't know their fate.
Like a wall of mist, it tries to separate and blind- it wants to isolate. It craves, it absorbs- it thinks it is giving, but it can only take, take, take. Take it all. All it leaves is an empty husk. What life remains in that tattered body is bitter, decrepit and withered.
Silently, with innocence, with subtlety, with graceful tendrils that reach far across a wide vista, it seeks like a river creeping forth it's fingers into the bloody sea, crawling through the signals that bind us, reaching an invisible snare about the throat. Choking, fragrant, too fragrant, the sickly sweet scent attracts as many flies as it does bees.