Cadrewolf2's Journal

Cadrewolf2's Journal


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15 entries this month

22:39 Jan 30 2024
Times Read: 160

The days of work seem to drag on, it lately has bees sucking the energy from my body. After the strike was over and the workers that came back seemed to have changed. Their lack of work ethic and the finger flying to the company has become more abundant.

It has caused my feelings and mood to drop too. 14 years with this company I have not seen this kind of negative vibe thru out the workplace. Working with the drama day in and day out has made my spiritual thoughts turn to disgust and not wanting to be around anyone or even at the job site. I try to lock myself in my office or stay away from workers and their drama. yet the lack of money for maintenance in this place brings us together more and more, because of the upset conditions and break downs.

I feel like I am being drained of all my life force. finally at the weekends I get my hopes and energy back yet to be drained again. I need to find some solution to work and some happy emotional release to get peoples back on task. yet it still alludes me every week.



04:09 Jan 31 2024

Gah work is awful to go to when its like that...hopefully it changes for the better

18:37 Jan 31 2024

Yes, hope for a change for you.


20:54 Jan 26 2024
Times Read: 191

In Vancouver today for a memorial of a friend. People I haven’t seen in a long while. Sad it takes a life to bring the group back together. Yet we live our lives on the path we take. Not knowing if our hello’s will be the last time we see each others faces.

I am is bad as the rest of the group. Life takes different directions at every corner. Whether it’s planned or not. We seldom realize the happiness of lost friends until you see their eyes once more and a rush of past memories flood back. A time lost in a capsule to say.

Hate thumbing through VR on my little iPhone screen. It bounces around so much. And my fat fingers mistype a lot. Sorry grammar nazis if there are mistakes. lol



16:47 Jan 28 2024

Sorry for your loss. Must be human nature as I'm the same- funerals, weddings.


22:03 Jan 25 2024
Times Read: 211

Today is the first full moon of the year. the Wolf Moon, be at its fullest on Thursday, I hope all can see it in all of its glory if the weather permits you. I know storms are still wreaking havoc on people, but she should be nice and golden tonight. Last few days have been really strange, from people and the weather. Usually, temperatures here are in the 30's and we are fast approaching possible 60's this weekend, What wow.

Work people and people I encounter on my trips into town seem off. distant from the reality in which we are known to be. they wonder like mindless beetles, with zombie worms controlling them, I really never seen this disfunction in humanity before, that I remember. Even trying to talk with them they seem drugged out of their mind as if their brains have been fried from whatever, I hope it's not the moon causing all this. if so, we are all doomed.

Seems like my cold with the weather being up and down has come back, hope it's gone by this weekend. I Have a birthday party and two memorials of friends to go this weekend. plus try and do my stuff. ugh feel so drained. and wish I could manipulate time to make it seem not so rushed. Oh well, it is what it is.



05:16 Jan 26 2024

Hope you feel better. I’m sorry for your losses as well.


03:31 Jan 18 2024
Times Read: 240

well, they let us come into work tonight, after braving the Icey roads out of my house and finally making it to the freeway (which were clear because yes, they plowed those). I came to work for well let's see, sprinkler heads busting all over the place, belts sticking to metal pans and burning up, chains frozen and will not move. a lot of people called out and well let's try to run, well we ran 10 boards if that. lol ok pay me to stay here and watch things come unfrozen and break. Joys of my job



12:31 Jan 18 2024



20:17 Jan 16 2024
Times Read: 259

Love living in the woods, yet many forget that when you lose power, you have no heat , no water from the well, no stove for cooking. Makes it tough after 10 hrs without power. Wood stove for heat, melt snow for water and to cook. And stay of phone to reserve power for emergencies. Good thing I grew up on a farm in Montana learning this stuff.

But I forget about those who don't have a wood stove and the less fortunate in these extreme temperatures that are hitting us. I hope they planned ahead if they could. I hope they are safe. Usually where i live we dont see this extreme temperatures and very little snow.

Work cancelled. Everthing is frozen from the chemicals to forklifts and hydraulics on machines. Thanks on pre-planning for the storm. Whatever. Enjoy your day all. And be safe



21:03 Jan 16 2024

Yes, planning ahead. To be negative tonight, time to fill pots with water in case the dripping doesn't keep from freezing


21:06 Jan 15 2024
Times Read: 270

Well power is finally came back on. Was off for almost 10 hrs. Good thing I had a wood stove to heat the house. Was Trying to get ready for work. But heck no car battery is dead. Called in .

Waiting for round 2 to come in tonight. Calling for snow and freezing rain. Wow just love winter time ..




23:46 Jan 14 2024
Times Read: 297

Still waiting for the plow to come and clear part of the county road so I might be able to get out on our private road. No one further up the hill hasnt even trjed to come down yet, was hoping for some sun to melt a little bit.

My little car is buried , truck might be able to move it back and forth to make some ruts. So I guess I will stay home again tonight, its suppose to get down to 13 degrees tonight and freeze more.

Oh yeah just bored.maybe time for a warm drink.




19:42 Jan 13 2024
Times Read: 323

Mother earth laughed at the humans raised her hands to the heavens. The clouds started crumbling and falling to earth . The small ice clouds started blanketing the earth as a child at night time being covered in their warm blankets. The cold kept the humans inside watching out of their warm nests windows.

The wind storming breath making the ice flakes dance as they covered the surroundings of their small homes and landscapes. Hope all were prepared for the mother earth knew that the storm would freak people out.

For humans had a short memory that they couldn't remember last years snow. So they forgot how to drive in the white pillowy flakes on the ground. They became idiots once again.

Yeah the snow hit finally. Enjoy the wonders of the white .



02:50 Jan 14 2024

Sadly no snow yet for us this winter.

05:56 Jan 14 2024

We got 8 inches in one day hope it's done

17:50 Jan 14 2024

It's becoming rarer every decade, even in my case in central europe


22:42 Jan 12 2024
Times Read: 339

No snow as of yet, small dusting from last night make the yard look as if it has the pox. Yet the wind tells her story, once a mild yet cool breath apron my body has turned into a crisp frozen touch that sinks to the bones.

Like someone has walked apron my grave. Yet it is suppose to worse tomorrow like they said today wassuppose to be.

Only mother earth knows the truth and she likes to play games so we as humans can never find her ways and never predictable. She is such a tease. *growls*



01:02 Jan 13 2024

lol. With you. Rain all day, if only snow.


07:27 Jan 10 2024
Times Read: 365

well, the snow started falling and blanketed the yard of the mill all in fresh color of white. but how smart companies are when they get us huge forklifts and they come with bald tires lol, All I hear is the crying about sliding all over, and packs sliding off the forks.

I swear no one has driven in snow before around here. It supposed to stop and go back to the heavy rain. we will see if the company sends us home or we stay tell 4 am and listen to the forklift drivers crying about sliding.



22:39 Jan 10 2024

I've driven forklifts on snow- lot depends on the tires. :)


00:48 Jan 10 2024
Times Read: 379

Winter storm warnings are in effect, yet no snow yet, but the rain is coming down in heavy sheets, that the hills and rivers are trying their best to move the water but seem to be lagging. Wishing for a pause yet there has been none.

The lands are green and yet so saturated in water that the hills and earth are being drawn by gravity and creating slides. High winds have taken the power out and some cases are still out. And this weekend they are talking snow showers and then a fast melt off. Wonderful.

Oh, the fantastic effects of mother earth in the wintertime. Can’t wait to see what she has planned for summertime.




20:33 Jan 07 2024
Times Read: 402

Cool morning rain glistenes off the trees as a thousand fairies playing in the trees. The crisp air gives new life to these old lungs and washes the nights linger gasp with a new life .

I stand on my porch drinking my coffee and stare out to mother earth true beauty.

For the gray scale colors seem to lighten every so often as the sun tries to peak out of the blanket of clouds. Playing peek a boo with mother earth. Love these kind of mornings.



20:46 Jan 08 2024

Sounds wonderful


04:44 Jan 06 2024
Times Read: 432

Time for karaoke release some anxiety. Where all stars if we have enough courage try it you will like it.



13:52 Jan 06 2024

Kareoke is the best!

20:54 Jan 06 2024

I did at event, loved it.


06:54 Jan 05 2024
Times Read: 461


Finally reached the end 27,147 profiles rated,

seemed like that took forever to do lol.

what to go next, only have 1000 book entries to finish vampire database.

maybe cruise through portfolios.




03:34 Jan 02 2024
Times Read: 505

New year yet is it or is it a shadow of 2023. For does it seem new or old. I hope the new year brings joy to all yet I feel lost in my own sickness. I wish would go away.



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